• Published 16th Feb 2012
  • 1,471 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Adventure - Bloody

I'm alone, I need Friendship, Equestria Has Brought me Joy.

  • ...

(Maybe The Final Chapter?) Chapter 11

Morning came fast, Dash woke up and gently got out of bed, she didn't want to wake Collin, he seemed awfully tired, Dash went into the kitchen and made her morning toast, she was about to leave before she saw a very Tired looking Collin, "Oh hey! You're up." Dash said as she pulled a chair out for him, "Thanks." I grumbled still half asleep I sat down, Dash handed me a Piece of toast, I took the toast and buttered it quietly, "Thanks for not kicking me out Dashie." I said as I munched on my Toast, "It's fine really, anytime you need a place to stay you can come here." Dash said, "I got to go and clear the skies today, I'll see you around." Dash explained as she flew from the house, after I cleaned up my mess and managed to get the sink working I headed back down to earth, I decided to pay Fluttershy a visit.

As I was flying I spotted her down belong helping a few animals out, I landed on the ground softly to make sure I didn't disturb anything, Fluttershy seemed to be helped a few ducklings cross the road, I had to admit, it looked cute, back on earth...back on earth..why did I keep thinking of it, I shook my head and proceeded to walk towards Fluttershy, after she had finished her job she looked over to me, "Hello Collin, how are you doing today?" I looked down, and crouched beside her, "Pretty good, a little tired though." I said, I coughed, I'd been feeling a little under the weather, probably all the cold night air was making me sick. Fluttershy gave me a look, "Are you sure you're okay, you don't look to well." I looked up, before I spoke I let out a Rather violent Sneeze, "No, don't say a word! doctor Fluttershy will make you feel all better." I blinked as I took this in, "Fluttershy..." I began, but I was interrupted, "No if's an's or Buts' mister! your coming with me, and I'll make you feel all better." Fluttershy said as she picked me up and carried me towards her house, I sighed, This is one argument I knew I wouldn't win.
Fluttershy put me into one of the larger bed, she pulled the covers over me and put a thermometer into my mouth. "Fluttershy, I don't think this is all necessary..." I protested, but it was to no avail, Fluttershy was determined to make me feel better. After a Pill, some milk and a humidifier, Fluttershy fluttered over and asked, "Feeling any better?"
I looked up at her and went to talk, I coughed again, "Curses..." I thought, before I got a chance to speak Fluttershy put a glass of orange juice down, "Drink up, it'll help you get all better." I sighed and Drank the juice, I put it back on the end table and closed my eyes, might as well catch up on my sleep. I heard a few voices from the hall, I looked over and saw Pinkie Pie and Rarity coming in, "Hello dear!" Rarity said to Fluttershy, "Hey Fluttershy!" Pinkie said as she hoped on the spot, I couldn't hear much of the conversation after that, they'd moved from the room I turned to go back to sleep, "Oh my he doesn't look very well." Rarity's voice said from the doorway, I turned to be confronted by a Pinkie pie, "Hey Pinkie." I looked over to Rarity, "Rarity." Pinkie took the Icepack off my head, "You feeling any better?" Pinkie asked, "I guess, Fluttershy has been taking good care of me this entire time." I explained. Pinkie and Rarity looked over to Fluttershy whom was coming to take my temperature, "Well I couldn't leave him, he sounded awful, but now he's getting all better." Fluttershy said as she stuck the thermometer into my mouth, It was true, my temperature was normal.
Fluttershy took it out and took the blankets off, "Well Collin you seem to be all better, just like Doctor Fluttershy predicted you would be." Fluttershy said, she seemed proud of herself, "Well, I guess I know where to go when I get sick now..." I thought to myself, shrugging I got from my bed, "Thanks Flutters." I said, Fluttershy turned around, "Flutters?" she said questioningly, "What, you don't like it? if not I-" I was cut off and Fluttershy spoke up, "No, I like it..." I wanted to say something, but Rarity spoke up, "So now you have a Dashie and a Flutters hm?" Rarity pointed out, "Why don't we have little names like that?" Rarity questioned, I thought for a second, "Pinks, and Rares?" I shrugged, "Pinks, and Rarity, Sorry Rarity, I don't think I can give you a little name like that, besides your name is already nice enough is it not." Rarity seemed to blink, either a little sad or a little flattered, "Well Rarity is quite nice isn't it." She said, I could tell she was a little disappointed, so I walked over and gave her a Hug, "What are? oh." Rarity blinked and hugged me back, "Thank you dear." I put her down, "So Pinks, you like your name?" I said turning around, she was already in the air, "hugs!" she cried out, she fell into me I stumbled back but managed not to fall, I had a Pinkie Pie Latched to me, I hugged her back, "Yes, hugs all around." I looked over to Fluttershy, "C'mere Flutters, you too." I said, holding out an arm for her to leap into. Fluttershy slowly walked over and looked up at my arm, I bent down and picked her up, I pulled her into the Hug, "Okay Rarity, just you and we'll have a group hug." I said, Rarity giggled, "Oh fine..." She leapt up into my arms and we all had a crowded but a nice Group hug.
I left Fluttershy's house with Pinkie and Rarity, "So how are you guys doing?" I asked. "I've been doing fabulous, I've been working on a ton of new designs, you must simply come and look at them sometime." Pinkie spoke up next, "yeah, Rarity is great at designing dresses, but I've been making lots of cupcakes! you should come and try them sometime.
After a visit at Sugar cube corner, and a Visit to Rarity's boutique I felt a little worn out, so I headed for home. It felt like I was being followed, I glanced back every once in a while to double check, each time nothing. After another 10 minutes of this I arrived back home, I checked behind me again, I saw something this time...
"Hello? who's there?" I called out into the night, nothing I sighed and stepped into my house, I was tackled from behind, I spun midair and caught sight of my attacker, Trixie...
"What are you doing here?" I asked partially puzzled, "Trixie decided to visit her friend!" Trixie said with a broad smile, "And why did you have to tackle me?" I questioned, "Because it's fun?" Trixie answered with a giggle, she seemed so much...Happier and I loved it.
I walked into my main living room and Trixie followed, "So you came to Visit me, well I suppose you'll need a place to stay." I said as I removed me Jacket, Trixie thought for a moment, "Well I guess Trixie didn't think that far ahead..." she dropped her head, "Don't worry Trixie you can stay here as long as you need." I said patting her on the head she looked up, and gave me a big hug, "Thank you..." She whispered, I hugged her back and showed her to a room, "This room okay?" I asked her, She stepped into the room, she seemed to shudder a bit, "Trixie...doesn't mind the room, but she would rather stay with you..."
I nodded, "Alright let's go hit the hay, I'm rather tired..." I let out a yawn and took Trixie into my room. I got into bed, she hopped up into the bed and put herself down beside me, "Good night." She seemed to nod off right away, I put the covers over her and myself slowly went to sleep.
Trixie woke up the next morning, she slowly lifted her eyes open, she was confronted by, Twilight. Trixie leapt up and let out something along the lines of an "Eep!" She quickly and effectively dove behind me and forced me to Wake up quick, I rose quickly and looked around the room, I saw Twilight giving me an odd look, "What?" I asked, Twilight pointed to Trixie, "That's what!" Twilight said sounding a little annoyed, I picked up Trixie, "What? Trixie?" I asked holding Trixie who seemed a little frightened in my hands. Twilight nodded, "So, it's just Trixie, what's so bad about her?" I asked. Twilight gave me a look, "Well, she was rude, not very nice, and downright obnoxious!" Twilight huffed, I looked over at her and then looked at Trixie, who seemed to be trying to shrink back into my arms, "First of all, Trixie, I want YOU to apologize for how you treated Twilight." I said sternly to Trixie, she got up and Looked at Twilight, "I-I'm sorry for my actions..." Trixie couldn't keep the look and backed away and refused to look back at Twilight. I looked over to See Twilight, her expression was a little Softer, "I forgive you." she said bowing her head, "That's much better, now both of you Hug it out." I said pushing Trixie towards Twilight, they both blinked and looked at me, the look on my face was serious, they both Sighed and Hugged each other, "See? we're all friends here." I said lowering myself back into the bed. Trixie and Twilight both looked at each other and Grinned, "Pony Pile!" They exclaimed as they jumped and Landed on me, The Ticklefest had begun!

Trixie and Twilight seemed to be getting along, which itself was nice, after I'd beaten them with my superior tickle abilities we all had Breakfast. afterwards we decided to go settle the disputes that Trixie has with the others, it was time to get her reputation fixed.
Twilight went off to get the others as I took Trixie to the Library where we would meet everyone and where Trixie would apologize and so they could forgive her in person. After a bit of a struggle I got Trixie to toughen up and face her fate. Twilight along with the others entered the room, right away I could tell Rainbow Dash was already surprised to see Trixie, beside me. "What's she doing here?" Dash asked right off the beat, "Yes! why did you bring her! she was really mean!" Pinkie added. Trixie wanted to shrink back and become smaller, "guys, she's here to apologize, and you need to accept her apology..." I said sternly. Pinkie and Dash along with Applejack and Fluttershy all look towards Trixie, "I-I'm Sorry for how I acted." Trixie managed to sputter out, immediately after she crawled into my arms and started to sob, she truly felt awful.

After at least 4 boxes of tissues and a good amount of Cuddles everypony had calmed down, Trixie seemed to be freely conversing with the others, everything seemed to be nice. Dash flew over to me, "You know she's not such a bad pony after all." I nodded in agreement.

Thankfully everyone seemed to be getting along, I loved this more than anything, everything was just Happy.