• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,308 Views, 81 Comments

See No Evil - Masked_Frenchman

A unicorn is allowed to keep his secrets and keep his past unknown, right?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Forgiveness and Mare Trouble

Chapter 5: Forgiveness

Keen backed up a few steps in fear as he watched the new comer change forms. Where once the shy earth pony stood now was a tall changling, holes in his legs and horn just like the rest. He wore a cloak on his back and a amulet on his chest representing a line of royalty. He stood easily twice as tall as Keen. While spreading out his wings to stretch, he took a step closer, closing the door behind him and locking it. "It has been awhile, hasn't it K-9?" the intruder whispered menacingly. He took another step towards Keen and smiled down at him. "How long has it been since you left? Seven years? Eight years? Everyone has been looking for you. They finally gave up last year assuming you were dead. But here you are, right in front of me. I didn't believe the rumor at first, but I wanted to myself, just to make sure. Nice goggles by the way, what are you hiding?" he asked but with an insulting tone, acting like he really did know why. Keen stopped retreating and stood his ground. He gathered his magical power and and shot it at Capeskin, the intruder. The blast knocked him on his back but he quickly got right back up. "Wow, you got a lot weaker since our last. . . . . disagreement," Capeskin teased. Before he could say anything else he was grabbed by Keen's telekinisis spell and threw him across the room.

"I will not be your victim this time Prince Capeskin!" Keen yelled out, gathering more magic. He ripped out the floor boards around him and split them up in shards. With a strong push with his magic and a loud grunt, he shot the boards right at Capeskin. He got up and saw the incoming shards of wood. He quickly pulled some of the floor boards himself and blocked the incoming attack.

"Wow, wow, wow! Hang on a second, I am not here for trouble. I'm here to-" Capeskin started. Keen split the boards in front of Capeskin completely apart into tiny little splinters. The splinters then aimed right at him at shot down at all sides, piercing him at every angle possible. Capeskin took a knee as he locked up at Keen, his horn was glowing from blue to green and his stare, even thou blocked by his goggles, he could tell that hatred was burning behind them.

"I will not fall for your tricks! Not again!" Keen yelled out. He fired a magical discharge straight for Capeskin. Once it got close enough he teleported out of the way and behind Keen. The discharge hit the wall and disintegrated it. Capeskin looked at the wall shocked and scared.

"Wow, it's like your trying to kill me or something," Capeskin said playfully, but with a hint of fear in his voice. Keen rear kicked him in the face and threw a book shelf at him. It made direct contact with him and he was thrown into the wall with a loud crash. He slowly crawled out of the rubble and saw Keen standing over him.

"I am gonna end this!" Keen stated as he charged up the same spell the obliterated his wall. Capeskin shot out a quick flash of light that was brighter than the sun itself that filled the room. When the light faded away, Capeskin made a break for it but tripped on something. He looked back to see a vine that came out of the ground and grabbed his hind legs.

"What the hell, that was my strongest blindness spell, how the hell did you recover so quickly, that should have burned your eyes for hours?!" Capeskin questioned with fear. Keen smiled down at him as he pulled out another board and sharpened the tip of it and aimed it at Capeskin's throat. He smiled as he put it together. "Now I see what is going on, for a second, I thought you may have recovered. I guess you just learned to deal with it," he explained, with another blast of light, Keen was thrown across the room. Capeskin pulled out the shards of wood with a powerful telekinisis spell of his own and brought up four walls made out of stone around Keen and closed him off. He was in a small space about the size of him standing, but no more room that that.

"What is this? What is happening to me? GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" Keen screamed in fear. Capeskin laughed as he healed his wounds with his magic.

"Well, my theory is proven, I now fully understand. I guess you don't like tight spaces huh? I forgot what that was called but it does not matter. Now while you are in there, I have a few questions for you. That is the only reason why I originally came here. So relax and take deep breaths," Capeskin explained as he instructed Keen from behind the walls he made. He could hear Keen trying to slow down his breathing, but it wasn't working. "Ok, first off, where have you been hiding this time?" Capeskin asked calmly. Keen was shaking as he fell to his knees.

"I have been traveling from city to city, trying to find a place to call home," Keen answered quickly, trying to clam down but it only made his heart pound in his chest harder and faster. Capeskin nodded and looked around the store as he started putting it back together.

"Alright, why did you leave the castle?" Capeskin asked again as calmly as the first time. Keen opened his eyes in surprise and then quickly to anger.

"You know why! You took my purpose away from me. The one thing I was good at and you stole it from me. I couldn't do anything after that day!" Keen yelled back, slamming his hoof at the wall. Capeskin fixed the place up and looked back at him with a smile.

"That is true, I thought you would have forgiven me for my stupidity back then, but I took something very important to you thanks to my immaturity. I guess I have been looking for you these past three years to say I am sorry, and that I know you can't forgive me, but I wanted to say that. It may have taken me five years to be mature enough to realize what I did was wrong. So I hope you will forgive me some time down the road. Even if you don't, I still feel better that was able to say I was sorry. I was really starting to think you were dead. I am glad to see you alive and making a living for yourself," explained Capeskin calmly and sincerely. Keen could hear the regret and sadness in his voice and his breathing finally calmed down.

"I can't really forgive you yet, but I think now I can at least start to. I accept you apology, and know that I haven't yet moved on from it yet," Keen explained politely. Capeskin expected an answer like that and smiled to himself. The stone walls slowly lowered, releasing Keen from his prison.

"I sorta assumed that if I ever did see you again, you would say something like that," Capeskin said calmly as a tear ran down his face. "It is still nice to hear, thank you." he added. Keen looked around the store to see everything was restored. He looked back to Capeskin to see the single tear that managed to escape from his eyes.

"Thank you for fixing my mess," Keen said kindly. Capeskin looked down to him and smiled.

"I helped make it. So it was partially my fault, and besides, you got some ponies coming over," Capeskin replied as he changed back into his other form. Once he was in his traveling form he looked back at Keen as his eyes made the final change from green eyes to blue. "So now I shall take my leave, I will visit now and then to mend the wounds I have caused through time," he added as he headed out the door. Keen took a step towards him.

"Wait a second, how is that? The form you have taken?" Keen asked in wonder. Capeskin looked back and smiled, using the voice form his captured form.

"Oh this? it was simply a passing pony that I saw and decided to borrow his form as that I could get into Equestria with out any trouble. I didn't do anything to him, so relax," Capeskin explained with a calming and trusting smile. Keen still kept his stare on him.

"Changlings need love as a food source, right? So how are you getting it?" Keen asked with concern. Capeskin stared at the ground blushing.

"Well, uhmmm. I met this mare at a bar one night while I was in Canterlot. Well, things got pretty heated to say at the least. I mean I wasn't trying or anything, but she was really into me or something and we just sorta hooked up. Now and then she gets ahold of me by mail and I come on over, lately it's been every other day, so I am alright with that. I get my full share of love. Don't worry, she doesn't get hurt when I feed off of her, she kinda likes it. Like when I got her in this position where I put my front hoof across-" Capeskin started. Keen put his hoof in his mouth to make him stop.

"I get it. You have fun getting your food source, I get it. Now stop it already," Keen demanded. Capeskin smiled to himself as he starts to head for the door.

"Sorry about that, I get carried away sometimes. Anyway, I wish you good luck with your store, see ya later," Capeskin called back as he unlocked the door and walked out, letting the door close slowly behind him. Keen sighed as he settled down and fixed himself another cup of coffee. He made it and sat down on one of the boxes and stared off into space, sipping his coffee. A few minutes later he heard the door open and an all too familiar voice was heard.

"Howdy partner, ah managed to sneak out alittle early. So what is next?" Applejack said while entering. Keen smiled and slowly shook his head.

"Your very early miss Applejack, I just woke up," Keen replied back, finishing his coffee quickly and placing it back onto the counter. "But there is still work to be done, I offer the same pricing as before if that is alright with you ma'am," he added. Applejack smiled back at him and nodded her head.

"That seems fair to me. So, what's next partner?" Applejack asked with enthusiasm. Keen laughed at this response.

"I need a good laugh, thank you miss Applejack," Keen said softly, looking into her eyes. Applejack looked away and started blushing.

"Aw shucks, ah didn't do anything. Ah was just offering my services in anyway ah can help." Applejack explained, trying to be modest and trying to hide her flustered face. Keen smiled and looked towards the back of the room.

"Well, I do need the test dummies set up. And the roof needs to be replaced. so which one do you want to start with?" Keen asked, giving the option to Applejack. She thought about it for a quick moment and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well the roof will take awhile, maybe even all day, so ah think ah should start with that." Applejack explained as she looked back at Keen, who nodded in agreement.

"You make a good point. Ok then, go ahead and do that. I will bring up the supplies you need to do that with. I will continue to try to organize things till Twilight gets back," Keen explained as he walked off. Applejack took a few steps towards the door and stopped.

"Wait a sec, did you say Twilight was coming here?" Applejack asked confused and surprised. Keen stopped and turned back to her.

"Why yes, I decided to hire her full time to help me. She seems really good with organization, so I thought she could really help me out quite a bit. Do you not like this pony?" Keen asked slightly confused. Applejack shook her head.

"It's not that. It's just that I wasn't expecting it is all. She is normally too busy studying or something. I was just surprised to hear it," Applejack explained. 'But why does she get a full time position?' she thought to herself. Keen smiled and turned back, levitating a ladder.

"Well that is good. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable with it or anything. I want to make sure everyone can work together." Keen explained as he brought out the ladder and led Applejack outside. "So do you know how to do this?" he asked politely. She smiled a confident smile and nodded her head.

"Heck yea ah do. Ah've done it quiet a few times before back home, ah can fix this up in a jiffy," insured Applejack with a smile. Keen was about to say something but he stopped himself and looked up and smiled.

"Good morning miss Rainbow Dash. How are you doing today?" Keen called out to the cyan pegasus flying towards them. Rainbow Dash landed right in front of the two with an expression of surprise.

"Oh, Applejack, I didn't expect that you would be here." Rainbow Dash said surprised and shocked. Before Applejack could say anything, they heard a voice behind Rainbow Dash and they all turned around to see. Twilight stood their nervously.

"Ummm, what are you guys doing here?" Twilight asked confused and alittle embarrassed. They all turned to Keen with a stern look on all of their faces. He took a step back nervous, wondering why they looked at him that way.

"Well, boss? What's going on here?" Rainbow Dash said with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Yes, care to explain mister Keen?" Twilight added.

"Ah recon ah would like to hear this as well." Applejack chipped in, they both got closer to Keen as he backed up into a wall with a nervous smile on his face.

"W-w-w-what did I d-do?" Keen said fearfully. "Your all acting like I was cheating on all of you or something." he added quickly. They all turned their expressions from annoyed to slightly angry and got closer to him. 'What is going on here?!' Keen thought to himself with confusion.

Author's Note:

Alrighty, the next chapter. Hope you guys like it. More questions and few answers. Wonder whats gonna happen next, huh? How will Keen get out of this little situation that he has gotten himself into? Find out more in the next chapter, and for those who are wondering when you guys will get more answers, all in due time. I promise that everything is gonna make sense in the later chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in the future chapters ahead. See ya later then ^_^