• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 599 Views, 21 Comments

Wild Card - Arreis Of Avalon

A colt in need of direction and a twisted god. Both are alike, neither the same, and it will all come down to a fate worse than death. A battle is coming for a boy named Card Trick, and this is the story of why and how he needs to be prepared.

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Split Personalities

Valkyrie stood, a traitor, in front of Drake, sobbing. He had betrayed his very self, Card, into going into a battle he wasn’t prepared for. He had been deluding himself this whole time, even if it was just separate bodies. Valkyrie was broken, and Discord had seized the pieces.

“It’s good you sent them, Valkyrie.”

“I’ve sent them to their deaths!”

Drake grinned. “I’d say you sent Discords death to him.”

“Don’t you GET it?!” Valkyrie shook his head in sorrow. “It’s a trap! He’s got the element of surprise…”

“They’re ready for anything.”

“Not this.”

On the hill, Card looked around, seeing themselves alone. “Do you see him?...” Hot shook his head. Card continued to look around, knowing that Valkyrie had betrayed them. He had seen the collar, though hidden by Discords magic. Something about his sight had allowed him to see it. He was thus prepared for any tricks Discord would send their way.

“H-Hot! Card!” Both colts turned to see Pinkie running up the hill to them, tears in her eyes. Something looked off about her to Card…

Drake winced and held his head, sensing two Pinkamenas. One on the hill and one in Sugar Cube Corner. He always looked out for Diane, and now there we two?! This must be the trick! “T-that’s not…” HOT, CARD! DO YOU COPY?! EITHER OF YOU, ANSWER ME!

Valkyrie sighed sadly, knowing Drake was trying to project his thoughts to the colts. “I’m sorry Drake. They can’t hear you. The hill is protected from outward interference with Chaos magic.”

Drake nodded, logic overcoming his initial panic. “Let’s hope one of them sees through the illusion…” Drake turned to Valkyrie, noticing that he hadn’t moved in awhile. Something was wrong… “What else has Discord told you to do, Valkyrie?...”

Valkryie held out his hoof, a blade of shadow appearing. The insignia on the top of the blade was that of the joker, but blackened and with a golden apple painted over it. The blade itself was perfectly balanced, and shadows curled from it. Valkyrie looked at Drake with sorrowful eyes, his collar shining. “I’m supposed to kill you.”

Card watched as Diane ran up to them, tears streaming down her face. Her blue eyes shone brightly through her tears… Card hadn’t seen her eyes shine like that in a long time. There had been too much heartache and too much sorrow in them before, no matter how happy she was at the time. No amount of pleasure or happiness could fix a heart that was not just broken, but shattered and thrown away. “Z-Zeamus has gone missing, you two! I-I tracked your souls here, H-have you seen him?!”

Hot thought for a moment, trying to see what had happened. Card, however, summoned a shadow card. In one fluid movement, Card threw the card directly between Pinkies eyes. Hot started slightly, surprised. “D-dude!!”

Hot turned in time to see the fake Diane disappear into shadow, the card going through the darkness like a knife. “As I thought,” Card said. “They never get the eyes right~”

“Well well well,” a voice around them said, echoing slightly. “who'd have thought the blind pony would guess that?~” The shadows where Diane had stood seemed to swirl into a being of darkness, a beast. He looked nothing like the Discord all had known. This Discord was cunning, with dark, piercing red eyes. All joking was gone with this new enemy. He was truly a formidable figure. “Glad you got my letter~”

“I knew you were in contact with Valkyrie. What other betrayals have you planned? “

“Oh, you’ll see soon enough~”

Card glanced at Hot, surprising himself with a smile. “Ready, Hot,” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Card summoned his full deck of cards, allowing shadows to swirl around him as he felt power course through him. This was his time. The thing he had been training for had snuck up on them quicker than he had expected, and without warning. Yet, Card felt ready. He knew deep down that somehow, someway, they could not fail.

Hot spread his front hooves, grinning as they burst into flame. He was going to burn brighter than he ever had before, and he knew it. He glanced at his brother, still smiling. Card would get through it with his help, he knew. There was no way he was letting down anyone as awesome as his own brother.

Both colts turned to watch their adversary. Discord smiled his fanged smile and summoned two blades. The first blade was golden, covered in an intense light aura. The portion he held in his claw was shaped in the golden apple insignia that had become Discords Mark through the years. The blade shone with power, blinding to look at directly. The other blade was in complete contrast to the other blade, black as the purest and deadliest night. The blade was symmetrical to the light blade, but this sword curled and teamed with shadow. Discord lowered himself closer to the ground, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Card smiled softly and opened his eyes, letting their terrifying power free for the first time in ages. “Then let’s do this,” he shouted, taking a fighting stance, a bright grin filling his face.

“RIGHT!” Hot took a stance as well.

In that moment, Discord charged forward… and the battle began.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter. Decided to split them up even more so I could write them easier. The next chapter centers around Valkyrie, and the chapter after that is Card and Hot's battle, part one. Yeppers, 2 parts. ^^ Hope you enjoy, and I'll write more when I can!~