• Published 31st Jul 2013
  • 1,826 Views, 269 Comments

The Life of A God - Eventide Indigo

Who is Discord? We all know him as a sinister embodiment of chaos and disharmony, but what was he before that?

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December 1st

Hey diary! This is it! My favorite month of the year - December. It has the best holiday ever and I love playing in the snow! Mrs. Ivy decorated the schoolroom all festive and I think I saw her smile for the first time EVER. I brought her one of he cookies my mom and I baked for the class, and then handed out the rest to my classmates. Everyone was really happy and thanked me.

Today we talked about cutie marks in class. Mrs. Ivy said it was something only ponies got when they realized their special talents. I'm not exactly a pony, so I guess I'll never get one. That sucks. I've noticed a few ponies in my class that have theirs. Some of them you can tell exactly what they are good at, others... well, I have no clue!

I looked over to Tia and saw that she didn't have hers yet! But that is okay. I really don't care when she gets her cutie mark - she is still the coolest filly I know.

It hasn't snowed yet because the pegasi are running behind on schedule. That is what mommy told me yesterday. She gets some days off now, but she is still very sick. She is always shivering... like she is cold. I asked her if she needed a blanket but she just laughed and shook her head.

Happy December!

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December 19th

Mom and I decorated the house today!

We put holly on the banister and other places. Mom gave me a surprise kiss-on-the-cheek after I stood under some mistletoe and then we laughed for a whole minute straight. I hung up the wreath outside the door and tied red and green bows on every doorknob in the whole house! Then we got to do my favorite part: decorating the tree!

Our tree wasn't a very big one because our living room is small, but it is still an awesome tree. I helped put on ornaments and it made the tree look really awesome! Then mom helped me fly up to the top of the tree so I could put on the special star. Now we are all ready for Hearth's Warming Eve!

Afterwards, mom and I went into the kitchen and she made us hot chocolate with three marshmallows... just the way I like it! It tasted really good. Mom pointed out the window and I saw a single snowflake drift down! So we ran outside and caught snowflakes on our tongues and had lots of fun.


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December 25th

Happy Hearth's Warming Eve!

I woke up at 8:00 and when I came downstairs, mom was already in the kitchen making breakfast. It was pancakes and bacon - my favorite! We ate breakfast and then we went to the living room.

There was a bunch of presents under the tree! Santa Hooves must've thought I was really good this year! We sat down and started opening them right away. I got a bunch of cool stuff and we had lots of fun! We and more hot cocoa and some cookies too. After lunch, I flew up to castle. It was super pretty and here were guards everywhere. I left a present on the doorstep for Tia. I hope she finds it and likes it!

We had a fancy dinner with turkey and then I got to stay up really late listening to mom's stories. My favorite story was about the founding of Equestria. I was really tired so I am about to go to bed.
