• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,141 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

  • ...

SiS Nightmare Night Special 2

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire

Nightmare Night Special, Two.

[Other when or maybe, dressing room]

“Discord these constant shifts are rather trying.” Celestia mumbles as she moves behind the white silk screen as she dresses. “I'm not even sure where we are.”

The room was a fair sized dressing room partitioned by a number of free standing silk screens which showed the silhouettes of various ponies changing on the other side of them. The Draquonuss sat by the door in a directors chair with the name 'Discord' painted on the back of it over the name' Spielberg'. He was wearing a light brown tweed jacket, white undershirt, and a pair of large black framed glasses.

“It's not where, it's more a when, or a maybe, than a where. And seriously the last time we did this was a full year ago and you shouldn't even remember that due to the fourth wall break”

“I didn't remember it until I got here.” Celestia snorts.

“Oh well good. Anyway dear Sun Butt, it's not like we can do this sort of thing in the real world. I mean there's a war going on, you and Sparkle are taking the mother of all power naps and even Kaisur is out like a light. This was the only place this could be done. Besides the rabbit okayed it so it's gonna happen”

“Wasn't Fluttershy going to murder him for all the grief he was causing us?” Luna pipes up from behind a dark blue dressing curtain.

“He's a little dark gray bunny. One cute look from him and she'd sooner beat herself up.” Jer'rahd calls from behind a green curtain. “Also I do not like this outfit at all. What's the point of this thing?”

“It's called tie you ruffian. Honestly Princess how do let him get away with dressing like a wild dog? He looks good in a suit. Even one like this.” Rarity chimes in from behind a lavender curtain. Lionheart was also behind it and Rarity was fixing something on his outfit.

“If you had listened to Bleu you might know what this is. It's a very popular movie that has a resurgence every year about this time.“ Discord explains waving his hand in the air.” Be glad we are not doing the other songs. Fishnets for days.”

“Yes, well I've never seen the movie, and these outfits are ridiculous. At least last time I had a chance to be intimidating. Now I look like a brothel clown.” Jer'rahd snorts.

“And how would you know brothels have clowns?” Luna snaps pushing aside her curtain to move behind Jer'rahd's angrily.

“Oh please Luna. I was in the Guard for quite a while before we started dating, I know very well what a brothel is.” Jer'rahd grumbles his silhouette trying not to look at Luna's looming over him.

“Yeah, you have no idea how many times he's had to drag me out of one.” Rhede chimes in trotting up in a tux with a red hued collar and a party hat with a pair of strange looking sunglasses on. He chuckles before wiping away his smirk as he noticed the glare Velkorn was giving him. The zebra mare was dressed almost identically to him, but with her hair poofier than normal and two cone party hats covering her ears. He grins again trying to placate her.”Hey calm down, I've not been to one since we got married.”

“Damn it Rhede, I wanted to see Luna beat some sense into Kaisur and then you come and ruin it by giving a valid reason for him to have been in a brothel.” Celestia growls from behind her curtain.

Discord sighs.” Drama queens. Look it's not even the whole show it's just one song. You can just relax and do your part and everything's gonna be fine. You don't even have staring roles this time.”

“Yeah about that.” Rhede asks.” We're the main characters of this story. Why are we second fiddle in our own holiday special?”

“Keep in mind Rhede, Lost Empire wasn't our story, we were just in it.”

“Hardly fair for some big damn heroes like us.”

“We had two big books before this and a couple of spin offs. I think at this point we should be lucky if we even get mentioned by name in the next book. I mean buck, you're dead and I'm nearly dead. There's not much more that can be done with us. Unless you want a riveting tale of what it's like to feed the worms.” Jer'rahd points out.

“Been reading ahead in the script again Jer?” Rhede snorts. “ Also stop being so damn morbid.”

“At least you go to go out with a heroic bang. My end was the equivalent of getting shot in a dark ally to fuel a lifetime of revenge for some one to dress like a bat and fight crime” Jer'rahd admits before his silhouette is tackled by Luna's

There's a brief moment of quiet before Discord slaps his face with his griffon claw. “Are you two even going to be in the show or do you need your own room?”

“PLACES!!!” Pinkie bellows popping up from behind Discord. The pink mare's hair was still a little frilly but it was hanging only to her shoulders and was more wavy than curly. A pair of white circular hair clips held her mane up on either side of her head just over her ears. She wore a white jacket with a demure pink dress underneath it. “ We're on in five!”

“Thank you for that dear, I think I am now deaf in that one ear.” Discord mutters pulling his right ear off and tossing it aside before pulling another out of the jacket he wore attaching it to his head.” There we go. Alright, Luna I know he's dead and your busy and you just went through a good number of months pregnant with out being to ride him like a mechanical bull, but let your husband up so we can do this.......”

“Fiancee.” Celestia corrects.

“Sunbutt, I don't care if she calls him her snoogy woggums...” Discord begins.

“No.” Jer'rahd chimes in, pointing a hoof at Luna.

“Maybe.” Luna chuckles as Jer'rahd groans.

“....WHATEVER!! Everyone move, get into places and lets get this show on the road!!” Discord rants.


[Theater hall before the main stage.]

The audience stretched out in front of the stage far further than ever before. Countless Tirek Clones dotted the landscape though all were focused on the stage save for a couple that were being bludgeoned by those they had killed or run out of their homes. One was currently being decorated like a Nightmare Night tree by Cheese Sandwich, while Maud handed him up orange tinsel and bat garlands. The real Tirek was at the back standing very still between the gargantuan fore claws of the towering form of Troph in his full blue scaled six eyed draconic glory. Two of his glowing eyes focused down on the uncomfortable creature between his claws, two were on the stage, and the last pair was on the skeletal zebra mare perched on his head. Grace had a perfect view over everything from the tallest spot in the entire theater.

Granny Smith and Ma Pelt were watching Fluttershy and Applejack's foals as the trio used a familiar dark gray rabbit as a pull toy between them. A gift from an annoyed Fluttershy before she was pulled off to the stage.

Zecora was introducing Baelit, Wolf, and Fox to Velkorn and Rhede's little balls of striped fluff, Wolf and Fox.

Vinyl Scratch and Button Mash all sat in a control booth hanging just below eye level with the great dragon in the back of the ridiculously huge theater. An orchestra pit at the front had a number of musicians from the Platinum school including Octavia leading them and the three members of Pontera out of costume.

There was a great deal of commotion going on as the audience mingled and talked among themselves. Guards from the past spoke with the Guards from the present Several of the older Gods sat around chatting and all seven Books of Orbsah were stacked neatly atop one another with the other four aspects of the Elements of Harmony sitting around them. The chatter and noise cut off abruptly as the theaters lights dimmed and the curtain opened with a guitar riff.


The curtain rises on the stage showing a some what odd setting. It seemed to be an old manor house,dotted with random copies of expensive old paintings, or maybe the real ones it was hard to tell in this place. Spider webs and dust seemed to be every where, though other items were highly polished and seemingly cleaned religiously. There were a few twisted versions of famous works of art and the architecture seemed off some how as if there was a slight left ward lean to half of it and a rightward lean to the other half. Over one fireplace was a picture of Blueblood, some ponies recognized it as the same one that hung over his mantle in his home, though this one had a crudely drawn monocle and a thin handlebar mustache and goatee painted on as well.

Blueblood sitting in the audience was not amused.

Discord and Pinkie Pie stood on stage, huddled together, strangely seeming to be the one spot of normalcy in the disjointed collection of randomness that was on stage. Both of them were wearing what amounted to normal clothes and had rather lack luster mane cuts. They both had the sort of 'average ponies' look that could still be seen on 'family friendly' products.

Pipsqueak Kaisur on the other hoof....

Pip was standing nearby Discord and Pinkie. He was dressed in a long tailed tux that seemed a bit ratty and ill fitting on him as if some of it was made for a larger pony and other parts for a smaller pony. The outfit was topped off with a pair of tipless black hoof gloves, and white spats on his rear hooves. His mane was pulled back and covered in white powder then curled be hind his ears to give him the impression of a balding old stallion, the make up on his face also gave him a bit of a sunken or hollowed expression. He moved with an odd gait and had a fairly sizable hump on his back as if his spine was deformed.

Scootaloo was on the other side of Pinkie and Discord. Her hair was fluffed out and lengthed to almost comical proportions and framed her face that seemed to be covered in powder with far too much mascara around her eyes. She wore a french maid outfit that was in a similar state of disarray as Pip's tux, though her small wings were uncovered and stuck out of the back of it, occasionally igniting and illuminating the area behind her and her frizzy hair, in a green glow.

As the scene opens Pip was holding a black feather duster and seemed to be trying to clean off a cobweb covered pony skeleton sitting in a coffin propped upright against the wall, the door to which was wide open.

A sudden loud note starts a steady guitar rhythm that quiets the little bit of chatter left from the audience.

Pip tilts his head up a wide grin crossing his face as he regards the suddenly startled looking Pinkie and Discord. The fairly deep voice the small stallion was singing in threw a few others off as well.

“It's astounding,
Time is fleeting.”

The little pony swings around the back of the coffin door looking through a window about head high in the coffin door one hoof wiggling through the opening at Pinkie and Discord.

“Madness. Takes it's toll.”

Scootaloo grins wider and seems to gasp as she pushes the huddled Pinkie Pie and Discord after Pip while he darts further across the stage.

“But listen closely....”

Pip stops dead leaning back to point a hoof in the pair's faces.

“Not for very much longer....”

Scootaloo adds in leaning close to Pinkie who jerks away and presses against Discord more.

“I've got to..... keep control.....”

Pip utters the last line before ducking through a curtain to another part of the stage, popping back out and leaning up to Discords face.


Pip shouts as he runs off to the sudden increase of the music's tempo. He slips behind a small pillar that was next to a stuffed Chimera that seemed to be fighting it's own snake tail. His fore hooves grip the pillar as he kicks out one of his back legs swinging it in the air in a repeated high kick that didn't quite match the music's rhythm

“Drinking.... those moments when.....”

Pip spins off popping up on the other side of the stuffed Chimera.

“The blackness would hit me.”

Pip moves over to the small group clasping his fore hooves to Scootaloo's as Discord and Pinkie dart towards a door at the back of the stage.

“And the void would be calling..”

Pip and Scootaloo sing in unison before running after Discord and Pinkie.

As Pinkie and Discord rush through the door at the back of the setting the entire stage suddenly puffs out of existence as the illusionary magic supporting it blinks out. The new area was revealed as a large ballroom with a large banner across the back of the room reading 'Annual Trotsilvania Convention.' The ballroom was filled with various figures who all turn to look at the door as the 'normal' couple runs through with Pip and Scootaloo right behind them.

Every pony, zebra, dragon, and whatever the heck Luna and Jer'rahd counted as now, were dressed in a variant of a old style black tux and a white vest and different colored undershirt.

Rhede had on a deep blood read undershirt and the collar and vest were opened a little more showing off his chest. Unlike the others he neglected to ear pants, likely to show off his cutie mark and flank, though he had on white rear hoof spats and white fore hoof gloves. His mane was pulled back and nearly dragged the floor and he was wearing what looked like a tiny version of a conical purple party hat that was slightly tilted to the side on his head. He also wore a pair of sunglasses dark enough that one had to wonder how he could see.

Velkorn was dressed identically to Rhede, though her outfit included pants. Her mane and tail were also done up in a big poofy white and black afros giving her the impression of being a poodle. She had a pair of the purple party hats, both over her ears.

Jer'rahd's tux also included pants though it was ill fitting on him as if he had loosened every bit of it in an effort to be comfortable. His undershirt was a dark blue color that matched Luna's mane. His mane was pulled back tight enough for a small ponytail to be made that only fell a bit down his back. His horn was covered by a viking helmet with two curled horns, eye and cheek guards and seemed to be designed after the one on the box art of that one fantasy game about shouting at things.

Luna's outfit matched Jer'rahd's as did her ponytail, though it was much longer and her tux fit her well. Her undershirt was also a amber coloration matching Jer'rahd's mane.

Bleu had taken her small sized form and had a bright yellow beehive wig that was taller than she was on her head and a massive pair of novelty glasses that were too big for her head. Her undershirt was a green the same coloration as Spikes spines. She also wore no pants, though she had shifted the coloration of her legs and tail to at least look like she was wearing pants.

Starfall and Peach Blossom both had cream colored undershirts, tiny little teal colored western hats, and white glasses that had slats like Venetian blinds. Starfall's mane was hidden by a poofy red wig, though her tail was the same purple as normal. Peach Blossom had a poofy blue wig that hid his orange cream colored mane and hid his white furred ears.

Lion Heart and Rarity were the only pair in full black well tailored and perfectly fit tux's. Both of their manes were and lengthened almost as long as Fluttershy's and giving off a wet mane vibe. It seemed that Rarity had styled and designed all the outfits to some how make her's and Lionheart's look better than every one elses without actually being better. The pair of them both wore multicolored and heavily feathered carnival masks. Rarity had a long black scarf over her head and neck while Lion Heart had a little gold crown on his.

Fluttershy and Applejack were also dressed the same, though the butter yellow pegasus was trying to hide behind the farmer at the sight of the massive crowd before the stage. Their undershirts were a bright orange and the pair both wore black domino masks. Applejack wore her usual hat with Fluttershy wearing one similar though with a pinkish hue.

Rainbow Dash was the only one in the air and she was floating over Big Mac. The pair of them both wore aviator sunglasses and pirate hats. While Rainbow Dash's shirt and tux were already ruffled a little the pair of them both had a bright blue undershirt with their tux and red and white pok-a-dot bow ties.

Celestia and Twilight both were dressed the same with a simple white undershirt and white hoof gloves. Celestia's wings were under her suit jacket and she wore a mask that seemed a overtly stylized sun, with eye holes in it. Twilight wore a similar mask with a stylized moon with eye holes. Twilight had on a red fez with a black tassel and Celestia had a gold one with a purple tassel.

The entire group stares at Pinkie and Discord for a moment as the music hits a rather impressive height before they all shout out.


Pinkie and Discord pause at the top of the ballroom stairs looking down at the group in shock.

“Let's do the time warp again!”

The gathered ponies and dragon sing out once more as the music dies completely.

The stage goes dark and another part of the stage lights up. It seemed to be a professor's study. Wall to wall filled bookshelves, a globe of Equss and a few documents on the wall proclaiming how smart the studies owner was. There was also a small statue on a pedestal behind the desk that looked very similar to the statue of a mare in the garden that had created an abomination that killed Princess Luna's first love.

A large desk sits in the middle of the room with Applebloom standing behind it.

The pale yellow earth pony was on her back legs, her mane was cut short and slicked back behind her ears. She was dressed in a black tux with a tie though she didn't wear a hat or any glasses , she did however have a stalk of wheat gripped in her teeth.

She reaches up with a hoof pulling down a chart from the ceiling with four hoof prints on one side marked left and right . A curved arrow going left, with the word jump under it and another group of hooves on the other side.

Applebloom pulls a pointer stick off the desk tapping the poster.

“It's just a jump to the left.”

Applebloom states in a fairly dull tone of voice.

The lights die in the study and the ball room lights up again as the gathered ponies start the dance featured in Applebloom's instructions, the music kicking back up immediately with the lights.

“And then a step to the riiii iii iii ight!”

The music dies once again and the lights swing back to the study to show Applebloom, still chewing the stalk of wheat. She places her fore hooves on her hips as the looks at the audience as if instructing them.

“Put your hooves on your hips....”

The lights switch back to the ballroom and the ponies, zebra, and little dragon, are all standing on their back legs with their fore hooves and claws on their hips.

“And Bring your knees in tiiiight!”

The ball room group hops around to face each other in a circle before rocking their hips forward.

“But it's the pelvic thrust, that really drives you insaaaan aaane...”

The group continues the gyrations a moment more, still singing.

“Let's do the time warp again!!!”

Scootaloo and Pip stand at the top of the stairs on either side of Discord and Pinkie who both stare on in disbelief before Pinkie faints into Discord's arms.

“Let's do the time warp again!”

Scootaloo grins leaning in close to Pinkie as Discord Puts her back up on her hooves, rousing her.

“It's so dreamy.....”

The maid outfit clad, orange pegasus, spins off further into the ball room away from the three at the by the door.

“Oh, fantasy, free me!”

She narrows her eyes, ears flattening as she backs away from the three figures at the stairs top, her short wings wiggling at them as she backs up.

“So you can't see me....”

Pip pushes Discord and Pinkie down the short flight of steps onto the dance floor.

“No not at all.”

Scootaloo continues as the pair are guided after her by Pip.

“In another dimension.”

Scootaloo perks her ears back up as she spins slowly around a pillar with a brief flare of her wings.

“With voyeuristic intention..”

Scootaloo smirks hooking a fore hoof around a pillar spinning around behind it before sliding down to crouch behind it, her grin widening.

“Well secluded, I see all.”

Pip looks up at Discord, his own expression some what disturbing.

“With a bit of a mind flip..”

“Your into the time slip, Ahh!”

Scootaloo calls out having fluttered up the pillar a bit and landed on a stuffed bird of some kind as she tries not to burn her costume with her wings.

“And nothing can ever be the same”

Pip looks to Discord who nods dumbly as if Pip was trying to explain things to him he didn't under stand while Pinkie continues to look around as if freaked out.

“You're spaced out on sensation! HA!”

Scootaloo comments as she moves across the stair's railing to the group again.

“Like you're under sedation....”

Pip nearly screams out all while maintaining his rather creepy visage.

The pair of them move off joining in the dance with the others as Pinkie Pie faints again. Along the way they pass Paint Brush, Ice Berry, Diamond Tiara and Orange Danish all also in white undershirt Tuxes, cone party hats, and various shaped sunglasses, all standing against the wall with drinks and small hour'devours.

“Let's do the time warp again!!!”

Pip and Scootaloo move across the room stopping before jukebox with Sweetiebelle sitting on it. The white unicorn was wearing a gold glittering top hat and sequined gold tux with no rear leggings. She had bright blue socks on her rear hooves, red sparkly tap shoes. and a big red bow around her neck.

Judging by Rarity's sudden face hoof, Sweetiebelle had picked the costume out herself.

“Let's do the time warp again.!!”

Sweetiebelle grins squirming a little on her perch before she starts to sing her voice keeping the odd squeaky tone she had before puberty.

“Well I was walking down the street, just having a think, when a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink!!”

Sweetiebelle gestures a bit and shifts on top of the jukebox as it's lights flicker and blink in time with the music.

Far across the theater in the control booth, Button tries very hard not to drool.

“He shook me up! He took me by surprise! He had a good pick up line and a devils eyes!”

Sweetiebelle kicks back crossing her rear hooves as she takes off the top hat to fiddle with it.

“He stared at me and I felt a change. Time meant nothing ! Never would again!”

Sweetiebelle grins putting her hat back on as the rest of the cast whips around one by one adding to the chorus.

“Let's do the time warp again!!!”

Pinkie stares at them all wide eyed as Discord simply smiles politely and nods.

“Let's do the time warp again!!”

The lights go out and then come back on in the professor's study. Applebloom is standing behind the desk without her wheat stalk, still with her hooves on her hips as the music cuts off again.

“It's just a jump to the left. “

Applebloom states hopping to the left.

The music cuts back on as the lights switch to the tuxedoed group all following the dance in a big conga line.

“And then a step to the riiiiight!”

The music dies as the light switches back to Applebloom.

“With your hooves on your hips.”

Back to the ballroom as the music barely pauses that time.

“You bring your knees in tiiight.”

They all sing before starting to buck their hips.

“But it's the pelvic thrust, that really drives you insaaanaane!”

Pip and Scootaloo dance around in the ball room not even seeming to be doing the dance or even staying in time with the music now.

“Let's do the time warp again!!”

Pip and Scootaloo stop near Sweetiebelle's perch to catch their breath .

“Let's do the time warp again!!”

Suddenly the conga line of ponies on their back legs freeze as Sweetiebelle squeaks sliding off her seat on the jukebox. All tuxedo clad cast members point one hoof or claw to the floor before her as if presenting the floor to the white unicorn mare.

Sweetiebelle grins starting to tap dance on her back hooves, the clicking of her shoes matching the music as the guitar dies with only a few piano and bass notes

No one else moves as the mare continues to dance with a giggle and screech before she starts spinning, her heels clicking loudly before she spins out of control, crashing into the short stairs near the door as the music picks up again and everyone starts moving once more..

“Let's do the time warp again!!”

Sweetiebelle picks herself back up with a glare grabbing her hat with her magic and jamming the gold thing back on her head before storming over to join Pip and Scootaloo. The white unicorn gives a savage glare to the orange pegasus who was trying her hardest not to laugh at her friend while every one else resumed dancing around them.

“Let's do the time warp again!!”

The music cuts out to Applebloom standing on her desk waving her fore hooves in the air.

“It's just a jump to the left!”

Applebloom hops some how managing to stay atop the desk. The music cuts back on as the lights switch to the ball room.

“And then a step to the right!”

Pinkie looks up at Discord who was watching the dance with some interest, nudging him and getting him to look down at the pink mare. The lights cut back to Applebloom still on her desk, the Wheat strand back in her mouth.

“With your hooves on your hips.”

The lights cut back to the ball room as Pinkie and Discord start edging their way towards the door again.

“You bring your knees in tight!”

Everyone with the exception of Pinkie and Discord have joined in the dance at this point, including those on the sidelines.

“But it's the pelvic thrust...”

This also includes Applebloom on top of her desk, both the study and the ballroom lit up now.

“That really drives you insaaaanaaanane!”

Discord and Pinkie slowly back up the short set of stairs to the door, their eyes locked on the dancers as they retreat.

“Let's do the time warp again!”

The group and music seem to hit a fevered pitch.

“Let's do the time warp again!!!”

Every one cries out a last time before the music trails off like a broken guitar string and the lights fade as everyone collapses onto the floor.


Still on the darkened stage the group listens as the audience cheers and claps

“I am never doing this again.” Jer'rahd grumbles from the floor.

“What if I ask nicely.” Luna purrs laying on top of him

“I might do this again.” Jer'rahd corrects.

“Wow, my voice hurts from that squeeking.” Sweetiebelle complains.

“How? That's how you used to talk all the time.” Scootaloo comments.

“Rhede that better not be your hoof on my flank or I will burn it off.” Celestia grumbles.

“I'm over here with Velkorn on top of me, so I can't do something like that.” Rhede pouts. “ My reach isn't THAT long... my dick maybe....”

“Didn't we already do this joke once before?” Starfall questions.

“We did, so don't slap me this time Rarity.” Twilight grumbles. “Also get off my horn.”

“I believe that is Lionheart this time darling, unless you have grown draconic wings lately.” Rarity comments.

“Given the mess of this story I wouldn't be surprised.” Twilight mutters.

“Sorry miss Sparkle. I am trying to get my legs under me without ripping or stretching my suit.” LionHeart apologizes.

“Wow Rarity you trained him well.” Rainbow Dash laughs.

“Hey Bleu.” comments another voice from the side of the stage.

“Oh, there you are Spike. Are you in costume?” Bleu asks.

“Bleu you better not be drooling on me.” Peach Bloosom snaps.

“Um no Bleu. I read the script and decided I really don't think I want to be playing this Frankfurter guy.” Spike admits. ”Sorry.”

“Correct me if I am wrong, but I didn't think Frankfurter was in this song.” mentions Velkorn.

“He's not. Bleu probably jus wanted ta see Spike in fishnets and a corset.” Applejack snorts.

“Guilty as charged.” Bleu cackles.

“You need help Bleu.” Luna sighs.

“What? You wouldn't want to see Boss dressed like that?” Bleu chuckles.

“Hmmm.” Luna ponders.

“PASS!!!” Jer'rahd yelps from under Luna.

Author's Note:

Need i say what song this is?