• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 1,976 Views, 29 Comments

Fall of the Crystal Empire - Blaster Master

The story of how the Crystal Empire fell into darkness and came under the thrall of the wicked King Sombra

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Cadance came out of the chest a short while later, after her murderous uncle had left to continue his search for his missing niece. Stepping over the bodies of the slain guards, Cadance looked over the broken body of her mother and felt her sorrow threatening to tear her apart. Everything in her life was coming apart for no good reason and much too fast; she couldn’t take it all in. She looked into her mother’s glassy, empty eyes and lost strength in her legs, falling onto her belly. Never again would those eyes shine with love and affection. Never again would Cadance curl up next to her mother in bed and fall asleep next to her warmth. She very nearly decided to just wait there for her uncle to come back and kill her too, because at least then her pain would end.

But she remembered what her mother had said:

You have to live.

She also remembered what her uncle had said:

I wouldn’t dream of hurting her! … I’ll raise her like a daughter and by the time she’s on the throne, I’ll have her wrapped around my hoof.

Putting these two together, Cadance had a plan. It was a desperate plan that could get her killed, but she had to try something. She knew what she had to do.


Sombra paced the study of his tower angrily. It had been well over two hours since the poisoning of the king and Cadance was still unaccounted for. He had his minions working tirelessly to sweep the castle from the tallest tower to the lowest dungeon and they hadn’t reported anything yet. Just as Sombra pulled out his books to prepare a locator spell, the doors opened and a pair of guards entered.

The guards were leading a very confused looking Cadance.

“We found her in one of the lower levels, my Lord,” The soldier informed Sombra, “She had this with her.”
The guard used his teeth to pull a wooden sword from his belt.

“What were you doing down there, Cadance?” Sombra questioned.

“Well, after daddy told me to go find mom, I couldn’t find her anywhere. So I thought she must have been captured by hobgoblins! Glimmer and I were exploring a deep dungeon looking for her.”

“‘Glimmer’?” Sombra raised an eyebrow.

The sword was pulled out of the guard’s teeth by Cadance’s magic and she brandished it.
“My trusty sword!” Cadance clarified, smiling.

Sombra grinned. The entire time he’d been changing the face of the Crystal Empire, she’d been in the dungeons on another one of her silly imaginary adventures. How charming.

“Why did you want to see me anyway, uncle Sombra?” Cadance asked, “Weren’t you talking with my dad?”

“Yes, Cadance, I was.” Sombra said, his voice becoming a mask of sorrow “That’s why I’ve summoned you here. Something terrible has happened.”


“You see, as your father and I were talking, assassins stormed the throne room.”


“Oh yes! Your father and I fought them off as best we could, but one of them hit your father with a poison dart. I tried to use my magic to help, but there was nothing I could do.”

Sombra hung his head in cleverly acted grief.

“And your mother…”

“What about my mother!?” Cadance cried “Is she ok!?”

“Cadance…” Sombra put a hoof on her shoulder “I’m afraid she’s not. The ponies responsible got her as well. I’m afraid she’s… Passed.”

For Cadance, the hardest part was over. She had to act like her usual self for the guard patrol and for Sombra. Act like a happy, ignorant princess. And this was finally the time when she could let it out. She started to sob, letting her anguish wash over her. Sombra pulled her into an embrace and Cadance had to resist every urge to shove him away. He had killed her parents and now he was trying to soothe her! Even in the throes of her grief, she felt her anger and hate at her uncle swell. But she had to act the part and held onto him, nuzzling her face into his chest and weeping. Sombra stroked her mane and Cadance hoped her quivers of disgust would be disguised as trembling as she wept.


“Citizens of the Crystal Empire, a most terrible tragedy has befallen our fair land.”

Using his magic, Sombra amplified his voice as he spoke from the main balcony of the Crystal Palace, assembled below were the entirety of the Crystal Guard and most of the citizenry of the Empire. Adorned upon his head was the fallen king’s silver crown, along with flowing red robes.

“The king and queen are dead, slain by traitors to the crown. And while the traitors have been dealt with, a new vigilance and a new leader is necessary. Princess Cadance is, of course, the next in line for the throne.”

Sombra motioned to the princess next to him, standing quietly and solemnly at attention.

“But she is too young to rule. Instead I, Lord Sombra, will rule in her place until she reaches the appropriate age. Though I stand in the shadow of my brother, I guarantee a bright and glorious future for our empire, as today I am reborn as your new king!”

The Crystal Guard below slammed their spears to the ground in rhythm.

“HAIL KING SOMBRA!” The troops cried in unison “HAIL KING SOMBRA!”

“Hail me…” Sombra said to himself with a smirk.