• Published 9th Jul 2013
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Cutie Mark Crusaders 3D: Marks Beyond Time (YGOA) - FlashKenshin77

The Cutie Mark Crusaders team up to take down the Great and Evil Trixie in a duel based off of a filly's card game.

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The Pwotagonist Threesome

Cutie Mark Crusaders 3D: Marks Beyond Time
By FlashKenshin77 and WeLCxAlphaPuppy

The night was cloudy, a sparse few stars twinkled in between. A lone scooter raced down the dirt streets of Ponyville, searching for a pony. A golden colt with a sea green mane and tail sat staring at the clouds. The scooter stopped, the filly removing her helmet, her purple mane wind ragged.


The colt turned around, staring down at the filly. “Scootaloo!”

“There’s something you should know.”

“What is it Scootaloo?”

“Card games on scooters.”


“Card games on scooters.” Scootaloo repeated flatly.

Snails stared at her blankly. “I beg your pardon.”

“I said, card games on scooters!” Scootaloo said frustratingly.

“What the hay is a scooter?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

Another pony seemingly appeared out of nowhere, coming from the shadows. “Hey Snips, do you have any idea what a scooter is?”

“Can’t say that I do Snails.” The pony apparently known as Snips agreed, shaking his head rejectly.

“See Scootaloo, we don’t know what this.”

Scootaloo stared dumbstruck at them. “We ride them all the time. It’s our trademark.” She stuttered.

“Why would we do that?”

“So we can play card games on them.” She stated like it was obvious.

“That sounds stupid.”

She gasped. “Snails, you're scaring me.”

“Come on Snips, let’s go play a card game... while standing completely still... on... the... ground...” He said, time seemingly slowing down.

Her eyes grew wide as she tried to scream, no noise escaping. There was only one thing that she could think of to say. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

She gasped, cold sweat slowly dripping down her face.“Oh thank Celestia...” It was all just a nightmare. She stared vacantly at the ceiling, raising a hoof to cover her eyes.

in the not too distant future

“Yeah, uhh, I’m Mare-do-Well.” A filly jumped from bell tower down towards the rooftops of a townhouse to avoid the flaming death balls from a dragon. The filly was a very light grey and had a double-colored swirly mane and tail. The colors being a light pink and a shade of purple.

“Yo, you make me get my game on, up in here, up in here.” The dragon continued to shoot flaming death from above at the poor little filly, who continued to dodge the fiery storm of fiery balls. “Yo, you make me throw a face down, up in here, up in here.” The filly then jumped several stories down to the ground, and stood completely unphased.

“Well, it’s a good thing I play a lot of Octavia’s Creed.” The filly then spun to face the source of the attack.

“Huh” The filly was a tad surprised to find it’s attacker was a dragon, but she had no fear. “Okay, gal you obviously don’t know who I am.” She whipped out her duel disk. “The name is Sweetie Belle, and I’m absolutely adorable.” The dragon shot a white laser beam of death and decay. Sweetie drew and planted it in the duel disk.

“Oh, how about a little help, Shining Armor.” A turquoish white coated unicorn appeared. His cutie mark being purple shield with a pinkish design in it, three silver stars lay above the shield. His mane was three shades of blue.

Shining Armor appears just in time to block the oncoming attack. The beam splits in two and redirect, demolishing the townhouses behind.

“It’s a good thing Manehattan is apparently emp-ty or that could’ve been kinda dangerous.” Sweetie said examining the damage of the nearby buildings. Whatever wasn’t missing was burning in flames.

A lone mare with a coat of brilliant azure stood on the rooftop, surrounded by a pair of dragons. Her face was covered by a purple magician’s hat, her mane a light silver blue. “Pwotagonist...”

“N-no... it’s Sweetie...” She corrected.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is here for the one who destroys the future...”

“Look, there must be some kind of mistake. I’m Sweetie Belle.”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“B-but I’m harmless! I couldn’t destroy anything!”

“Correction! Trixie thinks you’ll find that Generation 3 destroyed My Little Pony’s credibility. And now, Trixie is going to destroy you with Trixie’s Malefic monsters. Ha-ha, a-hahaha.”

The Way to distant future

Morning dew hung on the grass as a gentle breeze swept through the park. Once again, heavy clouds covered the sky, almost looking like it was going to rain. Scootaloo looked at the small town, sighing as she leaned against a tree. “Huh, it’s times like this that I like to just stand here and enjoy the peaceful serenity of beautiful spring morn-”

“Scootaloo!” Snails interrupted her as Snips followed close behind.

Scootaloo groaned, opening her eyes and watched the approaching colts. “What?”

“Hi.” He said simply.

“Hello Snails.” She said, as Snips walked up to her.

“Hey Scootaloo, can you settle a bet?” He asked, sitting down next to her.

“What bet?” She inquired, looking at the two.

“Is it gay to like the movie Top Gun?”

“It’s totally not!” Snails said defensively.

“Shut up Snails, let Scootaloo decide.”

“Okay.” He said.

“Well-” Snips said, before Snails interrupted him again.

“But it’s not gay.”

“Well obviously it’s not.” Scootaloo said.


“How could a movie be gay about a group of ponies that fly around together, doing close quarter aerobatics. Call each other cute nicknames, train in skin tight leotards while wearing fur-tight clothes?” She said with a monotone voice, staring at Snails.

“I don’t know, still seems kinda gay to me.” Snips sighed, shrugging.

“Yeah. Now that’s settled, let’s go ride our scooters and play some half-naked hoofiecuff.” Snails said, grabbing his helmet.

“You can be my wingman anytime Snails.” Scootaloo said, getting back up.

“No Scootaloo, you can be mine. Do do do do do!” Snails said, taking a deep breath before the three got on their scooters and rode onto the highway. He held his breath until he was able to sing. “Highway to the Everfree, Yeah, Riding to the Everfree!” Snails sang, putting his all of heart into the song.

“Oh my god, this is so straight you guys!” Snails yelled as the three of them rode their scooters around a track.

Another scooter quickly caught up to them, a mare whose face was covered by her purple hat. “Pwotagonist!”

“Wait, who’s that?” Scootaloo asked, glancing back towards the newcomer.”

“I don’t know but oh my Celestia, her mane is beautiful! Oooooo.” Snails said, staring in awe at her silver mane.

“Snails, look out!”

“Snips, look out!”

“Dash, look out!” Rainbow Dash appeared out of the sky, catching up with the four scooters.

“I’mma gonna win!” She said, zooming past them.

“Trixie has you now Pwotagonist! A-haha-a-hahaha!” Trixie laughed maniacally, tilting her scooter so sparks shot from the side before she quickly stopped. “Trixie does not know why Trixie did that, seems kinda dangerous to Trixie.”

Snails caught up to Scootaloo. “Scootaloo, show her cape.” He said seriously, glancing at her.

She looked at him confused. “What?”

“Your cutie mark crusaders cape! Show her your cutie mark crusaders cape!” He said, pointing to the conveniently placed Cutie Mark Crusader cape hanging around her shoulders.

She held a Duel Monster card in her hoof. “I got a better idea... Come on out, Spike the dragon!” A large purple and green dragon materialized next to the scooter, roaring as its wings shot open.

“Okay now whip out your cape and wave it at her!” Snails insisted.


“Cutie mark crusader cape!”

Trixie watched the dragon before grinning, holding a blank card. “And now, pwotagonist, watch as the Great and Powerful Trixie turns your favourite monster into a crappy 3D effect. A-haha, a-hahaha, a-haha!” She said, a beam of blue hitting Spike right in the chest.

He roared in pain, being completely encased by the aura before being dragged straight into the blank card, disappearing from sight.

{If Yu-gi-oh Abridged does not support 3D in their movie, then we here in fanfiction support their decision. So enjoy this 2D writing based off of a 2D abridged show.}

“A-hahaha, a-haha!” She said, the scooter speeding to near blinding before disappearing in an blink of an eye. The three stopped their scooters, staring at where Trixie was.

“I totally won that duel.” Scootaloo said flatly.


The three were back at Scootaloo’s house, staring at each other in defeat.

“Scootaloo! That mare stole your Spike card! What a dick. I know I did it in Season 1, but um... I uh... she’s a dick!” Snails yelled, running his hoof through his mane.

“Why did he even take your card in the first place?” Snips asked, holding a hoof to his chin.

“Probably to humiliate me in front of my marefriend.” Scootaloo sighed, sadly looking at her marefriend.

An earth pony held Scootaloo’s hooves. Her mane was a poofy red that matched her light amber grey coat. She wore purple glasses, a size too big. “Oh don’t be silly Scootaloo, you know I’d never be embarrassed-”

“For the last time, I’m dating my scooter.” Scootaloo said, pushing Twist away.

“But why date a scooter when you can have me?” Twist pleaded.

Scoots folded her forehooves across her chest. “Tell her Snails.”

“Mares are smelly.” Snails said quickly.

“He’s right, they are. That’s why I’m going to have a sex change when I’m older.” She said. Then I can finally be with Rainbow... She sighed dreamily.

“Well I think scooters are smelly.” Twist said.

Everypony gasped as Scootaloo was tugged out of her reverie. “Get out...” She said.


“Get.... out...”

Dinky ran up to the four ponies, holding a laptop in her mouth. “Scootaloo, check out what we found out on the ponyhoof, snarf, snarf.”

Scootaloo grabbed the laptop and opened the screen. “‘Hey, don’t blame me,’ Rumble responded as he flew up beside Scootaloo, ‘you make it so easy; it’s like you purposely seduce me with that magnificent tush of yours.’ “

Dinky’s face turned red as everypony looked at her. “Here, snarf, the other page, Scootaloo, snarf, snarf.” She stuttered, clicking on another tab.

Scoots looked at Dinky weirdly before she clicked on the other tab, showing a newspaper clip. It had a purple unicorn hugging a yellow filly, who was holding a trophy. An older green mare stood behind the filly. “Hey, isn’t that Twilight? Creator of Duel Ponies? Yeah and isn’t that Applebloom, the Queen of Card Games?”

Scootaloo couldn’t stop staring at the large pink bow in Applebloom’s mane. “What the hay is wrong with her bow?”

“Applebloom, she was the greatest duelist who ever lived.” Snails commented.

“It says here she died a blank flank and her last words were. “Oh Celestia, what have Ah done with mah life?” Scootaloo read out loud from ponypedia.

“The greatest duelist that ever lived. I love her...” Snails sighed dreamily, holding a hoof to his chin.

Snips leaned closer, reading the rest of the paper. “It also says that dragons appeared and destroyed most of Equestria ten years ago. What?”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened as she noticed a very familiar mare standing in between the two dragons. “Hey look, it’s her.”

“You found Wigwam?” Snails exclaimed, slightly jealous of Scootaloo. He was excited because he always had trouble finding Wigwam.

“It’s the mare that stole my card.” Scootaloo said.

“Wigwam stole your card?” Snails gasped, staring at the screen before looking at Scootaloo in shock. His childhood hero was slowly being destroyed before his very eyes.

Scootaloo glared at him. “Snails.”

“Scootaloo.” Snails answered back.



“There’s only one explanation for this. She must’ve traveled through time to steal Scootaloo’s card, so she could go back to the past and wreck havoc on the world.” Snips said, scratching his chin in thought, staring at the other two ponies.

“Wow Snips, how did you figure that out?” Snails gasped, in awe of his friend.

Snips pointed a hoof at the screen. “It’s all right here in her ponypedia article.”

“Well if it’s on the ponyhoof, it must be true.” Scootaloo said, shutting the laptop.

Twist stared out the window. “ Oh sweet Celestia, look outside.”

The six ponies rushed outside, small black snowdrops hitting the ground. The world was slowly being eaten away, dissipating before their very eyes.

“Yay, it’s snowing. No school for us today!” Snails bellowed.

“I don’t think that’s snow Snails, it seems the world is disintegrating around us.” Scootaloo said as they watched ponies run about in panic, buildings crumbling. A pony got crushed by a falling debris.

“I’m going to build a snowpony!” Snails said, rushing around, trying to gather snow.

Scootaloo’s cutie mark started to glow, the outline of the dragon starting to flash. Twist leaned over, looking at it.“Hey, I have a cutie mark just like that too.”

Scootaloo stared at the horror of the decaying city. Her cutie mark flashed brighter as she started at her scooter. Strange, I can feel the Red Dragon calling to me

Her scooter took on a life of its own, glowing red like Scootaloo’s mark. SCOOT-A-LOO It yelled.

What is it?

You must follow me into the past

Wait, since when can you travel through time? Scootaloo ran over to her scooter and hopped on.

Since like forever, it’s not really that big of a deal.

If that is the case, can you take me back time to see my parents? Scootaloo pleaded, looking at her dragon familiar.

No, that would be a lame use of my powers. Remember once you hit 88 miles per hour- The dragon said, making Scootaloo’s scooter go faster.

I’m going to see serious crazy voodoo magic?

No, you will be violating the speed limit, so do try to scoot slower than that.

I must scoot to the past to save the future ...and my friends The scooter disappeared into a portal, the dragon’s tail closing it behind them.

“Bye Scootaloo, don’t eat the yellow snow! It’s pee!” Snails yelled at the disappearing Scootaloo, waving frantically at her.

Back to the Past we go

“A-haha, a-hahahaha!” Trixie laughed maniacally. “Any last words before the Great and Powerful Trixie destroys you and take your rarest card Ms. Pwotagonist?”

“I keep telling you, it’s Sweetie!” Sweetie insisted.

“Malefic Stardust Dragon, show her the true power of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie yelled as the dragon roared, a beam heading towards the filly.

Shining Armor tried to block it, the strength of the attack sending them flying back.“Okay that tears it, Manehattan sucks!” Sweetie yelled, flying through a building as Shining cracked and vanished into dust. “Next year, I’m vacationing in Ponyville, nothing bad ever happens there.”

Trixie’s dragon roared again, looking at Sweetie. “Stardust, here is your chance for an all out attack.” Trixie said, raising her hooves in victory.

Sweetie stared at the monster in horror as the beam swung closer. “Mother!” She squeaked, closing her eyes.

A portal ripped open, the red dragon’s head flying through, blocking the Stardust’s attack. SCOOT-A-LOO! The attack simply vanished as the red dragon continued to travel into the townhouses, simply vanishing, Scootaloo’s scooter stopping in front of Sweetie.

“Trixie!” Scootaloo yelled, staring up at the blue mare.

Trixie stared in surprise at the orange filly. “Pwotagonist?”

Scootaloo was silent for a moment. “I came...”

“What?” Trixie asked, baffled.

“To the past.” Scootaloo said.

“Ohh...” Trixie said, sighing.

“But I also had a orgasm!” Scootaloo yelled mockingly.

“Ewww...” Trixie groaned, sticking her tongue out.

“Ha! Nice!” Sweetie exclaimed.

“But how? How did you follow Trixie back in time?” Trixie asked, stunned that Scootaloo followed her through time.

“I don’t know!”

Sweetie whistled, looking at Scootaloo’s scooter. “Dang girl, that is one awesome scooter you got there.” Sweetie admired.

Scootaloo stared at the filly. “You're not riding it.”

Sweetie shrugged. “Worth a shot.”

Trixie’s scooter flew from the townhouse’s roof. “Now Trixie is going to leave this timeline, for no rweason. A-haha, a-hahahaha!” She laughed maniacally as the warp hole swallowed her.

Scootaloo and Sweetie watched her disappear. “I totally won that duel.” Scootaloo proclaimed.

“But, we weren’t even dueling.” Sweetie looked strangely at the orange filly and her sweet cutie mark.

“Duh, because I won.” Scootaloo said matter of factly.


The city of Manehattan lay in ruins, most of the buildings destroyed. “Sweet Celestia, the city’s been absolutely devastated.” Scootaloo said, her ears flat against her head.

“Yeah! And she took my Shining Armor trading card!” Sweetie yelled sadly.

“This mare has got to pay, for the ponies of Manehattan and my friends.” Scootaloo stomped her forehooves together.

Sweetie nodded. “And my favourite trading card.”

Scootaloo turned to stare at the odd filly. “Who the hay are you and what is wrong with your mane?” She asked.

Sweetie grinned at the purple maned filly. “My name’s Sweetie Belle and I’m absolutely adorable.” She said almost like she was reciting a song.

Scoots glared at her. “Stop being happy.”

Sweetie held a hoof to her cheek. “Ain’t nopony in Equestria as fly as me.”

“I’m serious, stop it.”

Sweetie took up a dance pose. “Mares line up just line up to get a glimpse of my sweet moves.”

“I’m going to tear the happy right out of your soul!” Scootaloo yelled, holding a hoof to her forehead.

“Come on hot stuff, don’t be a playa hater.”

“I’m not a player hater, I just hate you.”

They were silent, staring at each other. “So, what’s your name?” Sweetie finally asked.

Scoots crossed her forehooves across her chest. “Scootaloo, I come from a post-apocalyptic world where ponies struggle to survive. I grew up on the streets an orphan, alone and if it weren’t for my friends. I have nothing except my scooter and my deck.”

Sweetie shrugged. “Sounds pretty tight girl. Me, I come from a kick-flank school that teaches how to play card games. We sleep on warm, comfortable beds and get served food whenever we want.” She sighed happily. “Ahhh, it’s a good life.” She raised a hoof for a hoofbump.

“Well just look at all the blank flanks I give.”

“So... your from the future?” Sweetie asked.

“Yes. You probably have a lot of questions for me but I can’t tell you ennethang. If I were to tell you about the future, it’d be... dangerous...”

“Dangerous? Why?” Sweetie asked, confused.

“Life as we know it would cease to exist. We’d be cast where time and space have no meaning. In short, I can’t give you any spoilers.” Scoots sighed.

“I have a question!” Sweetie asked quickly.

Scoots face hoofed. “I told you, I can’t tell you ennethang.”

“This isn’t a spoiler.” She reassured her new filly friend.

“Okay...” Scoots said skeptically.

“Can I ride your scooter?” Sweetie pleaded again, giving Scoots her puppy dog face.

“I already told you no.”

“Oh come on, it’ll be fun!” Sweetie started jumping up and down excitedly.

“I’ll let you ride my scooter if you can tell me one thing.”

“Sure, ask away.”

“Why are we in Manehattan?”

Sweetie sighed, kicking at the ground. “Buck it, you win.”

Scoots grinned. “Always do.”

Two ponies appeared next to Sweetie. One was a stallion unicorn, with a dark grey coat and wavy jet black mane. He had glowing green and red eyes. He wore a armor saddle over his back. “Sweetie, this filly called your mother fat. I farted on her but she doesn’t know yet.” He told the filly in a gruff voice.

The other pony to Sweetie’s right was extremely asian and had no name. “Hello, I’m extremely Asian. :3”

Sweetie got close to the other filly. “Scootaloo...” She whispered.

“What?” Scoots asked, baffled.

“I see dead ponies...” She whispered, looking over her shoulder at the two invisible ponies.

Scoots sighed, holding her head in her hoof. “I’m going to begin shunning you for the rest of the this fanfic. Now make yourself useful and open ponyhoof.”

Sweetie nodded, pulling out a laptop out of her saddlebag. She turned it on, opening up the ponyhoof. “I think you’ll find that everything on ponyhoof is- oh my Celestia!”

Scoots leaned close to the screen. “Is that mare doing what I think she’s doing?”

“I forgot I bookmarked two changelings and a cup of love.” Sweetie grimaced, quickly closing that tab before opening another. “I’ll just go to www.plotconvience.com and oh my Celestia, it says our show never existed! But that would mean...” They looked around, watching the remaining buildings disintegrate. They quickly packed up their stuff, Scoots grabbing her scooter. “We have to get out of here. If only we had a scooter...”

“You’re not riding my scooter!” Scoots yelled, the city completely wiped out.


Present day

Fireworks exploded ahead, showering the sky with colors. Ponies all watched as they waited for the creator of Duel Ponies, Twilight Sparkle to arrive. An old mare gasped as she looked up at the sky.

“Oh! Are we being bombed? Are the griffins invading us again? Ah knew it was only a matter of time!” Granny Smith asked panicked.

Applebloom calmly put a hoof on Granny’s arm. “Calm down Granny, it’s just fireworks.” She said, patting it reassuringly.

“Appleboom, fetch me mah pitchfork!” Granny Smith insisted, frantically looking around.

The fireworks stopped for the moment, a loud echo was heard as ponies turned towards the stage. Three ponies stood on said stage, all holding mics. Prince Blueblood was the closest to Applebloom, his mane covered by a pirate hat. Next to him stood Ms. Peachbottom. Photo Finish stood next to her, also wearing a pirate hat.

“Welcome everypony to the unveiling of a bunch of brand new trading cards! Here to introduce our host, Photo Finish!” Prince Blueblood announced.

“I’ll send the blank flanks straight to the moon! All hail Princess Luna!” Photo Finish yelled, closing her eyes and holding a hoof out in the air.

Applebloom laughed, shaking her head. “Ah love Photo Finish, she always make me laugh.”

Ms. Peachbottom cleared her throat. “And now, without further ado, mares and gentlecolts, Twilight Sparkle!”

A lavender coated unicorn stepped out of the arriving chariot, levitating a microphone close to her face. “Welcome all you little ponies. To the most tolerant spectacle in Equestria.” She closed her eyes and brought the microphone slightly closer.“I’m Twilight Sparkle in this fanfic.” She announced. “So it doesn’t even matter if it’s in 3D.”

Applebloom pointed her hoof at Twilight. “Oh hey Granny, it’s the mare that kidnapped your soul and then tried ta kill me. But now she’s our friend.”

Trixie stood on top of the tallest building in the square, watching the gathering below. She glared at Applebloom, her bow making it hard to look away before noticing Twilight. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Trixie’s old friend Pwotagonist.”

A clock dinged the time as it stroke midnight. Hmm, Ah wonder what time it is? Applebloom looked around for a clock.

Dragons suddenly appeared overhead, roaring so loud it shook the glass windows.“Oh, the griffins are invading us with dragons. Just like back in 1945.” Granny Smith said with a faint smile.

Stardust Dragon launched a beam of fiery death, destroying several building. Ponies screamed in terror below as Applebloom gasped, reaching for Granny’s hoof.“We have ta get ta safety! Granny, follow me.”

“Whee!” Granny said, happily being pulled along by the crowd.

“Wait, Granny, where are ya goin’?” Applebloom yelled, chasing after her.

“Death to Equestria Applebloom!” Granny yelled back, shaking her forehoof angrily.

Twilight watched the ponies scatter. “Wait you can buy my song on iVinyl.” She heard a loud groaning noise behind her. She turned around, seeing a building precariously tipping towards her. “Oh that building doesn’t look too safe-oh noo!!” She yelled, the building finally collapsing, crushing her. “Uuu, looks like I’m face down, just a typical Friday night for Twilight Sparkle!” She laughed disturbingly. “I’m dead...”

The dragons circled overhead, roaring as the rubble finally settled. Applebloom shook off loose debris, looking around at the wanton destruction. “Ungh... W-what the hay happened? Granny? Granny?!” She noticed Granny’s signature orange handkerchief. Applebloom gasped, rushing towards. “No...” She held it, tears pouring out of her eyes. “It finally happened...she... she went to that great big red barn in the sky...” She sobbed. “It’s so ironic, she always loved falling buildings but only when they were falling on other ponies...... GRANNY!!” She yelled, staring into the sky. She quickly looked around for any witnessing ponies. “Can Ah have mah Oscar now?”

Trixie laughed, throwing her forehooves in the air. “A-haha, A-hahahaha Once again Pwotagonist, you see there is nothing you possess that Trixie can’t-”

Applebloom scowled at the mare. “Hey buck ya mare, Ah’m tryin’ ta win an Oscar here.”

SCOOT-A-LOO! A voice yelled, a worm hole ripping open right in front of Applebloom.

“What the?” She asked, confused.

A red dragon appeared through the rip, opening it’s mouth. I am here to comfort you in your grief. Applebloom was swallowed up as the dragon swirled around a building, going back in time.

Applebloom was flung out of it’s mouth. “At least Ah retained mah dignity-whoaa!” She landed with a thud, her head hitting the roof’s railing.

A scooter slid to a stop, Sweetie yelling in fear. They panted, Sweetie looking around. “Whoaa!! I thought you said you weren’t going to let me ride it?”

“Everypony gets one.” Scootaloo sighed.

“Celestia, mah head hasn’t hurt this bad since Ah watched the Mentally Advanced series.” Applebloom groaned, slowly getting up and holding her head.

“Hey, are you okay?” Sweetie asked, rushing over to help.

“Yeah and what’s wrong with your bow?” Scoots asked, staring at Applebloom’s bow.

Applebloom stared at the two ponies. “Who are ya all?”

Scoots held a hoof over her chest. “We’re from the future. I’m Scootaloo and my cuteness make the bronies go d’awwww.”

Sweetie grinned. “And I’m Sweetie Belle, the cute one who loves to sing a lot while ponies sleep.”

Applebloom blinked. “Ah’m Applebloom and Ah was playin’ card games before it was cute?” She paused. “Wait a minute, if yer from the future then tell me; do Ah ever get mah cutie mark?”

“Well actually, now that you mention it-” Sweetie started.

“Sweetie no! We can’t tell her anything. If we do, the fabric of space and time could-” Scoots interrupted, only to be interrupted herself.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, look are ya gonna give me spoilers or not?” Applebloom insisted again.

“No.” Scoots demanded.

“Oh come on... At least tell me if Ah found mah cutie mark before Sweetie in the final episode?” Applebloom beseeched.

“Well duh.” Scoots said nonchalantly.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?” Sweetie asked, staring at Scootaloo.

“It’s not a spoiler if its obvious.” Scoots said, shaking her head.

“Check it out girls, my Shining Armor card came back. It must be because we went back in time.”

“That is not how time travel works.” Scoots groaned, slapping herself in the face.

“Well how else do you explain it?” Sweetie countered.

“Obviously this fic suffers from being self aware.” Scoots admitted.

“Well that pretty much answers every question Ah had.” Applebloom said, shrugging.

“We came back to the past to save the world from the evil known as Trixie.” Scoots explained to Applebloom.

“What does she want?” Applebloom asked, contradicting herself from earlier.

“We don’t know but she seems to be trying to turn our rarest cards into darker and more discorded monsters.” Scoots continued to explain.

“Yeah and for some reason, she hates Manehattan.” Sweetie added in.

“That two timing mare! Ah can’t forgive her after she sent mah granny to the 4th wall!” Applebloom yelled, clopping her forehooves together.

“The what wall?” Sweetie asked, tilting her head.

“Ya know, the 4th wall? Pinkie’s the only one that can break it, seems to be self aware, kinda like glass shattering?” Applebloom tried to explain.

“I think you’re talking about Ponyhell.” Sweetie admitted.

“N-no, it’s the 4th wall. What, ya’ll don’t have the 4th wall in the future?” Applebloom mocked.

“I don’t think that’s a real thing.”

“So wait, mah Granny is really dead?” Applebloom in awe.

“I’m afraid so Applebloom.” Sweetie said, patting the sad filly’s shoulder.

“And Ah thought this was a little girl’s show.” Applebloom said in shock.

Scoots held out her hoof. “Applebloom, we can’t defeat Trixie alone. Well, I mean I probably can but Sweetie definitely can’t.”

“That’s cold, Scoots.” Sweetie said with a frown.

“Applebloom, will you do us the honor of joining us in our quest?” Scoots asked, looking at the filly in question.

“Ya bet yer blank flank Ah’m in. Nobody bucks with mah favourite trading card game and gets away wit’ it.” Applebloom shaking her head.

Scoots grinned. “Then our trilogy is complete.” Scoots said as Sweetie jumped up in joy.

“Awwwe yeah! We crusading with the Queen of Cuteness bronies. These flanks be bouncing!” Sweetie said, holding her hoof up in the air.

Applebloom stared at her in confusion. “What?” She asked Scoots.

“She said she’s happy to have you on board.” Scoots translated.

They just noticed that they had been sent back in time. “Oh... it looks like the Crimson Dragon took us back to before Twilight was killed. Now all we need to do is to create a distraction.” Applebloom said, leaning over the railing as they watched the gathering once again.

The crowd below were enjoying the festivities as a lone pony crept onstage. “Greetings fools, it is I Braeburn and I am here to enslave all of you with my- ahh!” He yelled as an explosion destroyed the stage.

Author's Note:

The hardest words to spell - collapsed, fiery, Sweetie. Also, way too much fun writing this. Check out WeLCxAlphaPuppy's channel, his is probably different. Any questions, comments, etc, leave them below. Thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!