> The Thing From Beneath the Sea > by Jabberwocky1996 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It Arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the ocean floor, it seemed to glide through the cold water. It was an unusual creature. It had a very strange face almost like a cross between a toad and a bulldog. It’s teeth were long and dagger like. They were as big as a man. The creature had black seemingly soulless black eyes that stared into the blue and white bareness before it. Instead of ears it had pink flab’s that seemed to act like gills. It had long arms that seemed to have thin wings attached. With these it seemed to glide through the water. On it’s belly were tentacles that searched through the sand. Suddenly they lunged into the sand and in a few moments a small dead shark was brought the monsters mouth. It opened it’s mouth so wide you could fit a semi-truck through it. When the shark’s lifeless body settled on the tongue of the creature it slammed it’s jaws shut causing the sand ahead to form a cloud of dust. The creature then launched itself towards the surface water. The water collected around it’s face as it hurtled towards the surface. ///////////////////// Above water, the sky was a bright blue. White clouds hovered like puffs of wool. In the distance was the city of Baltimare. Floating on the ocean was a small 20 foot long wooden boat. In it were two ponies, each wearing yellow life vests. One was a dark grey earth pony with a white mane and tail and a fishing rod cutie mark. The other was a brown unicorn pony with a black mane and tail and had a boat for the cutie mark. “I just can’t believe it, Clem.” said the grey pony “Three hours and not a single bite. The fish just up and leave?” “Maybe.” Clem said “Who knows, Rick.” Suddenly a faint rumbling sound came from under the ship. Clem and Rick looked down at the water around them. Bubbles began coming up. “Huh. Maybe the fish are comin’ to us.” Rick said. “Hey, you might be right!” Clem said “Look!” Sure enough with the ever increasing bubbles came the tell-tale silver reflections of fish. “Get the net!” Rick yelled. Clem rushed towards the edge of the boat and in no time had the net. He then threw it into the ocean, with his magic levitating the edges. “I can just taste them fish!” Rick exclaimed excitedly. But Clem noticed something. The bubbles were getting larger and the fish were getting closer to the surface but he noticed something else coming towards them. Something huge. “Uh…are you sure this is a good idea?” he worryingly asked. “Oh what could go wrong?” Rick inquired. Within seconds the little boat was engulfed in cold salt water. Amid the water, the creature flew out of the water above Clem and Rick. Rick looked up and eyes grew as big as dinner plates. It was the biggest thing he’d ever seen. Seconds later the creature slammed back into the water sending another wave of water slamming on the boat. The salty water stung the eyes of the two ponies. When the water finally dissipated and only swells were left the two ponies were left flabbergasted. And then fish began falling back into the ocean. Most of the fish hit the boat and the ponies. Clem and Nick looked at each other. “Told you this was a stupid idea.” Clem said. ///////////////////// Baltimare wasn’t exactly the size of Manehattan or Canterlot but it was a decent city. With 30 story buildings climbing into the clouds like metal and glass trees and paved stone roads winding through the city. Everywhere ponies walked and talked as usual. Watch Chain’s horn lit up with magic as he opened his umbrella’s of his antique store. The addition of tables for visitors to eat and chat had boosted business. Lauren’s Fishery was busy and loaded with ponies getting gear, bait and so on and so forth. It was summer and Baltimare was known for being one of the number one fishing places in Equestria. It had taken it years to earn that reputation. The water was never too hot or too cold. It was perfect not only for swimming but also for fish. At the beach, ponies were either swimming, sunbathing or playing. The sun shone brightly over the city and beach. There were very little clouds. “Hey, what’s that?” a pony exclaimed. In the distance, some waves were collecting into one huge one which was slowly getting bigger. The ponies all stoop up and looked at the on-coming wave and noticed it was coming faster and faster towards land. It didn’t take long for the ponies to run screaming towards the buildings and hotels and streets. In an explosion of sand and sea water, the creature arose from it’s oceanic refuge. It roared a loud roar that hurt the fleeing ponies ears. ///////////////////// Celestia sat on her throne room discussing with the ambassadors of the Griffon kingdom. Then without warning a guard burst into the room panting like everything. “Your highness! Your highness!” he yelled “News from-” He then stopped and noticed the ambassadors. “Oh, um, my apologizes, your highness.” the guard said. “It’s alright, sir.” Celestia said softly “Gentlemen, will you excuse me for a moment?” “Oh course.” the first ambassador said. “Indeed.” the second ambassador said. The two griffons walked out leaving Celestia and the guard alone. Celestia then turned to the guard. “Now, what’s wrong my good man?” she asked. “Well, your highness, it’s about Baltimare.” the guard responded. “What’s wrong?” Celestia inquired. “The city was attacked today.” the guard replied. Celestia gasped. “The Changelings?” “No, your highness, that’s just it.” the guard responded “The attacker came from the sea. They said it was a huge monster as tall as a building. What should we do?” “Find Cadence and Shining Armor!” Celestia ordered “Assemble the Royal Guard! And get the elements of harmony!” “At once!” the guard said. The guard turned and ran out and Celestia wasted no time in writing a letter. ///////////////////// Pinkie Pie walked with her boyfriend Pokey Pierce through the quiet streets of Ponyville. The birds chirped in the trees and the wind danced through Pinkie’s hair. Suddenly Pinkie began shaking violently much to Pokey’s surprise. “Whoa, Pinkie! What’s wrong?!” Pokey demanded. “O-O-Oh man!” Pinkie Pie stammered “I-I don’t k-know! S-S-S-Something b-big m-m-must b-be going o-on!” And then just like that she stopped. Pinkie then looked around. “Never got that before.” she said. “What about that time with Twilight and that Hydra?” Pokey pointed out. “This was bigger then that.” Pinkie replied “You think I should tell Twilight?” “I guess.” Pokey said “It’s probably nothing.” > To Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle was in her library doing what she did best outside of magic…reading. In this case she was reading a novel about poodles. It was a book Fluttershy had lent her. So far it was interesting. Just then a knock came to the door. “Spike, can you get the door?” Twilight called out. “Alright!” Spike replied from upstairs. Spike ran down the stairs and opened the door revealing Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity. They walked in and Twilight turned to see her friends. “Hey guys? What’s up?” Twilight asked. “Not much.” Applejack responded “Pinkie here says she’s been gettin’ her Pinkie Sense somethin’ terrible.” “Really?” Twilight inquired. “Yeah.” Pinkie Pie replied “It stops but then it comes back. It is so annoying! I thought you could help.” “Have you ever gotten anything like this before?” Twilight asked. “No, that’s the trouble.” Rarity said. “And she did it just before we arrived here.” Fluttershy said. Suddenly there was a flash of green light and the smell of smoke and a burping sound and everyone turned to see Spike holding a letter. He then tossed it to Twilight who levitated it towards herself and opened it. The letter said this: Dearest Twilight, you and your friends presence is requested at Canterlot castle at once. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia “Come on, girls. To the train station!” Twilight exclaimed as she headed for the door. And then with a loud WHAM! Twilight hit the door. She dizzyingly stepped back and shook her head and laughed embarrassingly. She then opened the door with her magic and the ponies walked out. “Spike, watch the library while we’re gone!” Twilight yelled. “Can do!” Spike replied back. ///////////////////// Celestia sighed nervously and she tapped her foot. Just then her sister Luna flew in as the door closed behind her. She landed at the foot of the royal throne. “What news from Baltimare?” Celestia inquired. “The city has been decimated my sister.” Luna said “Many ponies are dead. Luckily, the city is being evacuated.” Celestia sighed and rubbed her forehead and then her eyes. “What attacked?” she asked. “I’m afraid we don’t know. But Doctor Whooves is looking into it.” Luna replied. “Good.” Celestia said “I hope we can stop this…thing.” “That may be a problem.” Luna said. “What do you mean?” Celestia demanded. “Remember how there’s a bay near Baltimare that also connects to a river?” Luna asked. “Yes, I-” Celestia said as it suddenly dawned on her “Oh no…you mean…?” “I’m afraid so.” Luna responded “The creature is moving upriver.” ///////////////////// A cow walked towards a stream. The cool water flowed through the grassy field. Insects and birds chirped and vocalized on the air and ground. The cow looked around. No reason I can’t take just one little sip. she thought. The cow lowered her head and began to drink. The water felt good as it trickled down her throat. Suddenly there was a rumbling noise and she poked her head up and looked around. “Robbie, if you’re trying to scare me, I’ll pepper spray you again.” the cow said. Nothing happened. She shrugged and turned to the river to drink. And that was the last she ever saw. > The Journey Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and the ponies rushed into the throne room a few minutes after Luna had left to tend to her duties. “Princess, what’s wrong?!” Twilight barked “Are the Changelings coming back?!” “No.” Celestia replied. “Is Nightmare Moon returning?” Rarity asked. “Not likely.” Celestia responded. “I-Is there a dragon invasion?” Fluttershy nervously asked. “No, Fluttershy.” Celestia said “Something else. Just as bad.” “What?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It seems a creature has arisen from the Equestrian Sea.” Celestia explained “Eyewitnesses say it’s over 25 stories tall and has tentacles. It is a truly grotesque creature that has already leveled the city of Baltimare.” The ponies gasped. “And now it is heading upriver.” Celestia continued “I need you to use the Elements of Harmony and stop this monster before it creates more havoc.” Twilight pondered this then cleared her throat. “Princess Celestia, you can count on us!” she said. “The creature was last seen a few dozen miles from Ponyville.” Celestia said. “Good luck, my friends, the fate of Equestria is in your hooves.” The ponies then ran out of the throne room. ///////////////////// Spike sat right next to Owlowiscious’ perch, reading a book on diamonds. Those diamonds must be delicious! he thought. Suddenly Twilight burst in startling Spike and Owlowiscious and causing Spike to fall over. As Spike regained his footing, Twilight was busy shoving books and a map into her saddle-bag. “What’s wrong?” Spike inquired “Is Equestria in trouble again?” “Yup!” Twilight responded “And I’ve got to go. I might be gone for a few days. Can you handle that?” “Can do!” Spike responded. Twilight then stopped and the door and turned to Spike. “In case I don’t come back, I just want you to know you’ve been a great help and an even better friend.” she said seriously. The words surprised Spike. Twilight had never sounded so serious in a long time. “Glad I could help.” Spike said half-heartily. “Twilight, come on!” Applejack called out. “Coming!” Twilight barked back as she turned back to Spike “Goodbye, Spike.” She then shut the door and ran off. Spike sighed. “Good luck, Twilight.” he said. “Who?” Owlowiscious hooted. “Twilight, you know?” Spike said. “Who?” Owlowiscious hooted again. Spike face palmed and sighed. “Never mind.” > It's Coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The creature moved through the countryside. The river was too small for it to swim through. It was in an unfamiliar world. Whenever it walked, trees fell over and the ground shook. Birds flew around it, often landing on it and either resting or picking at it’s parasites (which dwarfed the birds). Suddenly, it sensed a familiar smell: food. This time it smelled good. Not like those cows it had eaten. ///////////////////// Nearby a brightly colored red and white barn, a brown earth pony with a plow cutie mark rested under a palm tree. He was fast asleep and so he didn’t awake when the monster walked towards his barn. No it was the agonizing screams and the sound of the roof crashing that awoke him. The pony awoke as the screams grew louder and more prominent. He turned to see the monster, it’s head buried into the barn. “Hey, what the heck you doing to my barn?!” the pony yelled “What are you crazy?!” The monster ignored him. The screams were slowly dying away. Infuriated, the pony grabbed a horseshoe and threw it at the beast. It pounced off the creatures gills. The creature then growled and poked it’s head up and turned towards the pony. It’s teeth were stained with blood and a piece of a pig dropped from between it’s teeth and fell at the creatures feet. The ponies face now turned to sheer terror as the creature hissed and moved towards him. “Sweet Celestia.” the pony said. Before the pony could scramble towards his house, the creature roared a deafening roar and it’s belly tentacles shot out and grabbed the screaming pony. They then threw the pony into the creatures mouth and with one huge bite the pony was impaled on it’s teeth and the pony died instantly. Then with one swish of it’s head, the creature swallowed the pony. It then walked away, growling as it went. It then stopped for a moment and scratched the back of it’s head. It purred as it scratched. It’s claws scraped the skin revealing dead skin and something else. Falling off the monsters were grotesque crab-like creatures the size of a small dog. They had pincers and disturbing beak-like jaws. They fell to the ground and scurried under the monster as it walked away. ///////////////////// The ponies rode the train out of Ponyville towards Dodge Junction. Dodge Junction, despite it’s desert location, had a river close by that led to the sea. Hopefully, the monster would be there soon. The environment changed from grass to sand slowly but inside the train it seemed to fly past at the speed of light. Fluttershy held the Elements of Harmony in a box on her lap. The other ponies sat beside or across from her. “Do we put the Elements on right now?” Rainbow Dash asked. “No.” Twilight replied “I suggest we wait until we get to the city.” “Yeah, that makes sense.” Applejack said “A little.” “What do you think the monster is doing?” Fluttershy asked. “I’m trying not to think about it.” Applejack said. “I just hope we don’t get eaten.” Pinkie Pie said “That doesn’t sound healthy at all.” “Oh, good heavens no.” Rarity said. “What time is it?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash looked at the clock above the door. “4:30.” she said. “Alright, let’s go eat lunch then get back here.” Twilight said “We should be at Dodge Junction soon." > Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train screeched to a halt at the station in Dodge Junction. Dust collected in huge clouds and mixed with the smoke emanating from the steam train. The train’s whistle blew signaling the ponies to get off. The ponies looked around and quietly got off. They passed other ponies who were either talking about their day or just doing stuff. They then saw the Dodge Junction Hotel. “Okay, girls, we’re going to rest here for the night.” Twilight said “Tomorrow we go look for the creature. Wherever it may be.” “But we don’t know where it is.” Rainbow Dash pointed out “There’s got to be a way to narrow it down.” “I have to agree with Rainbow Dash on this one.” Rarity said. “Same here.” Applejack said “Like, where did anybody last see it?” “IT ATE HUD!” screamed a voice. The ponies turned to see an absolutely exhausted blue earth pony with a fedora and cherry tree cutie mark running into the middle of town. He was busy flailing his arms around and yelling at the top of his voice. “IT ATE HUD! IT’S A COMIN’!” the pony screamed “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE, Y’ALL! WE’RE DOOMED! BUGS ARE COMING OFF IT’S BACK! IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!” By now almost the entire town was in a panic. Ponies scurried and fled for their houses making sure to lock the doors and windows. Already the cherry plantation was closed and the boss and her workers were running amok in town. Now the Mane 6 were all alone in the middle of town. The wind blew through the air and tumbleweeds rolled by. The ponies looked at each other. “Well, that happened.” Pinkie Pie said. ///////////////////// A yellow earth pony with a black mane and tail and a barrel cutie mark sat by the river. In the distance was Dodge Junction. Nearby the cherry trees on the plantation blossomed and the wind shook the flowers loose and they blew through the trees, seemingly dancing in the air. The pony, however, wasn’t focusing on that. He was busy waiting for the fish to eat at his line. He had ignored the crazed pony who had warned him earlier and had just deemed him crazy. “Ugh, nothing.” the pony said. He pulled up his line. Sure enough, nothing but a soda can that had been snagged on the line. He shook the bottle and threw it into a bush. He then threw his line back in. After tapping his foot for about two minutes the line suddenly shook violently. “Ha-ha!” the pony laughed. Suddenly there was a very faint rumbling sound and the water vibrated. The pony looked around. His eyes narrowed. “Weird.” he said. He no sooner felt the tug against his line then the rumbling happened again. The pony grinded his teeth angrily. “Okay, whose doing that?!” he yelled as he looked around “Bart, is that you?!” No answer. Just the sound of the wind. The pony now felt slightly nervous. He wasted no time in pulling up his line and the small fish flopped onto the ground next to him. He then unhooked the fish and put it out of it’s misery. Then the rumbling sound happened again only slightly louder. “I’m going crazy.” the pony thought. He then packed his stuff, took the fish and put it in his saddle-bag and headed home. But as he left, a little bug the size of a dog crawled into the bush where the soda bottle was. Concealed in the dark, the creature eyed the leaving pony with it’s four eyes. The bug’s sight was almost entirely green so the pony just looked bright white. The bug hissed and zipped out of the book and up into a nearby tree. The pony stopped and looked up at the tree but the bug was concealed so it didn’t worry. The pony looked around and squinted really hard at the tree. He then shook his head, looked around to see if he was being followed and ran like heck towards his house. > The Confrontation Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ponies all slept soundly in their respective rooms. The moon cast a dark blue shadow in the rooms. The breeze blew gently outside and rattled some of the loose roof boards. And yet with all this peace came a very faint squeaking and a tapping sound. The only pony who noticed this was Fluttershy. She hid under bed-sheets, making them form a huge lump like shape. Under the covers, Fluttershy trembled with fright. With every tap she bit her lip and with every squeak fear shot up and down her spine. But then she remembered something. The mice and rats back at home. It’s probably mice. she thought Yeah that’s it. I’ll just go see. She nervously peeked her head from under the covers. She grabbed the flashlight right next to her on a nearby dresser and nervously headed towards the door. She poked her head out and saw nothing. The tapping then happened and she immediately turned the flashlight towards the wall near Rarity’s room door. The moment the light hit the wall, the shadow vanished. Fluttershy was now confused. Poor thing must be scared. she thought. She nervously flew towards Rarity’s door and saw the faint shadow of the mysterious creature. “It’s okay.” Fluttershy said softly “I’m not going to hurt you.” The shadow suddenly zipped into Rarity’s room. Fluttershy peeked her head and shone her right towards Rarity’s bed. Rarity had her back turned towards Fluttershy and was mumbling in her sleep. But Fluttershy noticed something about the size of a small dog crawling up towards Rarity. Fluttershy turned her flashlight towards the thing and her eyes shrank. It was a hideous bug-like creature that seemed to have a beak and huge claws and pinchers. Saliva dripped from the monsters beak-like mouth. It hissed a spine-tingling hiss. It’s two main pincers raised up high ready to strike. And then Fluttershy couldn’t hold it back. She let out a blood-curdling scream and as if on command Rarity screamed as well and sat up in bed and the bug creature was flung towards the edge of the bed. Rarity ripped off the blindfold and looked at her feet. The bug creature was there hissing like an angry snake. Rarity kicked her feet in an attempt to get the creature away. The creature screeched like a Chihuahua getting it’s tail cut off every time Rarity’s feet impacted it. It’s pincers were flailing all over the place. One found it’s mark and grabbed Rarity’s foot. She screamed even louder and began thrashing like a fish out of water. Fluttershy then threw her flashlight at the creature and it flew past the creature and shattered the window. “GET DOWN!” yelled a familiar voice. A beam of purple-pink magic flew towards the creature and with one agonizing screech and in an explosion of green blood, carapace and smoke, the creature disintegrated. An exhausted Rarity flopped onto her pillows and turned to see her friends. Twilight’s horn was glowing and smoking. “What was that?” Applejack demanded. “I-I-I don’t know.” Rarity panted and obviously frightened “I-It attacked me. I heard F-F-F-Fluttershy screaming and I saw the creature on my bed. Y-You guys came in the nick of time.” “You okay, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy just nodded, still trembling. “Glad THAT’S over.” Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly there came more screaming from outside. Rarity looked out the window and saw ponies running for their lives, some still in their pajamas. “Come on!” Twilight ordered. ///////////////////// In a few minutes they were out the door and in the dirt street. Ponies scurried past the six, screaming and yelling. “Hey!” Twilight yelled as she stopped a pony “What’s going on?!” “A big monster!” the pony yelped “The one that ate Clem! Run for your lives! We’re all doomed!” The pony then ran off screaming. Soon the screams faded as the ponies ran off into the distant desert. “You think they’ll be okay?” Fluttershy pointed out. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Applejack said “We’ll check up on them when were done.” “Alright, where’s the monster?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Pinkie,” Rarity said “The creature isn’t just going to surrender itself on bended knee.” “Yeah, we gotta find it.” Rainbow Dash said. “Alright, now if we-” Twilight began. But before she could finish the sentence there was a loud crashing sound and a cloud of dust and the ponies turned around and gasped. There, just a few feet away, stood the monster. It’s hot breath stung a eyes of the ponies as it growled. It’s soulless, black eyes stared at them with hate. “Oh dear.” Rarity whispered to herself. > Now It's the End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The creature raised it’s toes high and it’s claws gleamed in the moonlight like massive black axes. “DUCK!!!” Fluttershy screamed. The ponies ducked behind a wagon as the claws came down with a massive crash and a cloud of dust. Some of the buildings shook violently and fell apart, causing even more dust and debris. “Quick, we have to get the Elements!” Twilight yelled. “Point taken!” the other ponies said. The ponies began running back to the hotel but then without warning the monster swung it’s tail. The swish caused a massive cloud of dust to cover the ponies. The tail slammed into the hotel and two other houses. Wooden debris, dust and various objects flew everywhere like deadly missiles. Twilight had luckily managed to form a magical shield around her friends. The debris moved around them harmlessly and slammed into the houses around them causing even more dust and debris. In the force field, Twilight looked to her friends. “Okay, we need to find the elements.” she said sternly “Me and Rarity will distract the monster with Rainbow Dash. Applejack, you and Fluttershy will go and search for the elements. We got one shot at this. Every pony ready?” The others nodded. “Okay….LET’S DO THIS!” Twilight yelled as the force field evaporated. In less then a few seconds, the ponies flew into action. Rarity and Twilight super-charged their horns with magic and they glowed light and purple. Then, with a mighty blast of color and magic, the beams flew at the monster hitting it squarely in the chest and face. The monster roared in pain and fell backwards and hit the ground with a loud thunderous crash and a cloud of dust and spear sized wood planks. But Rarity and Twilight put force fields to protect themselves and the debris bounced off and the dust just circled them harmlessly. ///////////////////// When the monster fell to the ground, that was the signal for Rainbow Dash to spring in. Like lighting, she high above the monster. Then, when at the right altitude, she stopped, back flipped and began a diving run on the monster. The wind screeched around her and her eyes began watering but the water flew out of her eyes and evaporated. Then, with one more flap of her wings, there was an explosion of sound and a rainbow and she flew at the monster as fast as her wings could carry her. As the monster stood up and opened it’s mouth, Rainbow flew right into it’s mouth and as the mouth closed, she landed on the uvula and then flung herself at the monster’s mouth. And with a loud scream, a loud, painful roar and a flash of moonlight and spurts of blood, Rainbow flew out of the monsters mouth and four massive teeth followed after her. Rainbow crashed to the ground in front of Twilight and Rarity and the teeth crashed around them forming sort of a circle around them. The three looked around. “Huh. Weird.” Rainbow said. The monster then roared angrily and stomped it’s two front feet. “Twilight!” called a voice. Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight turned around and saw Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack running towards them. In a few minutes, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were handing the other elements to the other three ponies. “Alright girls!” Twilight ordered “Let’s show this monster what we can do!” The ponies closed their eyes and concentrated. Slowly, the elements began glowing and the light began getting brighter. The monster looked very perplexed as the light grew brighter and stepped back a bit. Then, the ponies began levitating off the ground. The dust began to curve around them as if ready to embrace them and the rocks under them began to float and white beams began connecting the elements. In no time at all they were about as high as the monsters chest. The ponies then opened their eyes and in a flash of white light a rainbow colored beam shot out and slammed into the monster. The monster roared a defiant roar before the beam surrounded him and then in a massive explosion and a loud sonic boom a sonic wave was released. Whatever was left of the buildings flew apart and for a moment everything literary turned black and white. And with that the monster was catapulted roaring back to whence it came. It flew over the desert and then slammed into a mountain top. Rocks and debris flew everywhere as the monster hit the mountain and in one massive splash of water and sand and rocks the monster hit the water and vanished into it’s watery domain. Back in Dodge Junction, the light faded and the ponies landed softly on the ground and shook their heads. They looked around and then at each other. They then cheered happily. “Not bad, girls.” Twilight said. “And not a speck of dust on us.” Rarity said “Nice.” “Can we go home now?” Fluttershy asked quietly. The ponies laughed. “Yeah, let’s go.” Rainbow replied. “Uh, no, you ain’t!” yelled a voice. The six ponies turned around and saw the citizens of Dodge Junction who had come back after the fight. Only problem was they looked really angry. The one who had yelled at them was the mayor who had a pen and paper cutie mark and had a white mane and a grey body. He also wore a jet-black top hat. “You idiots ain’t going nowhere until you help us clean up this damn mess!” he yelled. The six ponies awkwardly turned around and looked closer at what was left. The town was practically non-existent. Broken boards, splinters and wood chips were everywhere. Rocks were also scattered along with them. Coal from the train yard was at the ponies feet and a fire blazed nearby. Spilt apple cider created mud along with water from the destroyed water tower. “Oh, our bad.” Twilight said awkwardly. ///////////////////// Four days later, an exhausted Twilight approached the door of her library. Her hair had a twig in it and she had some small bags on her eyes. Fortunately, she shook her head to wake herself up and the twig flew out into a nearby bush. Then, with her magic, she fixed up her hair as best she could and opened the door. She then gasped. Party streamers covered the whole room and there was confetti on the floor. Balloons hung on the walls though some were deflated on the floor along with a stain from what seemed to be a punch bowl on the floor. And there, lying on the floor, was a sleeping Spike. His mouth was covered with ice cream. To Twilight’s amazement, the books were untouched. All of them were in their shelves and not a single on was missing. But for now she had to tend to Spike who was snoring on the floor. “Well, hey there, sleepyhead.” Twilight said. “Huh? What?” Spike said as he woke up and shook his head. He then rubbed his eyes and licked the ice cream off his lips “Oh, morning Twilight. Glad to see your back. Did you kick that monsters flank?” “Yup.” Twilight responded. She then looked around then at Spike. “Might I ask why there’s party equipment all over the place?” Spike looked around, got up and, moaning, cracked his back. “Sorry.” he said “Derpy’s baby shower. She says it’s okay you didn’t show.” “I understand.” Twilight said “Where’s Owlowiscious?” “Upstairs taking a nap.” Spike replied. Twilight smiled and walked up towards her bedroom. “I’ll talk more later. Right now, I need a nap.” she said as she flopped on the bed. “Okay.” Spike said. He then looked at his arm and noticed a tattoo. It had a heart with an arrow in it and inside it said “Carla”. “Who’s Carla?” he said to himself.