• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 2,708 Views, 44 Comments

Non Soli Vos - Darth Atrox

  • ...


This is a work of total fiction, made entirely for entertainment purposes. No money is gained from the production of this prose.

The people of of Planet Griego all stood perfectly still, waiting. Ponies, Dragons, Gryphons, and Minotaurs. There were many others, sapient species who lived throughout the world not having a country of their own. It was a magnificent sight to see.

Suddenly, the sound of engines rang through the air. It started out low, before it started getting deeper and faster. Everyone looked up and saw five points of light heading straight for them. It was a strange sight to see.

The new High Council of the New World Order narrowed their eyes, straining to see the swift objects. Could they be weapons of some kind? Before anyone could say anything, the objects came into view.

Finally close enough to see with the naked eye, they could make out the strange creatures that they all had seen from the initial broadcast. Now though, they had a complete view. They saw heads, shoulders, arms, torsos and legs. Long legs, actually. They were either bipeds, or had a hell of lot of trouble walking. They were differently colored, too. The presumed leader was a purple color with black highlights. Two of them were red with gold highlights, and the last two were solid black.

After observing these creatures, everyone realized that they were coming in---fast. Everyone at the end of the red welcome carpet immediately began to pull back, afraid of being crushed by the visitors. There were several flashes of light that emanated from the beings, and immediately their bodies were shifted. Now instead of flying headfirst, they were falling legs first.


The five beings landed solidly of the stone walkway that lead into Canterlot Castle. There was a cloud of dust and debris that was kicked up in their landing. Slowly, everyone approached eager to get a look of the alien visitors. Suddenly, all five of the creatures rose up slowly, the silence broken by mechanical whirring.

Twilight's ears twitched at the sound. Are they machines? She thought incredulously.

The creatures started walking down the red welcome carpet, quickly approaching the Planet's leaders. Everyone watched intently, how the creatures moved and what they looked like. They seemed to have a metal exoskeleton. They were differently colored, and they noticed that the smallest one was curvier than the others. Female perhaps? She seemed to be in charge as well. A matriarchal society? The two medium sized creatures carried black objects in their hands. They seemed like a series of blocks and tubes. The two massive beings seemed to have all sorts of additions grafted onto their bodies.

Even though the [assumed] female was in charge, she was significantly smaller than the other two. And the two black ones? They were massive.

Each of them seemed to have a glowing piece in the center of their torsos, between the shoulders. The leader had a purple centerpiece, and the two massive ones had green and orange centerpieces. The last two yellow and gold beings had blue centerpieces.

Could the glow be coming from an organ? Their hearts maybe?

Finally the group of five made it to the Castle, and stood before the Council. Celestia stepped forward to greet them.

"On behalf of the World Council, I welcome you to our planet." She said confidently. She had on a serene smile, a smile that was shared by most of the people in attendance. The beings all nodded, acknowledging her welcome. The small purple one stepped forward.

"On behalf of the human race, I extend my thanks." The voice was robotic and feminine.

Suddenly, the creatures face slid upwards! Immediately, parts of it's metal body began humming and whirring with activity, shifted and sliding until something stepped out of the shell.

This new creature looked to be made out of flesh. It's face was soft, and a pinkish color. It's hair, eyebrows and eyelashes were a light blue color, and it had green eyes. It's body was much less bulky than the...shell led them to believe. In fact, it looked quite soft and curvy. It was covered in a skintight black and white bodysuit.

"I am Admiral Meia Gisborn, we have much to discuss." She stated.