• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,149 Views, 21 Comments

The Thing From Beneath the Sea - Jabberwocky1996

A creature from the ocean depths of Equestria surfaces and the Mane 6 must put a stop to it.

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The Confrontation Begins

The ponies all slept soundly in their respective rooms. The moon cast a dark blue shadow in the rooms. The breeze blew gently outside and rattled some of the loose roof boards. And yet with all this peace came a very faint squeaking and a tapping sound.

The only pony who noticed this was Fluttershy. She hid under bed-sheets, making them form a huge lump like shape. Under the covers, Fluttershy trembled with fright. With every tap she bit her lip and with every squeak fear shot up and down her spine. But then she remembered something. The mice and rats back at home.

It’s probably mice. she thought Yeah that’s it. I’ll just go see.

She nervously peeked her head from under the covers. She grabbed the flashlight right next to her on a nearby dresser and nervously headed towards the door. She poked her head out and saw nothing.

The tapping then happened and she immediately turned the flashlight towards the wall near Rarity’s room door. The moment the light hit the wall, the shadow vanished.

Fluttershy was now confused.

Poor thing must be scared. she thought.

She nervously flew towards Rarity’s door and saw the faint shadow of the mysterious creature.

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy said softly “I’m not going to hurt you.”

The shadow suddenly zipped into Rarity’s room. Fluttershy peeked her head and shone her right towards Rarity’s bed.

Rarity had her back turned towards Fluttershy and was mumbling in her sleep. But Fluttershy noticed something about the size of a small dog crawling up towards Rarity. Fluttershy turned her flashlight towards the thing and her eyes shrank.

It was a hideous bug-like creature that seemed to have a beak and huge claws and pinchers. Saliva dripped from the monsters beak-like mouth. It hissed a spine-tingling hiss. It’s two main pincers raised up high ready to strike.

And then Fluttershy couldn’t hold it back. She let out a blood-curdling scream and as if on command Rarity screamed as well and sat up in bed and the bug creature was flung towards the edge of the bed. Rarity ripped off the blindfold and looked at her feet. The bug creature was there hissing like an angry snake.

Rarity kicked her feet in an attempt to get the creature away. The creature screeched like a Chihuahua getting it’s tail cut off every time Rarity’s feet impacted it. It’s pincers were flailing all over the place. One found it’s mark and grabbed Rarity’s foot. She screamed even louder and began thrashing like a fish out of water.

Fluttershy then threw her flashlight at the creature and it flew past the creature and shattered the window.

“GET DOWN!” yelled a familiar voice.

A beam of purple-pink magic flew towards the creature and with one agonizing screech and in an explosion of green blood, carapace and smoke, the creature disintegrated.

An exhausted Rarity flopped onto her pillows and turned to see her friends. Twilight’s horn was glowing and smoking.

“What was that?” Applejack demanded.

“I-I-I don’t know.” Rarity panted and obviously frightened “I-It attacked me. I heard F-F-F-Fluttershy screaming and I saw the creature on my bed. Y-You guys came in the nick of time.”

“You okay, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy just nodded, still trembling.

“Glad THAT’S over.” Rainbow Dash said.

Suddenly there came more screaming from outside. Rarity looked out the window and saw ponies running for their lives, some still in their pajamas.

“Come on!” Twilight ordered.


In a few minutes they were out the door and in the dirt street. Ponies scurried past the six, screaming and yelling.

“Hey!” Twilight yelled as she stopped a pony “What’s going on?!”

“A big monster!” the pony yelped “The one that ate Clem! Run for your lives! We’re all doomed!”

The pony then ran off screaming. Soon the screams faded as the ponies ran off into the distant desert.

“You think they’ll be okay?” Fluttershy pointed out.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Applejack said “We’ll check up on them when were done.”

“Alright, where’s the monster?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Pinkie,” Rarity said “The creature isn’t just going to surrender itself on bended knee.”

“Yeah, we gotta find it.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Alright, now if we-” Twilight began.

But before she could finish the sentence there was a loud crashing sound and a cloud of dust and the ponies turned around and gasped.

There, just a few feet away, stood the monster. It’s hot breath stung a eyes of the ponies as it growled. It’s soulless, black eyes stared at them with hate.

“Oh dear.” Rarity whispered to herself.