• Published 2nd Jul 2013
  • 976 Views, 27 Comments

My Love for the Sun and Moon - Rapplejack

Not too many ponies know this; but the stars in the night were not always there. How they got there, you ask? Well, I have quite the story for you.

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My Love for the Sun and Moon

My Love for the Sun and Moon

By: Rapplejack


Take a moment and imagine the sun. It's very beautiful, right? Now imagine the moon in the night sky. It's not as beautiful alone, but the lustrous stars keep the night sky dazzling. Unlike what most ponies think, the stars weren't originally there. The night sky was once lit up only by the luminous moon, giving vision to ponies during the night. Very few ponies know how the stars came to be; in fact, there are only three who truly know.

I am one of the three.

Where should I begin... Oh yes, let's start from the very beginning. My name is Gaia; it means Earth. The pony who named me was the King of all of Equestria. Cool? Yeah, I know. I don't remember much, but from what I've heard, the King found me as a young foal crying in front of the entrance to the castle. He, being the kind person he is, took me under his wing and officially adopted me. I was just a simple earth pony, so being around the most royal of Alicorns really was something. My childhood was probably more than I could ever ask for, I had power, I had money, I had everything. I never took advantage of my position and tried to act like everypony else in school. In fact, thinking back to it.. I was actually pretty popular with the mares! Oh well..

I must have forgotten to mention, I have a sister. Two, actually. When I was first adopted, I couldn't process what was happening to me, or where I was. It happened in a flash; the day The King found me was the day he took me in. I ate lunch in confusion, not knowing where I was; much less who I was. After eating lunch in this grand dining hall, I was given a tour around the castle by this strange man in shining armor; literally. I was brought to a bedroom shortly after; meeting my mother for the first time. Her eyes beamed with joy as she picked me up and held me. I can't explain the feeling, but it felt so.. Nice.

The time quickly passed and the dinner bell rung. My mother carried me into the living room; she privately fed me there, away from everypony else. After being fed, I was taken to my new bedroom. As I glanced around, I saw nothing besides pink and dolls. It was night time, so my mother set me down in the crib located in the center of the room. The crib was one of those specially made ones that were for foals whom were too old to use a regular crib, but too young to sleep on a bed. I felt as though I wasn't alone and looked around the room, seeing a white foal in front of me. We both looked at each other, confused. She put a hoof up and told me,

" Hewo! My name is Celeswia!" I looked at her, puzzled. " Whath's your name?"

" M.. My name?" I answered. I was familiar with the term but I didn't have an answer to give her. " I don't have a name.. Sowwie.." I told her. She gave me a frown as a reply and started to cry; loudly.

" DADDY!" the young foal screamed, I sat there not knowing what to do, everything was just so new and foreign to me. The King entered with a concerned face and asked,

" My dear Celestia.. What is the matter?"

" M-my new fwiend.. He doesn'th have a name!" The King frowned at her, then looked over to me. I didn't know this at the time, but Celestia was a name that was closely related to the Sun. I guess he decided to have a name that was similar to Celestia's, to which he said,

" How about we name him.. Gaia." The King said, confidently. Celestia gave her dad a puzzled look.

" Whath does that mean?" Celestia asked, puzzled.

" Well, it means Earth; Earth is the place that Equestria resides on, dear Celestia." Celestia gave him an approving smile and looked back to me.

" So now you're Gaia!" She said, smiling to me. She then started to stare at her hooves in deep thought. " Daddy.." She said, looking up at her fleeing father, " Why is Gaia here?"

" Well, Celestia.. I adopted him so he will be residing with us from now on." The King said, turning back around to face his beloved daughter. Celestia gave him a puzzled look and asked,

" What does that mean?"

" Hmm.." The King said in deep thought, " Let's just say he's your new brother." Celestia gave a cry of joy as she hugged me.

" I've always wanted a brother!" I blushed as she held me, smiling with her eyes closed. The King gave us both a caring smile and left the room.

We spent that night talking about ourselves, but it was mostly her talking. For some reason, I had no memory of my life before I was taken into the castle, but luckily Celestia kept our night full of fun stories about adventures she went on with her dad. One time, she got lost in the Canterlot Garden Maze; it was apparently the scariest thing that has ever happened to her. After telling me a few more stories, I heard her yawn. I knew she was tired but I didn't want her to fall asleep. I loved hearing all these stories that Celestia seemed to have an endless supply of. I saw her slowly fall asleep so I quickly tried to wake her up.

" C-Celestia.." I said, shaking her with my two front hooves. She didn't wake up and after many attempts, I gave up. I curled up next to my new sister and fell into a deep slumber.


The next few weeks went by slowly. I had to adjust to my new lifestyle, ( even though I had no memory of my previous life, it was still quite hard to get adjusted to the castle life. ) Now that Celestia had a new playmate, we were practically inseparable. We did everything together, adventure throughout the gardens, play tag, even pulling pranks on our parents. After the month ended, I had gotten pretty used to my life in the castle. I was in the same class as Celestia, I had great grades, I was just simply.. Content.

" Celestia.. Gaia, your mother and I have some very important news for you." father said to us during dinner one night. 'Tia and I gave him a puzzled look, wondering what could possibly be this important. We usually never talked during the dinner table; our father thought it was disrespectful to the chef. The King was a very nice and caring pony, although he was very strict on the few rules he gave us. In fact, even to this day I don't even know what his real name is. He always told us to respect our elders, calling him "Father" was one of things that made him feel respected.

" My little ponies.." Our mother gently called to us, " Both of you will soon have another filly to play with.." We gave her a perplexed stare, not knowing exactly what she meant. Our mother gave a weak giggle and rubbed her stomach in front of us. " You'll both have a little sister soon."

Boy if you could see the look on our faces. We practically jumped out of our seats; excited by the fact that we both would soon have another filly to join us on our crazy adventures. We finished our dinner, smiling the entire time. The second we were excused from the table, we galloped next to our mother's side. She managed to fit both of us on her lap and proceeded to groom our manes.

" Mommy!" Celestia said, nuzzling into our mother's neck, " Is it going to be a colt? No, wait! I want it to be a mare! I already have a younger brother!"

" Hey! I'm the same age as you!" I protested, also nuzzling into our mother's neck. Our mother giggled and kissed us both on the head.

" It's going to be a mare." She assured, making Celestia's smile grow even wider. " Your father and I decided to name her.. Luna." Celestia and I looked at each other, smiling after hearing the name of our soon-to-be sister.

" I can't wait to teach her all kinds of things!" Celestia said, excitingly.

" Just wait till she comes running to her older brother for help!" I said, confident that Luna would prefer me over Celestia.

" Nu uh!" Celestia said, sticking her tongue out at me.

" Yu huh!!" I retaliated, growing more and more competitive. Our mother smiled down at us and hugged our tiny heads, whispering to us.

" Quiet now, my little ponies.. You two shouldn't be fighting, but rejoicing! Luna will be sleeping in the same room as Celestia; Gaia, since you're the older brother, you'll be getting a room all to yourself. I couldn't help but frown at this; after all, I spent my entire known life sleeping next to Celestia, so the simple thought of being alone at night was unimaginable. I couldn't let my mother, let alone Celestia see me as weak, so I confidently replied,

" H-heh, no big deal! I didn't even like sleeping in the same room as 'Tia anyways! She always makes me uncomfortable!" I turned to look at Celestia's face, only to realize that I had said something that I shouldn't have. I was a young colt, what did you expect me to say? I saw tears start to flood her eyes as she tried her best to hide her hurt expression.

" Oh, Celestia.. Don't cry.. Gaia didn't mean what he said.." Our mother said to her, in a comforting voice. I tried to apologize to her; I mean I really wanted to.. But I just couldn't. Instead of apologizing, I turned towards the other direction in shame. " Well, I think it's about time you two fillies slept." She lifted both of us up and carried us to our room, located at the end of the long hallway.

Our mother placed us into our new queen's size bed. After the first couple of weeks, we got a bit too old for the crib and upgraded to a real bed. She kissed our foreheads and left the room soon after. I looked over at Celestia, who was trying to stay as far away from me as possible. She was facing the other direction, so I tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

" 'Tia..?" I said apologetically.

" ..." She chose to ignore me; I heard her sniff a few times.

" 'Tia.. I-I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.. I really do like spending these long nights with you.. I couldn't imagine not sleeping next to you.." I tried my best to sound comforting, but Celestia didn't turn around or answer me. I started to become worried that she would hate me forever; my best friend and sister hating me forever? The thought of that brought tears to my eyes. Celestia turned over to take a peak at my face and saw me crying.

The next thing I knew, she was holding me in her hooves. It felt comforting, but at the same time embarrassing.

" I forgive you, Gaia.." She said, softly. She almost sounded motherly to me; a very strange feeling. Soon, I felt myself drifting asleep in my sister's hooves.

" Good night, 'Tia.." I said to her softly, falling asleep.


The next months flew by fast; Celestia and I grew closer as the weeks turned to months. We had basically the same schedule; wake up, go to school, do homework, go adventure, and sleep together. Our lives were very linear, thinking back to it.

One day our mother wasn't home, so we asked our dad where she was. He gave us a cheerful smile and told us that our mother was giving birth to our little sister. We were so excited by the news that we asked our father if we could visit our mother in the hospital where she was giving birth.

" I'm sorry my little ponies, only I can visit your mother in the hospital right now. Don't you worry, we will introduce you to Luna when your mother and I return home." We gave him a satisfied response, running off towards our secret hiding spot in the Canterlot Gardens. We approached our secret tree house in the outskirts of the gardens; a smile on both of our faces.

" I can't wait 'till Luna comes! It'll be so much fun having another recruit for the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Celestia said to me, her eyes shining. I gave a slight chuckle; I mean, Celestia already had her cutie mark for some time now. The Cutie Mark Crusaders was something Celestia came up with, deciding that she wanted to help me find my cutie mark.

" Oh boy, now I get to have a pony younger than me helping me find my cutie mark." I replied, rolling my eyes. Celestia gave me a warm smile, snuggling next to me. I blushed, trying to nudge her off me. As a young colt, like any other, I was very shy in front of girls. Even though Celestia and I grew up together and we were "legally" family, being with her like this made me flustered.

We both looked at each other, smiling. We couldn't wait to play with our new little sister; in fact, we even created a little space in our tree house for Luna. We spent the next few hours talking about what we were going to do with Luna once she was here. We talked about adventuring through forests and mountains, pulling pranks on our parents, and teaching her all sorts of things. Happy as we could ever be, Celestia and I took a break from discussing our future plans with Luna. I turned towards Celestia with a smile, only to see my dear sister about to cry.

" Celestia! What's wrong? Are you feeling okay..?" I carefully said, worried that there might be something wrong with Celestia. I slid over next to her, putting my hoof on her shoulder. Celestia looked up at me with teary eyes; she quickly threw her hooves around me. I furiously blushed, not knowing what to do.

" Gaia.." Celestia whispered, burying her face in my neck. I smiled at her; I felt like I was the dependable older brother I had always sought out to be. I brushed her mane with my hoof, comforting her.

" What is it, Celestia?" I said in my most comforting tone. She looked up at me, her eyes reddened by her tears.

" I-I'm scared.." She held me tightly, making sure I wouldn't disappear on her. " Once Luna comes.. You won't love me anymore.." She said this flatly, staring at me while trying her best not to cry.

" What are you talking about, 'Tia?" I said, bewildered at what she said. " I will never stop loving you! You're my sister and my best friend, I can't even think of a life without you!" I tried my best to sound older, using big words and a confident voice. She stared at me, eyes shining from the sunlight. She wiped away the remainder of her tears and stood up, looking straight at me. I stared up at her, overwhelmed at the magnificent sight. No longer did she look like a young mare. She towered over me with such power; it was almost breath-taking. The sun reflected off her coat, making her white coat illuminate the room.

" Gaia, promise me." Celestia said, her voice still shaky from the crying," Promise me that you'll love me forever, no matter what happens." I stood up; this time I towered over the white mare. I saw her give me an awe-filled stare; probably similar to what I looked like moments ago. The sun was setting as the moon was rising, giving my coat a bright purple and yellow glow. I looked straight into her eyes; I confidently told her,

" I promise."


I could probably tell you about the years that went by, but they wouldn't be very interesting. Celestia and I followed our linear lifestyle throughout these years, spending virtually no time with Luna. I remember the night we first saw Luna; our parents held her up proudly in the moonlight. It was such a heart warming sight; however, Luna was very young and was not of age to play with us yet. The only times we ever saw her and our mother was at the dinner table. We weren't allowed to speak during dinner, so we had to wait until dinner had ended to talk to them. Most nights, our mother and Luna would retreat to their bedroom the second dinner had ended, leaving Celestia and I by ourselves once again.

After about two to three years had passed, Luna was able to play with us. Our mother ended the "Hooves Off Policy" on Luna and decided that she was old enough to join our crazy duo. Although she couldn't quite talk yet, she could still walk at a generous pace. During the time spent with Luna, Celestia and I kept the adventuring and crusading to a minimum, choosing to do only the safest of activities with Luna. We did things such as play house; Celestia and I were the mother and father while Luna was our baby. We played around in the tree house, doing activities like map drawing and other tedious forms of entertainment. We were young at the time, so these things kept us entertained and, for the most part, happy.

" G-gaiya." Luna said during dinner one day, surprising the entire family. Luna's first word was my name! My family looked so proud; my mother even cried a little. Celestia looked at me with envy; actually, another activity we would with Luna was practically brainwash her. Yes, we repeated our names to her about five-hundreds times before we left the tree house for the day. We wanted to see who's name she would call out first; I was the clear winner in this case. I stared at my little sister with pride, happy that my name was her first spoken word.

After dinner that night, I returned to my bedroom with a wide grin on my face. I closed the door behind me and fell onto my bed, giggling to myself like a little foal. After reaping the glory of being the first word Luna had spoken, I grew tired and decided to call it quits for the day. I turned out the lights and made my way back towards my bed. Truth be told, I felt lonely during the nights. I missed having Celestia by my side, talking to her as I slowly fell asleep. She made the nights go by so quickly with her crusading plans and her fun stories she'd like to tell. After Luna stopped sleeping with my parents, she took my spot on the old queen's sized bed that Celestia and I used to share. I sprawled across my bed, trying to feel every inch of the cold blanket before it soon turned warm. I turned over, staring at the white ceiling. I fell asleep quickly, not covering myself with the blanket.

In the middle of the night, my door opened. My door isn't exactly the newest and quietest door; it creaked a lot if somepony would open it slowly. I woke up, a bit disoriented from my sleep. I looked over and saw a dark purple filly standing by the door.

" G..G-gaiya.." Luna said, slowly pacing towards me. I didn't know what she was doing here; wasn't she sleeping with Celestia?

" Luna.. What are you doing here? It's dangerous to walk around the castle alone at night." I scolded as I walked to Luna, meeting her halfway to my bed.

" G-gaiya." She looked up at me with her big bambi eyes; it was almost too cute for me to handle. I picked her up and led her too my bed, guessing that she couldn't sleep due to Celestia's snoring. ( Yeah, best to not tell her I said that. ) I laid her down, putting the blanket over herself and I. I felt small hooves wrap around my waist; glancing over I saw Luna snuggling close by me. I gave a small smile as I returned the hug, trying my best to soothe her to sleep. She whispered my name one last time before falling a sleep, a smile on her face.


I've noticed that Luna started to spend a lot more time with me. When the three of us would play house, she would start to demand to play the wife instead of the foal. Celestia and Luna fought often, leaving me as the medium to break them up. I didn't realize this at the time, but it was pretty clear that they were fighting for my attention. Everything that one of them did always involved just me and one of them, never all three of us. I don't remember when they stopped wanting to do things together, but luckily I was there. When one of them would try to steal me for themselves, I would quickly find some way to add the other one in. Luna would want my attention, and while giving it to her Celestia would soon ask for my attention. I had to find some way to balance things out, so sometimes I found myself hiding in my bedroom. Without me in the picture, the two of them happily played together.

" Gaia!" Celestia screamed, practically throwing Luna to the side. " I get to be the wife, right?" It honestly didn't sound like a question, but more like a demand.

" Uh.. Well what does Lu want to be?" I said meekly, trying my best not to dissatisfy one of the two. Luna's head popped up from under Celestia's hoof.

" I want to be the wife!!" Luna screeched, clawing at Celestia's neck. I didn't like watching the two fight, even though they fought almost every day.

" 'Tia, Lu, I'm not feeling too well actually.. How about you guys play without me?" I said, leaving the tree house before they could stop me. I took shelter in my bedroom and fell onto my bed immediately. This had become a normal routine for me whenever things would get out of hand. During this time, my father was very busy. He was always piled up with work; sometimes, he couldn't even make it to dinner. My mother tried her best to comfort him, but he was just too overburdened. We all knew that my father wasn't in the best health to do all this work, but we kept quiet. We didn't want him to feel like we were looking down upon him, so we just tried our best to help around the castle with chores. Seeing Luna and Celestia fight all the time didn't help his health, that's for certain.

During this time, Celestia and I were in middle school. Even though we were still the best of friends, she started to stray away. I wouldn't go as far as saying she totally ignored me, but she slowly started to find other friends to hang around with. She would never make any friends in the past; she always told me how she only needed me and no one else. Of course, I was glad that Celestia was making new friends, but it left me feeling... Alone. I was the same as her; I told her how I only needed her. I didn't make any new friends like Celestia did, so on some occasions I found myself isolated from everypony else.

Luna was in elementary school at the time; a star student as well. We would get notifications on how well Luna was doing in school almost every week. Although she was doing so well academically, her teacher told us about her "anti-social" problems. When fillies would try to talk to her, she wouldn't respond. It was almost like "She didn't have an interest to communicate with them." Reading these letters that came with the weekly academic praise notifications made our entire family surprised. Back home, she was so hyper and crazy; it was almost unimaginable to think of Luna being the slightest bit anti-social.

If Luna didn't wake me up, I wouldn't have known that I fell asleep. I squinted at Luna, who was attempting to crawl up my bed. I assisted her onto my bed as she quickly went to her "special spot" on my bed.

" You and 'Tia finish playing?" I asked, watching her snuggle into my blankets.

" Eeyup!" She said in a southern accent. I raised an eyebrow at her, not knowing if this was an inside joke or something. I lifted her up, making sure she didn't fall asleep.

" Don't fall asleep just yet, okay?" I said, putting her into a seated position. " You can sleep all you want after we finish dinner." She smiled and nodded as she played with my bed sheets. " Where's 'Tia?" I asked, looking around my room. After the two of them would finish playing, they usually came searching for me together.

" She's with some friends!" Luna said, throwing her hooves around me giggling. I smiled at her, brushing her mane softly. She purred in delight, snuggling closer and closer to me.

" Do you know who's she with?" I asked. For the past couple of days now, Celestia has been missing dinner because she was too busy hanging out with friends.

" Eenope!" Luna replied, using the same southern accent as before. I knew this was some kind of joke, but even now I still don't get it.

" We will worry about it later, it's time for dinner." I said, hearing the dinner bell. I lifted Luna onto my back and headed towards the dining hall. She felt a lot heavier on my back than she did a few months ago; they grow up so fast, don't they? I started to sprint down the hall, making Luna laugh in excitement.

" Whee!!" Luna squealed as I started to run around in circles. I loved making Luna laugh, it was one of the most rewarding things to do as her "big brother." I slowed myself to a stop, trying to calm Luna down before we reached the dining hall. It took a while, but she finally calmed down. I looked at her, giving her a comforting smile.

" Calm, now?" I asked, glancing back at her. She looked down at me and nodded, hugging my neck tightly. I smiled as we walked down the never-ending hallway.

None of us saw it coming, not even our mother. There wasn't anything we could do about it; fate played a sick role in our lives. That night our father passed away.


I remember singing old folk songs with Luna as we headed towards the dining hall. I opened the doors and was welcomed by an empty room. I knew something was wrong; the dining hall was never empty when the bell rung.

" Lu, go back to my room okay? I'll meet up with you soon." I told her, giving her a gentle shove in the opposite direction. She agreed without question and skipped back down the hall, humming a familiar tune. I didn't know what was wrong, so I decided to head to my parent's room. I walked down the hallways confused; everything seemed so... Empty. I approached my parent's room, only to hear muffled crying.

" M-mom?" I asked, knocking on the door. I heard my mother gasp and sniff a few times, then I heard her walking to answer the door.

" G-Gaia, what do you need my dear?" She said, opening her bedroom door. She looked like a complete mess: her mane was all tangled up, her eyes had dark circles under them, and they were completely bloodshot. I concluded that something definitely was wrong.

" Mom.. What's wrong?" I looked into her room, unable to locate my dad. " Where's dad?" She started to cry as she suddenly hugged me. I was confused; I had no idea what was going on.

" Gaia.. Your father.. Your father is..." She never continued that sentence. At the time, I was fairly intelligent, so I pieced together what had most likely happened. I looked at my mother in horror, feeling tears emerge from my eyes.

" Dad... Died?" I asked her, hoping she would give me a different response. She looked at me with sorrow filled eyes, still holding onto me. " B-but how...?"

" Your father.. Was very sick Gaia.." My mother seemed to choke on every word she spoke, trying her best not to break down in front of me. " It's probably best.. That you do not tell Luna about this.. I don't know how she would react.." I nodded my head in agreement, still unable to comprehend the situation. I felt my mother's tears fall onto my back, trailing down my coat. I wanted to cry; I wanted to let all my feelings out, but I knew. I knew I had to stay strong for my mother who had just lost her husband. I took a moment to compose myself and hugged her back, whispering to her how it'll all be okay soon.

Before I knew it, I was back in the long hallway that led to my room. I stopped in front of my door, pausing to take in what had just happened. My father was dead. I didn't know how long had passed before my room door opened. Luna looked at me with a frown.

" Gaia.. What took you so long?" She asked slowly, walking towards me. I tried to answer her but no words came out. I knew I had to keep our father's death a secret from her, but I just couldn't lie to her.

" I felt a little sick, sorry Lu.." I said, giving her a weak smile. I stroked her mane softly, leading her back into my room. " There won't be dinner tonight, but we will have a big breakfast tomorrow.. Is that okay, Lu?"

" That's okay Gaia!" She said as I lifted her onto my bed. " What happened at dinner anyways?"

" Mom just isn't feeling her best.." I replied, vaguely answering her question. I tucked both of us into my blanket and was rewarded with a tight squeeze from Luna.

" Don't worry! Daddy will make her feel better, right Gaia?" She looked at me with cheerful eyes, waiting for an answer I never gave.

" Lu.. It's getting pretty late.. You need your sleep okay?" I tried my best to avoid answering anything that revolved around our father.

" Okay..." She said, giving me a questioning look. I smiled and gently brushed her mane.

" That's a good girl... Sleep well Lu." She nuzzled into my chest, holding me softly. Luna had been sleeping with me for a while now because Celestia was always staying at some friend's house over night. I didn't complain; in fact, I actually enjoyed Luna's company at night.

If there was anypony who took the most damage from our father's death, it would be Celestia. Although he never admitted it, Celestia was always his favorite child. The signs were pretty obvious; he would let Celestia break the rules more often than he would let Luna and I. He would also buy Celestia anything she wanted, even though he strictly said he wouldn't spoil any of his children. Celestia obviously noticed his care and affection towards her and she returned it... Most of the time. The day after my father passed away was the day Celestia heard the news. I wasn't there when my mother told her about his death, but I did hear crying and screaming coming from my mother's room. I kept Luna busy by watching TV with her. The show was some kind of romantic comedy called "Flutterdash."

" Fluttershy... I love you so much! I'll quit The Wonderbolts just to be with you!" The blue pegasus on the TV said. I groaned; this was by far the corniest thing I have ever watched. I looked over at Luna; she had a look of interest and joy spread across her face.

" Gaia... Why do they love each other when they aren't even family...?" Luna asked me, maintaining her gaze at the yellow and pink pegasus who blushed furiously on the screen.

" Well.. There are two different kinds of love, Lu." I started to explain, carefully choosing my words. " You love Mommy, right?"

" Of course I do!" Luna replied, switching her gaze to me.

" Well that's what we call Family Affection. It's the kind of love you feel towards Mommy and 'Tia." I said, gently smiling at her. " The other kind of love is called Passionate Love; it's where you love another pony who isn't family in a..." I tried to find a suitable word but found it very difficult to. " You love them in an... Amorous way."

" What does that mean?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

" It means.. You love a pony in a romantic way. Let's just say that." I didn't really know how explain passionate love properly, so I just left the matter unsettled. I saw Luna look down at her hooves in deep thought as she scrunched her eyebrows.

" I love you, Gaia!" She concluded, throwing her hooves around me giggling.

" I love you too, Lu." I said, smiling at the cute little filly who was holding me. She let go and gave me a stern look, almost like she was dissatisfied. She puffed her cheeks out to pout at me, folding her hooves across her chest.

" No! I meant I love you in an... Amorous way!" She said, almost mocking my exact voice. I couldn't help but laugh; I mean, she really was too cute. I brushed her mane softly, giving her a warm smile. Luna always brought a smile to my face, no matter the situation. She was a very clingy filly; I wouldn't lie to you and say I didn't enjoy that. I felt really close to Luna.. I just liked being around her, I suppose. As for Celestia... Well, back at the time my feelings for her were mixed. My father and mother used to tease us a lot about how we would get married one day; obviously making Celestia and I blush furiously. When one of us would try to retaliate with a comment like, " We're siblings, we can't get married!", they would always say, " Don't worry, Gaia isn't blood related so you can have all the kids you want!" This led to many awkward moments where we would find ourselves turning a deep cherry red, unable to reply to their remarks.

" Gaia...?" I looked around to see who called my name. Celestia approached Luna and I slowly, her eyes reddened with tears.

" 'Tia, what's up..?" I said, hinting to her that we shouldn't mention our father in front of Luna. Celestia threw a disgusted look at me, too angry to put up with my pacifist nature.

" You know what's up. Just the fact that our dad is dead. Nothing much." She spat, staring right at me. I stared at her in disbelief; I quickly looked back at Luna who gave us a confused stare.

" What do you mean daddy is dead...?" Luna asked, her voice becoming quieter and quieter.

" Celestia!" I shouted, standing up in anger. I dragged her out of the living room and into the hallway, away from Luna. She avoided my eyes as I stared at her, my eyes full of anger. I was about to yell at Celestia, but I knew she was dealing with some hard times. I immediately calmed myself down, giving Celestia a more comforting gaze. " 'Tia.. I know you're sad.. But you shouldn't go saying stuff like that in front of Lu.. Okay?" I tried my best to sound gentle as I put my hoof on her shoulder. She shook it off and stared at me, tears returning to her eyes.

" Luna Luna Luna! That's all you ever think about now!" Celestia screamed, her voice shaking from her tears. " What happened to me, Gaia?" I grabbed Celestia without thinking and pulled her into a hug. I heard her quietly gasp, but then returning my hug soon after.

" I'm sorry, 'Tia.." I said, trying my best to calm the white mare down. " I didn't mean to make you feel left out... I know how close you and dad were.." I held Celestia as she cried, whispering comforting words to her. I started to become flustered, being this close to Celestia and all. Celestia and I weren't as close as we were before; she found new friends to hang out with so that took up the majority of her time. I almost forgot all about the times we spent together before Luna was born and how much I enjoyed that period of my life.

" W-Why are you blushing..?" Celestia said, wiping the tears from her eyes. I looked the other way, too embarrassed to look at Celestia.

" I'm not blushing.." I quietly replied, still averting my eyes from her direction. She would've kept pestering me if Luna hadn't walked up to us.

" 'Tia... Why'd you say dad died...?" Luna asked, looking up at her big sister.

" I-I was just mad, that's all. Just a joke!" Celestia said, trying her best to cover up her mistake. She wiped the remainder of her tears and gave Luna a nice, wide smile. " See? Just a little joke, Lu."

Luna gave a satisfied smile, rubbing her cheek against Celestia's neck. " I love you 'Tia!" Luna said, giggling at the same time. " Not the same way I love Gaia, though!" Celestia raised an eyebrow at her, wondering what she meant.

" What do you mean, ' Not the same way I love Gaia'?" Celestia asked, staring daggers at me. I tried my best to keep my gaze at my hooves but I couldn't help but feel her stare piercing through me.

" Well, Gaia taught me about this "passionate love!" It's when two ponies love each other in an amorous way!" Luna said, emphasizing the word "amorous."

" Oh, did he now?" Celestia said, maintaining her killer stare at me. Luna nodded her head smiling, also looking over at me. I let out a nervous chuckle,

" I can explain..." I said, rubbing the back of my head with a hoof. We all stood there for a moment; then we laughed. It felt so satisfying to laugh with Celestia and Luna again. I remember we used to laugh and play all the time when we were little fillies, but that changed a lot over the past years. At this point, I thought nothing could get better.

Sadly, I was right.


The next couple of years were rough; Luna and I hardly saw Celestia and our mother. After the day Celestia found out about our father's death, she has been spending a lot less time at home. She seemed to care less and less about Luna and I, even though we tried our best to get her attention. Our mother was overwhelmed with work; she almost never showed up to dinner anymore. As the years passed, I grew more and more mature. My feelings towards Celestia didn't change, even though I never had the chance to spend time with her anymore. I had been very good at keeping my feelings a secret from everypony, even from Celestia herself.

Luna hardly changed; in fact, I'd like to say she never changed. While she was outside the castle walls, she would act very mature and composed. She would always give anypony who approached her the "cold shoulder", as if she wasn't interested in them at all. This was an entirely different story within the castle walls. She was very playful and cheerful, always trying to recruit me for her devious pranks. She would always try to stay away from Celestia whenever she would see her; Celestia was always in a bad mood around Luna and I, so I guess she didn't want to upset her even more.

I assumed that Celestia was avoiding us because she wanted an escape from the horrible reality of a life without our father. I couldn't blame her, if I was as close to father as Celestia was... I don't even know what I would do. It didn't take Luna too long to find out about our father; my mother accidentally let it slip during dinner one night. She was still fairly young back then, so the pain that she felt was only temporary. She didn't know my father as well as Celestia and I did because when she was born, work just started to pile up for my father. He skipped dinner frequently and was always confined in his room, constantly doing work. After a week of tears, Luna soon forgot about it, continuing with her carefree life.

" Luna, we would like to award you The Honorary Academic Pony Award!" The head administrator of Luna's school said, holding up a certificate. Today, Luna was graduating from school. Celestia and I finished school a few years ago; no one attended the ceremony. My mother was far too busy, so she had to skip Luna's graduation as she had done with ours. Celestia was out with her friends, ignoring her royal duties. I couldn't stand to see Luna alone during her graduation, so I decided to sneak out of the castle to see her graduate.

" Yeah! Go Luna!!" I cheered, receiving many annoyed stares in my direction. I saw Luna's face flush red as she walked up to take her award. The administrator whispered something into her ear and took a few steps back. I assumed she wanted Luna to give a speech; but let me tell you, Luna was extremely shy in public situations.

" H-hel..." Luna squeaked, trying her best to cover up her red face. " Hello.." She gave the audience a nervous glance as she continued her speech. " I-I'd like to thank..." She seemed to choke on every word she spoke, turning redder and redder as more eyes gazed upon her. " I'd like to thank Gaia.." She said, pointing a hoof at me hesitantly. I felt their gazes avert to me; I ducked in embarrassment as I saw Luna hide a giggle. " I'd like to thank him for always being there for me.. For always being by my side." She said confidently, still a deep red. I couldn't help but turn red from both the attention and Luna's comforting words. She quickly bowed and returned to her seat, taking peaks at me every now and then. The head administrator started to approach the podium again, giving the final statements.

" Congratulations, Lu!" I said, walking up to her after the ceremony was over.

" Thank you Gaia.." She said, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. We both started to make our way back towards the castle for a celebration.

" Hey, Lu." I said as I turned to face the indigo pony. She looked back towards me with a surprised look, not knowing what I needed to say.

" Yes, Gaia?"

" How about I give you a gift for getting that amazing award?" I replied, switching my gaze back at the terrain in front of me. " You can make me do whatever you want for one hour." I said, not knowing if this present would be enough to satisfy her. I sort of forgot to purchase a real gift, so I tried to make due with this one. I saw her pause in her tracks, staring at her hoofs intently.

" A-Anything, you say?" Luna asked, her voice sounding unsure. I nodded my head as I backtracked to Luna. " I'll think about it." She said finally, giving me a smile. I returned her smile, heading towards the castle once again. I heard her increase her pace to catch up to me. The next thing I knew, Luna sprinted past me yelling," Race you!" It took me a moment to react before I accelerated to my top speed and chased her back to the castle.

The two of us slowed to a stop as we approached the entrance to the castle. Panting, I fell to the floor in victory. " It'll be another 500 years before you can beat me in a race!"

" I'll beat you one of these days!" Luna said as she fell next to me, giggling. We both looked at each other, enjoying the moment. I blushed as I noticed how close Luna's face was to mine. I quickly got up and brushed the dirt off my body. I helped Luna stand up as we entered the castle; I told Luna to wait in her room while I prepared for her celebration. After Luna finished elementary school, she had received a new room just for herself. She seemed very displeased at this; she would often sneak into my room in the middle of the night. She seemed to stop coming after finishing middle school; I guessed that she finally grew up and realized how embarrassing it would be for a mare her age to be sleeping with me. Luna agreed happily and skipped back to her room. I wanted this celebration to be special, so I hurried off towards the dining hall to prepare for the party.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I looked at my hardwork. There were streamers everywhere, there was a grand cake in the center of the table, and there was presents from relatives and the towns people. I was excited to see how happy Luna would be after seeing the preparations I had done. I was about to open the door when the door slammed into my face, leaving me sprawled on the floor in pain. " What the..." I said in pain, getting up.

" Wow! Look at the party here!" A mysterious figure said as he walked into the dining hall. Upon closer inspection, he seemed to be a chimera composed of multiple different animal parts. I would've tackled him and asked him who he was, but Celestia soon entered with him.

" 'Tia! Who is that?" I asked Celestia, standing up now. She ignored me as she walked up to the chimera, smiling at him.

" The cake looks delicious!" Celestia said, biting a chunk out of it. I stared at her in disbelief; I was infuriated.

" CELESTIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I quickly ran over to the cake and inspected the damage. I looked at Celestia in anger as she laughed with the chimera.

" Who is this crazy little colt, 'Tia?" The chimera said, a smile spread across his face.

" Oh it's just a colt that was adopted by my father, Discord." Celestia said as she nuzzled into Discord's neck. I stared at the two of the in rage. Hearing what Celestia said had hurt me; I had never seen Celestia act this way before.

" W-who is he, 'Tia." I asked, almost commanding her to answer. She looked at her hooves in disinterest as she continued to ignore me.

" These streamers really make the party look stupid, let's take them down." Discord said, ripping down the streamers from the ceiling. I tackled Discord almost immediately, grabbing onto his neck with my hooves.

" You son of a...!" I was obviously overpowering the chimera, grabbing on his horn with one hoof so he couldn't cast any spells on me. " How dare you ruin Luna's party!" I heard a huge explosion behind me as I let go of Discord, rolling away from the area. I saw Celestia's horn sizzle as she stared at me with anger. Looking around me, I saw a magical bubble surrounding me, protecting me from Celestia's attack.

" Luna, why did you interfere." Celestia said, looking at the pony who was standing by the entrance, her horn also sizzling.

" Why did you attack Gaia, 'Tia." She said, a hint of anger in her voice. She didn't care about what they did to her party, but she seemed to care only about me.

" Why did he try to hurt Discord?" She replied flatly, keeping her stare at Luna. I almost saw sparks fly between the two as they stared at each other. I looked over at Discord who had an amused smile on his face. Before I could wipe it off for him, Luna quickly grabbed me and fled the room. I took one final glance back at Celestia, a bitter look on her face.

I stopped struggling after Luna dropped me off in my room. I stared at the ground, thinking about what had just happened.

" What has gotten into 'Tia.." I murmured, trying to find an explanation for Celestia's actions. I stared at Luna, who gave me a stern look.

" .. Seriously..?" Luna whispered, staring at her hooves. Before I could reply, she ran out my door and down the hall.

"Lu!" I said, trying to catch up to her. I stopped chasing her after I reached my door, watching her run back to her room. " Luna..." So much happened in such little time, it left me dumbstruck. I could hear Celestia and Discord in the dining hall causing a huge ruckus; I just tried my best to ignore it as I went to my bed.

I stared at my ceiling, a million thoughts going through my head. I didn't know what had caused Celestia to act that way.. Was it because of that chimera named Discord? She certainly never acted like that before, even when she would bring other friends over. I wiped a tear away from my face, not wanting to face the horrible reality of things. In the back of my mind I knew Discord and Celestia were probably... Together. I had been hiding my feelings towards Celestia my whole life; I always thought Celestia would be the one who would confess to me, but... I pushed the thought out of my mind, trying to forget about the whole situation. I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard my door creak open. The sound of it was so nostalgic; I knew exactly who it was.

" Gaia..." Luna said as she closed the door behind her. I turned to face her; the moonlight shone through the window, illuminating her beautiful face.

" Lu.. What are yo-..."

Her lips pressed against mine in a warm bliss. My mind went blank; I stared at the beautiful mare who had stolen my first kiss. She pulled apart and gazed into my eyes, her cheeks flushed red.

" W-w-wha..." I stammered, not being able to reply. I felt my cheeks and ears start to burn, almost feeling them turn red. She pulled the blankets off of my body and climbed on the bed. As she laid on me, I heard her purr softly in satisfaction.

" Gaia.. I'm sorry for running off on you like that.." Luna apologized, running her hoof down my body. I felt a chill of pleasure surge throughout my body, leaving me stunned.

" I-it's okay, Lu.. I just don't understand what caused you to do that.." I whispered, slowly brushing her mane. Luna nibbled at my neck playfully, causing me to shiver.

" Gaia.. It has always been about 'Tia.. Why can't it be about me for once?.." Luna responded, snuggling closer and closer to me. I was about to respond, but was silenced by Luna's hoof. " I know you've been around me to keep me company.. And I know how you feel towards 'Tia.. But she's changing Gaia... You know that." I tried to argue with her, I wanted to tell her how she was wrong and how Celestia was still the same pony as she always was... But I knew; I knew that Luna was right.

" I-... I'm sorry Lu.. It's just that 'Ti-.." I was interrupted by another firm kiss. This time, I let myself be consumed by Luna's soft, gentle lips. I placed my hooves around her head and I kissed her deeper. We caressed each other's bodies, slowly pulling apart our kiss. Luna gazed at my eyes so innocently, like she was begging to be kissed again. " I'm sorry about your party.. I didn't kn-..." Luna once again silenced me with her hoof, shaking her head at me.

" Gaia... Remember my present...?" I blinked, nodding my head as I remembered what I had said to her. " Well.. For one hour.. No more talking about Celestia.. No more talking about anypony else besides me.." I blushed intensely, trying my best not to avert my eyes in embarrassment. " Gaia... Am I beautiful..?" I stared at the delicate mare in front of me, the moonlight reflecting off her coat. Luna's face looked so beautiful, her eyes almost put me into a trance as I stared into them. Her body was smooth and very soft, almost like a little foal's.

" Luna.. You're beautiful.." I replied confidently. I saw her blush even more, looking away from my eyes. " Luna.. Look at me.." I softly commanded, slowly running my hoof through her body. She looked at me shyly, closing her eyes as I ran my hoof along her side. I kissed her, gently but firmly. I felt her tongue enter my mouth as I did the same. We started to move around in my bed, grabbing on to each other tightly.

" Gaia.. I love you.. I always have.." Luna said, never pulling apart from the kiss. I could smell Luna's scent, it was so sweet and warm. I kissed her deeper as our tongues intertwined with each other. We didn't care about a thing in the world, we just kept kissing each other to our heart's content. The kiss started to become wet, but we hardly cared. I pulled apart from the kiss abruptly, staring at Luna's face. She was moaning in ecstasy as she tried to go in for another kiss. I turned us both over as I pinned her on the bed, panting in exhaustion.

" Luna.. I love you.." I said, pulling myself down to kiss her. After I said this, I heard Luna gasp in shock as she gently started to cry. I felt her tears along my cheek and I quickly pulled apart. " Luna! What's wrong.. Did I hurt you? Did I kiss you too roughly..." I stammered, trying to find out why Luna was crying.

" I-I'm just so happy..." Luna cried, wiping the tears away from her eyes. She looked up at me, her eyes pleading for more. " Gaia.. I want to be with you.. I was us to become one.." A dark scarlet color slowly spread across my already reddened face. I tried my best to keep eye contact with the radiant mare in front of me, trying not to let my embarrassment get the best of me. Luna slowly pulled her hooves away from her body, revealing her nude form to me. I gulped, trying my best to keep calm. " It's my first time... So be gentle, okay..?" Luna whispered, gently rubbing my thigh with her hind hoof. I silently moaned, intoxicated by the feeling of being touched by Luna.

" Luna.. I'm all yours..."

That was longest night of my life.


I woke up next to Luna, both of us exhausted from the night before. I studied Luna's sleeping face; she looked so peaceful and relaxed, so cute. I started to become flustered after staring for so long, but I just couldn't stop. I couldn't stop staring at the dazzling mare who has stolen my first kiss, along with my first time in bed.

" How long are you going to keep me waiting?" Luna whispered, rising up to kiss me. Her lips felt warm and dry, but I didn't mind. I kissed her back, blushing at the realization that she was awake the whole time.

" H-how long were you awake for, Lu...?" I said, hoping that she just woke up. I heard her giggle as she nuzzled into my chest.

" Long enough..." She grinned, kissing my chest with eager lips. I slowly got out of my bed, lifting Luna up with me. We both stretched out hooves, trying to recover from the crazy night we just had.

" Lu.. I'm sorry again for the party.. How about I try to make it up to you...?" I said, still feeling bad about her party being ruined.

" Why are you sorry? Spending last night with you was much better than at a party with a bunch of old ponies." She taunted, poking me with her hoof as I quickly turned red.

" I still want to make it up to you.." I insisted, poking her back. " Just name it and we will do it." Luna gave me a smile, kissing me on the cheek.

" Gaia.. You really don't have to do this.." Luna replied as her cheeks turned red. She looked at my persistent face, giving me a quick smile. " Okay fine. After we finish our duties, meet me by your room... Okay?"

" Perfect!" I exclaimed, happy that Luna finally gave in. " Good luck on your duties, Lu." I gave Luna a hug and left my room, heading towards my office. Celestia, Luna, and I split up the royal duties between the three of us, letting our mother rest for the first time in a long time. Celestia was the main "leader" of Equestria and controlled the military. She didn't have much to do with the military; mostly because there wasn't really a need for one. Luna was in charge of treasury and law. She would keep track of the bits circulation throughout the market and attend some big legal affairs. I was in charge public relations and peace, making sure no towns and cities had conflict with each other. Out of all three of us, my work was the hardest. Celestia barely had to do anything besides slack off, Luna had to work with money and the occasional law related issue, but I had to constantly fill out paper work. As I approached my office, a familiar white mare stopped me at the entrance.

" ... Gaia.." Celestia started to say, walking up to me. I backed up a little, afraid something bad was going to happen.

" What do you need, Celestia." I said in a stern voice, still not forgiving Celestia about the previous night. I was cautious around her, trying my best to keep my distance. Her cheeks started to dampen with her tears, falling to the floor in a seated position.

" Gaia.. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.." Celestia cried, trying to wipe her tears away with her hooves. I felt myself choke; I couldn't stand to see Celestia cry. I assumed she apologized for ruining Luna's party and for acting the way she had. I knew her behavior was suspicious... Yet I still doubted her and got angry. I should've talked with her calmly about it first before I had went berserk. I felt horrible.

" 'Tia... No, I'm the one who's sorry... I should've known you weren't acting like yourself." I said, walking to the fallen mare. " I should've calmly talked with you first instead of getting mad..." As I lifted the mare off the ground, she pulled me into a tight hug.

" Gaia... You love me, right...?" Celestia whispered, holding onto me tightly. I started becoming flustered, trying to squirm my way out of Celestia's hug.

" What do you mean?" I stalled, trying to find a way to avoid her question. If she asked me this before, I would've said yes in a heartbeat. I had loved Celestia my whole life; but last night had me wondering about my feelings. All I could think about now was Luna.

" I love you... Let's get married like daddy wanted.." She said, rubbing her hoof along my back. I didn't know what to do, my head was spinning. I loved Celestia, but I had started to fall in love with Luna.. My feelings were all over the place.

" 'Tia.. I'm sorry.. But I... I think I love Luna..." I finally said, feeling Celestia's grip loosen. I didn't know if my ears were deceiving me, but I heard Celestia's sobs turn into laughter. I looked at Celestia's coat and noticed it was losing its saturation; it looked more grey than white now. Celestia shoved me out of the hug, still laughing.

" Hahaha! So it was true!" Celestia hollered, taking a few steps back. " You really are a freak, aren't you? You fell in love with both your sisters! Hahaha!" I stood there, shocked. I didn't know what was going on, I could barely stand after hearing Celestia's words

" Wha..." I choked, unable to produce words from my mouth correctly. I saw a familiar chimera step out of my office and stood next to Celestia.

" I told you he had some kind of sister fetish, 'Tia!" Discord laughed, looking at Celestia. " He fell in love with your younger sister!" I saw Celestia look at him with a sly grin, nuzzling into his chest. All I could do was stand there in horror, witnessing everything that was happening in front of me. Celestia's words only added insult to injury as she cuddled with the chimera. The sight of this made me cringe, making me shake in front of them.

" 'Tia.. Stop this..." I whimpered, trying my best to stop my voice from shaking. " Step away from him and come over here... Okay?" I begged, taking a step closer to her. Her coat turned darker and darker, giving me a disgusted look.

" 'Tia is with me now, Gaia." Discord spat, putting a dirty lion's paw over Celestia's shoulder. " Why don't you run off and find something better to do." I wanted to do something about his repulsive smile, but my body was unresponsive. Celestia gave me a look of confusion, but it quickly went away as she gave me a cynical smirk.

" Why don't you run away and hide, Gaia? It seems that's all you can do." Celestia laughed, getting closer and closer to Discord. I was about to respond but my eyes stopped me. Celestia's hoof went up to Discord's face, holding it gently. Celestia slowly closed her eyes as she brought her face towards Discord's.

" NO!" I screamed, putting a hoof up to stop them. It was too late; Celestia's lips met Discord's as they started to kiss each other. I heard Discord laugh as they continued to kiss in front of me. I couldn't stand this sight any longer, I quickly fled back to my room, tears rolling down my cheeks. Distracted by the sight of them, I hardly noticed the indigo mare who was hiding around the corner the whole time.

I threw myself on the bed, suffocating myself in my pillow. So many different emotions were going through me as I laid there, crying like a little foal. I screamed into the pillow, mentally yelling at myself for being so weak. Sadness and weakness started to turn into rage the more I let it consume me. I started to hit the bed with all my strength, screaming while doing so. I stopped abruptly, hearing hoofsteps outside of my door. I heard the door being hit as I saw a shadow linger outside the door. The unknown visitor made haste and left before I could reach the door. I opened the door and glanced up and down the hallway, finding not a single trace of a pony being here. I noticed a sheet of paper on the door, two short paragraphs written on it.

My Dearest Gaia...

I just wanted to let you know that I love you. Ever since we were young foals, I have always admired you. I looked up to 'Tia as well, but it slowly dissipated throughout the years. I remember when you would make up silly excuses for 'Tia and I to stop fighting, which usually worked. One time, 'Tia told me that 'No matter what happens, Gaia and I are always be your family.' I was happy after hearing this, you were my big brother after all. After you taught me about 'Amorous' love, the words 'Tia said started to bother me. I didn't want you to be family if I couldn't be together with you. I held onto the fact that you weren't actually family, hoping you'd feel the same way. You always looked at me like a younger sister, but you would always look at 'Tia with a different look... One filled with love.

Aside from that, I'm sorry. I witnessed all the events that had happened with Discord and Celestia. I had no work to do so I sought after you, only to see the two of them hurt you to a great extent. I know Celestia is stronger than me, but I won't forgive anypony that hurts you, Gaia. I don't know what will happen after this, but I just want to let you know... I love you Gaia.. I always have.



The signature was smudged with tears, making the "A" unreadable. I stared at the paper, rereading it to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I felt tears flood my eyes as I dropped the piece of paper. I had to find Luna. Without taking a second thought, I ran down the hallway in search for the mare that I had fallen in love with.


The entire interior of the castle gave me no clues on Luna's whereabouts. Near the front entrance, I noticed a purple aura leaking out of it. I walked up closer to inspect it, trying to open the front door in the process. It wouldn't budge. It took me only a few moments before I realized that this was a magical barrier, making sure nothing from the inside got out. I hurried over to the closest window and saw Luna approach the insidious duo.

" Celestia." Luna said, approaching the mare and the chimera in the courtyard. Celestia ignored Luna, but Discord gave Luna a look of interest.

" Well why it isn't the brother-lover!" Discord said, making Celestia giggle at his crude joke. Luna's calm stature she had when approaching the two quickly disappeared. She stared at Discord with rage; rocks and other objects around her started to float up due to her powerful aura.

" This is ALL. YOUR. FAULT!" Luna screamed, slamming a hoof on the ground. The ground shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred. The setting sun and rising moon gave Luna a burst of strength, the clouds engulfed her. I stared as the moon took over the sky, spreading darkness across Equestria. Luna's body was now covered in black armor, a sight I was unfamiliar with.

" Luna!" Celestia snarled, firing a spell straight towards Luna. I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched how easily Luna deflected Celestia's spell, something no pony could ever imagine doing. It fired straight back towards Celestia, knocking her on her side. Discord's eyes widened as he tried to run, but was easily pursued by Luna. She knocked him to the ground, pointing a glowing horn straight between his eyes.

" You fooled Gaia but you cannot fool me!" Luna screamed, still keeping her horn between the chimera's eyes. " You've been manipulating Celestia; using her broken mind from our father's death to take advantage of her. I would've let you off easy... I even chose to ignore you, hoping that Celestia would come to her senses and realize what was happening. You made one mistake though; no pony will ever, EVER HURT MY GAIA." Luna charged up a spell and fired it straight at Gaia. A chain quickly formed between the two of them, coiling around their necks.

" This is the only way to stop you forever..." Luna whispered as her tail slowly started to fade into the air. Discord tried to scream, but the chains tightened around his neck. His tail started to harden, turning into stone. I saw tears slowly form in Luna's eyes as she peacefully laid down, awaiting her inevitable doom. I saw the barrier weaken as Luna faded; taking this opportunity, I slammed right through the barrier.

" Luna!!" I panicked, running up towards the fallen mare. I gave her a gentle hug, bringing her face up to mine. She gave me a weak smile, kissing me softly on the lips.

" I'm sorry Gaia.. I couldn't stand to see you so distressed..." She whispered, nuzzling into my chest. I choked on my tears, trying to come up with a response.

" Luna... Luna what's going to happen to you?" I whimpered, still staring at my beloved Luna. She placed her hoof delicately on my cheek, rubbing it slowly.

" I.. Did a self sacrificing spell.." Luna admitted, avoiding my eyes. " I-I will be trapped in the moon for a thousand years..." I stared at Luna in shock, trying my best to comprehend what was going on.

" No... No! Luna you can't go!" I begged as I held Luna tightly, making sure she didn't disappear on me. " Please! I'll do anything Luna! Just don't leave me alone..." My eyes went blind with tears as I held onto the fading mare. " Luna please... Not after we finally got together.. Not when your wish to fall in love with me came true..." Luna tried her best to give me a comforting smile, but her tears quickly broke it.

" Gaia... I'm sorry.. It's the only way to keep Discord from ever bother you and 'Tia ever again.." She started to shake as I held her, trying her best to sound reassuring.

" I DON'T CARE!" I screamed, wishing there was something I could do. Luna pulled away from the hug, silencing me with her hoof.

" Gaia... Will you kiss me... One last time...?" Luna begged, unable to wipe the tears from her eyes with her fading hoof. I tried my best to stop crying so I could fulfill her final wish.

" Luna... I love you.." I whispered, leaning towards her to kiss her. As I reached her lips, they slowly faded into the night sky. I blinked as my hoofs slowly fell to my side. I let out a shriek of pain, clawing at the air that was once Luna. " No... NO... NO!!!" I fell on the floor, sobbing my heart out. " Luna... LUNA!" I felt my heart surge with pain, I felt like it would rip out of my chest at any point. I stared at the moon as a black mist covered it, making the night sky completely black. I fell to the ground, not wanting anything besides to be next to Luna once again. My hooves went numb as I felt the grass that was supporting Luna's body moments ago.

" Gaia..." I turned my head swiftly at the white mare who was slowly trying to get up. Her white coat had returned to its original saturation, a pure white. I felt myself collapse as I tried to stand up; my hooves couldn't stop shaking. " Gaia.. What happened...?"

" 'Tia..." I whispered as I managed to limp my way towards Celestia. I helped her rise to her feet as she held her head in deep thought. After she thought for a few moments, her face confused face turned into shock.

" Luna!" She said, looking around frantically for her sister. I shook my head weakly at her, letting her cry on my shoulder. " Gaia... What have I done..." She cried, desperately needing my comfort. I pushed her away gently, staring at her with my tear filled eyes.

" Celestia, I want to tell you something..." I said, trying my best not to break down crying again. " I... I always loved you. I remember when I was first taken into the castle by dad... I remember sleeping with you all those years... I remember promising I'd always love you." I saw her eyes start to refill with tears; she tried to reply but I put my hoof up, making sure she didn't interrupt me. " 'Tia.. Luna and I don't blame you for what had happened.." Celestia couldn't hold herself back as she threw her body at mine, pulling me into a tight embrace.

" Gaia.. Gaia..." She whimpered, crying into my neck. " I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I returned her embrace, hugging her tightly.

" Celestia.. I have a favor to ask of you..." I began to say, pulling away from the hug. " Also... You have to promise me that you won't try to stop me, and no questions." She gave me a concerned looked through her teary eyes, nodding in agreement.

" I promise.." I smiled weakly at her as I took a few steps back.

" Celestia... I love you... I always have... But I now know where I belong." I said, looking up at the moon. " I belong next to Luna, in the night sky." Celestia gave me a horrified look, walking towards me.

" Gaia! What d-..." I shook my head at head, silencing her with my hoof.

" Celestia, no questions, remember?" I said, still looking up at the moon. " I want you to send me up into the night sky so I can be next to Luna..." I turned my head towards Celestia, who was silently crying.

" I-...." Celestia whispered, trying her best to keep herself composed. " I can do something, but it'll only be temporary... The spell will only last a thousand years..." I gave her a comforting smile, making sure she knew that I was absolutely sure about my decision.

" That's okay..." I finally said, relaxing my entire body. I heard Celestia sob behind me as her horn charged up with magic. " Celestia... I'll never forget about you.." I whispered as the magic hit me, making Celestia pant in exhaustion. My body began to feel light, as if I had lost a few pounds. I stared at the moon, envisioning my place next to it.

" Goodbye, Gaia..." Celestia sobbed, trying her best to stand strong.

Those were the last words I heard from her before my body rose up into the sky, filling the night with stars.


I enjoyed my time watching over Equestria's nights next to Luna. I lost track of time, so I don't really know how much time has past since I had last saw Celestia or my mother. I feel myself growing weaker... I guess time is almost up for me... Although we couldn't talk, just being next to Luna like this kept me content throughout the centuries. I noticed Luna's spell becoming weaker and weaker as well; I guess she's about ready to return to Equestria as well. I know she might not fit in easily... But I know I can leave Luna in good hands when she returns to Equestria.

In fact, I see a purple mare with a young dragon researching about her right now.


Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed.

(´ ▽`).。o♡ Rapplejack

Comments ( 27 )
Comment posted by Mattricole deleted Jul 2nd, 2013

Oh, it's a Celestia and Luna story...

*slowly walks away*

I wrote one sadfic ever. I didn't like it. I read sadfics. I didn't like them. My prior knowledge tells me I won't like this either. I'll pass.

:raritydespair: Awh, it's not really them shipping though =\

Ah, alright then :twilightsmile:

2812264 Oh no, the idea never came to me, I just don't really like reading about them.

Ah, alright then :twilightsmile: That's fine

Bravo, bravo! Encore!
Best story I've read so far!
Yeah! Yeah!
I'd put up a Luna emotion, but there is none.

Epic story!
I wish I could make a story like that!

P.S. If Luna had done a sacrifice spell and was not banished by Celestia, why did she threaten Ponyville?

Alternate Universe ~ :3

Glad you enjoyed it so much, btw! :twilightsmile:

Slightly confused, would Gaia die when the spell dissipates, or go back to Equestria as well?


Now I'm gonna go listen to sad music and cry myself to sleep.

2812352 actually, if Gaia dies at the end of the spell, then Luna's distress and rage could explain the canon plot line.

I left that up to you to decided :twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed~

I don't now if I would be the only one to think this. But I feel like there could be another story after this. I deep down think and hope that Gaia lives and comes back with Luna, not at the same of course. And the feels push me to tears reading it at the end. Keep up the great job, I really look forward to seeing more of your work.

glad I could make you enjoy reading the story :) . Who knows, maybe ill decide to make a sequel =/.. not too sure atm, and with chapter 9 really really bugging me, I might just stop writing stories loooool

Hey, I don't do that. I need to know what is going to happen to Rarity and Applejack. Don't leave a pony hanging here. Don't make me bag you not to stop.

its just hard typing up a story with no motivation, like I've typed 8 chapters and a real long one shot with zero motivation to do so, and now its taking a toll on my brain x.x

Then do what I do when something like that happens. I take a step back from that story and work on something else. Then out of nowhere it just hits you like a flash of lighting and boom. :twilightsmile:

yeah that's a good idea.. but I just wish there'd be another way, maybe if more people noticed my work and could give me more advice, it'd help me. Like so far there have been so many people helping me along the way which has helped me so much, and I'm really thankful, bit right now it halted a bit and there's not much to look forward to when releasing a new chapter. Like this, a sequel sounds nice but its so unnoticed that id have a hard time without help >~<

I know the feeling all to well. If it wasn't for you, my story would have never left my head. And if it wasn't for my other friend who edits my chapters before I posted them. I come to learn things will take time. I would have never thought in a thousand years that one of my stories would have over a 100 views. The number made me have this same look on my face. :derpyderp2: But I do know how hard it feels right now. Just know you have fans, we maybe small in numbers, but we truly love your work and look forward for each new story or chapter. So don't give up hope, things may seem to be going nowhere fast. Let's make a deal, if you promise not to give up on writing. I promise to keep working hard on my stories. Does that sound good to you?

oh no you don't, you'll continue typing stories no matter what. >:(.

Nope, not if your going to give up on me. Your story is what has give me the spark to keep writing. I look up to you. So if your going to stop writing on me. Then I feel that I should just do the same. You are one of the best writers I have read so far. So if you stop, then I stop.

how do I say no to that =/

You can, but that would hut and cause pain. I'm sorry, I just don't want to see you give up. You are very good and I truly want to see you keep going. I don't care if I have to wait a month or long to read the next chapter. I will wait cause your stories are well worth the wait. I can't make you do something you don't want to do. It will be sad to see you stop, but if that is truly what you want to do. Do what ever will make you happy in the end. I'm sorry for bugging you.

You know I don't cry much but omg I cryed

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