• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 600 Views, 3 Comments

I heard what you said... - DisharmonyandChaos

Fluttershy overhears her childhood and best friend rainbow dash making fun of her. This breaks the yellow pony's heart, and causes fluttershy to go into spiraling depression. Worst of all she refuses to confront rainbow about it.

  • ...

What did she say?..

"A-Are you sure its safe?!" A very nervous little filly Futtershy called from a cloud above an impatiently waiting Rainbow Dash.

"Don't worry, you got it! Just open your wings, jump and keep em open! you'll glide right down!" Rainbow Dash said in a confident reassuring voice.

"O-Ok..here i go...one..two..three!" Fluttershy jumps off the cloud eyes clenched shut, one problem though. She forgot to open her wings "AHHHHHHHH!" She falls and lands right onto the cloud where rainbow was waiting.

"Oh jeez you okay!?" Rainbow rushed over and helped her friend up, who's eyes were all over the place. Dizzy from hitting the cloud so hard no doubt.

"I-Im okay just..i don't wanna do that anymore!" Fluttershy shook her head, regaining herself but also in defiance of rainbows so called 'awesome training program'

"Heh alright but hey next time" She brushed off her friends mane. "Open your wings okay?"

A little pause settled between them, but they both giggled about it and went on to spend the rest of the day together.

That was just one of the many days Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy shared together many years ago at Summer Flight-School. A program for young pegasi to learn how to fly more properly while school was out, Fluttershy absolutely despised it, but it did bring back fond memories of the past.

Our little yellow pegasus was enjoying a relaxing tea party with her bunny Angel, the name is both fitting and deceiving at the same time. He can be sweet as can be at times, or the freakin' devil at others. Just depends on his mood i suppose. Fluttershy and Angel had tea parties on a regular basis, it was both fun and relaxing to them both, but Angel was mostly in it for the carrots he received if he played nice.

"Thank you for the lovely tea party angel, it was very nice getting to catch up" Fluttershy smiled gleefully, today was just wonderful. Angel gave a smiling nod, but as Fluttershy was cleaning up, he crossed his little forelegs and stared at her with a look suggesting he was expecting something from her.

"Hmm? Oh!" Fluttershy set down the tea kettle and reached for a carrot setting it down in front of Angel. "There you go Angel-bunny, for spending time with mama today" Fluttershy very gently petted him on the head before returning to putting away her little tea party kit she made herself.

After that was all said and done, she decided a nice walk through town was in order. "Will you be okay while im gone Angel?"

Angel completely ignored her, he was too busy getting smooth with the carrot. To which Fluttershy simply giggled and walked out the door. "Be back later," She said as she shut the door behind her.

Today was absolutely gorgeous, the beautiful blue sky was graced with a few puffy white clouds here and there. A very mild breeze blowing ever so gracefully to the east. Rainbow Dash outdid herself with making today just amazing. A walk is just what the doctor ordered.

Fluttershy lived in a lightly wooded area as well so it just made the walk all the more enjoyable, a squirrel happened to cross paths with her. "Hello mister squirrel." She said leaning down to be eye to eye with the the rodent. The squirrel gave her a wave then continues along with his day, just as she continued on with her walk.

Soon she reached town which was bustling with life as normal, fillies and colts at play for today was Saturday. Merchants at their stalls selling the goods they bared. Fluttershy enjoyed every single thing about today, i mean how could you not? She continued to make her way through Ponyville and soon was walking by Sugarcube Corner.

The sound of Rainbow Dashes voice could be heard from the inside, she was laughing along with some other ponies. "Hehe, she's probably telling some jokes..maybe i should say hello." Fluttershy walked up the steps and through the saloon style doors but wasn't noticed, the place was packed with ponies who seemed to be gathered around Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy managed to squeeze her way enough through the crowd to at least have a glimpse of Rainbow who was doing something. "Do the impression again!" A mare called out.

"Heheheh, alright alright. You ask her something like..whats your name? She will answer just like this no joke." She cleared her throat and spoke in a mocking hushed voice. "I-Its Fluttershy.." Rainbow then laughed, along with everypony in the crowd, everypony expect Fluttershy...

"And, And! She's afraid of her own shadow! How lame do you have to be, to be afraid of your own shadow i mean come on!"
Rainbow laughed even harder, Fluttershys loud shocked gasp was cloaked by the sounds of laughing ponies. The last thing she could bare to watch was an insulting impression of her weak flying skills. After that, Fluttershy could bare it no longer, biting her quivering lip, backing out of the crowd and bursting out the doors.

Tears ran down her face, and when she was far enough away. Fluttershy burst into a full blown cry fest, she couldn't believe that rainbow dash would mock her or ever even make fun of her! Fluttershy was so upset when she got home, she locked her front door and broke down on her couch. A trail of tears slowly ran down the side of her couch.

Fluttershy, just had her fragile little heart broken. Her best friend, mocking her and her flaws. That very thought continued to rewind itself over and over in her head, causing her to just cry harder and harder. She began to choke up on her saliva she was crying so hard. All the little critters in her house, began to emerge from their little homes to find the mare who has shown this undying love and affection bawling her eyes out as hard as ponemanely possible.

Rainbow Dash was completely oblivious, she was still making jokes about her best friend. Who saw her mocking her, and was now torn to shreds by it.