• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 19,304 Views, 791 Comments

If you have sex with a changeling that looks like your beloved and you didn’t know and you end up having a child together, does it count as cheating? - TheWraithWriter

Shining Armor finds out he has a bastard love child with the Queen of the Changelings. This can only end well.

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Late-Night Surprise

If you have sex with a changeling that looks like your beloved and you didn’t know and you end up having a child together, does it count as cheating?

Late-Night Surprise

Shining Armor woke to the sound of somepony rapping their hooves on the door. The Guardspony’s first thought was to ignore it and try to go back to sleep, but the rapping was repeated, more insistently this time.

Shining Armor looked over his shoulder at his wife’s sleeping form. He had hoped that perhaps she had woken up and he could feign sleep while she got the door, but no such luck.

Grumbling, Shining Armor got out of bed and trotted down stairs. As he approached the front door, he thought he heard a buzzing sound that quickly faded. Shrugging, he opened the door and looked out into the empty night.

“Damn foals,” he mumbled to himself.

He started to close the door, but before he could, Shining Armor heard a soft, innocent sound.

Looking down, he was greeted by the sight of a small bundle. Wrapped in blankets, there was a tiny, baby foal. The baby’s coat was white, much like Shining Armor’s, but had a slight pink tint. The baby’s mane was two very peculiar shades of teal, a bifurcation of dark and light and parted by a little curvy white horn. The baby’s small eyes were shiny and black.



Shining Armor felt his heart begin to seize up as the baby’s cuteness washed over him. The fact that the little thing was nibbling on a piece of paper did nothing to halt the stopping of his heart. But when he caught a glimpse of some writing on the paper, that was enough to delay a heart attack.

Shining Armor took the paper in his magical grasp and held it up before him. There was a single word written on the paper, in curvy lettering.


And a heart had been drawn next to it.

Underneath that was a lipstick mark, in the unmistakable shape of a pair of lips, almost as if somepony had kissed the paper.

And there was a scent coming off the paper. It wasn’t unpleasant, just the opposite in fact. The scent stirred something in Shining Armor. He could remember when he had smelled that particular scent before. It had been on Cadance in the weeks before the wedding. It always seemed strongest whenever she had been… in the mood.

Shining Armor could remember wondering why Cadance was so needy at the time, but had chalked it up to her being just as in love with him as he was with her.

At least, that’s how Shining Armor thought things had gone. That changeling queen had put him in a nasty fog for a while and his memories of the time were hazy.

Shining Armor glanced back down at the infant, cuteness once more threatening to stop his heart. And then his brain suddenly put a few things together and the result was comparable to a defibrillator shock.

Oh no, no, no, no, no! It can’t be! I couldn’t have - could I have - I don’t -!
Shining Armor took a deep breath and organized his thoughts.

Okay, so current evidence suggests I have had a bastard love child with the queen of the changelings. It’s fine, everything’s fine. I can get through this.

“Who was at the door?” asked a sleepy voice.

Shining Armor glanced over his shoulder and saw Cadance standing there, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

“Darling!” Shining Armor shouted, turning around and throwing his forelegs wide in an effort to hide the baby from her view.

“Huh?” Cadance said, confused by her husband’s behavior.

“Uh, nopony was at the door,” Shining Armor said quickly, not lowering his forelegs. “Nothing is here either,” he added.

Cadance brought a hoof to her mouth to suppress a yawn. “Really? Then who was knocking?”

“Uh, pranksters.”

Cadance wondered what Shining Armor was hiding. Her tired brain conjured up thoughts of secret gifts to placate her curiosity. Cadance accepted this as the truth. After all, Shining Armor seemed to always be trying to make up for the 'I thought that changeling was you' thing and he was terrible at hiding things from her.

Cadance smiled and said “Well, come back to bed then dear.”

“Uh, in a moment, I have to, er, get a glass of milk.”

“Well, alright, just don’t be too long.” and with that, Cadance turned and trotted back up the stairs, speculating the nature of Shining Armor’s secret gift.

As soon as he heard the bedroom door close, Shining Armor turned his attention back to the baby and promptly began hyperventilating while telling himself to remain calm.

He then did the most logical thing he could think of. He wrote a note saying that Twilight had just sent an urgent letter for him to go to Ponyville, picked up the baby and Chrysalis’s note, and ran as fast as his legs would carry him to train station.

Since he needed to be there faster than was normally possible, Shining Armor roused the conductor of what was known as the Ludicrous Train. The metal monstrosity was just like a regular train save it had numerous rockets strapped to it and was painted plaid.

The train rocketed out of the station at a ferocious speed that nearly topped Shining Armor over in his seat. It soon leveled out though and Shining Armor was able to comfortably rest in his seat.

He cradled the baby, who was now asleep and snoring softly, and wondered how on the hay he was going to deal with this situation. But he soon remembered that he had been asleep when this started and the urge to close his eyes was strong.

A few minutes of eye rest can’t hurt. Shining Armor thought to himself.

Soon after closing his eyes, Shining Armor was lying on his back on the train’s ludicrously comfortable seats, snoring, with the baby cuddled against his chest.

(Now if that scene doesn’t make you go ‘awww’ you have no soul.)

Author's Note:

Just decided that the image needed a story to go with it.
Let me know what you think of it.