• Published 22nd Jul 2013
  • 2,497 Views, 27 Comments

An Unlikely Villain: From Fluttershy to Brevity Thrash and Back Again - StormLuna

This is a story of how built up rage turns Fluttershy into a wrathful villain.

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Chapter 1

It was another peaceful day in Ponyville as the sun rose. The light woke up Fluttershy and like always, the first thing she did was feed her woodland friends. She went out to check the mail and found a letter that surprised her. It read, “Fluttershy, we are having a get together in Cloudsdale and I want you to join us. This is royal business and you need to be here. I shall see you tomorrow. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.”

Fluttershy wondered what this was all about. She went to Sugarcube Corner to see her friends, as they had a get together planned. Fluttershy told them about the letter. Rainbow Dash said, “Wait, Princess Celestia wants you there but not me? What is up with that?”

Twilight replied, "The Princess has had this planned for months. It is something that she believes that Fluttershy would be best for and that she should be there alone.”

Fluttershy replied, “I don’t know if I can fly up there alone. I will just get made fun of by the other pegasi.”

Twilight said, “You have to go Fluttershy, if you don’t she will not be happy.”

“Ok, I will fly up there alone.” Fluttershy replied.

Knowing that it will be a long and tiring flight to Cloudsdale the next day, Fluttershy heads to the market to buy some food to fill up on before her trip. She first heads to the tomato stand. Roma remembers her from before and stated, “Three tomatoes are two bits, not one."

Fluttershy said, “I know that.” So Fluttershy gave her the two bits she owed for the tomatoes. Next Fluttershy went to the celery stand. Low and behold she ran into Surf and Turf, the valley girl ponies.

Surf said, “oh it’s you. Can’t you wait until we are gone before you come to this stand?”

Then Turf said, “You really need to get a life, get lost.” At first Fluttershy looked scared but then a different thought ran through her head.

She told the two, “Look, I have just as much of a right to be here as you do. You’re the ones that need to get a life.” The two valley girl ponies looked stunned, seeing that Fluttershy was holding up for herself. After they got their celery Fluttershy went and got her celery. The pony running the stand gave her the celery for free for standing up to the valley ponies.

Fluttershy returned home, kind of irked that the valley girl ponies would dare speak to her that way. She ate a good sized supper and then turned in for the night. She rose early the next morning so she could eat her breakfast and feed her animals. After that she took flight to head up to her meeting with Princess Celestia in Cloudsdale. She was a bit tired after the long flight but that was the least of her problems. Not too long after she got there she was confronted by the jock ponies who gave her such a hard time as a filly.

Dumb-Bell was the first to start bullying her. He said, “Oh well look who is here, Klutzershy. How did you get up here, in a balloon?”

Fluttershy said, “No I flew here.”

Hoops said, “Yeah right, you couldn’t fly more than a few feet when you were young and I know you haven’t improved any!

Fluttershy said, “Why can’t you three just leave me alone?”

Score then proceeded to say, “Uh, because you’re a los…..oh yeah, a loser.”

Fluttershy looked like she was about to cry, then Hoops said, “Perhaps your name should be Klutzercry, ha ha ha!” Fluttershy suddenly gave them a scowl, gave all three of them a tail whip and then proceeded on her way to meet Princess Celestia. The three jocks looked stunned and decided to leave her alone.

When Fluttershy finally got to where Celestia was, she was greeted warmly by the Princess. Celestia said, “Fluttershy, I am so happy you could make it!”

Fluttershy said, “It is great to see you too Princess! What was it that you wanted to see me about?”

Celestia looked at her with a warm smile and stated that she has a bad feeling that Discord may turn evil again and that she would need her to reform him again if he does turn evil. Fluttershy said, “You can count on me Princess. If he does turn bad again, I know how to make him good, except this time I will need to work harder to keep him good.”

“That is wonderful news Fluttershy. You’re the one pony that I know who can keep him in check. So if he turns bad, I know I can count on you.” said Celestia.

Fluttershy asked Princess Celestia if there was anything else she needed to discuss with her. Celestia said, “No Fluttershy, there is nothing else I need to discuss with you. You should get home before it gets dark.” Fluttershy nodded and then proceeded to get ready to fly home. Before she could leave she was confronted by the jock ponies again.

Dumb-Bell said, “Oh, you think that tail whip scares us?”

Hoops said, “You think your all that now huh? You’re no bully!”

Score said, “uh yeah, bul…..yeah, bully.” Fluttershy grunted and then flew home.

When she got home she was not in a good mood. Once she got in the door Angel was there begging for food. Of course what she gave him wasn’t good enough. He slapped her wanting something better. Rather than giving into what he wanted, Fluttershy said “Look Angel, right now isn’t the time to complain like this. I am not in a good mood. Either you eat what I give you or you get no supper.”

Angel looked shocked and then ate the pellets Fluttershy put in his bowl. Fluttershy went to bed very angry, enraged to be exact. That night it took a while for her to fall asleep but once she did get to sleep she had a dream about a pony from long ago, a lot like her who was timid but suddenly grew, stood up for herself. The pony she dreamt about was Brevity Thrash, a pony who would unleash her wrath upon anypony who got in her way.

The following morning the sun woke Fluttershy up. She awoke to discover that she was suddenly way too big for her bed and almost too big to fit in her cottage. She looked in the mirror to discover that she had an appearance similar to Nightmare Moon but still had her colors and cutie mark. She also noticed that she had a horn. She suddenly felt very confident and powerful. She went downstairs to fix some breakfast for her and her woodland friends. When she went downstairs her critter friends were terrified at what they saw. They ran out a window that had been left open overnight. Even Angel was scared, he went running as fast as he could. Applejack noticed all the animals running away from Fluttershy’s cottage and towards the farm.

Fluttershy could be heard in her cottage yelling, “You little cowards, you do not run away from Brevity Thrash!”

Applejack said, “Are those Fluttershy’s animals headed this way?” Big Macintosh, standing by her side, said “Eeyep.”

Brevity Thrash stormed out her door, spread her wings as wide as she could and took off towards Sweet Apple Acres. She yelled at her animals, “How dare you run away from Brevity Thrash! If it weren’t for Brevity Thrash, you would all starve!” She landed down in front of Applejack and Big Macintosh.

Applejack looked stunned at her new appearance and said, “Fluttershy, what happened to you?”

Brevity proceeded to say, " Fluttershy? Fluttershy is gone, her name is Brevity Thrash and she does not appreciate being called by a name that is not hers.”

Applejack said, “now just wait a goldarned minute, you mean to tell me that Fluttershy is gone or do you mean to tell me that you are Fluttershy?”

Brevity Thrash replied, “What it means is that Brevity used to be Fluttershy, but do not call us by that name. We are a totally different pony now. Brevity will not tolerate things like this. She demands respect from everypony.” Brevity then levitated a few apples from a tree and ate them.

Applejack said, “So you have magic now too?”

Brevity replied, “Yes, Brevity has magic now. It is part of who she is and if you don’t like it then you don’t have to hang around her.”

Applejack replied, “I never said I didn’t like it, I am just surprised that you have magical powers now.”

“Well that is good” Brevity replied. “Brevity must get going now, she has other things she has to do.” With that Brevity flew off towards Ponyville. She headed to Sugarcube Corner as she was hungry for something sweet.

When she arrived she found Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity having a get together. Before looking up Rarity saw her pink mane out of the corner of her eyes and said, "Oh Fluttershy I thought you weren't coming. I am so happy you could make it."

Brevity shouted, "What did you call Brevity Thrash? You do not call her Fluttershy! Her name is Brevity Thrash, Brevity for short!" Rarity looked up in shock and horror to see how her friend had been transformed.

Pinkie screamed, "Nightmare Moon ate Fluttershy and is trying to look like her! Everypony run!"

Pinke started to run towards the door but Brevity flew in front of the door and shouted, "BE STILL! NOPONY IS GOING ANYWHERE!"

Her three friends suddenly went silent. Then Twilight asked her what had happened. Brevity replied, "What do you mean what happened? Brevity is just fine, nothing has happened to her. Why do you ask if something is wrong with us?"

Twilight replied, "Well, you are so much bigger, your personality has changed and you look like a cross between Fluttershy and Nightmare Moon."

Brevity replied, "What did you say about Brevity Thrash? She is the same as she has always been. Perhaps it is you three who have changed."

Rarity looked at her puzzled and said, "No dear, we have not changed, it is you who has changed."

Brevity then asked where her treat was as it was going to be the four of them who had the get together.

Pinkie said, "Well I didn't get yours out yet because I didn't think you were coming."

Brevity shouted, "How dare you not get Brevity her treat. You selfish, inconsiderate little brat. Brevity wants her treat and she wants it now!"

Pinkie told her that she would get it shortly. Brevity would not wait, she smashed open the display case where the treats were located and devoured them all. She then shouted, "Nopony treats Brevity like a pushover, nopony!"

Twilight then asked her what she was going to do now that she had a horn. Brevity gave her an evil grin and said, "You'll see, oh yes, you'll see!" Brevity then proceeded to levitate the three of them, took them outside, threw them around in a circle for a few minutes making them very dizzy, and then simply dropped them.

Rarity said, "Brevity, Fluttershy or whatever your name is now, that was mean and it hurt. We are all sore now."

Brevity replied, "You think Brevity cares? She has business she has to take care of in Cloudsdale." With that she took off with great speed towards Cloudsdale, breaking the sound barrier. A bright flash of pink light along with a loud boom accompanied it.

She very quickly reached Cloudsdale. When she first got there she ran into her friend Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash saw her mane out of the corner of her eye and said, "Oh hi Fluttershy, what are you doing up here?"

Brevity replied, "What did you call us? Our name is Brevity Thrash, not Fluttershy. You can call her Brevity for short if you wish."

Rainbow looked up to see that her friend had transformed from a normal sized mare into a Nightmare Moon sized Alicorn. She said, "What has happened to you? What happened to the mare that everypony loves so much?"

Brevity replied, "Oh, you just want Brevity to be a wimp. You just want Brevity to be a pushover, a doormat, a pony that you can do anything to and she won't do anything, don't you?"

Rainbow Dash said, "No, I don't. I just am surprsied by your appearance and am wondering what caused it."

"What change in our appearance? Brevity looks the same as she always has." Brevity replied.

Rainbow Dash again asked Brevity what she was doing up in Cloudsdale. Brevity replied, "Oh, so is there some sort of law that states that Brevity can't come here? Last time Brevity checked there was no law keeping her from coming here."

Rainbow Dash said, "Ok Brevity, I'm sorry."

Brevity then said, "As far as why she is here, she has some business that she needs to take care of. There are three problems, three idiots that Brevity needs to make wish they were never born. Do you know where Dumb-Bell, Hoops and Score are?"

"Yeah, they are coming over this way now. They have always been mean to you, why would you want to talk to them?" replied Rainobw Dash.

Brevity replied, "oh you'll see. This moment is going to be priceless!"

The three jock pegasi approached Rainbow and Brevity. Dumb-Bell, always starting problems first, said, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Oh yes, it is Rainbow Crash and Klutzershy!"

Rainbow Dash said, "Leave us alone, right now isn't a good time."

"Oh yeah, you can't stop us!" replied Hoops.

"Uh, yeah.....you can't....of yeah, stop us!" replied Score.

"What did you call us?", shouted Brevity.

Dumb-Bell replied, "Klutzershy, since you are a total klutz and can't fly!"

This enraged Brevity. She levitated them and slammed them into the wall of one of the buildings. The wall cracked a little. Brevity decided she would keep slamming them into the wall until it broke. She levitated them multiple times, slamming them harder and harder into the wall until it broke. Finally the wall broke.

Rainbow Dash shouted, "Brevity, stop it! You are going to kill them!"

Brevity gave Rainbow Dash an evil grin and said, "That's Brevity's plan! They made her life miserable as a filly and now she has come back to avenge her."

Rainbow Dash said, "Would you please stop speaking in the third-person, it is drving me crazy."

"So, you don't like how we speak? You want to wind up like those three, grounded for life?" replied Brevity.

Rainbow then told her that she didn't care how she spoke, not wanting to have her body broken.

Brevity then flew over to where her three victims lie and said, "Oh you poor widdle babies! Your wing bones have been broken beyond repair! Looks like YOU will be the ones traveling in a balloon!"

Before leaving, she levitated them one more time and threw them into a marble column, injuring them further. She flew over there and saw that they were further injured, and shouted "This is a warning for everypony, this is what happens when you mess with Brevity Thrash!"

Rainbow Dash looked shocked and even though the boys were never nice to her, she shed a few tears and became scared realizing that nopony is safe from the wrath of Brevity.

Brevity then flew off screaming, "Nopony messes with Brevity Thrash, nopony!" She sped off back towards Ponyville to the market. She knew when Surf and Turf went to the market. She thought to herself, they are going to wind up like those idiotic jocks.

She landed at the celery stand, and right on schedule, was Surf and Turf.

Surf looked up and was scared of what she saw. She asked, "Who are you, I haven't seen you around before?"

Turf said, "Can't you tell by her cutie mark, it is that loser Fluttershy."

Brevity gave them a scowl and shouted, "What did you call us? Our name is Brevity Thrash!"

She then levitated them and threw them a great distance. She then flew off to where they had landed and stood over them laughing.

Surf said, "you're not so tough. So you're an Alicorn now, big deal."

Turf said "Could you step back, you're like invading my personal space."

This only enraged Brevity. She shouted, "You will never talk down to Brevity Thrash again! If Brevity has her way, you will never speak again!" She levitated the two ponies and flung them into the Ponyville tower. They plummeted to the ground. Brevity did the same thing to them a couple more times, making their injuries worse. Finally she flew off to her cottage, shouting to the whole town, "NOPONY MESSES WITH BREVITY THRASH, NOPONY!"

The news of what happened reached Twilight. She had Spike send an urgent message to Princess Celestia. Celestia received the message and messaged Twilight back that her and her friends are to come to Canterlot as soon as possible to discuss what to do with this escalating problem. Twilight and her friends caught the next train to Canterlot.

Once they arrived, they headed to the throne room immediately. "Princess Celestia, Fluttershy has gone mad!" said Twilight.

"I know she has and something needs to be done about it." Said Celestia.

Rarity asked the Princess, "couldn't we just use the Elements of Harmony on her? It worked with Nightmare Moon and Discord."

Celestia replied, "No, we can't use the Elements on her because she is one of the bearers of the elements."

Rainbow Dash said, "We are going to have to think of something because she has already severely injured five ponies. Who knows, she could kill somepony one of these days."

Applejack looked up and suggested, "Would we be able to get Discord to help us with this?"

Celestia looked at Applejack and said, "Applejack, you are a genious! Discord and Fluttershy are good friends. Perhaps he could use his magic to show her the memories of her reforming him and that might get her to return to normal."

"We need to go find Discord and let him know of what is going on and ask him politely if he will help us." said Twilight.

Rainbow Dash said, "Well what are we waiting for, let's go!" Twilight asked Celestia where he lives. Celestia told them that he lives in the Everfree Forest not too far away from where Zecora lives.

Pinkie shouted, "Weee, this is gonna be fun! Let's go!"

The ponies took the train back to Ponyville. They headed into the forest once they got back home.

Rarity said, "We have to go into this place again? Can't I just stay home?"

"No Rarity, we need everypony with us." said Applejack. They continued into the forest until they reached an area where the trees were floating upside down. They knew that they had arrived where he lives.

He saw them coming and he said, "oh hello. It is the ponies. Where is Fluttershy? Did she not feel like coming?"

Twilight said, "That is why we are coming, something is horribly wrong with Fluttershy. She has become this horrible, wrathful pony and she calls herself Brevity Thrash. We are wondering if you would be able to help us with this."

"Oh no, my dear Fluttershy has transformed into a nightmare pony." Discord began to cry as he realized that his only friend had gone mad. He said that he would do anything he could to help. He very much wanted to help return Fluttershy to normal. He said, "Let's go see if I can bring her back. It brings a great deal of pain to my heart to know that I might have lost my only friend forever." So Discord joins the ponies and heads back to Ponyville with them.

Upon returning to Ponyville they head over to Fluttershy's cottage. Discord says, "Fluttershy, it is your friend, Discord." Twilight opens the door to her cottage only to find that nopony was home. They then heard screaming in the town square.

Twilight said, "That has to be Brevity scaring or harming other ponies."

They hurried to the town square where Brevity had the mayor levitated in the air demanding that she hand all power over to her. "You will give Brevity the power she deserves! You will leave your job and make her mayor instead." shouted Brevity. Discord and the ponies rushed over there. Brevity tossed the mayor into her office and went over to where her friends were.

"What do you guys want? Can't you see Brevity is busy becoming mayor?" said Brevity.

Discord came from behind the ponies and said, "Brevity, it is your old friend Discord. Do you remember me? Do you remember reforming me?"

Brevity looked at him and said, "Nice try, but nopony is going to stop Brevity Thrash, she is invincible and Fluttershy is gone forever." She then sped off into the Everfree Forest towards the ruins of the castle of the royal pony sisters.

"Don't worry Discord" said Twilight. "It took her a while to reform you and I have a feeling that it will take a while for you to gain her trust and reforming her will be tough."

Applejack suggested that perhaps once they get near the ruins, that Discord should go alone since she distrusts her pony friends. They get within sight of the ruins.

"Now is your time to shine Discord. Go over and see how she reacts with it just being you." said Twilight. Discord replied, "alright, I want my friend back. I'm going in."

Discord went into the ruins to discover Brevity feasting on some apples she stole from Sweet Apple Acres.

"Hello Brevity, can we talk?" said Discord.

"What do you want to talk about?" said an annoyed Brevity.

Discord told Brevity of how sad he was when he heard of what had happened with her. "Yeah, and?" said a very irritated Brevity.

"Well I am wondering if you even remember anything from your past? Do you remember how much fun we had after you reformed me?" said Discord.

Brevity replied, "Oh, let us guess, you think you can just reform Brevity because we are friends? You think you can tell Brevity what to do because we're friends? Well, Brevity is not just going to give in because you or anypony else wants us to. Brevity has been pushed around her whole life and mark her words, it will never happen again."

Brevity then fired a powerful beam of energy at Discord as she shouted, "Celestia sent you here, didn't she? She thinks that she can use you to 'reform' us and she thinks that Brevity is a pushover now doesn't she? Brevity is no pushover, Celestia is wrong if she thinks that anything will reform her." Discord was stunned when Brevity's energy hit him, knocking him backwards.

Discord said, "Please Brevity, this isn't you. Please search deep within yourself. I know that the Fluttershy that everypony loves is hidden deep in your heart."

Brevity said to Discord, "Brevity knows that her friends are out there as well, waiting to see if you can 'reform' her, aren't they? Why can't they just accept Brevity the way she is? They obviously aren't very good friends if they can't accept her the way she is." Brevity then levitated a huge boulder and smashed it into the wall in disgust.

Discord said, "Brevity, I know how it is to not be accepted and to be treated badly, but please put the rage aside and think of your friends. Think of how much they love you. Think of the fun we had after you reformed me."

Brevity looked stunned and said, "Brevity's friends really do love her? They don't see her as just a doormat that they know won't stand up for herself and is easy to manipulate?"

Discord said, "Also remember how it was your kindness that reformed me. Kindness is a very powerful thing Brevity. Kindness is a much more powerful thing than rage. Please, just look into your heart, I know that you still have some kindness within you."

Brevity replied, "It is all coming back to Brevity now. All the fun Brevity and her friends would have, the fun that Brevity and you would have after she reformed you." Brevity suddenly started crying and there was a bright flash of pink light and Brevity wound up falling to the ground. Discord went over to where she was and what he found was not Brevity Thrash, it was Fluttershy.

Discord said, "Thank you Celestia, I just hope she remembers me."

When Fluttershy finally came to, she looked up to see Discord. She said, "Discord? Is that you? Where am I? What happened?"

Discord said that a lot of pent up anger in her had caused her to transform into a nightmare pony known as Brevity Thrash. That caused Fluttershy to break down and cry. Discord summoned her friends to come in to the ruins.

Twilight said, "Fluttershy, you're back! We are happy to see you like this again."

Fluttershy said, "Twilight, it's you! Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, Discord, I'm so happy to see you all!"

Twilight told her that they were in the Everfree Forest and that it would be dark soon.

"Dark? We have to get home soon. We can't be in here after dark!" said Fluttershy.

Discord used his magic to teleport them back to Ponyville. Fluttershy suggested that all of them have a dinner party at her cottage.

Rainbow Dash said, "Another dinner party with Discord?" Twilight nudged her and scowled at her. Rainbow then said, "Yeah, that sounds good to me." This dinner party turned out much better than the last one.

The next day Discord and the Mane Six made a trip to Canterlot to visit Princess Celestia. They went to the throne room and Fluttershy ran up to Princess Celestia and said, "Princess Celestia, I am so glad to be back to normal. I am so sorry for what happened, I am so sorry for injuring five ponies so badly."

Princess Celestia smiled and said, "It is ok Fluttershy, I have healed them and I know that sometimes ponies snap like that." I want to especially thank Discord for reminding Fluttershy of who she really was. You have served Equestria well Discord."

"Why thank you Princess. I just couldn't bear the thoughts of losing the only friend I have ever had. If only her friends would trust me enough to be friends too." said Discord.

"We all consider you a friend now Discord. You have shown that you truly are a kind, caring soul" said Applejack

Twilight continued, "Yeah, without you everypony's life would be much worse off. Yeah we have had our differences in the past, but I hope that all of us can put that behind us and we can all be friends." The rest of the Mane Six agreed.

Discord said, "I am honored that you all think of me as a friend. I think of all of you as friends now too."

Celestia had a stained glass window with Discord turning Brevity Thrash back into Fluttershy made for the ceremony celebrating the return of Fluttershy.

"Well this has been the strangest thing I have ever see happen but Discord, you are a true hero. You are welcome here anytime." said Celestia.

"Why thank you Princess. I might just drop in to say hi every now and then. I should get going, Zecora and I are going to gather herbs for a new tonic she is working on. Good-bye Princess and good-bye my pony friends, especially you Fluttershy." said Discord.

Fluttershy replied, "I don't look at it as good bye Discord, I look at is as see you later."

Discord said that she was right, and that he hoped they could have a dinner party again soon. With a snap of his claw, Discord returned to the Everfree Forest.

"Well we better get home everypony, we shall see you again Princess. Hopefully not in an urgent situation." said Twilight. And with that they hopped on the next train and returned to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

This is my very first story so the grammar and writing style may not be all that good but I hope you enjoy it!

Comments ( 27 )

135 and only 2 reviews. How is this even possible?

2914144 I wish I knew. But hey, at least people are looking at it! :twilightsmile:

2926715 I really liked it. I just didn't feel the need too comment on it. That or I forgot too.

2931097 I'm glad you liked it Firebird. :twilightsmile:

Dang, you deserve a bigger audience. :unsuresweetie:

That was good, I agree, you should have a bigger audience, and more likes and follows.

yeah i liked this story :scootangel:
though it was a little too fast-paced for my liking, and it resolved itself too quickly :twilightsmile:
Some matters to consider:
1)Use more dialogue tags like mumbled other than said.

Rainbow Dash said, "Another dinner party with Discord?" Twilight nudged her and scowled at her. Rainbow then said, "Yeah, that sounds good to me." This dinner party turned out much better than the last one.

you could use 'groaned', instead of 'said'.
2) How does Fluttershy/Brevity Thrash know how to use magic the moment she became an Alicorn? I thought it would take people quick some time to pick up magic skills such as levitation?
3)Plot development not enough for my liking :twilightblush:
4) RESOLVED TOO QUICKLY!!!!!! transformation back into Fluttershy too quick.
5) Considering the fact that Brevity/Fluttershy would scare everypony, why hasn't all the countries, eg manehatten, canterlot,ponyville scared that she would destroy them?
that's my issues with this fimfic :twilightsheepish:
dun hate though :fluttercry:

That was awesome! I really liked the whole alter ego thing! I like fluttershy as Brevity, but not as much as I like her as her normal cute self.
Great job on the story! :raritywink:

3225406 xfluttersx I like out of character ponies, especially Fluttershy. I also like Pinkamena and I am planning on writing one where Flim & Flam take over a majority of the apple orchards in Equestria and try to run Sweet Apple Acres out of business, but Nightmare Moon will help AJ put them under but at the same time cause a horrible apple famine to hit Equestria, except in Ponyville and Appaloosa.

I am thinking maybe one about Rarity becoming greedy and perhaps a Pinkamena one, a bloodthirsty Pinkamena, I'm not sure about that one but after I finish the Terror in Equestria 5, the one about AJ is a go.


I myself have to agree. Out of character ponies are my favorite. My personal favorite has to either be Murdershy, or the Lil miss rarity Tumblr. Both of those are amazing. I totally agree though, with your writing skill there is no way the Applejack one could be bad! I think you should do the Pinkamena one as soon as possible, because those are the best kind. :raritystarry:

3225719 XfluttersX I will do those as soon as I can but I need to finish Terror in Equestria 5: A Thousand Years Later, which will be the final one in that series. Then I will probably do the AJ one and then one involving Pinkamena.


Sounds good. Actually you should do what you want, because your the one making them, soo...

3230802 xFluttersx---Well the AJ one is a guarantee. I like her and I think doing a story about her will be awesome. She doesn't get the love she deserves from the fandom. Honesty and a hard work ethic are good qualities in my eyes.


I totally get what your saying! I don't know what it is, but most people don't like her that much. She's a pretty good character to me. And yes I agree, Honesty and Work = Good.

3232460 My thought as to why so many don't like her that much is because she is a hard working pony and that she is a farm pony. I guess maybe hard work isn't valued that much.


I'm pretty sure that most people don't like workers when it comes to ponies. They like cute, and funny, and cool ponies...and Applejack doesn't really fit in with that...:yay:

3233843 Applejack definitely doesn't fit into the cute or funny category. As a filly she fits into the cute category, but as an adult she doesn't fit either. I don't understand why working ponies don't fit into what people like when it comes to ponies though. The first five years of my life I lived on a ranch and started helping feed cattle at age 3, so I can relate with AJ quite well.


Oh that's awesome! I do really like Applejack actually. She is one of my favorites, and her filly self is extremely cute. But I agree, people don't appreciate her and I don't know why.

3237999 Like I have said before, it is because she is hard working and honest. She isn't the main character like Twily, she isn't hyper like Pinkie, she isn't elegant like Rarity, she isn't a speed demon like Rainbow Dash and she is not shy and adorable like Fluttershy. That is why so many don't like her or just think of her as insignificant.

Ooh ooh! I'm guessing its Discord who helps fix her, or Princess Luna! :pinkiehappy: but don't spoil it cause I haven't read it yet

Nice idea but needs some work. You tend to just tell the reader what the characters are doing rather than showing us and you often don't really give any explanation for their feelings and actions.

3237999 xFluttersx, I have written an Applejack story. It is called The Price of Cider. I just finished it in February. You ought to check it out, I think you will like it.

Really cool concept that begs for expansion.

5278417 Water Lilly, I am currently working on a story and I have several other planned in my mind but if you wish to know more about Brevity Thrash and her history, she appears in Terror in Equestria 5: A Thousand Years Later. That was my very first story so I was quite the novice writer at that point, I'm glad you liked it though.

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