• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 308 Views, 3 Comments

Broken Memories - TheMessyRoomGuy

Dinky goes on an adventure with a stallion with no memories of his past. With no particular direction to go, she must face many challenges along her travels to unravel the mysteries behind the stallion. Will she succeed, or will she fail?

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Chapter 1: If a Tree Falls in the Woods...

Broken Memories

By TheMessyRoomGuy

Chapter 1: If a Tree Falls in the Woods...

In the deep dark depths of the Everfree forest, a light purple unicorn filly, named Dinky, was trotting through the brushes of the forest. Well, actually sprinting. For her life. With a Timber Wolf close behind. In fact, it was so close that she could feel the wolf's breath on the back of her neck. The kind of close that-... I guess you got the picture.

The Timber Wolf swiped at her with it's paw, and she flew right into a tree. The wolf stood over her, drooling as it was ready to eat its prey. The poor filly struggled to stand, but was forced back down by the wolf's paw pushing down on her. It licked it's lips and rose its head to howl victoriously, but was immediately stopped by a flying figure slamming itself on the side of the wolf's head. The wolf fell to its side and yelped in confusion. It pulled itself up but was brought back down as another figure bucked its leg, causing the wolf to drop forward. The wolf growled in frustration and began to swipe his paws at the figure on the ground, but was out of reach.

Dinky used this distraction to hide behind a nearby tree, watching the scene play out before her. The wolf desperately tried swinging its paws and snapping its jaw at both of the figures, but to no avail. The figures managed to work together to buck, at the same time in the air and the ground, the wolf's leg off. The wolf howled in pain and limped away, whimpering in shame. The leg began to twitch and roll towards the wolf, until the flying figure landed on it harshly, crushing it into pieces. The pieces, however, managed to still roll towards their owner's whereabouts.

Both figures met in front of the tree where Dinky was hiding behind, giving one another a bro-hoof. The figure to Dinky's right, whom which sounded like a stallion, said, "Come on out, my little pony. That wolf won't bother you anymore."

The figure to the left, which sounded like a mare, said, "Well, the Timber Wolves always return, and in greater numbers. It's not safe here. Come with us."

Dinky cautiously poked her head out from behind the tree, and noticed they were both indeed ponies. The pony to the right was a white stallion, looking much like one of Celestia's royal guards, while the pony to the left was a blue bat-pony, looking much like one of Luna's royal guards.

"Come on out, don't be so shy. We're not gonna bite," the mare stated softly.

The stallion sighed and picked up a piece of grass and held it out towards Dinky, and said, "Come 'ere girl." He whistled. "Want da hay? Want da-" The mare bucked him hard on the flank. "OW! HEY!"

"You moron! Do you think that she is an idiot or something?"

"Well she wasn't coming out. I was using alternative means!"

"Alternative means!?! What the buck are you on, Crystal Empire Meth?!? She's a pony, not a dumb horse!"

"For your information, I haven't used that stuff in awhile, so technically, no I am not. At least not at this moment-"

"Haven't used in awhile!?! What the buck!?! You are so bucking retarded! I can't believe-"

"-is why I should be the leader of this group! You treat me so horribly, and things got to change now! I-"

"-ammit! Why couldn't I have been assigned with a more mature group!?! Instead I got to take care of a little filly who-"

"-not retarded! And who are you calling a filly!?! I'm a colt, I mean stallion! You're the filly... filly!-"

"-Yeah, nice comeback. You sure have the brains of a dumb-buck that even begins to think that-"

Dinky stepped out from behind the tree and stood a few feet away from the arguing ponies. She began to speak up, "Um, excuse me."

"-oh ho ho, and once you begin to take even one sip of that apple cider, you get all lovey dovey and want to have se-"

"-and emotional problems. Out of our whole entire army, nay, the ponies of the universe, you are a complete emotional wreck!-"

"-begin to think to myself why haven't I taken advantage of you when you are drunk. Though your pretty bucking ugly for a-"

"Excuse me!" Dinky said much louder.

"-at least they could have paired me with a stallion that I could tolerate. Instead I get a moron!"





"EXCUSE ME!" The two ponies turned their heads towards the filly. "I would like to go home now, please."

The bat-pony bucked the stallion into a tree and said, "Yes. Let's go, before that creature follows us. Oh, and before the Timber Wolf comes back too."

The stallion pulled himself up and said weakly, "I'm not a creature..."

The bat-pony wrapped her wing around Dinky and asked, "So, what are you doing in the forest anyway? It's not usual to see just a random filly running around the forest, especially at night!"


"Hey! Wait up for me!" The stallion ran over to the two ponies, but tripped over a loose root sticking out from the ground. He rolled into the two, forcing all three to roll into a small patch of white flowers. The bat-pony and stallion sneezed, creating a green light to shoot off of their skin.

"You idiot! Watch where you are going!"

"It's not my bucking fault that I tripped."

The mare sighed and turned towards the filly, "Are you alright little one?" Dinky stared at the bat-pony with wide eyes. "What is it? Are you hurt? Let me lend you a hoof." She stretched her hoof towards the filly, which made her take a step backwards. The bat-pony looked down at her hoof and noticed it was grey and had holes. "Oh... Chrysalis damn it..."

The female Changeling turned towards the stallion and noticed he was in his Changeling form also. He groaned and said, "Ugh... I think I broke my hoof..."

"Shut up, moron. Our cover has been blown."

The male looked down at his hooves and noticed he was indeed in his original form. "Buck..."

The female stated, "Well, it wouldn't have been this way if you didn't roll us into the Sneeze Plants! We are terribly allergic to it when in our disguised form and makes us loose our Changeling abilities temporarily!" The female turned towards the filly and said to her, "I'm sorry little one. But I gotta do this." Her horn glowed green as she concentrated on the spell.

The male Changeling looked around curiously and said, "I think I hear hoof-steps coming this way."

"Shut up, moron. I'm trying to concentrate."

"But I swear, I could hear some hoof-steps over- OOF!" The male was suddenly sent over to one of the bushes of the forest.

The female stopped charging her magic and looked up. "What the buc-UCK!" She, too, was sent flying into the same bush the male Changeling was in. They both poked their heads out of the bush and stared at the figure that was ambushing them.

Dinky stared at a tall stallion, staring at the Changelings. She noticed he had a short black mane and tail, with some white tips at some of the ends of his hair. Upon closer inspection she could see two short yellow horns poking out from both sides of his head. He had a dark purple coat, with a long alicorn horn and wings, but his wings took the shape as dragon wings. His eyes was a pale purple, so pale that it made it seem that he was blind. He stood as tall as Princess Celestia, or perhaps even taller. He barred his teeth at the Changelings, and readied himself in an attack position.

The male started to turn around and said, "Oh buck me, I'm outta here!"

"Oh no your not! We can take his sorry flank down!" She grabbed him by his tail with her mouth and dragged him closer to the alicorn-ish figure. The male began to struggle helplessly but it was no use.

"Oh Chrysalis, give me strength."

She let go of the male Changeling and said, "Shut up." She turned towards the figure. "You better get out of here freak, or you'll be sorry." The figure stood his ground, unphased by the threat. She grinned and said, "You asked for it." Both Changelings charged at him, with horns at the ready to impale him. The figure flapped his wings towards the Changelings, creating a wind to slow them down dramatically.

"Horse-apples," the male exclaimed as he was dragged by the wind pushing him in the opposite direction. The female dug her hooves into the dirt to stand against the wind's push. The figure stopped flapping his wings towards the Changelings and took to the air. The female took this chance to strike him while in the air.

She jumped from off the ground and allowed her wings to carry her to the same height as the alicorn-ish pony. Her wings buzzed hard and fast as she charged after the figure, only to be easily dodged. The male recovered from the sudden push of the figure's wings, and took to the sky along side with the female Changeling. They both spread around to both sides of the figure, and suddenly dived towards their foe.

The alicorn-ish figure flapped his powerful wings upward, keeping a distance away as the Changelings ran into one another head first. The Changelings fell towards the ground and landed inside a bush. Dinky looked over to the Changelings only to see that they were not dead, but just knocked out.

The alicorn-ish figure landed softly on the ground, several feet away from Dinky. She opened her mouth to say thank you to him but immediately noticed that he fell to his side. Dinky ran over to him and saw some blood seeping out from a wound on his head. She nudged him, only to get no response from him. She frantically looked around deciding what she should do.

I can't just leave him. He saved my life from those horrible Changelings. She took a deep breath in, and exhaled, in an attempt to calm her down. Which did work for a little bit, until a though crossed her about the Timber Wolf returning.

She surrounded her horn in a light purple aura to cast a telekinesis spell to carry him. Even though she wasn't carrying him physically, it still was draining her reserved energy. She looked up at Luna's moon-lit sky and followed a constellation that she was familiar with to lead her back home.

I just hope that I have enough energy reach home. She turned her head towards her unconscious savior. I've got to help him.

The dark purple pony woke up with a jolt. He stood up looked around his surroundings. He wasn't in the forest anymore, but in a strange enclosed area with many different and unusual things, to him, placed inside it. He looked down at where he was asleep, and felt a soft, comforting... thing, that was held up by wooden posts in a unusual design to him. His eyes scanned the room for a way to escape, and noticed a hole in one of sides of the strange enclosed area. He jumped off the soft thing and ran towards the hole.

He pushed with his hoof a strange wooden block that blocked his way, only to make it slide outwards and move out of his way. Carefully he tip-hoofed his way through the hole, making sure his hooves wouldn't tap loudly on the strange wooden floor. He continued his way only to be met with a path that led to his right and left. His head turned toward the right and noticed another strange wooden block on the side of the long enclosed area. He carefully made his way to the block until a smell of some kind had reached his nose.

He raised his head and sniffed the air, his senses picking up on the scent. It smelled deliciously delectable, and had an irresistible smell that he couldn't ignore. He turned around, his nose getting an acute sense on the smell. It was coming from the other end of the enclosed area. He slowly made his way towards the other end, only to steadily increase his speed as his stomach growled.

Slowly but surely, he poked his head through the hole, only to be met with an empty enclosed area, with a strange thing on a wooden circle, held up by four wooden posts. He made his way towards the object, scanning it's strange features. It looked like a deformed lumpy mushroom that looked rather displeasing to eat. But as he drew nearer towards it, he could smell that that was the object that was giving off the scent. He picked it up with his hooves, staring down at the strange mushroom-like thing.

He opened his mouth, slowly reaching the object towards his mouth, and took a small bite of it. His taste buds burst as his senses became overwhelmed with the strange, but sweet and warm, taste of the object. He took another bite out of it, enjoying how much he was experiencing a new taste he never knew existed.

A grey pegasus mare with a long yellow mane and tail walked into her kitchen, and noticed a tall purple figure eating one of the muffins she set out for her daughter. She was about to complain about it, until she saw his face was filled with complete joy from eating one of her muffins.

Suddenly a voice behind the grey mare said, "Hey, Derpy. Would you mind, not, stand under the doorway. I would like to get a snack before..." the voice trailed of as she peeked over Derpy's shoulder. "Who is this?"

The purple figure turned to see Derpy and an light yellow mare, with orange curly mane and tail, stare at him. He stared back, all three ponies unsure what to make of this situation. Derpy said with a smile, "He's a happy muffin."

The yellow mare screamed, "Intruder!" causing both Derpy and the purple figure to jump.

Hoof-steps could be heard down the hall and Dinky ran out from behind the two mares and said, "Wait, I can explain!" All three ponies stared at Dinky with confused expressions.

"I saved him from the Everfree forest because he saved my life! I was in the forest because Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was telling me of a special herb that grew there that could fix my mom's eyes and speech problems. And then I ran into a Timber Wolf that began to chase me in the forest, and it nearly got me until two Changelings saved my life but they were going to eat me! That's when he," she pointed towards the purple figure, "came and rescued me from them. But then he fell down and started to bleed. So I thought I couldn't just leave him there, so I carried him home and put him on my bed so he could rest. I put a band-aid on his head, and I fell asleep on the couch."

Derpy hugged her daughter tightly and said, "I so happy that you're safe!" She let go of her daughter and gave the purple figure a hug and said, "And thank you for saving my little muffin!"

The purple figure just stared blankly at Derpy's actions. He then looked up to the filly who smiled, then towards the yellow mare who just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Within the Everfree forest, the female Changeling woke up to the touch of something behind her. She turned to see the male Changeling was clinging onto her with one hoof, and sucked on his other hoof. She let out a disgusted scoff and kicked him off of her. He bolted his head straight up and said, "Whawazzat?"

"Just me, you idiot. You let that filly get away."

"Huh? I didnn...doennying ronng." He yawned.

She stood up on her hooves, only to be met with a sharp pain on her hoof, and brought her hoof in front of her face. A small splinter was sticking out of her hoof, rotating around in her wound. She pulled it out with her teeth and spat it out. The splinter rolled towards the her and passed between her four legs. She turned around and watched it throw itself up and connected itself to a piece of a tree. Upon closer inspection, she noticed it wasn't a normal tree from the Everfree forest but rather a thin odd shaped tree. Her eyes scanned upwards and met a pair of glowing green eyes. She turned around to see even more glowing green eyes in the distance.

Both Changelings blurted out, "Oh, buck."

Author's Note:

Flutter YAY! After months of actually making myself write a story, I finally managed to complete one chapter. Unfortunately (for me), it took me over five hours to re-write this story from my tablet, to the computer and also edit it along the way. It is 1:10 a.m. and I don't really have the time to look over this again to fix my mistakes right now. Please understand that all I know from writing is what I used to read from English class back in High School, and the stories I read on this website.

Please, for the love of Celestia and Luna, leave a comment on how you liked (or disliked) this chapter and point out on what are some mistakes I have made, I would extremely appreciate it.

Like, Fave, Follow, if you enjoyed and want to see more. Don't expect to see more chapters until after a week or two (more or less.)

And now I shall leave with: A Bro-Hoof! /)

Comments ( 3 )

>She turned her head towards her unconscious savior. I must... for his sake.

This section is awkwardly written. It doesn't sound like something a filly would say. Then again, her voice is pretty consistently written like that, which makes it somewhat better.

Still, I'd try to focus less on making the language sound impressive and more on story-telling. Still, more please.

2796116 Thank's for pointing that out. Your right, :twilightoops: it doesn't sound like they would actually say that, I'll go ahead and fix it soon.

Why on earth must every story I read with changelings in it always have to portray us changelings as being evil?

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