• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 1,503 Views, 29 Comments

It's Not If, It's When. It Just Ain't Now. - Bysen

Applejack thinks it's about time she tells everypony she and Fluttershy have been dating for a month.

  • ...


The day had gone about as well as AJ thought it would. As she predicted, Dash flipped out, Pinkie had offered to throw them a coming-out party and Rarity and Twilight had both made some snooty unicorn ‘I told you so’ comment before Fluttershy proceeded to tear them both a new one. In a strange way everything had happened as AJ thought, but differently.

While AJ thought that Fluttershy was closer to Rarity than Dash, Dash’s opinion seemed to mean more to her than Rarity’s. They had known each other for longer after all. Pinkie, while as cheery as ever did have the briefest moment of sadness when Fluttershy had told her she had a special somepony. They’d told both Rarity and Twilight at the same time and AJ hadn’t really been paying attention to Twilight’s initial reaction as Rarity seemed a lot more shocked than either expected and then went on about how Fluttershy must’ve been eyeing her up on all their visits to the spa.

AJ wasn’t sure if it was a joke or not but it brought up something that she didn’t know about Fluttershy. Fluttershy told them that she didn’t actually find mares attractive and didn’t even find Applejack physically attractive either. She loved her for who she was. It had hurt AJ for the briefest of moments before she’d finished, then it made her heart swell with pride. It also helped that afterwards she added that AJ was objectively attractive by social standards, sounding more like Twilight in doing so. To which both unicorns shrugged in nervous agreement.

As bad as it had been, it wasn’t that bad at all. They’d all accepted it and really AJ hadn’t expected them not to. She even knew Dash would come around sooner or later. But right now she was back with her family, at the dinner table preparing to eat. And so was Fluttershy. This was her chance to meet her family. They’d obviously all met before but this was different.

Granny Smith wasn’t one to break tradition easily. Which made it all the more delicious that she’d made one of her famous pies again tonight even though they’d just had one yesterday. AJ hadn’t spoken with her this morning but it turned out Big Mac was right. Granny Smith may not like it, but if Fluttershy made her gran-daughter happy, then she was happy and would treat her as a welcome guest to the farm. Of course she still made a few comments that both AJ and Fluttershy found untasteful over the last few hours since they’d arrived together.

They were about to sit down, the same places on the table as always, only with an extra seat for Fluttershy by AJ’s side. As Big Mac passed around plates with a slice of pie to each pony at the table starting with Granny Smith, the head of the household, there was a knock a the door. Big Mac was closer to the door but still had a plate in each hoof so AJ took the lead “Ah’ll get it, you just keep serving up suppa.” she said, excusing herself and heading off.

As AJ opened the door, “Hey Applejack.” Rainbow Dash said solemnly. “I’d like to apologise for what I did earlier… I guess I kinda lost my head.”

“That’s awfully nice of ya Rainbow Dash. But what ya said taday, what ya did too. It hurt ya know. And not just me. I think Fluttershy valued what you thought’a her the most.” AJ said before a long awkward silence between them. AJ could tell Dash was ashamed of what she’d done but it didn’t change that she’d done it. She turned and looked past Dash. “Hey Scootaloo.” she said to the filly barely hidden behind a fence paling.

Dash sighed. “Is she still following me?” and immediately hated her choice of words as he turned around to see Scootaloo walking out from behind the post. As much as Dash didn’t want to be around her right now, she also knew that she could’ve just flown away and lost Scootaloo at any time today. But she didn’t. And Scootaloo knew it as well.

“Hey AJ. Hey… Rainbow…” Scootaloo said as she walked towards the two. As she stepped up beside Dash, Big Mac stepped up beside AJ.

“Heya you two. Think ya picked a bit of a time to come by, we’re just sitting down fur supper.” he said, his stoic face giving the impression of ‘piss off’ before adding “Care ta join us?” damn he's unreadable...

“I don’t know Mac.” Dash said, trying to think of an excuse not to. She didn’t know if Big Mac was oblivious to the tension in the air or just trying to remove it. “I’d hate to impose. I should probably take Scootaloo back to her house too.”

“Uh Scootaloo’s walked home tonsa times from this place. And the offer where ta her too.” he said as he walked off to prepare two more plates at the table, leaving AJ standing there with Dash and Scootaloo.

“Well ya coming in or not?” she asked. Much more cheerfully than the last conversation had been.

“Ya alright. But there better be some cider somewhere.”

“Heh, don’t chu worry none, ah’ll go grab a batch.” AJ said as Dash and Scootaloo walked in past her before she closed the door and went into the kitchen. Dash got to the table in time for Big Mac to have just set up an extra two seats.

“What’s Scootaloo doin’ here? I Thought I where grounded, n’ couldn’t have none’a my friends over.” Applebloom asked. “This mean I ain’t grounded now?”

“You’re still grounded little missy.” Granny Smith pointed out. “But Scootaloo’s our guest tonight, ain’t that right Macintosh?”


“Thank you ma’am.” Scootaloo said, trying to act like what she thought the old mare wanted from her as she took her seat beside Applebloom and Dash took hers beside Big Mac. “So, what’d you get grounded for this time?”

“I’m not sure I should say. Ain’t my place ta yell ya is all.”

“It’s alright A.B.” Dash said as she was about to take a bite of her slice of pie, until Big Mac cleared his throat and gave her a slight nudge. This was the Apple’s house after all and not all of them where even present, let alone said grace yet, like she knew these ponies did. “I already told her about Fluttershy and you’re sister. She’s cool with it.”

“’A.B.’? I ain’t never been called that before.”

“Really? Well I call your sister AJ all the time and I used to call your brother BM until I found out what it means… now I only call him that behind his back.” Dash said with a wicked grin. Applebloom wasn’t quite sure if she was joking. Neither was AJ, who had just returned with a small cask on her back. A good batch. Non-alcoholic, due to present company’s age, but a good batch all the same. The kind of stuff they saved for special occasions. And Granny Smith took notice of that.

“So, Rainbow Dash… you a filly-fooler too?”

“Shut your mouth Granny!” AJ shouted as she put the cask onto the table with a thumb.

“What was that missy?” Granny Smith replied, taken aback by AJ’s tone. “Y’oughta show a little respect fur yer elders in this house.”

“No! You ought show some respect in this house! Now ah don’t care what ya say ‘bout me, but ah won’t stand by and have ya say nothing bad ‘bout none’a my friends! Y’understand?!” AJ said sternly as she stood behind her seat, frowning at Granny Smith. “Whether she is or isn’t ain’t none'a our business.”

“Thanks for that AJ.” Dash replied before turning to granny smith “No, I’m not.”

“I weren’t makin’ an accusation or nothin’.” Granny Smith said to Dash. “Sorry if it sounded that way to ya.”

“That’s a might better Granny. And Dash, I believe you said something to me back at the door,”

“AJ… I’m not sure I wanna say it.”

“Shoot. An apology ain’t an apology if ya ain’t willing to tell ponies you’re sorry. Ah’m sure Fluttershy’ld like ta hear it as much as ah did.” AJ said with a smile. She wanted to just get it out of the way and clear the air so they could eat a nice dinner in piece as friends and family. And both in Fluttershy’s case.

“That’s just it AJ. I said I was sorry to you. I’m not sorry to Fluttershy.” Dash said. She heard AJ scoff and Fluttershy meekly squeak as she just looked down at her plate and began to fill a cup of cider. “Look… I said I was sorry for beating you and yelling at you. But that doesn’t change how I feel about you two being together. I don’t like it.”

“Amen ta that sister.” added Applebloom getting a cold stare from everypony else, expect Dash who was still looking down at her plate. Ashamed at what she’d just said. “Ah still can’t believe ma sister’s a filly-foo…”

“Everypony hush up!” demanded Big Mac. “Now ah don’t want no fighting and bickering at our table tanight. Granny Smith here spent the last coupla hours making this here gorgeous pie and ah intend ta eat it while it’s still warm. Ah’m even getting the smallest piece with you extra guests, so ah wanna have what ah got all the sooner. So… would anypony like ta say grace before we eat?”

Dash just sighed as AJ volunteered to speak.

Author's Note:

'To which both unicorns shrugged in nervous agreement' now I'm not saying there's some Twi/rity going on there but... there's some Twi/rity going on there.

Again, there shouldn't be a sigma on just asking if...