• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 9,060 Views, 254 Comments

Blood Ties - Draconian Soul

Spike has always considered Ponyville his home, that is until his real family showed up and made him question where he truly belonged.

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Spike buried his face into the chest of the dragon claiming to be his mother, tears rushing down his face.

“I can’t believe it!” he cried out, looking up at his mother with wide, watery eyes. “I can’t believe you’re real!”

The dragon continued stroking Spike’s head. “I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.”

Twilight’s mouth was agape. The appearance of Spike’s mother felt too good to be true. In fact, it felt extremely convenient.

“So, if you are his mother, why are you just now showing up?” Twilight questioned.

The dragon smiled at Twilight, causing Twilight to look even more confused then she already was. “Well, this is our migration season, young… what shall I call you, miss?”


“Prima, by the way,” the dragon responded. “But to answer your question, our species of dragons are migratory ones. We don’t stay stationary for too long, and travel every four months or so. When we stopped on the nearby mountains a few days ago, I sensed my little fire spewer would be around here.”

“Sensed?” Twilight repeated, trying to milk out more information.

“Fire spewer?” Spike was more surprised about the name matching up with the one he heard in his dreams.

“Yes, Twilight. Dragons are mentally linked to their family and spouses. If they are related to us in any way, they will always know of their existence. The closer they are to each other, the stronger the senses grow, to the point where you can practically visualize them.”

“So, was that why I was having those dreams about you cradling me as an egg?” Spike asked, eyes glossy with the overflow of tears. Prima leaned down and wrapped her inviting arms around him.

“Oh, has my poor baby been having confusing dreams?” Her honeyed words warmed the increasingly beating heart of Spike. He found comfort around her; a sense of security that he felt was missing. “It’s okay. The confusion is over now.”

“No! The confusion is not over!” Twilight’s retort widened the eyes of the two embracing dragons. “I’m not convinced that she’s your blood relative.”

“Twilight!” Spike gritted his teeth and glared at Twilight. “Why are you being so hostile towards my mother? She hasn’t done anything wrong!”

“But we know nothing about her,” Twilight continued, looking directly at the agitated Spike. “How can you be sure that she’s actually your mother? Don’t you consider it a little weird that she suddenly shows up and claims she’s your…”

Twilight paused as she heard the chuckling of Prima. She brought a claw to her mouth to contain her laughter. Once she finally withheld it in, she stood up and leaned her purple, scaly body against the house behind her. “Well, Spike, it would seem like Twilight doesn’t trust me. What is it going to take to gain her trust?”

Spike shrugged, giving Twilight a bemused glance. “I just don’t know why she can’t accept that you’re my mother in the first place.”

Twilight didn’t respond; instead, she shot suspicious daggers at Prima. The dragon’s smirking didn’t help ease her tensions much. They just stood there, observing each other as the other ponies still ran in panic, misunderstanding Prima’s intentions.

In the horizon, Twilight noticed her friends darting towards them. Prima turned around, noticing the mixed reactions from the ponies as they ran towards her.

“Well, looks like I’m the popular one today,” Prima chuckled.

“Of course you are, Mom!” Twilight cringed every time Spike called Prima that. “It’s not everyday you get a dragon the size of a building walk freely through Ponyville!”

“That’s true.”

Twilight’s friends stopped in awe, looking at the scale of the new dragon before them. Fluttershy immediately retreated behind Applejack, shivering madly.

“Well, this explains why the ponies are in a frenzy,” Rainbow Dash commented.

“Well, you could say that,” Prima answered, smiling wide enough to display her sharp teeth. Fluttershy covered her eyes to avoid looking at the terrifying sight. The others looked at Twilight and Spike, who were pretty much unphased by the dragon.

“Are ya’ll okay?” Applejack asked. “We heard a bunch of screamin’ goin’ on and we wanted to make sure everything was alright?”

“Yeah… we’re fine,” Twilight bluntly responded, still glaring at the female dragon.

“In fact, better than fine!” Spike shouted out in enthusiasm. “I feel better than I have in the past few days!”

The group gave him a confused look. This wasn’t the depressed dragon that Twilight had described. He actually looked happy, happier than he ever had.

“Are you sure he was a sad sap earlier, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He seems pretty happy to me!”

“Wait, you girls knew that I was upset?” Spike asked.

“Well of course, silly!” Pinkie chimed, being the only one who didn’t seem to consider the towering dragon something that was out of the norm. “We even made you a nice batch of cupcakes for the picnic just to cheer you up!”

Spike’s eyes widened, still as glossy as they were before. “Ooh, what kind?”

“Not going to tell you!” Pinkie teased. “You’ll have to guuuuesss!”

“Well, if I can take a shot at guessing, I would say that you made him something that has rubies, emeralds, and a heaping amount of sapphires.” Prima took the opportunity to prove a point to Twilight, grinning victoriously as she did so.

“I like her!” Pinkie exclaimed. “She’s a really good guesser!”

“Why wouldn’t I know my little fire spewer’s favorite food?”

For the first time since they met the dragon, Pinkie’s excitement turned into confusion, joining the rest of the ponies.

“Fire spewer?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, Prima calls Spike that a lot,” Twilight huffed iratibly.


“Oh, I should have introduced her earlier!” Spike exclaimed, running towards Prima and hugging her leg. “You see, she’s my mother!”

And with that, the jaws of every one of his friends opened wide, with the exception of Fluttershy who was still cowering behind Applejack.



After some explanations, the town finally calmed down and stopped running in fear. Although they didn’t fully trust Prima, they accepted her as a guest to their town, welcoming her and apologizing. That didn’t stop them however from keeping their distance from her. It was better to be safe then sorry in this situation.

With all the confusion dieing down, Spike invited Prima to eat at the picnic with them so they could talk more. Needless to say, she stood out from everyone else there. Prima was positioned on the checkered cloth, next to Spike and Fluttershy, who was still quivering in fear. She tried to soften her expression for the shaky pony, but nothing seemed to worked.

“I don’t think this one likes me,” Prima replied, pointing her claw at Fluttershy.

Spike chuckled and rocked back and forth, elated about sharing lunch with his mother. “Naw, she’s just a very shy pony! She does this to almost every new face in town.”

“She shakes and quivers every time?”

“Well… usually only with big creatures… and dragons.”

Despite having a sizable dragon amongst them, the ponies tried to carry on a conversation like normal.

“Well, let me be the first to say that I’m happy that Spike’s birth mother was able to find him,” Rarity began. “It’s a pleasure to meet the parent of such a sweet little dragon.”

“Ah, Rarity, just stop…” Spike grinned widely, his cheeks reddening from the compliment.

“What I want to know though is how you got here,” Rainbow Dash, reaching into the picnic basket for one of her sandwiches. “and where exactly are you staying?”

“Yeah, I would like to know that very same thing.” Twilight’s hooves were folded as she harshly interrogated Prima. Spike’s eyes met with Twilight’s, squinting in frustration at her actions.

“We are located up in the mountains near your little town,” Prima explained. “Our entire group is there at this very moment.”

“Yep, makes sense,” Applejack stated. “Some of the towns people claimed they saw a few dragons walking along the mountaintops.” Applejack pushed the basket towards Prima, not noticing Rainbow Dash reaching for it. “Also, feel free to eat some of this if ya want. Wouldn’t want ya to sit around and watch us ponies eat in front of ya.”

“That’s okay,” Prima denied politely. “I don’t need to eat anything.”

“But Mom, surely you want something we have!” Spike insisted, rummaging through the basket. “Here, you can have some of my food!” Spike put his sandwich and a cupcake on a towel and scooted it towards Prima, looking at her expectantly. The sight made Fluttershy stop quivering a little, as she admired how Spike interacted with his mother.

“Sweetie, this is unnecessary. You’re still a growing dragon. You need to fill up that tummy of yours.” Prima poked Spike’s belly with her claw, causing the giddy Spike to fall on his back. Prima then tickled him, making him kick and laugh uncontrollably. Rarity, Pinkie, and even Fluttershy gushed at the amount of cuteness being displayed. Applejack and Rainbow Dash chuckled loudly. Twilight on the other hand took a more negative approach, rolling her eyes at the scene.

“But seriously, my little fire spewer, I want you all to enjoy your food without me being a burden.”

“But Mom,” Spike began, giggling slightly from the aftermath of the tickle assault. “This is just as much of your food as it is…”

“Hey! She already said twice she doesn’t want any of it!” Rainbow Dash shouted, grabbing at the basket and licking her lips. “No point in insisting if she keeps saying no!”

“I agree!” Pinkie stuck her head into the basket, pulling out a sandwich with her mouth. “More goody yum yums for us!”

Rarity shook her head with a small smirk on her face, turning her attention towards Twilight. Something seemed off about her.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Rarity asked.

“Huh?” Twilight blinked, realizing she was being addressed. “Oh, yeah I’m fine. Peachy keen actually! Just sitting here listening to Spike’s mother.

Her words were sharp as ever, slicing through the air like a hot knife through butter. It almost made the atmosphere uncomfortable. Trying to kill the awkwardness, Applejack coughed into her hoof and began talking to Prima.

“So, Ah would think family matters a lot with dragons,” Applejack said. “How big is your family?”

Prima smiled. “Well, as dragons, we generally travel together regardless of our relationship with each other. As a whole, we all consider each other as family.”

“Just like we do!” Pinkie blurted enthusiastically.

“Yes, just like you ponies. But as for immediate family, there’s no one else other than me and my daughter.”

Spike nearly choked on the sandwich he was eating. Patting his back, Prima pulled him slightly closer to her to make sure he was still okay.

“I… I have a sister?”

Prima nodded with a grin, causing Spike to follow with his own toothy smile. “A big sister at that. She’s still relatively young though, so you should be able to relate with her.”

“How old?”

“Oh, just three-hundred years old.”

Spike nearly choked again. The thought of having a sister that old, yet considered young.

“Wow, Spike! You’re getting a barrage of good news today!” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “First you find your mother and then you have a sister! That’s unbelievable!”

“Yes… very.” Twilight made little attempt to talk to the dragon through the course of the picnic, but when something did come out, it was generally cold and interrogational.

“Twilight!” Spike had had enough of Twilight’s attitude. He was going to give her a piece of his mind.

“Now now, there’s no reason to get upset, Ignis.”

“Ignis? Um, don’t know if you haven’t heard us for the past few minutes, his name was Spike,” Rainbow Dash corrected.

“To you ponies maybe. However, his name that was decided before his birth was actually Ignis.”

“Yeah right,” Twilight snarled. “How long did it take you to come up with that story, three minutes?”

“Twilight, you’re being quite rude!” Rarity exclaimed. “This dragon has done nothing to elicit such behavior!”

“Yeah, Twilight, you’re being kind of a jerk,” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“How am I being a jerk?” Twilight defended. “I’m just being precautious about a dragon coming out of nowhere and claiming she’s Spike’s mother! Doesn’t that seem off to anyone?”

“Twilight, she’s given reasonable proof that she is Spike’s mother,” Applejack responded. “Those facts she listed without us saying couldn’t have been pure coincidence.”

“But we don’t know anything about her! She could be a changeling spy for all we know, or… or some kind of evil dragon. You know Spike hasn’t had too many good encounters with dragons before.”

“Yeah, except those times they immediately tried to hurt him,” Rarity debated with Twilight. “Mrs. Prima here is being very warm towards our Spikey Wikey, and it’s downright hostile to treat her like some kind of monster.

“I’m not treating her like a monster! I’m just taking necessary precautions.”

“Well, if you don’t believe me, you can always join me and Ignis…”

“Spike…” Twilight once again glared at Prima, who in turn glared back and flared her nose. She was finally getting fed up of the mare.

“You know what, I think it would be best if I just took Ignis with me to the mountains and made this a dragon reunion only.”

“And if I refuse to let Spike go?” Twilight retorted.

“Refuse to let me go?” Spike stood up firmly and approached Twilight. “You can’t stop me from seeing my own kind, or from spending some time with my mother!”

“Spike, think about this for a minute…”

“I have thought about it, and all I’m seeing is you acting like a meany towards Mom!” Spike left a speechless Twilight there and walked towards Prima. “Mom, can we go now? I want to see my real family as soon as possible.

“Sure thing, Sweetie.” Prima stood up and waved at the other ponies. “Despite how things ended, it was a pleasure meeting the ponies that helped look after him for all these years.”

“Pleasure meeting you as well, Prima,” Applejack responded, taking off her hat in respect.

“Yeah, and despite somepony’s bad attitude towards you,” Rainbow Dash began, glancing at Twilight, “you’re a pretty cool dragon.”

“Ah, thanks!” Prima scratched the back of her head and smiled widely. It was apparent where Spike got his warm acceptance of compliments from. “Maybe once the dragons get settled, you girls could come join us in the cave for a while.”

“Oooh, so we get to come and see some cool looking dragons in the mountains sometimes?” Pinkie asked, happiness bubbling over. “That sounds fun! I wanna go now!”

“Now now, Pinkie, we have to give Mrs. Prima and Spike sometime to catch up alone,” Rarity said. “But when that’s all said and done, I’d be delighted to join you and your family in an afternoon get together.”

“Second! Wouldn’t mind messing with a dragon that isn’t trying to eat us!” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“Ah wouldn’t mind showing up.”

“Um… if you don’t mind… I would like to come too.”

Prima’s eyes widened, turning towards the pony she nearly forgot was there. “Ah, so she can speak,” Prima chuckled.

Fluttershy nodded. “Sorry for being… rude earlier. I didn’t mean to be…”

“Think nothing of it,” Prima interrupted. “At least you had the decency to apologize. And of course you can come.”

Fluttershy smiled softly, removing her hooves from her face completely and sitting up straight for the first time since Prima showed up. With everypony officially stating they would show up, Prima held her hands out for Spike, who instantly ran towards them.

“So, does my little fire spewer want to a ride on my shoulders?”

Spike chuckled giddily in anticipation, reaching out for her shoulders. With ease, Prima propped him behind her neck and began walking.

“I’ll bring him back later tonight.”

“Yeah, fine,” Twilight muttered. If you bring him back at all.

Although Prima was starting to dislike the velvet mare, she smiled out of politeness and walked off towards the mountains. The ponies waved and said their goodbyes, watching as the two dragons disappeared into the horizon. The groups attention then shifted towards Twilight, looking at her with high disdain.

“What’s with all the hostile stares?” Twilight asked.

“You of all ponies should be the last one talking about who’s hostile!” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “That wasn’t cool, Twilight!”

Twilight gasped lightly. “What do you mean? I was just being protective.”

“Maybe a bit too protective?” Fluttershy suggested. “You were borderline possessive.”


Fluttershy cringed. “Oh, well… I guess I was out of line on that… I’ll take it…”

“No, you’re exactly right, Fluttershy.” Rarity stepped in on Fluttershy’s defense. “That’s exactly the correct term for what Twilight is being: possessive.”

“But… I was just being cautious about her. Anything could happen to Spike!”

“And we would help him out if the situation arose. Twilight, dear, you’re being unreasonable.”

“Unreasonable? Is it unreasonable to think that my friends would have my back on this! Instead, you’re taking the side of a dragon we know nothing about!”

Applejack looked at Twilight with an unconvinced gaze, raising an eyebrow. “Be honest, Twi, this isn’t about the dragon, is it?”

Confusion once again returned Twilight’s face. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re a little… how should I put this… defensive over Spike seeing this dragon.”

“W-What? I’m not being defensive! I’m just…” Twilight couldn’t finish her sentence before choking. Why was she being so cautious of Prima? There wasn’t anything to prove she was in fact evil, and all the evidence given led her to believe she could be Spike’s possible mother.

So why was she acting like this?

Author's Note:

Why is Twilight suspicious? Is it reasonable or is there something else?

Is Prima who she says she is?

What more does Spike have to learn about his origin?

Will Rainbow Dash and Pinkie eat all of the picnic?

These answers and more will be answered in later installments. Also, thanks for faving this story. I'll do my best to not disappoint :raritywink: