• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 1,491 Views, 45 Comments

Memories - The reader 0_0

Rainbow dash and Twilight shared their last moments together with memories.

  • ...

A confession

“I'll race you there Twilight. Bet you can't beat me,” Rainbow Dash happily announced.

“This is not a race Rainbow! get back here! shouted Twilight. But it was too late;Rainbow Dash had already gone, leaving her in the dust. “ Why do i even bother with you, Rainbow?” shouted Twilight a second time.

“You bother with me because I'm awesome! How could some pony not wanna be bother with me? I mean look at me.

“I can think of some ponies that don't,” Twilight mumbled under her breath.

“It's a race when I'm around and besides, the faster we move, the faster we get those flowers,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Well when I'm around we slow down and not make everything a race Rainbow,” replied Twilight.

“Maybe it's like that with you but not me,” said Rainbow Dash

“How old are you Rainbow?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

“I'm twenty two but I turn twenty three next Monday. Why?” the Pegasus replied.

“Well you act like a filly and I always have to watch over you. You need to start acting your age.”, Twilight scolded. Rainbow Dash really needed to take things seriously and not make everything a game.

“I do act my age! you don’t know what you’re talking about! you need to act your age!” shouted a very angry Rainbow.

“I am acting my age rainbow!” Twilight shouted back.

“Yeah, being boring and trying to parent me,” Rainbow muttered, her anger beginning to die down.

I don’t want to parent you, but you need to start being responsible and not be so reckless,” said Twilight.

After Twilight told her off, Rainbow sighed. “Maybe you’re right,” she conceded, “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

“It's OK, Dash,” Twilight reassured.

“Friends?” Rainbow Dash asked, worried if Twilight was still angry at her.

“Friends,” Twilight replied, hugging her friend in order to calm her worries.

As their embrace ended, Twilight looked around her surroundings and took a deep breath. “Don’t you just love the sound of animals and the smell of fresh air,” she said, a peaceful look etched upon her face.

“Nah,” snorted Rainbow, “not my style.

“Come now, Rainbow,” said Twilight, a pleading tone present in her voice, “Sometimes, you just need to sit back and enjoy this beauty.

“The day that happens is the day I turn in my daredevil card,” Rainbow shot back. In truth, she was not the type to just stay on the ground for extended periods of time. To enjoy any kind of view, she had to be in the air, not standing on the ground like some sort of earth pony.

“Twilight, you sure she said this is the place? Because I don't want to come here for nothing; you know how much I hate that.” she said, slowly becoming more annoyed. If there was one thing she hated more than losing a race, it was doing something for nothing.

(Rainbow, you forget who you’re talking to. Of course I’m sure this is the place, and besides, if by some chance I was wrong, I’ll just bring us back to Ponyville.

A worried look appeared on Dash’s face. “Will it hurt? I don’t wanna damage my beautiful wings and fur,” she asked, spreading her wings and brushing her fur to prove her point.

“No, it won't hurt. Not for five seconds, at least,” Twilight mumbled that last part so as to not worry the Pegasus when the time came.

At that moment, they heard a loud “CRACK,” as if somepony stepped on a twig.
“What was that?” shouted Twilight, “I think I heard something. Did you hear it?” She was panicking slightly, believing that something was stalking them.

“Hear what?” replied Rainbow. “I didn’t hear anything. Chill out, Twi,” she said, remembering the last time Twilight freaked out over nothing.

“First of all, don’t tell me to chill. Second of all, I’m not paranoid, I’m just cautious,” Twilight shot back, still looking for the source of the noise.

“To me, that's being paranoid, Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash.

“That’s not being paranoid, just cautious!” shouted Twilight, becoming annoyed.

“No, I’m not!” Twilight shouted back, her eyes beginning to glow with fury. The wind began blowing furiously around them.

“Whoa, whoa,” said Rainbow, trying to calm Twilight, “alright, you’re not paranoid. Just calm down before you hurt somepony.”

The wind became calm and Twilight's eyes stop glowing. “Sorry Rainbow I just didn't really get any sleep today doing spells earlier, and now this,” she said, calming down.

“I didn't get any sleep either but you don't see me trying to kill you,” said Rainbow Dash, anger still apparent in her voice.

“Sorry Rainbow, you just made me angry, and I lost control,” Twilight said, apologizing to her friend.

“Whatever, let’s just get those flowers,” Rainbow returned, attempting to end the conversation.
“Are you mad at me?” the unicorn asked, a worried tone present in her soft voice.

“No I'm fine. Let's just go get the flowers already, I'm getting tired,” Rainbow pleaded, her hooves become sore from walking.

“No you’re not. I can definitely tell that you are upset with me. Tell me, are you?” asked Twilight.


Twilight had no words to say so she just hung her head down in shame for almost killing her friend out of anger.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and calmed down. She looked up to face Twilight and spoke.

“I'm sorry Twilight. You just made me mad,” said Rainbow, consoling her distressed friend.

“I'm sorry, Dash. How about this: after we drop off the flowers we'll get some to eat on me,” Twilight offered earning a smile from Rainbow.

“Huh, maybe you’re cool after all,” the Pegasus said, earning a small chuckle from Twilight.

“I thought eggheads can't be cool,” Twilight joked, giving Rainbow a what kind of look?.

“Don't push your luck, Twilight,” said Rainbow, clearly not impressed. After what seemed like hours, or days, or years to her just searching for those stupid flowers, she finally spoke up.

“Ugh!” she shouted, “Why did I even bother to come if I knew that we’d be walking so much!?”

“It doesn’t have to be boring,” said Twilight, “you just have to pretend you’re on an adventure like Daring Doo. Besides, it’s only been 2 hours, so stop whining. We’re almost ther-” Unfortunately, Twilight had not noticed the large sinkhole in front of her. Before she could let out a scream, Twilight fell into the blackness.

“ TWILIGHT! TWILIGHT, YOU ALRIGHT? ANSWER ME TWILGHT!” Rainbow Dash shouted, worried that Twilight was hurt, or worse dead.

Five minutes passed; still no response from Twilight. So, Rainbow decided to do what she did best: save the day while looking awesome as she did so.

Rainbow Dash plunged into the big, dark hole that had swallowed up her friend, using her wings to soften the landing. When she reached the bottom, she could not see anything mere inches away from her face. She decided to walk forwards, calling out to Twilight whilst holding out her hoof occasionally to avoid walking into a dead end. During her search, a bright light came up from nowhere and landed on one of the walls. A mysterious etching on the wall caught Rainbow’s eye, prompting her to move closer to investigate. It appeared to be a drawing of two ponies held captive inside what appeared to be a heart. Both looked as if they were kissing.

“ Ewww gross, what sick kind of weirdo would draw this?” (Rainbow averted her eyes; she was not the type to fall for all that “mushy” stuff. All she cared about was action and adventure.

“Twilight, please tell me you’re okay,” Rainbow pleaded. Five minutes had pass and there was still no sign of her studious friend. “Here twily twily.” (She paused, realizing what she just said and snapped back into her old self.)

I gotta find Twilight before something bad happens to her, or worse…” she said to herself.

Suddenly, Rainbow her a familiar voice speak up close by. “Uggggh, my head…Where am I? Rainbo-”

“TWILIGHT”! shouted a happy Rainbow Dash, cutting Twilight off.

“Rainbow Dash? Where ar-” Twilight tried to ask but was once again cut short, not by a fall or a shout but by a massive bone crushing hug. Pinkie Pie would have been proud of Rainbow, very proud.

“I was so worried, Twi! Don’t you ever scare me like that again!” cried Rainbow, still holding Twilight in a tight embrace.”

“C- an-'t br-ea-the,” Twilight gasped, trying desperately to regain her breath.

“Oops. Heh, sorry ‘bout that,” Rainbow apologized, blushing furiously and trying to maintain her dignity.

“Ow, be more careful next time!” shouted Twilight, making sure no bones had been crushed.

“Heh, sorry again.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. “Do you know where we are?” she asked while examining her surroundings, “I’m kinda lost here so use your egghead stuff and get us outta here.”

“I don't know where we are...let me see.”Twilight’s horn lit up with a magical

“Cool, not awesome, but cool,” said Dash, trying to hide the amazement in her voice.”

“Well, we’re definitely in a cave. However, I can’t help but feel that this place looks familiar. Where have I seen this cave?” Twilight contemplated as her magical light chased the darkness away.

The cave itself was small, with walls that were covered in various drawings.

As they examined the cave, Rainbow felt a chill travel through her body. “Wow, it’s so cold in here. Twilight, can we go? I’m starting to freeze in here.” She rubbed her forelegs to prove her point.

“Just a minute, Rainbow. I just need to remember where I saw this cave.” She rubbed her chin in contemplation, trying to figure out why this place was familiar to her. Finally, after a few minutes of thinking, she came to a conclusion. “THAT’S IT!” she shouted in realization, scaring the cold Pegasus next to her.

“WHAT THE HAY, TWILIGHT? YOU SCA-” Rainbow quickly shut her mouth and cleared her throat, “I mean, I thought there was a monster attacking us.”

“Sorry Rainbow. It's just that I know where I saw this cave,” Twilight said.

“K’ay, so where are we?” Rainbow asked, confused at Twilight’s declaration.

“I read about it in a book about on Equestrian History,” Twilight explained, “apparently, two ponies died in this very cave. As the story goes, they were trying to escape something. What it was and why it was chasing them was never explained, unfortunately.” She made her way to one of the walls and began feeling it with her hooves.

“What are you doing?” asked Rainbow Dash, curious as to why Twilight was feeling the wall.

“The book said there was supposed to be a drawing on this very wall, but where is it?” Twilight pondered, trying to find the words.

“If I'm correct there should be a drawing right..... here,” Twilight said tapping on the wall with the drawing Rainbow Dash had seen earlier.

“I saw that drawing. Too mushy for me,” Rainbow Dash said while making a puking face.

“The book said there should be some words written on this very wall but I don't see it where it could be.” Twilight continued looking for the hidden message, but to no avail.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash began shouting in delight. “HERE, TWILIGHT, I FOUND IT!” she cried, tapping on a spot on the wall. Twilight immediately galloped towards where Dash was standing.

She stopped at where Rainbow was standing to see the words and read them aloud.

“‘Whoever should read shall release me from my heartless prison’,” Twilight read, confused about its meaning.

“What’s that even mean? Twilight?” Rainbow asked, but was promptly ignored by Twilight.

“‘Release, heartless prison’...what do those that mea- Twilight pondered, but was cut off by the appearance of a bright red light and a sound similar to an explosion. Rainbow Dash was thrown against the wall hard and was incapacitated, her limp body falling towards the ground.

Twilight was thrown onto the ground, blood now streaming from a wound on her head. It hurt terribly, as if something was trying to tear its way out. Her breathing became more labored and her eyes were becoming heavier. Just before she passed out, she glanced towards where Dash had fallen. She did not seem to be badly injured, but she was definitely out cold.

Suddenly, her view was blocked by a tall figure standing in front of her face. She looked up and came face to face with a sickening grin.

Everything went black.


Twilight woke up sweating trying to regain her breath. Twilight felt weigh on her chest she looked down. To see a cyan Pegasus with a Rainbow mane slumbering peacefully on her chest. She was smiling her hoofs wrap around Twilight snuggle her muzzle into Twilight's lavender scent. It truly was a cute scene. It made her think about the kiss, what princess told her, her fear.

“Maybe I'm just being parnoid again.” she looked to the clock it was 8:00am. “Maybe I need to take that chance.” Twilight had feelings for Rainbow before the kiss. She just kept it on the down low because she didn't want to put so many lives at stake for her own selfish needs. But when Rainbow kiss her it made the feelings heighten at a level she can no longer hold on to. That made her afraid, afriad that might one day they break up. And the Elements loss it's magic because no loyal or magic element is present.

“Twilight” Rainbow whisper. She woke up when Twilight was talking to herself but remain quiet. “I'll take that chance if you will.”

It was now or never. Even if she say she still want to be friends. Rainbow wouldn't take it way and leave town making the elements vabule. Or Risk one of them breaking up making the elements loss it's power by one element not representing it's power.

she brought Rainbow muzzle to muzzle making a tight space between their lips. “Yes” Then she kissed Rainbow breaking the space between.

And that was Twilight's confession.

Author's Note:

Memory one ended.