• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 313 Views, 7 Comments

6 stones, 6 stars - unknownwisdom

luna and celesta down for the count, discord is sane and teixie has just arrived what the hay is going on?

  • ...

Ch1. A dream

Chapter 1

It was night, but there was no moon.

There was no breeze, but the grass still swayed.

There were only stars, and they were glorious however they may not have even existed as the held no place in this worlds only occupant.

The purple alicorn sat there in the field a body in her twenties. A sad smile on her lips with eyes filled with sorrow and loneliness a thousand times older as they stared at the six tombstones in front of them. The pain in those old eyes redoubling as their gaze moved from one grave to the next. There was acceptance there like one who loses a limb they learn to live with it but always being reminded it’s gone. When her eyes fell upon the six graves though the purple alicorn could not hold back any longer and she began to weep for those who had left her behind and for those who hadn’t yet but would soon.

Warmth on her back and a hoof on her shoulder. The purple alicorn turned.

The first to meet her gaze was a white alicorn, the same smile and eyes marred her features, and the purple alicorn was comforted.

The second to meet her gaze was a great dragon towering above her. Flame and smoke flickering in his nostrils, his eyes that looked past the purple unicorn and stared longingly at one of the graves and a single red jewel held delicately in one claw. So once again the purple alicorn was comforted.

The third was a pink alicorn, tears coming from her eyes, the same sad smile of those who had moved on, and the purple alicorn was once more comforted.

The fourth, and last was the dark blue alicorn her eyes still shone they were not jaded with age like the other three and she bore a dazzling smile as brilliant as the moon. She held no sadness, so the purple alicorn was enraged.

How dare she be happy here, how dare she feel nothing from their death.

The purple alicorn prepared to scream her rage and strike down this foul soulless fiend.

The dark blue alicorn interrupted her wrath by merely pointing to the sky her smile unflinching.

The purple alicorn looked with a scowl but as she looked upon what she was meant to see all the years and sorrows slipped from them as tears of the most indescribable joy poured from her very soul.

She looked to the dark blue alicorn the brilliant smile gone replaced with a kind motherly one as she opened her mouth and said

"breakfast time"

“huh..? wha- EEP!”


“I’ve called you five times already you better come down now or I’m eating your portion too.” spikes voice hollered down in the kitchen. Twilight Sparkle, still tangled in her sheets and on the floor, shouted back “I’ll be down in a minute!” She struggled to free herself she could get her hooves out fine but her wings were still giving her trouble. Eventually she freed herself from her cloth captor and made her way downstairs to the kitchen were spike was already happily munching on his pancakes

“Bou ime”

“Spike, don’t talk with your mouth full” taking her place she set to work devouring her own stack of pancakes

“Sorry, but it’s unusual for you to sleep this late even after your late night study sessions” Twilight thought for a moment before swallowing her pancake

“If you must know I was having a dream.”

“Really, it’s rare for you to dream. What was it about?”

“I don’t know, I can’t remember. What I do remember though is feeling really sad.”

“Mustn’t of been a good then”

“That’s just it spike, right at the end just before I woke up I was happy, more happy than I ever remember being. It was like the day I got my cutiemark, when Celestia told me I could stay in Ponyville and when I became an alicorn all rolled into one and squared by itself!”

Spike just stared at her eating for a while as he tried to processes exactly how happy that was the answer he eventually arrived at was ‘really happy’ but before he could voice his opinions there was a knock on the door so he went to answer it instead.

Trixie was in trouble she knew it. She was looking in the mirror, could see her own ribs, the skin of her face was stretched tight over her skull and her eyes were bloodshot with bags underneath.

she had used up all her money. She was starving, even after the ursa incident she was able to find employment to earn money and by extension food even if it was just a lowly rockfarm but now she was the madmare that enslaved an entire town, of course she wasn’t criminally charged for this as it was classified as “misdeeds preformed under the influence of a magical artifact.” and therefore she wasn’t at fault after all most of Ponyville had forgiven her for it. The problem is when an ursa attacks someplace it is the attack that gets most of the attention not the reason, however similarly when a pony enslaves an entire town the fact that she did it while under the influence of a corruptive item gets forgotten.


Trixie grimaced at the sound her stomach made she turned away from the mirror in the tiny space of her cabin and opened a cupboard, using her magic picked up a mug right at the back before tipping it over. she caught the pouch that dropped in a hoof it gave the jingle of bits. Turning it over she examined the cutiemark of twilight sparkle skillfully sown into it, the pouch alone must have been worth at least 50 bits if not more. Tipping the pouches contents out onto the table, she counted 1000 bits in large bits that was two months wages working at the rock farm.


She leaned over the table “No, Trixie will not accept charity not even from twilight sparkle”


“No” she exclaimed slamming her hoof down.


Trixie’s ears twitched at the odd noise, lifting her hoof she saw the crumpled pouch below. Carefully lifting it she probed the inside with magic before finally pulling out a slightly crushed folded piece of parchment unfolding it.

Dear Trixie

I know you don’t accept charity so think of this as payment for entertaining me with a good duel but just in case I’m planning on hiding it in the hopes that by time you find it you will be too far away from Ponyville to return it. But the real reason I’m writing is to let you know that if you ever want help learning new spells, possibly a rematch, or a warm bed for the night, a good meal, or something just as simple as some company. There will always be ponies here in Ponyville ready to welcome you with open doors and open hooves.

Your friend

Twilight Sparkle

Trixie noticed that some parts of the letter were getting wet

“Huh, I must have a leak” looking up she realized one important detail when it comes to roof leaks, it has to be raining. So she instead lifted a hoof to her face

“Ah, Trixie is crying. Damn you Twilight Sparkle for making Trixie cry” she proceeded to scrunch up the note, throw it into the corner then sit down on the bed staring at were the ball of paper now lay. After a brief moment she got up and carefully smoothed out the note, before gently putting it away and grabbing her harness.

“If I go straight north-east of here I will get to Ponyville in four days,” she puts a hoof on the door knob.


With a blush she grabbed some of the bits.

“I better grab some food first or I won’t make It there at all.”

Author's Note:

this is my first fic that i have actually published so any and all constructive critisism will be much appreciated.

Comments ( 7 )

for the two that have already disliked this at least tell me why

This...wow. Okay, let's get the ball rolling.

Trixie grimaced at the sound her stomach made she turned away from the mirror in the tiny space of her cabin and opened a cupboard & using her magic picked up a mug right at the back before tipping it over she caught the pouch that dropped in a hoof it gave the jingle of bits.

There is several problems in this sentence alone. For one, it's a run on sentence. There is no comma's, periods, or anything like that. That's a big no no. Also, you used &. Don't use that, actually write it out.

Also space your paragraphs, it's prettier that way.

All in all, I've seen worse. I recommend reading the FAQ's writing guide, it'll really help you out.

It's looking better. There are places that needs commas and periods. And some of the names aren't capitalized. Needs work, but I think it has potential. Again, I recommend reading the FAQ's writing guide, there is a lot you can learn from it. At the very least, it's better than anything I could tell you.

yay my first like

Interesting take, dood.

You may need to check with a proof-reader first though, as it was kinda hard to read it at times, dood.

thanks for the input i plan on refining my technique as i go

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