• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 599 Views, 21 Comments

Wild Card - Arreis Of Avalon

A colt in need of direction and a twisted god. Both are alike, neither the same, and it will all come down to a fate worse than death. A battle is coming for a boy named Card Trick, and this is the story of why and how he needs to be prepared.

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Prologue: Just A Trick

Card Trick, a colt of nearly 7 years now, was walking around town. He was mature for his age, but that came from how he was raised and by whom. His father was Hat Trick, renowned for his powers and wisdom. Card had gone through many things in his life, mainly through the effects of potions made by the inn keeper, Diane. The first time, however, had been an accident caused through the folly of a guest at the inn. They were using an age spell on a particular pony at the time, but the spell had been thrown wild, aging Card and his foal friends to a mature, fully grown state. While grown, they had decided to make the most of it and go to Las Pegasus. While there, they experienced… much. Card met the woman of his dreams there, a foal names Lily Bywater, aged to a mature age like him. The only trouble was, her mother had been the one to do this to her.

Her mother, Ambrosia Bywater, was a cruel, mean woman who saw her daughter as an experiment. When she came searching for Lily at the hotel where they stayed in, Card had lured her away with his own birthright, his horrifying eyes. Gained through genetics, his eyes caused indescribable horror to those who saw them. Worst of all, they had come at a price. Card Trick was blind.

After luring her away, Card had talked to Miss Bywater. When the conversation took a rather… violent turn, he did the only thing possible to ensure Lily’s safety. He broke Ambrosias horn. He called an ambulance so the blood flow would be stemmed, but Ambrosia would be unable to follow them back to Ponyville. They had returned safely to Ponyville, and there they had stayed, growing up and dealing with problems. He had slowly learned to see without his eyes, and with them. He had even made himself mechanical wings to help Lily learn to fly. They were a slight pain while using an aging potion, but they grew with him through magic.

Card was so deep in his thoughts of his past, he never noticed the cloaked pony in front of him. He bumped into her, taking a step back. “My apologies,” he said quickly, his voice smooth and sweet like honey. It was somewhat strange for a colt to have such a voice, but it bothered none. ‘He’s a Trick’, they’d all say.

The cloaked pony glanced at him, and Card could feel her eyes on him. He knew it was a female, seeing the way she held herself. Something seemed off, however. When she spoke, her voice sounded somehow… familiar. “Are… Are you Card?”

He nodded. “Yes, Miss…” He was dimly aware of himself taking a step backwards into an alleyway, taking what could be a dangerous situation out of the streets.

The pony snarled at him, a guttural sound of pure hatred and misery. “YOU DID THIS TO ME!”

Card gasped and jumped up into the air as the pony charged him with a knife. Flying over her, he grabbed her hood and flicked it off, revealing whom he had thought she was since she had spoken. Before him stood the mother of his special somepony, Ambrosia Bywater.

Taking her in, he realized she had changed. Her horn was still shattered, but she looked tired and ragged, as though something inside her was fighting her very being. He noticed blood trickling down from her horn, and realized there was a long cut stemming from the broken bone. “Please, miss,” he said, donning a surgical mask. “Let me help you.”

His masks often confused others. Though his name was Card Trick, and he did have the power to control cards, his special talent was actually masks. Any mask he wore, he would get the power that goes to the mask. At the current time, his surgical mask made him by far the most gifted doctor in all of Equestria.

Ambrosia charged him again, but collapsed at his hooves, weakened by her wound. She glared at him, and he noticed a small bit of blood and foam coming from her mouth. “You… You did this to me…”

He leaned down and began working his magic, trying everything he knew with his gift to heal her. All the while she spoke to him, and all the while, nothing helped. Her horn still bleed and he couldn’t fix things for once. Her words shook him to the core. “You killed me, Card. Nothing you’re trying is enough. It… will never… be… enough…”

He tried and tried and tried again, a slow panic rising to his mind, but her words ran true in his mind, haunting his every action with a possible failure. He could not fail; his father had never failed, so neither could he. He kept trying, even after he knew it was much too late… until, finally, he felt the final pulse of her heart dwindle away to a faded beat, dying away completely. He lightly took off his mask, feeling tears sting at his eyes. He had failed her. What would Lily think? Though Ambrosia was by far one of the worst mothers he knew, she was still Lily’s mother. What would Lily think, knowing he had failed?

He walked back to Sugar Cube Corner in a daze, trying to comprehend what had happened. It had all gone so fast… Ambrosia was dead… and he had been the cause of it. If he had not broken her horn, all that time ago, would she still be alive? Walking inside, he saw Pinkie baking cupcakes. She smiled at him, but then saw his face, realizing something was wrong. “Card, are you alright? What happened?”

He glanced at her numbly, not really taking in her presence. It was as though time around him had sped up, and he was left in the dust. “There’s… a pony in the alley… might wanna… call somepony… you know, to… to pick her up…”

Pinkie looked at him, confused. “Card, what happened?”

Card looked drained and pale, not to mention confused. “T-there’s a pony who died… I-I need to tell Lily…” Slowly he walked into the room he and Lily shared, leaving a concerned Diane to call the police about the body.

Lily was putting away some cloths when she turned to see Card. She smiled at him, but instantly noticed something was wrong. “Card, what’s wrong?”

Card looked at her sadly, looking into her eyes. “I’m afraid I have some… bad news, Lily…” She looked at him, concerned, as he sat. “I’m afraid… your mother is…” He hung his head slightly. “Your mother is dead, Lily.”

Lily stared at him, uncomprehending. “S-she’s… what?...”

Card held his head in his hooves, feeling utterly empty. He had never failed like this before. “S-she’s dead. Her horn, i-it…” He couldn’t continue.

Lily sat for awhile next to him, and when she spoke, Card was startled to hear anger in her voice. “It was because of what you did, wasn’t it?”

Card looked at her, surprised. He hadn’t been expecting that tone of voice form her. “Y-yes, i-it was her horn. I-I couldn’t do anything to save her…”

Instead of the sorrow he had expected, he saw anger in her eyes. “You didn’t even try to save her, did you?”

His eyes widened. What had her speaking like this? “L-lily, what are you talking about? Of course I tried!”

Lily glared at him. “No, you didn’t! You’ve never failed Card, why would you now unless you WANTED her to die?!”

Card stood angrily, his mind buzzing with thoughts. What was happening to his friend? “Lily, I TRIED! I COULDN’T SAVE HER!”

Lily was fuming, anger higher than ever. “YOU DIDN’T TRY HARD ENOUGH! YOU COULDN’T DO IT, CARD!”

Her words shook him to the core. He wasn’t good enough. You’ll never be good enough he thought. Or, was it him thinking it? His mind was so confused…

You’ll never be good enough… so why bother trying?

Card hung his head, feeling tears sting at his eyes. Lily was shouting something at him, but he couldn’t hear what the words were. It was as though his mind was fogged with a cloud, and only the thoughts of the current time stuck out. He opened his eyes. He noted, unsurprised, that his eyes had no effect on Lily. Usually, his eyes had tremendous power, able to make ponies stop and tremble in fear, as though his eyes had the power to see into their soul. Now, however, they were useless.

Slowly he walked over to the wardrobe and opened it, pulling out clothing he needed and masks he owned. “What do you think you’re doing, Card,” he heard Lily scream behind him. She was over reacting.

“I’m leaving.”

Lily glared at him. “I despise you, Card. Goodbye.” With that, she stormed out, leaving a small colt on the verge of tears. Just one day, and it had all deteriorated. Not even a day, a mere hour had made all he had worked for, everything he had believed in, shatter. Worst of all, deep down he knew, there was no way he could fix it. He had failed.

“Why do down tonight?~”

Card jumped slightly, hearing his father’s voice behind him. His father’s name was Hat Trick. He had similar talents to Cards; His eyes had the same fear inducing quality, and what Card could do with masks, he could do with Hats. He was sitting on the bed, looking at Card curiously, not quite perturbed by his son’s actions.

Card turned back to the wardrobe, an old mask in his hooves. “What do you want, father?” He heard a small hint of accusation in his voice, almost as though he was blaming his father of doing all of this to him. His father had been the one to be perfect. His father had been the one to set up the reputation of the Trick family, amazing at everything they do. This was all his fault.

Hat smiled as he always did. “I wanted to see what was wrong~”

Card sighed slightly. As much as he wished to walk away from his father, he knew it was of no use. His father had the ability to be wherever he was needed, at any given time. Better to get it over with now than have his father hunting him down. “I failed, father. A pony died by my hooves today.”

The reaction of his father had not been one he had been expecting. Instead of disappointment in his son, or belittlement in the fact that he could have done better, Hat asked him a simple question. “Did you try to save her?”

Card didn’t know how his father knew it was a mare who had died, but it didn’t matter. His father always knew. “Of course I tried, father. What good did it do, in the end? I will never amount to anything.”

Hats smile grew. “Well, you won’t with that attitude~”

Card shut his eyes tight. What was his father’s problem? How was he staying so calm? It annoyed Card to the point of frustration that his father could remain so collected at a time like this while he himself could not. Of course, that was the heart of the problem, wasn’t it? “I’ll never be as good as you dad, so why bother trying anymore?”

"Because I know that's not what you really think~"

Card turned to his father, angry. What did he know? He was perfect. There had been no failure in his life, nothing that he couldn’t fix. How could he make him see? “Father, I couldn’t even save Lily’s mom. All I am is a trick. A joke. All I’ve ever been able to do is what you laid out for me, gave to me on a silver platter. So what would you know, father? You haven’t failed. I’ll only ever be what you see now, and it will never, EVER, be enough.” He hung his head, sighing.

He heard his father chuckle. Then, his father said something he had never expected. “You're under the assumption that I enjoy being like this~"

Card glanced up at his father, confused. Not enjoy this? Being so powerful you could do anything you wanted? “I’m… afraid I don’t understand.” He sat next to his father, watching him.

His father sighed slightly, surprising Card. He had never seen his father sad in the least. “My... talents came from the loss of somepony very close. It is something I'll never forget. To this day, I'd do anything to undo it.”

Card thought about this for some time. Finally, he spoke, his voice soft. “So… we have both failed?” His father nodded, smiling at him. Card took a deep breath, thinking. Why was he being so illogical about this? Lily’s outburst had been one of anger and sorrow, not entirely directed at him. Her mother had just died. Truly, was it his fault? Ambrosia seemed to be dying because of her horn, but Card knew there were ways to heal that problem. Perhaps it had been Ambrosia’s own fault, and not his own. Something still bothered him, however. Ambrosia would have clung to life with every fiber of her being.

His eyes widened as everything started to piece itself together. What if Ambrosia had been somepony else? There were plenty of ponies and potions that could take the appearance of another. In fact, as his head was beginning to clear, he realized his mind had been fogged. Why had he acted like this? Something had taken a hold of his thoughts, clouding his judgment. There was one he knew of that could do that all.

“Looks like you’re figuring it out~” With that, Hat put his hoof around his son, pulling him close. “Do me a favor.”

Card looked up at him, his white eyes seeming to shine. Hat smiled as ever. “Don’t be a Hat Trick. Be Card.” With those final words, he hugged his son and walked out, his eyes shut and his mouth forming that same, everlasting smile.

Card sighed, knowing what would come now. He walked out of his room to find a sobbing Lily sitting on the couch. He gently laid a hoof on her back, and she glanced up at him, instantly gaining a hurt expression. “What do you want?” He winced slightly at her tone of voice, but knew that Lily was worth any pain. He would stick by her no matter what.

He gently took a hold of her and stroked her mane, making her gasp. He looked into her eyes and smiled. “We’ll get through this, my dear. You and me together~”

Card watched as her anger melted away in the hooves of her special colt; watched as the anger gave way to sorrow and her eyes filled with more tears. With a small sob, she buried her face into his chest, crying as much as she needed. “C-c-card, I-I’m so so s-sorry! I-I didn’t mean to g-get so angry, I-I d-don’t know w-what came over m-me!”

Lightly he hugged her. “No more tears,” he said. “No more tears tonight over forgotten words.” She couldn’t help but smile at his soothing voice and kindness. He gently lifted her chin to look into his eyes, and though only a colt, his wisdom shone in those sparkling eyes. “I never want for you to cry for us again. I only ever want to see you smile.”

Her smile grew as she nodded. “Alright, Card.” He wiped away her tears as she continued to speak. “I’m so sorry I yelled so much earlier… I-I don’t know what came over me, it’s all so foggy now…”

Card nodded, thinking. There was one way to check and be sure. He calmly walked to the nearby phone and dialed a number he had memorized.

“Hello, is this a Miss Ambrosia Bywater?”

Lily started slightly as he said this. There was no point in calling a dead pony… unless they were still alive.

Card smiled softly. “Yes, thank you Ambrosia.” With that, he hung up.

Lily walked over to him, confused. “C-card, that couldn’t have been her… you said she died…”

Card nodded. “She had seemed to. Yet, did you notice how both our minds became clouded? How your kindness turned to hatred and my wisdom became my downfall? We became the opposite of who we truly are inside. Only one person I know can do that.”

Card closes his eyes tightly. “Discord did this to us. He has been hunting Miss Diane for ages now, always trying to change her into a discarded state, playing on her dormant insanity. Now he has begun to target the ponies staying in the inn. I cannot allow him to do this any longer.”

He looked up at Lily, his eyes sparkling no longer with tears, but with vengeance. “The next time I see him, the Discord who has done this to us, I will end him.”

With that, Card took Lily back to their room, both of them lying down to sleep and rest after their frightful experience.

The years passed, and all of the ponies in the inn grew older. Card and Lily lived happily, though many hardships befell them both. Cards mind was assaulted by an unknown force – and a hidden advisory at that -, and he even had a visit from himself from an alternate universe, a pony going by the alias of Valkyrie. Valkyrie had been using shadow magic to manipulate the world around him in evil ways, hurting many of the ponies Card knew and loved. Card reformed him into a good pony after learning of his dark past. Growing older still as the years seemed to fly by, Card matured further, understanding more of the world outside – and inside. Yet, even in times of utter content, he would never forget his vow. He would end Discord.

Author's Note:

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW YES!!! I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR OVER 2 WEEKS. About 2,980 words in JUST the prologue. I'm writing this fic as a gift for my friend, DrakeFang. Look him up!! He's awesome, and this story is dedicated to one of my favorite RP's he did with me (and is technically still doing with me OwO). SO. Happy Birthday, Drakey boy, and may you enjoy the RP that made me smile.