It's Not If, It's When. It Just Ain't Now.

by Bysen

First published

Applejack thinks it's about time she tells everypony she and Fluttershy have been dating for a month.

Fluttershy and Applejack are coming up on their one month anniversary and Fluttershy thinks it's about time they tell everypony about themselves. They know their friends will accept them but AJ's a little worried. Mostly because a while ago their friends had come up with some stupid idea that AJ and Rainbow Dash had been seeing each other and that hadn't ended well.
Also Scoota/Dash friendshipping. And just a head up, the Scoota/Dash story takes over towards the end.

New chapter ever Saturday! Completed!

This is a prequel to Happy Anniversary Sug and by prequel I mean flashback chapter that was never published due to quality control and it didn't necessarily fit in. Since then I've fixed it up and it's much better than it was. [and about twice as long]


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It had been another peaceful day together. They’d spent a few full days with one another now. Not nearly enough for Fluttershy but maybe to many for Applejack. It wasn’t that she disliked being with Fluttershy. She’d just never seen herself being with a mare before now. She’d had her own stigmas against homosexuals and the whole ‘AppleDash’ thing her friends had come up with didn’t help out either. “So Applejack, you know, it’s our um… anniversary tomorrow.”

“It is?”

“Yes. We’ve been seeing one another for nearly a month now.”

“Ah suppose we have. It’s flown by so quickly. Wish it felt longer.”

“I was wondering, if it’s ok with you that is, if we could… maybe… tell everypony about us.” Fluttershy managed to squeak out. She’d put all her will into not freezing up while asking. As scared as she was, she was just as thrilled at the thought of letting her friends know how happy had been the last month with Applejack. And hopefully, how happy Applejack was with her.

“Ah’m not sure Sug. Don’t quite think it’s a good idea. Ah mean, they all thought me and Rainbow Dash where already tagether. You saw how Dash reacted ta that. Don’t think she’d react too kindly ta this here neither.” it wasn’t a lie but she felt like it was; pretending to be considering Dash’s feelings when really she was just horrified what they’d think. Even if they’d said they accepted her when they thought she was just closeted and in denial. After what she and Dash had been put through though, to turn around and just say ‘Eeyup, you were right, I’m bent.’ just felt so unnatural.

“O-ok, maybe we can tell them on another time. If we’re still together in another month, would you consider it then?”

“Don’t say that Fluttershy. It ain’t a matter of ‘if’, it’s a matter of ‘when’. It just ain’t now is all.” Applejack said reassuring her. This time though, there wasn’t the slightest bit of untruth. She loved Fluttershy, she knew it deep down that she did. All she had to do now was get over her fear. And possibly her family.


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It was rule they’d set for her ages ago, that Applebloom couldn’t start dating until she got her Cutie Mark. While it had never been an issue before now, Sweetie Belle had started going out with some colt named Button Mash. Naturally, Applebloom had started thinking about dating as well. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you asked, there wasn’t really anypony she liked all that much. Instead she turned her focus on her elder siblings.

“Come on sis!” Applebloom continued on yapping on as they all sat by the table eating their dinner. It was a the the end of the week so Granny Smith had made one of her famous pies as usual, and even though Applejack had already finished her piece, she stayed at the table as always to be polite. “I set Big Mac up, let me do the same fer you!” Applebloom continued.

The filly wanted to set AJ up with some stallion, and most likely already had and was now just trying to get her to go along with whoever it was. AJ didn’t have the heart to tell her little sister that Cheerliee’s ‘It’s just not ethical to date the brother of one of my students. But once you graduate, I’ll ask him out.’ was basically her turning down to Big Mac.

“Ah don’t need ma little sister intaferen with ma love life. Ah should choose whoever ah wanna be with,” Applejack paused for a moment, trying to think of the right words to use here. “Not ta have my family choose who ah should be seeing for me.” was what she came up with. It stated her point but didn’t suggest anything. Really though, she had no reason to fear. She had no idea how any of her family really felt about couplings like this, she just assumed the worst.

She hated when other ponies made assumptions about her family just because they were farmers. Cousin-humping, racist, homophobes. Problem was, she was making one of those assumptions herself. She didn’t really like ‘filly-foolers’ until this had started this but she didn’t really mind them either. If she had weighed her opinion of them just one month ago, it would’ve been negative. If only slightly, but negative none the less.

“Well how do you know I won’t choose somepony you wouldn’t like.”

“Would it happen ta be Caramel?”

“Um… not no more it’s not.”

“Well ah say ya do it missy!” Granny Smith said, slapping the table with a hoof. “Don’t think ah’ve ever even seen ya with a colt. My day ah’da loved ta have the pick of the litter like you do. This here town where a lot smaller then it is now, barely a single other pony moved here ‘til ah where already your age and ah never even had a date until ah where nearly thirty. Didn’t meet yer granpa ‘til ah where twice your age. So ah say get out there!”

Applejack sighed a little, Granny Smith had given that same speech to Big Mac a couple of years ago. She was right though, well mostly. “Ah can’t.”

“Oh hush now. No reason fer you ta worry none. If it takes time away from the farm your brother can handle things. And if you’re worried about the las’ time… well you’re smarter now. You know how ta make sure it don’ happen twice. Shouldn’t let it take control’a ya.” Granny Smith said, clearly talking about her great-gran-daughter’s conception.

Applejack was a little worried that Applebloom may ask what Granny Smith was talking about, but she’d probably learnt her lesson, considering how she’d been scolded the last time she’d ask Applejack about her first coltfriend.“It ain’t that. It’s just, ah’m already seeing somepony.”

“REALLY!?!?!?” screamed Applebloom, startling all three of the others around the table. “Who?! Ya gotta tell me who it is!”

“Thought so.” Big Mac said with a small smirk. He’d noticed how his sister had been going off a bit more than usual and how happy she looked a few times over the last few weeks.

“Ain’t ganna say.” Applejack bluntly said.

“So yur going out with somepony, but you won’t say who? I don’t believe ya sis. You ain’t really seein’ no pony.”

“Hush up now Applebloom.” Granny Smith defended. She had to admit it was a little strange Applejack would say she was seeing a colt but not say who. Also that she’d kept it a secret. It could’ve just never come up or only been going on a short time or something. It was a little mean but Granny Smith decided to tease AJ a little. “That’s good ta hear Applejack! Should get a ring on his hoof before he escapes, you ain’t getting any younger and trust me, ya don’t wanna wait ‘til you were as old as I was when I settled down. Almost missed my time fer having kids maself it took so long!”

“Eww….” Applebloom said. She knew full well how that stuff worked. Granny Smith just chuckled at her reaction, though mostly because she had hoped to get the reaction from Applejack instead. But Applejack had been completely sombre about it.

“Ah don’t think that’s ganna happen, Granny. It ain’t that kinda relationship.”

“Oh ah see, it’s that kind of relationship. Well no wonder ya didn’t tell us.” Granny Smith said, again joking, but hoping she’d get some real info as a response. And she did.

“No! It ain’t that either… it’s complicated.” Applejack paused. It was true but saying ‘it’s complicated’ was a stupid thing to do and so cliché. She’d gone this far, she might as well just say it. “I really love her.”

“Wellen if ya love ‘em then why don’t you put a ring on ‘em?” Granny Smith said. It lifted AJ’s hope that her family didn’t care that she was seeing another mare.

“’Her’?” asked Applebloom. “You said ya really love ’her’

“Yeah, ya did.” added Granny Smith questoningly, and AJ’s heart sank back down to where it was before. “You saying you’re seeing a filly?” she asked with a dash of sour in her tone. Felt more like a whole lemon full of sour to AJ though.

“Ah, ah am.”

“Yur a filly-fooler?” asked Applebloom, disgustedly. “That’s gross! Nasty even!”

“Watch yur mouth Applebloom!” AJ replied, looking to Granny Smith to see if she would defend her too, but the look she was giving AJ; she was most likely thinking the same thing. AJ then turned to Big Mac who as always was expressionless and probably trying to stay out of the conversation. She turned back to Granny Smith. “I’m seeing a mare. Been doing so fer a month now and we've even gone on four dates together. And I’m really likin’ on her.”

“Four dates? That’s more than three… so does that mean that you and her…?” Applebloom asked but AJ ignored the question. The answer was no, but not answering made Applebloom think it was yes. Granny Smith thought so too.

“S’that rainbow maned one ain’t it? Ah can see how she’s been ‘round you and ‘round everypony else fur that matter.”

Wow… another pony assuming ‘AppleDash’… “No, it ain’t her Granny. It’s Fluttershy. My friend, the yellow pegasus.”

“Fluttershy’s a filly-fooler too? But she always seemed so… nice…” Applebloom said.

“Now what’s that gotta do with her being nice or not?”

“Filly-foolers are evil! It’s like a scientifical fact or something! I don’t think yur really a filly-fooler, yur not evil… most the times anyway. You should be 'shamed. How am I ganna show my face ‘round school if Diamond Tiara or Silverspoon, or anypony fer that matter find out ‘bout this?! Ya ever think what ya doing ta us?”

“That’s enough outta you Applebloom! What ah’m doing is nothin’ to be ashamed of. And ah ain’t doing anything to you!” AJ exclaimed, thinking ‘What about what you’re doing ta me right now?’

“Ain’t nothing ta be proud of neither.” added Granny Smith. Applejack wouldn’t admit it before, but maybe it wasn’t. “Ever since we got a black princess we been getting all these gay rights and socialised hoof-care!”

Double wow… AJ had scolded herself for thinking about her family stereotypically and then her granny pulls the black princess card. There was no chance anymore that Granny Smith had just not understood it because of the sudden revolution that her gran-daughter was gay. No, now it was clear she was fully against it. “Ah… ah… may ah be excused.” AJ said as she got up and started to leave the room.

“My day we didn’t have none of this fuss of mares being with mares. It where a stallion with a mare and nothing else…“ Granny sniped as AJ walked away. Biggest wow… not a minute or two ago, Granny Smith had been complaining about how she had so few options with dating and how AJ was lucky to have so many to choose from. The irony hurt and she derived no humour from it.


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AJ went right to bed. It was early in the night still, even by her standard of going to sleep early to wait up near dawn. And as cliché as she thought it was, she couldn’t sleep. She simply cried. It had to have been hours, two or three at the least. She’d heard them talking for a few minutes after she left but could only make out the occasional shouts that Applebloom made. An hour or so after that they’d all gone to sleep as well. Now it was just quiet and eventually, AJ fell asleep too.

She wasn’t asleep for very long though. Or maybe she was, she had no idea what time it was. It just didn’t feel like very long. She couldn’t remember exactly what she’d dreamt about, just that it hadn’t been pleasant. And that was made all too clear when she realised she was already crying; it had been what woke her up. She hadn’t felt this bad in years, what she wanted to do now, she’d done a few times in the past.

The last time that wasn even remotely close to how she felt now was during the ‘AppleDash’ thing and that had only been because she was hurt her friends wouldn’t believe her. Before that, the time she had to drop out of school when Granny Smith had just become too old to work the farm anymore, even though she’d worked far past what she should’ve already by then. And once before, for no real reason… she’d just been depressed and she didn’t know what about. What she’d always done was go into Applebloom’s room, crawl into bed with her and hug her until she fell asleep. And cry.

Appleboom had done the same a few times coming into AJ’s bed, but out of fear, not sadness. She was just a little filly after all and got scared sometimes. But AJ couldn’t do that now… Applebloom was part of thing causing this. What AJ did instead of that, she hadn’t done since before Applebloom was even born.

“Big Mac?” she whisper as she opened the door to his room just enough to speak threw it. The same but with her big brother instead. She hadn’t done this since she was smaller than Applebloom was now. When she had been just a scared little filly herself and didn’t want to be alone in her dark room. Though it felt like she was a scared little filly now. She didn’t know how he felt about her relationship with Fluttershy. He’d kept quiet during the whole argument.

He yawned as she woke him. “What time is it AJ?”

“Ah’m sorry big bro. Could ah come in?” she asked, still standing outside his room speaking through the only slightly cracked door.

“O’course ya can.”

“Thanks” AJ said as she opened the door, walked in and closed it behind her. She went over and stood beside him as he sat up on his bed. “Big Mac… do you hate me too?”

“Don’t you be stupid. Ah don’t hate cha. None’a us do.”

“Oh come on now… ya heard what they said about me. I’m dating a mare for the love of Celestia… and, and ah’m ashamed’a it. Ah don’t know what made me think y’all wouldn’t be ‘shamed of me too.”

“Ah ain’t ashamed of you sis… ah’m proud o’ you. It musta took a lot ta tell us, ah’m sure.”

“Thank you Big Mac.” AJ sighed and she took a seat on the edge of the bed. She wasn’t scared anymore at least, but she was still just as depressed. “Have you ever… been with another colt.”

“Nope. Not at all. Never.” Big Mac said as she raised a hoof to his mouth and coughed “Caramel” then coughed once more.

AJ wasn’t sure it was a joke or not but it didn’t really matter. That wasn’t what she took away from him saying that. “Ya see? You are ashamed of it. I don’t know if that were true or not but ya still denied it. Ya clearly ashamed of it, ain’t cha?”

“Well, ah am ah guess.” Big Mac said before putting a hoof on his sister’s shoulder. “But ah don’t think you are. You said ya loved her didn’t ya? Ya wouldn’ta said that if you weren’t proud of it. Tell me that ya ain’t proud ta say you love Fluttershy.”

“Ah do… and… ah am.” AJ blushed as she looked away from him. Then returned to him and with a smile said “Tomorrow’s our one month anniversary. She wants ta tell all our friends. But ah don’t think I’m that proud of it. One of them will flip out, another will just wanna throw us a coming-out party and the other two’ll just say ‘called it’. And that’s the best case situation. What Applebloom said… she…”

“She’s just a filly. Going off’a school-yard talk and teasin’. You know she don’t really think you’re evil don't ya?”

“Yur right, ah know, but still… ah can guarantee she’ll be following me around all tomorrow now anyway.”

“No she won’t. She’s grounded. Ah understand she don’t know what she where talkin’ about but she said a thing that went just a bit too far and she’d grounded fer a few days.”

“That she could even say something about me…” AJ sighed. “Wha’did she say that ya grounded her for?”

“Ah didn’t ground her. Granny did.” Big Mac said as he moved his hoof from her shoulder to around her neck and pulled her into a hug. “She may not be happy with what ya chose but she ain’t ganna let that get in the way of being ya family. You know ‘swell as ah do that no matter what you did she would stand up fer ya and would never stop lovin’ ya. Neither would ya sister or brother.”

“You, ya mean it?” AJ asked, tearing up once more. She didn’t need an answer. She felt the same way about all three of them. Maybe even the four of them, because she loved Fluttershy just as much. She returned the hug.

“’Course ah mean it sis.” he said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Now if ya don’t mind, ah gotta get back ta sleep. We both got a busy day tomorrow. Ah gotta harvest the south-west field. And you gotta tell all ya friends about you and Fluttershy.” he proclaimed with pride.

“Thank ya bro. But could ah stay here fer the night?” AJ asked, falling back onto the bed beside Big Mac, not needing to wait for his answer.

“Sure thing AJ.” he said as he threw the blanket over her and lay back down himself. He put a hoof over her and closed his eye as he let his head sink into his pillow. She fidgeted a little in the bed before rolling over to face him.

“Um… Big Mac… is that a flash-light ah can feel…” AJ paused, thinking it would be in really bad taste to say ‘or are you just happy to see me?’ and instead said “or should ah get out of this bed right now?”

Big Mac pulled away, though his face remained blank as usual, with the slight inkling he was nervous that only somepony who knew him as well as AJ did would be able to notice from her brother’s stoic face. She was about he get out of the bed when Big Mac reach down and pulled out a flash-light. “It gets dark sometimes, ya know…” he said.

AJ just laughed… “It was hard to think that such a big stallion like you could be scared of anything.” She sighed as she got back to being comfortable in her brothers hooves once more before they fell asleep together.


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She’d slept so well last night. Woken up nice and late in the day. No work today. Today was going to be awesome! Rainbow Dash could tell. Plan for the day: Fly around, find comfortable cloud, perform tricks until passed out on said cloud, repeat, ????, awesome! She was resting on the best cloud she’d found, laying on her back legs and tail flopped over the side as she lay there.

“Um… Rainbow Dash. Are you awake?”

“I am now. What’s sup Flut?” Dash replied without moving off the cloud as Fluttershy flew up beside her.

“What?! Oh, ‘Flut’, I thought you called me… never mind. I um… I need to talk with you, I mean, if you’re not busy. If you are, we can…”

“Na, I’m just resting. We? “ Dash asked as she got up and looked down past the cloud to see Applejack looking up from the ground. “Hey AJ.”

“Howdy.” AJ called back as Dash jumped off the cloud and plummeted towards the ground. She just flapped her wings a few times at the last moment and come to near stop before hitting the ground with a stomp. It was the type of thing that would’ve horrified any pony who didn’t know Dash and her ways. Even though Dash knew AJ was used to her style she had hoped to get a little bit of fright out of her. Instead she looked dead serious… then completely calm, then… nervous?

“I’ll be right down… wait, meant ta say that sooner.” Dash said trying to gauge what was happening to AJ with her joke. She didn’t get anything though. “So what’s up?” she asked as Fluttershy came to a gentle landing beside AJ.

“We, uh, have some news for ya Raindow. You’ll be the first of our friends we told. Not that we meant ta tell you first, just that we found ya first ah mean.” Applejack said and Dash could tell she was nervous, stumbling over her own words.

“We’re together.” Fluttershy spoke up.

“Ya, I can see that, now what where ya going ta tell me?” Dash replied, missing what Fluttershy had really meant.

“What she means ta say Dash, is… we’re together. A couple.” AJ added and had the statement backed up by Fluttershy giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. They both then looked at Dash who was staring at them in turn. She didn’t expect this. Her friend’s had been half right, Twilight, Rarity... and Fluttershy! She’d accepted that her friends had made an assumption about her and was over it, seems they now knew the truth and had learnt it the hard way!

But, that Fluttershy had accused her of ‘being that way’ as she had put it and now was that way herself. It hurt just like it had then. Wait… maybe, “You’re not gay Fluttershy! I, I can’t believe you AJ!”

“Calm down RD, ah ain’t doing this ta hurtchu or nothing.”

“Calm down? Hurt me!? How the hell could you do this to Fluttershy!? You wanna test it out so you try it on the one pony who wouldn’t say no? That’s horrible! That’s down right evil!” Dash screamed as she was shut up by AJ smacking her across the face.

“Don’t you dare say something like that! I would never harm her like that. Ah ain’t e-evil…” AJ stammered as she trailed off. She knew Dash was wrong and just saying what she’d said out of hurt and ignorance but AJ had now been called evil by two of the ponies she cared most about. She just hated that the ones she cared for, cared so little for her. She didn’t have much time to think about it though before Dash returned a blow of her own, much harder than AJ had hit Dash. Dash had seriously hit her, knocking her in Fluttershy’s direction.

AJ fell into Fluttershy slightly dazed before returning to her hoof just to be knocked down again. This time she fell in the opposite direction and Fluttershy wasn’t there to catch her. “Get up!” Dash yelled. “Get up now! We’re going at it! You understand!? YOU UNDERSTAND!!!”

Applejack slowly got to her hooves once more. She didn’t want to fight but she didn’t want to stay on the ground either. She was wobbling slightly; not so much from being hit but how she felt about being hit by her friend. Dash hesitated to strike her again but eventual raised a hoof to go again. Fluttershy jumped in front of AJ and Dash froze.

“She isn’t using me Dash! I, I…” Fluttershy stammered as Dash lowered to hoof back to the ground. “I love her.”

Dash stared at Fluttershy. She hadn’t been wrong… Fluttershy had just been tricked! “No she’s using you! How did she do it? What did she say to you? Just walk up to you and say she wanted you or something? Are you really that naïve?!”

“I was the one who asked her!” Fluttershy yelled back at Dash.

But… why? Why had Fluttershy made up those rumours then? Dash couldn’t figure it out. She didn’t have time to either. She had to go… somewhere. Just somewhere. Anywhere! Not here! She took off, pushing pasted Fluttershy and Applejack both as she did, before pulling up and soaring into the sky. “Why the hell would you say that stuff about me and her if you where?... ARGH!!!” she screamed to nopony. She was alone all the way up here and could scream as loud as she wanted.

Or so she thought. They could hear her. Only just, making out every second or third word but they got the idea. Dash was angry, confused and hurt. Just as much as Applejack was.


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Dash was exhausted. She’d been flying hard, doing anything to not think about it but nothing seemed to work. She couldn’t see her friends, if she did she’d have to tell them about it. Worse yet, she’d have to tell them how she’d over-reacted. She knew she had now. That Fluttershy had asked out AJ and that she’d accused AJ of being so horrible to one of her friends for personal gain. Then again, Fluttershy hadn’t been much better in that regard. Dash didn’t think any of her friends, or even herself for that matter, could’ve said no to Fluttershy if she had asked them out. At least not without hating themselves for declining her.

Dash was slumped in a tree near Sweet Apple Acres. She planned on apologizing when she saw them. Back then, Dash had hated it when her friends had called her gay, and though AJ didn’t show it as much she hated it too. This must’ve been hard for her. But it had been Fluttershy that had said it about them to begin with. Dash just couldn’t figure out why on Equestria she would say that and then just flip-flop on it.

She wanted to talk to somepony about this but she couldn’t think of whom. Rarity and Twilight said they believed her but Dash knew they still thought she was just in the closet. At least that’s what Dash thought about them, though they actually genuinely believed her. Obviously AJ and Fluttershy were out of the question. For now at least. Which only left Pinkie Pie. However, when she’d gone to Sugercube Corner to see her; those two had just arrived. They were telling all their friends… it made Dash feel all the worse about how she’d yelled at them over it. She wished that yelling had been the worst thing she did to them.

“Hey! Rainbow Dash!” called Scootaloo as she jumped in excitement having finally found her. “You busy doing anything?”

“I’m busy sleeping… does that count?” Dash yawned as she leapt from the tree. “Sup kiddo?” this was exactly what she needed to get her mind off of those two.

“Nothing. I’m bored as hay! Applebloom’s grounded for something and I don’t know what.”

“Bet I can guess…” Dash said under her breathe.

“And Sweetie Belle’s with her coltfriend.” this was news to Dash; that Rarity’s sister was dating already. She was what, eight? Nine? She couldn’t even use magic yet. Same age as Scootaloo who Dash knew was nine. “Got nopony to hang out with today so I was wondering if I could hang out with you?”

Dash, as aloof as she always pretended to be replied “Gee, I don’t know. Sure you couldn’t just spend time with some of ya other friends?” knowing she’d get something like ‘None of my other friends are as cool as you’ that she needed to hear right now to regain some composure on herself.

“I don’t really have any other friends.” well… that backfired… definitely not what Dash had wanted to hear. Not that Scootaloo sounded sad about it, she had said it more matter-of-fact-idly.

“Guilt trip huh? Fine, I guess we can hang. So whadya wanna do sport?”

Sport sounds fun” Scootaloo replied thinking her nickname was a suggestion, then noticing what she’d just said and hoping Dash hadn’t. “But we could just talk and stuff. Got any new tricks?”

“Na, only been perfecting my old stuff lately. I can show ya that if ya want.”

“Totally!” she yell-plied.

Dash spent the next hour or so showing off what she could do, high above Sweet Apple Acres. Scootaloo was standing on a cloud that Dash had dumped her on, watching awe-struck as Dash performed her routine. Scootaloo couldn’t fly but she could glide down easy enough. Or so she said. Dash was worried at first and had kept an eye on her just in case but after a while started to let her guard down.

Eventually Dash got to the point where she had been before Scootaloo arrived and remember why she had been resting in a tree. See finished her last trick: a double Skid McMarks followed by a R.Y.N.O. before landing on the one of the clouds near Scootaloo. It was about ten meters above the one the filly was on and Dash slumped her head over the side looking down at her friend, exhausted.

“That was amazing! I’ve only ever seen one pegasus do 15 consecutive barrel rolls before!” Scootaloo yelled up at her idol. “Let’s go get lunch or something!”

“Na, I’m tired. I’ma just rest and relax for a bit.”

“Alright. But could you come down here?”

“Why don’t you come up here?” Dash said cockily before noticing what she had actually said. Scootaloo couldn’t fly and she’d just rubbed it in after performing stuff that the filly could only dream about. “I mean… uh, yeah, I’m coming down.” Dash said as she got up from her back and stood on the cloud.

“Na, that’s alright.” Scootaloo said as she took a leap off the cloud and flapped her wings. She hung in the air for a second before falling. Dash almost jumped from her cloud to catch her but didn’t need to. Scootaloo could glide easy enough it turned out and even managed to stop falling all together a few times but never was able to gain any altitude as she slowly descended to the ground. She landed about a minute and a half later and though Dash was easily 50 meters off the ground she could see Scootaloo’s face, scrunched up in anger.

Dash hopped of her cloud and fell in the same way she had earlier on in front of AJ, just catching air in her wings at the last second, falling for barely six seconds before landing.

“I thought I had it that time! I THOUGHT I HAD IT!!!” Scootaloo yelled. She tried so hard to do it, to impress her idol. But no, she still couldn’t do it. “Why can’t I fly!?”

“Hey, it’s alright Scoots. You’ll learn when you’re bigger. Not every pegasus can fly at your age anyway.”

“Don’t call me ‘Scoots’! And I’ve seen foals… new born foals who can f-fly…” Scootaloo sobbed, facing away from Dash, not letting her see her cry. She wouldn’t let anypony see it. EVER!!! Ever again...

“Come on Scootaloo, I’m serious. I know a pegasus who couldn’t fly ‘til they were like two years older than you. And besides, Sweetie Belle still can’t use magic and you don’t see her crying about it.” Dash thought saying ‘crying about it’ may have been the wrong phrase but it was a common phrase after all.

“No… YOU don’t see her crying about it. I see it sometimes. Those two losers Snips and Snails can both use magic. And who the hay did you know who couldn’t fly? You went to that flight school at my age. Everypony there had to fly!”

“Fluttershy. She… she…” and then it came back to her. Dash had tried not to think about those two and had succeeded since Scootaloo had shown up. But now they’d come flooding back. And it felt all the worse now because of what she’d just done to Scootaloo. “Look, Scootaloo. I didn’t mean anything by what I said.”

“What? But you were… you were saying it was alright that I couldn’t fly? It’s… not al-alright?” Scootaloo sobbed once more. Now apparently even Dash thought there was something wrong with her.

“That’s not what I… I mean… I’m sorry ok? I didn’t mean to insult you or anything. I just didn’t think when I said it. And I’m sorry… to all of you.”

“All of me? I don’t…”

“I just mean that…” Dash sighed before adding “I got into a fight with some of my friends. And I was trying to forget about it. But what you’re going through… it reminds me of what happened to her and what the others at the flight school said to her for it. And what some jerks said about me. And… what I said to her this morning.”

“You got in a fight with Fluttershy? What did she do?”

“She didn’t do anything. Not really. I just… over-reacted. To something that doesn’t even involve me! And I beat up AJ too.”

“You beat her up?! What happened?” yelled Scootaloo. She knew AJ and Dash competed a lot and they even threw a few punches from time to time in good nature. But to fully beat her up? “Really Rainbow Dash. What happened? You wouldn’t do that unless it was something serious! I know you wouldn’t.”

“Yeah well, maybe I would. It wasn’t for nothing but, it wasn’t for anything either. It, it’s complicated and I don’t think…” Dash stopped herself. She knew Scootaloo hated being treated like a little foal and being told she wouldn’t understand, and she probably could help. “Screw it, Applebloom would probably've told you soon enough anyway. Applejack… is gay.”

“Gay? As in a filly-fooler? Not just like slang for lame. Actually gay?” Scootaloo knew what Dash wasn't the type to throw words around like that so she was pretty sure Dash meant it but still wanted to be make sure. Dash nodded and Scootaloo felt something terrible: disappointment in her idol. “You beat her up because she’s gay? I didn’t know you hated them so much?”

“No! It’s not that either… me and Applejack have a history with this… but not like that!” Dash shouted to interrupt whatever Scootaloo had been about to say. “All our friends thought that we were secretly a couple. They insisted that we come out but we weren’t and never had been. And it… it was…” Dash sighed. Why was she telling this to Scootaloo? “Fluttershy wasn’t the only pony the others teased at flight school.”

“I think I know what you mean… I’ve been called names too. And yeah… it can hurt.” Scootaloo said. She wasn’t sad though, she was happy. Her idol was opening up to her, not treating her like a little kid but as if she really trusted her. It felt amazing.

“But I’m not… and everypony just assumes I am… it’s not fair. The losers at flight school I get. They were just jerks. But my friends too? Even if they said it was ok if I was… that they judged me in the first place. I don’t judge them. They’re supposed to be my friends. Ponies I can trust but…”

“I’m your friend Dash, and you can trust me right?”

“I wouldn’t be saying this to you if I didn’t.” Dash admitted.

“Well, trust me when I say they didn’t mean to hurt you. Maybe they said it wrong or did it wrong but they didn’t wanna hurt you I’m sure… I know… from experience. And don’t tell me you don’t tease them. You call Twilight an egghead, Pinkie Pie random and Rarity prissy all the time. Just be glad you have so many friends!”

“I don’t mean anyth…” Dash realised she was right. She’d judged her friends just the same, even if it was by a different name. She could say she’d just been annoyed at them but she’d been calling Twilight an egghead for ages before that. She didn’t only think about that though. Scootaloo had said a lot, and what stuck into Dash’s mind the hardest was… “You have friends too Scootaloo.”

“I have two… and I’m ganna be leaving soon. I’m moving to Cloudsdale with my dad in less than a month. And then I won’t have any friends! But even with me gone. my friends still have other friends. Applebloom has Twist, Sweetie Belle has her coltfriend… I only have those two though.”

Dash knew about the parent’s divorce and had kept track of it. It had actually been quite civil. Neither had really blown a fuse or anything and her father was still staying with his former wife until he moved in a few weeks. Of course none of that really matter to Scootaloo who must’ve just felt a like child whose parents were getting divorced… Dash worried about Scootaloo a lot more than she let on. “Ya know kid… I’m offended. Here I was thinking I was your friend too.” Dash said with a grin. She definitely considered Scootaloo a friend. “And besides, I don’t know this Twist or Sweetie Belle’s coltfriend, but I always see them with you, not whoever these other ponies are. And you’re right, maybe they didn’t want ta hurt me. I know you didn’t just then when you forgot I was here.”

“Yeah but… they did the same. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom did the same thing to me. But…” Scootaloo looked away and considered walking away as well. She then did. She only got a few steps before Dash was beside her walking too. A smile on her face that said ‘C’mon I opened up, it’s your turn.’ Scootaloo stayed silent for a bit as they walked before finally saying “I like you.”

“Yeah, I know.” Dash said.

“No. I mean… I like you.”

“Yeah… I know you do Scootaloo.” Dash flatly replied,

“You knew!?”

“Well I didn’t know for sure. But I’m not supri… I just assumed that… oh damn it! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! I swear!” Dash cursed herself… she’d done the same thing her friends had done. From what Scootaloo had told her, the same thing that Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had done to her as well. It was Dash’s turn to stop and walk away now but Scootaloo did the same she did and ran back beside her.

“You don’t have to be sorry, you were right. I love you Rainbow Dash! I had to tell you before I leave! I know you didn’t mean to judge me or any of that stuff.” Scootaloo said, and she was right. Dash hadn’t meant it in a bad way. She’d just noticed it and was what she thought. She didn’t know for sure but maybe that was the same way her friends had been. And maybe… they felt the same way as she did now. So horribly ashamed that they had thought it and horrified that they’d hurt a friend.

But there was one last thing that Dash didn’t understamd though. “I don’t get her…” Dash sighed. Scootaloo let out a loud sniffle. Dash turned to her to see her facing away. She was crying again and Dash had caused it. What she’d said then wasn’t directed at Scootaloo but at Fluttershy. “Scootaloo. Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah?” she replied without facing dash.

“One of my friends that said I was with Applejack was Fluttershy. Now she’s with Applejack. I don’t get it. Why would she do that to me? She knew better than anypony that I had been called a les in flight school. She knew I wasn’t. So why would she?”

“I don’t know Dash! How the hell would I know that?!” Scootaloo yelled. Dash didn’t know why but Scootaloo was angry with her just for mentioning any of this. Scootaloo had just told Dash that she loved her and Dash hadn’t said a single thing about it. “I don’t know how other ponies feel. I just know how I feel! But, I do wanna know how you feel.”

“I… I’m not like that Scootaloo… I’m just not like that. I didn’t know Fluttershy was. I didn’t know Applejack was. I still don’t think she is but I don’t know… I just don’t know…”


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The day had gone about as well as AJ thought it would. As she predicted, Dash flipped out, Pinkie had offered to throw them a coming-out party and Rarity and Twilight had both made some snooty unicorn ‘I told you so’ comment before Fluttershy proceeded to tear them both a new one. In a strange way everything had happened as AJ thought, but differently.

While AJ thought that Fluttershy was closer to Rarity than Dash, Dash’s opinion seemed to mean more to her than Rarity’s. They had known each other for longer after all. Pinkie, while as cheery as ever did have the briefest moment of sadness when Fluttershy had told her she had a special somepony. They’d told both Rarity and Twilight at the same time and AJ hadn’t really been paying attention to Twilight’s initial reaction as Rarity seemed a lot more shocked than either expected and then went on about how Fluttershy must’ve been eyeing her up on all their visits to the spa.

AJ wasn’t sure if it was a joke or not but it brought up something that she didn’t know about Fluttershy. Fluttershy told them that she didn’t actually find mares attractive and didn’t even find Applejack physically attractive either. She loved her for who she was. It had hurt AJ for the briefest of moments before she’d finished, then it made her heart swell with pride. It also helped that afterwards she added that AJ was objectively attractive by social standards, sounding more like Twilight in doing so. To which both unicorns shrugged in nervous agreement.

As bad as it had been, it wasn’t that bad at all. They’d all accepted it and really AJ hadn’t expected them not to. She even knew Dash would come around sooner or later. But right now she was back with her family, at the dinner table preparing to eat. And so was Fluttershy. This was her chance to meet her family. They’d obviously all met before but this was different.

Granny Smith wasn’t one to break tradition easily. Which made it all the more delicious that she’d made one of her famous pies again tonight even though they’d just had one yesterday. AJ hadn’t spoken with her this morning but it turned out Big Mac was right. Granny Smith may not like it, but if Fluttershy made her gran-daughter happy, then she was happy and would treat her as a welcome guest to the farm. Of course she still made a few comments that both AJ and Fluttershy found untasteful over the last few hours since they’d arrived together.

They were about to sit down, the same places on the table as always, only with an extra seat for Fluttershy by AJ’s side. As Big Mac passed around plates with a slice of pie to each pony at the table starting with Granny Smith, the head of the household, there was a knock a the door. Big Mac was closer to the door but still had a plate in each hoof so AJ took the lead “Ah’ll get it, you just keep serving up suppa.” she said, excusing herself and heading off.

As AJ opened the door, “Hey Applejack.” Rainbow Dash said solemnly. “I’d like to apologise for what I did earlier… I guess I kinda lost my head.”

“That’s awfully nice of ya Rainbow Dash. But what ya said taday, what ya did too. It hurt ya know. And not just me. I think Fluttershy valued what you thought’a her the most.” AJ said before a long awkward silence between them. AJ could tell Dash was ashamed of what she’d done but it didn’t change that she’d done it. She turned and looked past Dash. “Hey Scootaloo.” she said to the filly barely hidden behind a fence paling.

Dash sighed. “Is she still following me?” and immediately hated her choice of words as he turned around to see Scootaloo walking out from behind the post. As much as Dash didn’t want to be around her right now, she also knew that she could’ve just flown away and lost Scootaloo at any time today. But she didn’t. And Scootaloo knew it as well.

“Hey AJ. Hey… Rainbow…” Scootaloo said as she walked towards the two. As she stepped up beside Dash, Big Mac stepped up beside AJ.

“Heya you two. Think ya picked a bit of a time to come by, we’re just sitting down fur supper.” he said, his stoic face giving the impression of ‘piss off’ before adding “Care ta join us?” damn he's unreadable...

“I don’t know Mac.” Dash said, trying to think of an excuse not to. She didn’t know if Big Mac was oblivious to the tension in the air or just trying to remove it. “I’d hate to impose. I should probably take Scootaloo back to her house too.”

“Uh Scootaloo’s walked home tonsa times from this place. And the offer where ta her too.” he said as he walked off to prepare two more plates at the table, leaving AJ standing there with Dash and Scootaloo.

“Well ya coming in or not?” she asked. Much more cheerfully than the last conversation had been.

“Ya alright. But there better be some cider somewhere.”

“Heh, don’t chu worry none, ah’ll go grab a batch.” AJ said as Dash and Scootaloo walked in past her before she closed the door and went into the kitchen. Dash got to the table in time for Big Mac to have just set up an extra two seats.

“What’s Scootaloo doin’ here? I Thought I where grounded, n’ couldn’t have none’a my friends over.” Applebloom asked. “This mean I ain’t grounded now?”

“You’re still grounded little missy.” Granny Smith pointed out. “But Scootaloo’s our guest tonight, ain’t that right Macintosh?”


“Thank you ma’am.” Scootaloo said, trying to act like what she thought the old mare wanted from her as she took her seat beside Applebloom and Dash took hers beside Big Mac. “So, what’d you get grounded for this time?”

“I’m not sure I should say. Ain’t my place ta yell ya is all.”

“It’s alright A.B.” Dash said as she was about to take a bite of her slice of pie, until Big Mac cleared his throat and gave her a slight nudge. This was the Apple’s house after all and not all of them where even present, let alone said grace yet, like she knew these ponies did. “I already told her about Fluttershy and you’re sister. She’s cool with it.”

“’A.B.’? I ain’t never been called that before.”

“Really? Well I call your sister AJ all the time and I used to call your brother BM until I found out what it means… now I only call him that behind his back.” Dash said with a wicked grin. Applebloom wasn’t quite sure if she was joking. Neither was AJ, who had just returned with a small cask on her back. A good batch. Non-alcoholic, due to present company’s age, but a good batch all the same. The kind of stuff they saved for special occasions. And Granny Smith took notice of that.

“So, Rainbow Dash… you a filly-fooler too?”

“Shut your mouth Granny!” AJ shouted as she put the cask onto the table with a thumb.

“What was that missy?” Granny Smith replied, taken aback by AJ’s tone. “Y’oughta show a little respect fur yer elders in this house.”

“No! You ought show some respect in this house! Now ah don’t care what ya say ‘bout me, but ah won’t stand by and have ya say nothing bad ‘bout none’a my friends! Y’understand?!” AJ said sternly as she stood behind her seat, frowning at Granny Smith. “Whether she is or isn’t ain’t none'a our business.”

“Thanks for that AJ.” Dash replied before turning to granny smith “No, I’m not.”

“I weren’t makin’ an accusation or nothin’.” Granny Smith said to Dash. “Sorry if it sounded that way to ya.”

“That’s a might better Granny. And Dash, I believe you said something to me back at the door,”

“AJ… I’m not sure I wanna say it.”

“Shoot. An apology ain’t an apology if ya ain’t willing to tell ponies you’re sorry. Ah’m sure Fluttershy’ld like ta hear it as much as ah did.” AJ said with a smile. She wanted to just get it out of the way and clear the air so they could eat a nice dinner in piece as friends and family. And both in Fluttershy’s case.

“That’s just it AJ. I said I was sorry to you. I’m not sorry to Fluttershy.” Dash said. She heard AJ scoff and Fluttershy meekly squeak as she just looked down at her plate and began to fill a cup of cider. “Look… I said I was sorry for beating you and yelling at you. But that doesn’t change how I feel about you two being together. I don’t like it.”

“Amen ta that sister.” added Applebloom getting a cold stare from everypony else, expect Dash who was still looking down at her plate. Ashamed at what she’d just said. “Ah still can’t believe ma sister’s a filly-foo…”

“Everypony hush up!” demanded Big Mac. “Now ah don’t want no fighting and bickering at our table tanight. Granny Smith here spent the last coupla hours making this here gorgeous pie and ah intend ta eat it while it’s still warm. Ah’m even getting the smallest piece with you extra guests, so ah wanna have what ah got all the sooner. So… would anypony like ta say grace before we eat?”

Dash just sighed as AJ volunteered to speak.


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The rest of the meal had been uneventful, small banter between Scootaloo and Fluttershy. Even Dash had spoken with Big Mac and cheered up somewhat from where she'd been earlier on after telling them how she felt. Fluttershy had offered her piece of pie to Big Mac seems as he had the least, but he declined. Naturally Dash had then said that if Fluttershy didn’t want it she’d gladly take it. Which OF COURSE resulted in a nice long argument between Dash and AJ which eventually ended with Fluttershy giving her piece to Applebloom and Scootaloo while neither of them noticed.

All in all, it wasn't a bad night. Granny Smith had gone off to bed, as had Big Mac. Applejack and Applebloom where going to join them shortly. Of course it was still very early by all three pegasus’ standard, not having to wake up at dawn, so they stayed a bit longer and talked in the main living quarters.

“So Fluttershy.” Scootaloo asked. “Rainbow Dash told me you had trouble flying at my age too. Any chance you could teach me something some time?” Fluttershy didn’t reply and just looked over from Scootaloo to Dash, then back to Scootaloo. “I know what ya thinking. Rainbow can fly, but she’s a horrible teacher. She’ll just say something like ‘flap your wings’… Again.”

“Oh, I… suppose I could try. But, I don't really know what I could offer. It just kind of happened for me. When I was happy.”

“Don’t listen ta her Scootaloo” blurted out Applebloom. Again... she'd been spouting this for most of the meal, though not so bluntly as just now. “She’s just trying ta trick ya or somethin’. She’s a filly-fooler, and a liar and a…"

“That’s just about a nuffa you li’l missy!” yelled AJ as she'd finally had enough of 'youthful misguidedness' from her sister. “You’ve always loved Fluttershy. Now why the hay does any of this change how ya feel about her?”

“Because she’s a filly-fooler! And they’re all mean and evil like Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon.” Applebloom said as if her words actually meant anything. “Ain’t that right Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash, you don’t like them being tagether neither?”

“What?” responded Dash. “I never said anything like that!”

“I don’t even think Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon are even filly-foolers.” added Scootaloo.

“But… you said you didn’t like them bein’ tagether… and you said… YOU said that they were that way.”

“No… I said…” Dash stalled. She didn’t know what she had said exactly, only why she’d said it. She turned at Fluttershy and asked “I just don’t get why?”

“Be-because I love Applejack.” Fluttershy spoke up.

“That’s not what I mean. You said I was a filly-fooler. You made the others think I was… you knew I wasn’t and you knew more than anypony else how I felt about it. Then you come out yourself? How did you think that would go over? I don’t get why you would say something like that and then do it yourself! It’s mean… it’s downright evil!

“See! Ah told ya she where evil!” added Applebloom triumphantly.

“Oh shut up.” replied Scootaloo as she turned to look back at Fluttershy. “I think I know why she did it Dash. She said it about AJ, not you. She hoped that maybe Applejack was like her so that she had a shot with her. She hoped the pony she liked would like her back. I know because…. I did the same. I’m…”

“Don’t say it kid…” said Dash, but it didn’t matter.

“I’m a filly-fooler too.”

“WHAT?!?!” scream Applebloom.

“I like Rainbow Dash ok… you were right about me.”

“Uh… ya dumb kid.” Dash sighed and face hoofed. “Ya didn’t need to tell them that.”

“Um… Dash… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… be evil. I just didn’t know what to… to um… I don’t quite know now what to do. But I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“You know, if you had just told her to begin with… she even asked me out because of what you said.” Dash turned to AJ expecting her to deny it but she didn’t so Dash just continued. “She felt guilty or something. Thought that I did want her and was just too scared to ask, so she asked me out." Dash's expression turned from some-what somber to a cocky grin. "I flat out dumped her!” Dash said proudly. Before returning to her serious-concerned tone “I’m not sure… but I’m sure she did something like that with you I bet. If you had just told her you were a filly-fooler sooner…”

“But… I’m not.” said Fluttershy. Confusing all in present company.

“Yer… not?” asked AJ.

“No. I mean… filly-fooler implies that I like mares. All mares. I don’t. I only like Applejack. I don’t think that makes me a filly-fooler. I just think it makes me in love with somepony I care for. I mean… that’s how… that’s how I see it.”

“Ya know Sug. Ah feel the same way.”

“You really mean that?” asked Applebloom. “Is that how you feel too Scootaloo?” Applebloom asked. She wanted her to say yes. It was just self-justification but if Scootaloo didn’t see herself as a filly-fooler than Applebloom had no reason to hate her.

“No… I like Rainbow Dash… I like how she looks, but I also kinda like Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara and even Snips and Snails… and they’re colts! I don’t know what I am! And I don’t need you being a bitch about me trying to make me say what I’m not! That loud and proud stuff? I’m loud but I’m far form proud and… and it’s jerk like you who I thought where my friends who make it that way!” Scootaloo half-yelled. Not quite crying but feeling a soreness in her throat that meant she was close. “Please, just… please don’t tell Sweetie Belle.”

“Why shouldn’t I? She has a right to know that her friend is some sneaky liar who’s been a filly-fooler this whole time!”

“Because I like her too!”

“Do… do you like me too?”

“You really want me to answer? You’ll be hurt if I say no and it’ll be worse if I say yes.”

“Tell me!”

“How ‘bout I tell you to go rut yourself!” Scootaloo yelled as she ran out of the main room. She didn’t really know where she was running to but she ran anyway. Eventually she found spot in the kitchen she could just sit in. Nopony came after her, or maybe they just didn’t find her, she was mostly hidden from view in her corner.

Eventually she heard AJ, louder than ever yelling at Applebloom “Ah don’t care! Yur grounded fer a month!”

“No.” said Scootaloo loudly from where she was, though AJ could only just hear her. “Don’t ground her over me, please.” Applejack was a little surprised to hear this. Even if she knew her sister was just spilling hate out of school-yard misinformation, it hurt her to see her sister was capable of even being that mean at all. And what Scootaloo said next made it even harder. “I’m leaving soon… I wanna spend as much of that time with her and Sweetie Belle. Please don’t take that away from me Applejack.”

“What makes you think I even wanna hang around a sicko like you?”

“Ya know Applebloom, if ah weren’t yur sister, ah’d have half a mind ta beat you senseless right now!”

“Ya know I got no problem with beating her senseless….” added Dash crudely as she walked past them both and into the kitchen. She saw Scootaloo, still not crying but clearly only because she was holding it back. “You alright kiddo?” Dash asked as she sat down beside her.

They could hear AJ yelling at her sister in the background but didn’t pay any attention to it. She’d feared losing her friends after she left, now she had lost one before then. “You know, you’re no better than her Rainbow.” Scootaloo said without looking at her. “You said you didn’t like that they were together.”

“I never said that?”

“Yeah you did. I don’t remember what exactly, but you said you were sorry to AJ but not Fluttershy and that it didn’t change how you felt about them being with each other." Scootaloo looked directly into her idol's eyes as a tear finally escaped. "You. Suck!” it probably didn’t sound like much to Dash but to Scootaloo it was the harshest thing she could think to say at the time.

“Listen Scoots…”

“Don’t call me that. And stop calling me kid or kiddo or whatever! I have a name and you could at least remember it!”

“Fine… listen Scootaloo. I don’t like them being together. But that doesn’t mean I’m not happy for them. Fluttershy’s my oldest friend and AJ’s just as much a friend too. I’m glad Fluttershy’s found somepony that even I trust to be with her. And I’m glad AJ found somepony as kind as Fluttershy. They’re good for each other. I can tell. I bet you can see it too. I bet even Applebloom can see it.”

“She hates me though…”

“Who, Applebloom? She’s just stupid. She says she hates you right now but she also says she hates her sister and we both know that ain’t true.”

“I just… screw her. Screw everypony! I just wanna go home.”

“You sure ki… Scootaloo?”

“Yeah. I don’t wanna be here at least.” Scootaloo stood up, looked at Dash for a moment before heading out of the kitchen. Applebloom wasn’t in the main area anymore and AJ was holding an obviously crying Fluttershy, her face buried into AJ’s neck. Dash hadn’t been listening to what had been said outside of the kitchen but now wished she had.

“I think it’s about time me and Scootaloo get going. Are you two ok?”

“Yeah RD, we’ll be fine. You make sure she gets home safe alright.”

"Yeah I will." Dash said casually before turning to Applejack. "Oh and AJ, one thing.” Dash said as she pressed right up against her, scrunching her face up and being as serious as possible. “If you EVER do anything to hurt my oldest friend, I will… do… something! And you won’t like what that is!”

“I won’t Dash… I love her. I won’…” Dash cut her off putting her hoof in AJ’s mouth.

“That’s all I needed to hear. Take good care of her. And… congrats? I guess. I don’t know…” Dash said with a laugh.

“Th-thank you, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said as she pulled away from AJ to stand beside her. “I’m sorry, about all of this. I, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just um… wanted to know if…”

“Relax Fluttershy, I get it… sorta… not really. I ain’t a psychologist or anything but I know you didn’t wanna hurt me. Look, ok… I’m ganna be pissed at you two for a while so don’t expect anything better than this. But I’m happy for you. I really am. You wanna know what the best part is? Tomorrow… I get to deal with Rarity asking me if I’m jealous… because I can guarantee that what she’s thinking right now. Same with Twilight… and I won’t even try to figure out Pinkie Pie’s thinking about anymore but I bet there’s something about me.”

“You’re probably right. Again… I’m sorry. And thank you… again.”

“Don’t sweat it. Anyway. Good night you two.”

“See ya’s ‘round sometime.”

“Yes, goodbye you two.” they both greeted as Dash and Scootaloo left. Even though Applebloom was being an annoying little brat, had herself mad at two of her closest friends and Scootaloo was still on the verge of crying, Dash smiled as she left. She thought only one thing: that everypony had left now… everypony expect Fluttershy.

Who was staying the night with her lover.


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“They don’t care.” Scootaloo said.

“I bet they do!” replied Dash.

“Na. They’re used to it. I stay over at Sweet Apple Acres or the Caracal Boutique all the time without telling them.” Scootaloo said back. It was true, her parents had been horrified the first few times but they were used to their daughter staying the night at her friends without telling them. Of course staying at Rainbow Dash’s for the night may have been seen a little differently in their minds. But not to Scootaloo.

“Fine… but if you end up getting in trouble for this it’s your own fault.” Dash said as she flew up to her home. They’d already arrived since it was closer than Scootaloo’s land-house. As she flew up though, that’s when Dash remembered; she had a cloud-house, that Scootaloo couldn’t get to. She didn’t want the little kiddo to stay with her tonight and maybe this was the perfect way to get rid of the filly. It was mean but… oh well.

“Real funny Rainbow Dash!...” Scootaloo scoffed, hoping she wouldn’t have to actually ask for help and that Dash would just offer it. As few moments passed it became clear she DID have to ask however. “Ugh… can you carry me up there?” a few more moments passed and it tore Scootaloo up to have to say it out loud. “You know I can’t fly! Just help me up?!” she practically pleaded.

Dash knew this was VERY mean but she didn’t really care. Or at least she hoped it looked that way as she leaned over the edge of the cloud. “Sorry kid, looks like you’re gonna just have to go home tonight instead.” yup, defiantly mean... she pulled back over the cloud and started towards her door. There wasn’t much of a yard to the cloud-house so it was only a few steps, but enough that Scootaloo couldn’t see her.

Dash didn’t go inside though. She waited for Scootaloo to leave. She didn’t want anything to happen to Scoots and would follow her home just to be safe. Dash assumed AJ probably did that as well whenever she left late from Sweet Apple Acres. Scootaloo didn’t leave however, but Dash couldn’t show herself and tell her to without giving away that she was still watching. Nearly ten minutes passed before Dash heard “That’s two of them now…” in what had to be the most heart wrenching tone she’d ever heard. Even worse than a deflated Pinkie Pie's voice.

Scootaloo turned and started to walk off. Dash couldn’t take it anymore. “Wait!” she called just as Scootaloo had taken her first step away. “Two of what?”

Scootaloo looked back up at Dash, now falling to the ground in front of her. As always pulling out of a plummet at the last moment. “Two ponies that are supposedly my friends… I’ve only got one left now that you hate me too.”

“Wo-wo-wo! I never said I hate you and I told you already that Applebloom doesn’t either!”

“Well maybe I hate you! You’re a jerk!”

“Jerk? I’ve been trying to cheer you up all day! I didn’t want you following me around but did I ditch you? I told you your friends don’t hate you and I told you that just because you can’t fly doesn’t mean you weird or anything and I meant everything I said! And right now I’m pissed that you could even think that about me! But I don’t hate you, I never would! So just grow a pair and stop acting like you’re the only one who’s been hurt today!” Dash yelled. She knew she was older and this kid’s role model but still, she was sick of it.

Maybe Scootaloo was being selfish but she didn’t want to hear it. “I told you how I felt and you didn’t even notice it… you’re a jerk Rainbow Dash…” Scootaloo said softly, looking away from her towards the ground.

“What, that you love me or something? C’mon… you even said it wasn’t just me you liked. Look ki… Scootaloo. I’m sorry if I didn’t… and am still not taking it seriously. But I… I love you too, I guess. But differently. Like a sister or something.”

“Really?” Scootaloo said apprehensively.

“Yeah. I mean, all of my friends have a brother or sister, expect me so… I don’t know. I kinda took you under my wing. I was an only child and I kinda had thing for Fluttershy’s brother… and I always wanted one of my own. Or a sister, big or small. But that never happened, obviously.”

“Why didn’t you ask your parents for one?”

“Uh… you know how that stuff actually works right? ‘Cause I’m not explaining it to you, got it?”

“Relax, I know where foals come from. But you could’ve asked.”

“Na. My parents couldn’t have kids. That's why they had me…”

“Huh?” Scootaloo asked confusedly. “They couldn’t have kids… so they had you… their kid? I don’t…”

“Oh, right. I was adopted. I never really tell anypony that. Not even sure Fluttershy knows and she’s met them.”

“Wow… was it really that bad then?”

“What? No! I’ve never told anypony because, it’s never really been an issue. They were my parents either way. And how I see it, they loved me even more than my real ones would’ve. They chose to love me, not just because they had to. I don’t know… I guess that means something. Hah… look, I think of you the same way. I don’t love you, but I do kinda. Like, I wish you were part of my family or something.” Dash finished by lowering to her knees so Scootaloo could hop on her back. “C’mon… I’ll take you up ta the house”

As Scootaloo jumped she flapped her wings a bit in excitement. Dash may not love her the way she loved Dash, and honestly Scootaloo wasn’t even sure she did love her that way either anymore. But Dash had been right; Scootaloo had said she liked a few other ponies too. Maybe it was just what Dash felt for her that she picked up on and misinterpreted. Scootaloo loved Dash, but wasn’t in love. But knowing that Dash felt the same way made her happy. That Dash had told her something she’d never told anypony else, made her even more so.

Tucked away in between Dash’s wings, she and Scootaloo took off from the ground. Dash was exhausted at this point from the long day that had started with a fight, followed by stunt training and then topped it off by walking around for hours. Now it was late at night to boot. Their ascent up to her house was even slower than it had been the first time. Of course she was also carrying Scootaloo on her ba… wait… she was carrying Scootaloo. So why couldn’t she feel her weight?

She stopped in the air and just stayed in place. Then, she descended slightly, lowering herself from where Scootaloo was and saw it. The filly was flapping her wings and staying aloft. The look on her face… it was made up of unmistakable joy as she realised it as well. “Rainbow Dash… I’m, I’m…”

“You sure are Scootaloo! And… wow… Fluttershy was right. And… thanks.”

“Thanks? Why? I’m flying because of you! I should be thanking you!” Scootaloo practically screamed.

“Ya… you’re flying because of me… because you’re just happy. Thanks Scootaloo. I can make you that happy. You don’t know how happy that makes me too.” Dash said as she rose above Scootaloo. But as she did, a brief moment of fear came over her thinking ‘What is she can’t go higher though?’ but that disappeared instantly. It was slow but smooth how she ascended with Dash.

When they got to the cloud-house, Scootaloo landed roughly, almost falling over but caught herself before it happened. It was new to her and she wasn’t that good at it… wasn’t that good at it yet. She couldn’t face Dash though. “Th-thank you Rainbow! Th-th-ank y-you…”

“It’s alright Scootaloo… if you wanna cry that’s cool. You don’t have to hind it or anything. I mean, even I cry. It’s like, a normal thing or something.” Dash said as she came to tears herself. Admittedly she was forcing them a bit to help out Scootaloo once more. But all the same feelings where there for her too. The joyous-sadness of what had just happened. The two stayed outside of the house and cried with each other for a few more minutes before finally going inside. Both of them still crying lightly… both of them would always remember it as one of their happiest moments.


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It had been a just under a month now. Applebloom had been given a choice by AJ: she could hang out with Scootaloo or be grounded. Apparently, seems Scootaloo hadn’t seen her at all outside of school, she’d chosen the latter. But at least she’d kept a promised she never actually made. Sweetie Belle didn’t know about how Scootaloo felt about her and the others. Or if she did, she didn’t care.

Scootaloo hadn’t told Sweetie Belle she could fly yet for two reasons. One: Sweetie Belle still couldn’t use magic which she saw as the unicorn equivalent and didn’t want to show up her friend. Two: she still kinda sucked at it… really badly. She could fly perfectly!... for about five seconds. Then she would sputter going up and down for about a minute or two. Then she would slowly start to sink. But still. She could fly! And she was getting better. Even though Scootaloo knew she sucked now, she was happy every second she was in the air. And every second made her just a bit better at it.

Sweetie Belle was still dating Button Mash and Scootaloo had found out why. Her sister had started dating some ‘Prince Bluevein’ or something and Sweetie Belle had just copied her. Of course she did like Snails and even made Twist a little jealous and competitive with Snips. It was cute actually, even by Scootaloo’s standard. It was because of them that had made her start seeing Spike.

He’d gone through a few things similar to Scootaloo. He loved Rarity and had basically been dumped when she had started seeing ‘Prince Blueballs’. Scootaloo told him what had happened with Rainbow Dash and how similar it was. They both knew that what they had wasn’t anything serious and they were probably just filling a void. They’d even admitted it to each other but that hadn’t stopped them from getting close. Very close.

But that was at an end. As was her friendship with Sweetie Belle. And so had been her friendship with Applebloom for weeks now. Scootaloo was about to leave. She’d be back every now and then but not often. Her father was taking her to live in Cloudsdale and they wouldn’t be coming down to Ponyville on a regular basis. Once or twice a year at most. All of her stuff was already packed and put on the chariot her father would be pulling.

Sweetie Belle, Spike and Rainbow Dash where there to wave her off. Twilight and Rarity had been there earlier but had had to leave for who knows what… some stupid unicorn stuff Scootaloo assumed. But it was finally time to leave. Her father called to her to get into her seat. Naturally he felt bad that he was taking her from her friends, but he was sure she’d make new ones. She was just a kid after all. And of course he had a surprise for her; that she was enrolled in flight school and would start in a few weeks time, learning how to fly.

As the chariot started to move, it was Scootaloo’s last look at her friends as they all waved. Dash tried to look cool about it but it was obvious she wasn’t, Spike did the same only he was much worse at hiding it. And Sweetie Belle... well, Sweetie Belle was sodding uncontrollably. Once the chariot had gotten into the air and they were pulling away from her friends, that's when she heard it.

“Scootaloo!” yelled Applebloom as she ran past the others. Scootaloo would've got her father to stop the chariot but didn’t even wait for him to before jumping out of the chariot now a few dozen meters in the air. She glided down over to Appelbloom and tackled her into a hug. “I’m so sorry! I’m so SO sorry Scootaloo! I don’t wanna fight and I don’t want you ta hate me!”

“But I though… you hated me?” Scootaloo said with letting go of her hug.

“I don’t! I screwed up so badly! We lost so much time and now… I don’t want you ta leave! Move in with me and AJ and Big Mac! We got plenty of room!”

“I missed you too. But I can’t… I’ll visit. I’ll write!”

“And I’ll learn ta read…” Applebloom joked.

“And I’ll learn to actually write.” Scootaloo joked back

“And I’ll learn to… I got nothing.” added Sweetie Belle who joined on the hug.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders… goodbye?” Scootaloo said as she pulled away from the hug and looked at them both.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders goodbye.” the two both said with a forced smile. Scootaloo pulled them both back into a hug for a few moments before breaking away and walking over to Rainbow Dash and hugging her again. Then over to Spike and hugging him. Giving him a strong kiss that she knew would be hilarious to see him explaining to Applebloom who didn’t know anything about what they had gone over the last few weeks.

With that, she took a few steps towards the chariot that was still in the sky, raised her wings and took off towards it. She flew with a smooth grace that she hadn’t been able to do since when she’d first learnt. When she was had been so happy.

She was happy.