• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 828 Views, 3 Comments

Trollestia, at her best - AppleJack_123

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Chapter 1: Dragonshy

Hello Dearest faithful stu- oh.. Wait.. You're not Twilight. Ah whatever. I guess writing letters about my troll masterpiece could work out to!

Celestia, trolls once more! But the rather good question is how.. Hmmm.


Dude.. Just got back from oh ya know regular smoke hang outs with me and my gang!. When I returned to the castle and then I realized:

"Holy crud! Looks like a black cloud of smoke coming from the cave!"

Ah well.. Time for an excuse why its there... Has to be something believable, well a dragon was there too, so might as well blame it on him.

I told her the dragon was sleeping in the cave and sent her a scribble of what I thought the mountain looked like, (in the end it was surprisingly accurate. Or.. NEAR accurate) and told her that Equestria would be covered in a thick layer of smoke for 100 years if she didn't do this.

That last part of my letter was actually true I would do it myself since I just know that I will screw this up for her ,but im too comfortable in my throne right now. While she is out doing that I'm having too much fun giving my little sister Luna a hard time with this game we are playing.


Well.. This is lame.. I've been sitting here for a hour with my banana bag and Twilight keeps facing paths that are obviously hilarious but I cant get a good enough reaction out of her for me to actually let a really good laugh out.


Another bucking hour gone by and this idiot has not figured out that the map I gave her is a scribble.

I thought I taught her better than that! Ah whatever, I tried.



Finally Twilight threw the map out but she still thinks she is in an avalanche zone. Time for ze magics! Hmmm which pony is most scared of anything?... Fluttershy! Duh! Why didn't I think of her sooner? Let the framing begin!

Alright the rocks are set up, Now I'm planning Rainbow Dash to go through the tree... waiting.. waiting.. YES!! Now is my chance! When Fluttershy screamed I threw the rocks over the cliff. She must have stopped though because before I could hear the crashes of the boulders hit the floor she stopped.

Soon after that I heard a big bang as the first one hit the followed the loud rumble that came after it. The avalanche lasted I think about a minute or two as the noise faded I went closer to the edge of the cliff I threw the rocks over to see how much damage I caused!

As a princess would say.. I nailed it! One of the biggest avalanches I've ever seen and get this, I guess Twilight missed this some how but if she had gone back a little bit she could have gone another way up to the cave but in stead she decided to climb over it. At that point I was laughing my ass off see this was the kind of laugh I really needed earlier.

Oh yeah I also had a pretty good laugh when Fluttershy accidentally tripped on a rock or some thing or maybe it was too steep for her...well whatever it was she tripped and brought Rarity and Applejack down with her.

After all of them got over the avalanche I caused, they continued up on the trail so apparently they are all depending on Fluttershy to try to get the dragon out of that cave they said they're going to leave.

Well I wish you luck on that because there is no possible way your getting that dragon out of that cave. When I last left the cave he seemed pretty wasted.

And besides I know why he is really there because that's where he keeps all of his gems and he is probably still super high from earlier so he is not going to be willing to leave just because some ponies want him too.

Anyways... You know how I said they were depending on Fluttershy to do this since she is good with all sorts of animals? Yeah well, turns out she was afraid of dragons I mean what kind of bullshit is that?

Fluttershy is going great with my trolling. I know if I were them if she said that to me I would be furious but its still pretty funny.

The first thing that they try is to reason with him when Twilight fails at that Rarity tries charm but says the wrong thing at the last second.

Pinkie Pie...Well lets just say whatever she is on she either takes too much of it or that shit is super strong. After all those fails Rainbow Dash just starts complaining so she tries to force him out by flying in there with out a care in the world goes up and kicks him right at the bottom of his chin so at this point the dragons pretty pissed of that RD did that.

After that Rainbow Dash comes rolling out of the cave followed by the dragon and well just great news for me my banana bag is empty. Oh just great well at least I can still enjoy the show.

So any way like I was saying she comes rolling out of the cave making every one over but seriously it kind of was their fault for standing right in front of the cave.

The dragon comes out and roars probably as loud as he could he actually still looks dizzy from earlier and let me tell you probably the funniest thing I have ever seen! So he smashes all of them into a huge rock.

Okay so when I get all of my hopes and I think things are going to get funnier it turns out Fluttershys behind that rock when she saw what the dragon has done to her friends she acts like she is the dragons mother or some thing and surprisingly that worked he just got up and left. Wow I was just really thought he would put up more of a fight

Well Twilight is probably going to send me another one of those stupid letters again and I always have to sit there and hear her talking with what she learned about friendship and a montage of what happened during their day, it also includes a nice little tune in the background which I don't mind.

a message back to her calling her my "faithful student" Eh like torcher every time. Well I guess if I feel like trolling again and im lonely enough ill wright to you people

Author's Note:

Okay im sorry if its really bad this is my first story but if you want more let me know in the comments

Comments ( 3 )

I didn't laff lel


In any other story, your poor grammatical ability would've been a bad thing. Here, it actually works to your advantage by conveying a sense of the narrator's (Trollestia's) character. This is a very rare trait in stories that are not trollfics.

You thought this was funny?! Damn you to hell and back!:flutterrage:
[youtube=670if6Etx0o] Do you see why I said this?! I used to enjoy annoying people with my antics but after seeing this, I got a GIANT reality check. Perhaps you might as well.

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