• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 19,290 Views, 791 Comments

If you have sex with a changeling that looks like your beloved and you didn’t know and you end up having a child together, does it count as cheating? - TheWraithWriter

Shining Armor finds out he has a bastard love child with the Queen of the Changelings. This can only end well.

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…I’m Sorry What?

…I’m Sorry What?

“Chrysalis!” Shining Armor exclaimed in surprise.

“That’s me.” she replied, smirking.

“But when did you get here?”

“Oh, just now. I would have come sooner, if I had known my baby was here.”

“You didn’t know?” Shining said, confused.

“Well of course I didn’t know!” Chrysalis suddenly sounded angry. “You think I would send my own child off without knowing the destination? For that matter do you believe I would abandon my child in the first place?”

Shining cringed at the changeling queen’s harsh words. He guessed he never had really thought about how the baby had been left on his doorstep.

“Sorry.” he said weakly.

“As you should be. I wouldn’t have known to come here at all if little Truth here hadn’t told me.” a changeling that lacked holes in her legs timidly came out from behind Chrysalis.

That’s weird. Shining thought. A changeling without Swiss-cheese legs. Come to think of it, Chrysalis’s legs are looking remarkably whole.

“But that isn’t important right now.” Chrysalis turned away from Shining and looked towards Twilight, who was huddled against a wall, the baby clutched against her chest. Chrysalis moved with fluid, purposeful strides towards the unicorn, stopping just in front of her. “Give me the baby, Twilight.” Chrysalis ordered in a calm voice. “Please.” she added softly.

Twilight stared up at Chrysalis. Had the queen of the changelings just politely asked her to hand the baby over.

Whether Twilight was going to comply or not was rendered moot by the arrival of a half-dozen or so black-clad pegasi and unicorns. Most were brandishing pistols, but a few held rifles. They all pointed their weapons at Chrysalis.

Sunshine came striding forward from the front of the group. There was a trickle of blood coming from under her mane, but the pegasus seemed to be ignoring that for the moment.

“Queen Chrysalis,” Sunshine said in a crisp, military tone. “You are under arrest for conspiracy, identity theft, assault, attempted murder, kidnapping, and wasting of perfectly good pastries. You have the right to remain silent and be executed on the spot if you try and escape.” the Night-Guard glared daggers at Chrysalis. “And the same goes for your little helper there. Do you understand?”

Chrysalis looked more annoyed than anything else. “You’re going to arrest me after I just saved his life?” she gestured to Shining.

“Yes.” Sunshine said bluntly.

“Wait!” cried Cadance, running up to the group. “She’s been given an official pardon.”

Sunshine blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Ah yes, should have mentioned that.” Chrysalis said, sounding suspiciously like this was news to her as well.

“On whoes authority?” Sunshine demanded.

“Mine.” Cadance replied.

“What?” Sunshine said.

“What?” Shining asked.

“What?” Twilight was confused.

What?!” boomed a normally calm and motherly voice.

Everypony turned and looked at the source of the shout. They were greeted by the sight of Princess Celestia hovering in mid-air, a burst of light radiating around her.

Princess Celestia

Oh shit

“Shit.” Chrysalis said.

Celestia descended, managing to look graceful, regal, and royally pissed off all at the same time. A rather timid looking Luna was trailing behind her. The Sun Goddess hit the ground with a solid thump and advanced on her ‘niece.’

“Say that again miss Cadenza.” Celestia said in a sweet yet deadly voice. “Slowly.”

Cadance did her best not curl into a ball and wonder what the moon was like this time of year. Instead, she stood proud and looked the ruler of Equestria dead in the eye.

“I, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess On High of the Crystal Empire, grant Chrysalis, Queen of the Northern Changelings, amnesty from her crimes.” Cadance said in an official tone.

“On what grounds?” Celestia demanded.

Cadance glanced nervously first at Shining then Chrysalis. “Perhaps that is best discussed in private.”

Celestia glared at Cadance but nodded. “Very well. The library should suit our needs. Shining, Twilight, and Chrysalis will accompany us.”

Cadance nodded.

Celestia turned to Luna. “Luna, take command of the Night-Guards and sort out the mess.”

Luna nodded as well, knowing very well what, ‘sort out the mess’ meant.

Celestia, Cadance, Shining, Twilight, Chrysalis, and Truth headed towards the library while Luna approached Sunshine, who was eyeing the departing Chrysalis.

Noticing Luna was standing right in front of her, Sunshine snapped to attention.

Princess Luna

Double that

“At ease.” Luna said. Sunshine dropped her hoof. “Report.”

Sunshine nodded and told Luna of what had happened. There were approximately thirty changelings, counting Silas and his brother. They were all dead. In addition to Blind Justice, four other Night-Guards had been killed by the changelings. No civilian deaths that they knew of.

Luna nodded after Sunshine had laid this all out for her. “Good work, all of you. Now, we have to get the fallen back to Canterlot. If Chrysalis is still alive by the time Celestia comes back we will defer disposal of the changelings to her.”

The assembled Night-Guards nodded and began going about the task of locating their fallen brothers and sisters. Sunshine began to go as well, but Luna stopped her.

“We need to get you to a medic.” Luna said, sounding almost like she was fussing as she touched Sunshine’s mane.

“I’m fine.” the pegasus snapped, shoving the Moon Goddess’s hoof away. She then realized what she had done and immediately began apologizing.

Luna waved her off and began to say something else when a certain blue pegasus stumbled over to them.

“Hey, I need some help.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes?” Luna asked.

“Applejack was fighting some changelings at the farm. I…” Dash wobbled for a second but shook it off. “I don’t know if she’s okay.”

“Go with her.” Luna said to Sunshine. “We’ll get you medical attention later.”

Sunshine nodded and spread her wings as Dash did the same. They took off and flew towards Sweet Apple Acres. Luna watched them go.

“I hope she’s alright.” the lunar goddess said to herself.


Rarity was there at the library and had taken a semi-conscious Pinkie Pie with her when she left at Celestia’s request. There was a small bump when Chrysalis insisted that Truth be allowed inside as well, but Celestia relented and the changeling accompanied her queen inside.

They all stood in a rough semi circle, Celestia and Cadance opposite each other.

“Care to explain yourself now, miss Cadenza?” Celestia said in calm, even tones.

Cadance opened her mouth to reply when the doors to the library burst open and Luna sailed in.

“Wait, I want to hear too!” she said, sounding a little too excited. Once she had settled in next to Celestia she nodded eagerly to Cadance.

The pink alicorn shook her head and began again. “As I’m sure everypony here knows, this all started because of the baby.”

Chrysalis then interjected. “Allow me to explain something first.” all eyes turned to her as the Queen of the Changelings cleared her throat.

“I did not leave the baby on the front step of the home of the rulers of the Crystal Empire. That was Truth’s doing.” she motioned to the changeling at her side. “Truth had gotten involved with a splinter group within my hive, led by the recently deceased General Silas. Her original reasons for joining, be they pure or not, are irrelevant, for when she learned of Silas’s plans to kidnap my only child of pony origin for use as a bargaining chip, she showed where her true loyalty lay. Though she was unable to prevent the kidnapping, she was able to intercept the baby and had taken the child to a place she believed would be safe. The splinter group learned of her betrayal and extracted the location from her. From there they used scouts to track the baby to Ponyville. My guards and I then rescued Truth and destroyed the remains of the cell. From her telling me where Silas had gone, I came with all the speed I could. And here we are.”

Chrysalis finished with the barest hint of a flourish, which made Celestia suppress a scoff.

“A fascinating tale.” Celestia said. “But that doesn’t explain why Cadance has seen fit to pardon you. Especially since you must by now know that she has had a love child with your husband.”

Cadance blinked in confusion. “The baby isn’t Shining’s.”

Everyone save Chrysalis and Truth blinked in confusion. “What so you mean?” Celestia asked.

“The baby is mine.” Cadance said simply.

What followed probably looked a lot like that scene in 2001: Space Odyssey that everyone seems to know, even if they’ve never seen the movie.

“I’m sorry, what?” said Shining Armor after a time.

“The baby is mine and Chrysalis’s.” Cadance said like it was the simplest thing in the world.

“But… but how… I…” Shining found himself unable to figure out what the hay was happening. In desperation, he turned to Celestia. “Princess, you surely must have some idea of what’s happening, right?”

No response.


Celestia.exe has encountered an error. Processing. …But don’t get too hopeful.

“But two females can’t have a child.” Twilight said, staring at Chrysalis with a cross between suspicion and curiosity. “Right?”

Chrysalis simply raised her eyebrows suggestively.

“Allow me to explain.” Cadance said, clearing her throat. “A few months after the wedding, Chrysalis found me near the outskirts of the Empire. She was alone and near death and I could not bear to simply let her die. I nursed her back to health over the course of a few weeks and in that time I learned of her reasons for doing what she did. Her people were starving and suffering after a war with the southern changelings. She was left little option but to hatch a plan that was half made up on the go. She regretted everything and had come to apologize to me. After she regained her health we began meeting in secret for months and well, one thing led to another.”

Cadance trailed off, blushing hotly.

Luna actually had a bag of popcorn out at this point.

“I was feeling kinky one night and came to bed disguised as you.” Chrysalis said to Shining. “And well,” she grinned lasciviously. “All it take is one. How I love magic.”

“So, you got Cadance pregnant?!” Shining never thought such a thing was possible.

“She sure did.” Cadance said.

“Even though the baby is a hybrid of pony and Changeling, the pregnancy period would have been at least six or so months and Cadance would have looked pregnant as well.” Twilight said. “How did you hide it?”

“A mixture of illusion magic and Chrysalis occasionally taking my place.” Cadance said.

“I did fool you once.” Chrysalis said to Shining.

“I need a drink.” Shining said, going over to a punch bowl and sticking his entire head in.

“I have another question.” Twilight said.

“Ask away.”

“Why are your legs not, you know, holey?”

Chrysalis glanced at her legs and then back at Twilight. “You’re the bookworm, or so Cadance has told me, you figure it out.”

Twilight thought about it. “Well, when a changeling is malnourished, the body more or les eats itself to sustain the changeling until a food source can be found, hence the holes in the legs. But you had fed off of Shining a lot before the wedding, why the holes then?”

“Healing is a long process for wounds of that nature, even with a powerful source. Truth here is similar because thanks to Cadance and I being, well, friendly there was more than enough to go around the remaining hive. The only ones who did not partake were Silas and his ilk.”

“Speaking of the hive.” Cadance turned to face Chrysalis. “Have you told them?”

“Already named my successor. That’s why Silas wanted the baby, leverage.”

“What about Truth here?”

“She was looking after the baby with me at the hive. That’s how Silas’s little soldiers got to the kid in the first place, but kind of also how she got the baby back as well. I was going to send the baby with her to you anyway while I sorted out my affairs.”

Shining brought his head out of the punch bowl. “So that note was meant for Cadance.”

Chrysalis nodded.

Shining sighed and dunked his head back in.

“So you were relinquishing hold of the hive and going to live with Cadance?” Twilight asked.

“And Shining.” Chrysalis added. “I wasn’t just going to boot him out.”

“Wait a minute.” Shining said, pulling his head from the bowl of Berry-Punch-Punch. He began advancing on Cadance and Chrysalis, speaking while he moved. “You mean to tell me my wife has been having an affair with the changeling queen who impersonated her for her own wedding?”

Both Cadance and Chrysalis nodded.

“And you had a child together?”

Another pair of nods, although the pair looked a little uneasy.

“And while this has been going on, I have still been paying for the fact she fooled me into believing that she was you?”

They nodded again, looking a little frightened by Shining’s rather assertive demeanor.

“That’s it, we’re going home right now!” he put his left hoof around Chrysalis and his right around Cadance and began walking with them towards the door. “Oh, and guess what the pair of you will be doing! That’s right, making me some Celestia-damned corndogs because I’ve sure as Tartarus earned some.” he looked over his shoulder at Truth, who was standing there, staring. “Come on then, Truth right? We could always use a maid or something.”

Truth seemed to nod excitedly and the went over to Twilight who offered a smile and handed over the baby. Truth gently took the baby and smiled back at Twilight.

“I read your paper on the Elements of Harmony, loved it.” Truth said in a quiet, distinctly female voice, before she hurried to catch up with Shining, Cadance and Chrysalis.

Twilight watched them go, a smile on her features.

“I guess love can surprise you, huh princess.” Twilight said over her shoulder. Getting nothing in response, she turned around. “Princess?” she asked, looking at the seemingly frozen princess, a little worried.

Celestia.exe has processed the error.

Celestia blinked a few times and slowly sucked in a breath. Then, using the Royal Canterlot Voice, she shouted.


Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone who read this story and liked it. Also thanks to anyone who gave the story a down-vote but actually read it first.
Special thanks to bakki on DeviantArt who created the picture that inspired me.
Also thanks to Lauren Faust for giving us the greatest cartoon show intended for little girls.
Feel free to ask me any and all questions you might have and I'll try to answer them.
Until next time, this has been TheWraithWriter.