• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 2,314 Views, 78 Comments

A Life of Work - 15MadyCat

After a dragon-pony war the dragon-blooded humans become slaves to the pony-bloods. A birthday present of a slave to the Master's daughter will only become trouble when he falls in love with her.

  • ...

Chapter 4

The boy looked up at her with tears still streaming down his face. His smile was still wide as ever showing off his sharp fangs. The mistress smiled back down at him before leading him over to the eating table. He gave a confused look when she pushed him down into a chair. The table in front of him was quite a sight to see. It was covered in different sorts of food with a vast variety. The teen couldn't help but gawk at the sight in front of him as he felt his mouth starting to water. It had been quite some time since his last official meal, and just from the display of food his stomach ached for it. He could feel a small sensation spreading though his body and he did his best to ignore the pulling at his conscious telling him to take it all. He looked up at the two women standing beside him.

He paused for a second before speaking, "Aren't you gunna eat too?" His voice was small and cracked a bit as he spoke. Which was a bit natural seeing as he hasn't spoken aloud in awhile.

The girl with the curled purple hair smiled down at him. "No darling we already ate. Its all yours." Her smile was so sweet and her eyes sparkled with the utmost delicacy as she batted her eyelashes. He lightly smiled back at her before turning back towards the table.

His stomach growled as he reached for one of the rolls sitting on a plate. Taking a small sniff of the honey glazed bread he stuffed it into his mouth along with another. Swallowing he grabbed at the other delectable items on the table and quickly ate them. After some time of snorting down food he slowed his pace taking small bites out of a fire cooked potato. It was salted and nothing like he had ever eaten before. The pony-bloods food was quite different and not very rich in flavor, but from a few months of being on the brink of starving it was delicious. After finishing his meal he took the small cup and drank the water from it making sure not to leave any left.

"Are you done?" The white unicorn horned girl asked as the boy leaned back in his seat. He nodded and stood up from the table pushing in his chair then grabbing some plates to take to the washing dish. Before he could get there though a blue aurora formed around the plates and levitated. "Don't worry about it, darling. We'll take care of it." The girl smiled at him and grabbed the plates from her magical grasp.

The dragon boy looked confused as he shook his head. Why were they treating him like this? Not that he didn't mind, but it wasn't right. If anyone were to find out about it they would be arrested,or worse even killed. Ponies weren't supposed to be nice or help dragon-bloods, so why were they? "I-I can clean up it's fine..." He took a tentative step towards.

"No no darling we've got it. You just relax." The violet haired girl raised a hand and smiled behind it before continuing to clean up. The teenager just stood there watching on. Both the mistress and her daughter were cleaning up his mess. It didn't feel right. He rung his hands together and waited patiently for them to finish cleaning up. The mistresses daughter turned toward him after rinsing off the last dish.

"Alright you two time for bed." The mistress smiled at the two teens after clapping her hands together. "Since we don't have any extra rooms you have to stay with my daughter if that's alright with you." The green headed boy nodded. "Good. Now go get in bed my husband will be home tomorrow, but I couldn't tell you what time. You'll just have to be out of the house at dawn." She finished before nodding them off.

"Come on." The unicorn grabbed the slaves hand and led him upstairs. The dragon-kins face felt a bit warm as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Her skin was so soft against his stronger more rough skin. He enjoyed the feeling of her hand in his. He could feel his heart beat faster than usual.

Once upstairs she lead him into her room. Taking a quick look around he could see a small shelf with a few books on them, a bed, and a small closet. It wasn't anything fancy for a dragon-blood, but it was somewhat higher class for ponies. "Well this is it." She spun around to face him and shrugged with her hands. "Nothing special really." She looked around a bit before stopping her gaze at her book shelf. Turning back towards the boy she asked, "Do you know how to read and write in our language?" The teen put a hand on his chin and thought for a bit before silently shaking his head. "Would you like me to teach you?" He nodded lightly smiling.

She went over and grabbed her dictionary. It was required for every family to have one in their household. She sat down on the floor by her bed and patted the spot next to her for the slave to sit down. He accepted the offer and sat next to her. "So you don't seem to have a problem to speak in my language have you been taught this before?"

"No, I just pick up on things easily." He stated quietly.

The girl nodded. "Could you say that in your language?"

The boy thought for a second before speaking louder and more confidently, "Neik, Ik jukstek paykokay uaxpay eikn tekhashikngeks ukahsikly."

The girl stared at him for a second. "Wow..." she laughed awkwardly a bit, "That sounds quite complex."

He shrugged casually before speaking in his dragonic language again, "Neiktek ahs dayikoffikuaxltek ahs yeikuax tekhashikkokay."

"And what does that mean?" She legitimately seemed interested in it now.

He thought for a little before saying, "Not as difficult as you think."

She smiled brightly and giggled a bit. "Well it is for me." She looked down at the book in her lap. "Now where were we? Ah yes." She handed the boy the dictionary and stood up walking over to the small desk by her shelf grabbing some paper along with a quill and ink. She turned toward the dragon-blood. "Ready for some learning?" In response he smiled awkwardly and he was truthfully a bit concerned.

Author's Note:

Dragonic language is something I made up while writing this chapter. If you would like to use my made up language here it is

A- ah
B- bok (Bow-k)
C- ko
D- day
E- uk (ook)
F- off (Oh-ff)
G- gek
H- hash (hah-shh)
I- ik (eek)
J- juk (shu-k)
K- kay
L- l
M- mn
N- n
O- eik (eh-k)
P- pay
Q- ku (ck-u)
R- ru (roo)
S- s
T- tek
U- uax (oo-eh--x)
V- va (vay)
W- dobva (doo-buh-vay)
Y- y
Z- zek