• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 1,443 Views, 13 Comments

The Alicorn of the Stars - mushrumluver

Twilight meets a strange pony named Ovan... who is he and what is his significance to the The Legend

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Chapter 19- When Two Stars Meet

Chapter 19 – When Two Stars Meet

~Starshine Manor

Ovan, Twilight and Duran quickly dashed out of the room after Ovan casted his spell on Duran’s injuries. The wounds and injuries on Duran’s body were all covered in a layer of blue shade. The blue layers of magic served as pain relievers to the stallion. The once searing pain felt no more as he placed his body back in action. With Ovan leading the way, the once labyrinth-like structure felt like they were heading towards a direction.

“Just how did you know of such spell?” Twilight looked at Ovan perplexed, as they ran across the halls of the underground ruins

“My mentor, Professor Kaust, taught me.” OVan replied with his attention focused on the pathway ahead.

“But this kind of spell, I heard that only medical unicorns are allowed to be taught of such spells. She looked at Ovan questionably

“The spell was kind of taught to me indirectly.” Ovan sheepishly replied.

“What do you mean indirectly?” Twilight’s with her eyebrows crossed

“Well it all started with the lessons in Sense Blocking.” Ovan replied slightly turning his head towards Twilight. “After knowing the theories and foundations behind those sorts of spells, I managed to replicate the anesthetic spell.”

“Considering your talents I guess that would be possible” Twilight gave his words some thought. “But still I’m amazed that you managed to perfectly replicate a spell without being taught the actual spell.” She turned to him amazed. “Not that I’m really impressed… Since you have her to do that for you” she quickly recalled her ‘incident’ with the stallion as her bright mood turned bitter.

“I told you, she’s not my girlfriend. We’re just good friends that’s all.” Ovan gave out a sigh hoping that his words will get to the mare someday.

“Whatever.” Twilight dismissed his claims.

“So let me get this straight, I’m running on some anesthetic that will unexpectedly wear off?” Duran suddenly spoke the moment Twilight ended her statement.

“Not exactly I’ll give it about ten to fifteen minutes.” OVan turned towards Duran.

“Just fifteen minutes?” Duran’s eyebrows crossed “Isn’t that a bit too short?”

“Sadly, that’s the best I could do.” Ovan replied ignoring Duran’s expression. “But If I put more mana in the spell, your whole body is going to become numb.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, He’s right.” Twilight agreed with Ovan. “It IS an anesthetic type of spell.”

“Anycase, I guess I should thank you both for helping me, especially you Twilight.” Duran turned and looked at the mare beside him.

“You’re welcome, you did helped me earlier. So I’m kind of returning the favor.” She smiled back towards Duran.

“Okay…” Ovan suddenly interrupted the conversation. “So how did you ended up here anyway Twilight?”

Twilight was at first hesitant to answer the question, Giving it some thought, she stopped on her tracks with both stallions also stopped. “I was told not to tell any other pony but I guess it’s only fair that I should let you know, since you did save me from being captured again.” Twilight replied. “The princess told me to do a little investigation in this area. And the moment I realized I was up facing him.” She recalled her defeat. “His powers were unlike anyunicorn I have seen before.”

“I know…I too have fought him and it didn’t turned-out well.” Ovan recalled their depressing loss against Nova in the past. Picturing the image back, he saw several of his fellow guardians drop dead in blood as Nova stepped on their bodies like some welcome rag. It was frustrating, he was frustrated in his lack of power his lack of resolve to even face him but it was all in the past

“I see…” Twilight gave a depressing look, feeling guilty of herself thinking that her words may have brought back some unpleasant memories. “I’m sorry that I made you remember such awful things..”

“That’s okay…” Ovan replied

“Okay! We’re getting off-tracked!” Duran suddenly interrupted “Right now, we just have to get away from this place ASAP!” The three soon continued running after Duran's interruption.

“Right!” Ovan snapped back to his usual self continuing to head towards the same entry point he used. The walls and torches felt like they were also moving as the trio kept moving forward. A strange sensation invaded suddenly invaded Ovan’s senses.

“Ugh!” Ovan quickly grabbed his head as he clenched his teeth writhing in pain; sending the stallion into a full stop.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight quickly hurried to Ovan’s side.

“Some pony was just trying to mess with my head.” Ovan soon regained control. “This area…” he murmured while looking around their surroundings, they were in the same chamber that Twilight was before Ovan found her.

Ovan quickly gave out a depressing sigh. “I want you two to take this route” He suddenly slammed his hoof against the wall.

"What are you talking about?” Twilight curiously asked.

“Hold on…” Duran’s eyes widened with Ovan’s suggestion “you want us—“he pointed to himself “to ram ourselves into that wall…What are you nuts?” he raised his hooves in his frustration and confusion.

Soon after, bits of rocks started to crumble down at the edge of the ceiling on the wall Ovan slammed onto. Line-like cracks started to form on the wall like some sort of entryway fit for two ponies side by side to enter. The wall soon crumbled down into debris after a few moments, revealing the entire entry. “So that’s what you mean” Duran stood shock as the unexpected passageway revealed unto them heading on first inside.

“If you keep on heading this way you’ll end up in the far side of this manor.Although a bit far from town but at least you won’t encounter Nova.” Ovan pointed towards the stretching path. The walls of the pathway were illuminating in a bluish green glow but the end was still shrouded in shadows and darkness.

“What makes you say that?” Twilight curiously asked.

“Well, I can’t explain it. It’s just that I can sense his presence and vice versa.” Ovan reluctantly replied. “The more I stay with you the more I endanger us all. “ his mood brightened up a bit hoping to convince the group to leave him “Don’t worry about me, I’ll find another way.”

“But what if—“Twilight asked with a worried look on her face. Her forgotten feelings for the stallion were starting to rise again.

“This is my fight. I never really wanted to drag you into this mess.” He interrupted the mare as he tightly held on her shoulder. “I want to settle things with Nova right here right now and I don’t want you getting hurt. “He looked at her deeply in the eyes.

Twilight too was getting immersed in his gaze. Forget the ‘incident’ forget the business with Fran and all. All Twilight wanted was for them to come home together but before she could even protest or argue, Ovan quickly pushed her inside the pathway and the debris that laid dormant on the ground rose up and form back the wall like they were on reverse mode. The last thing she saw was the smile painted on Ovan’s face waving goodbye and farewell.


“WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT RAINBOW DASH!” Silverstar screamed at Rainbow Dash. The time board located in the far left of the track posted the results of the race.

3:35 – Team Hurricane 3:43 – Team RocketBlast
3:37 – Team Flash 3:45 – Team Fantastic
3:38 – Team WonderJr. 3:46 – Team Zoom
3:42 – Team RainbowStar 3:50 – Team ReallyFast

“I’m sorry okay? I was thinking of lots of stuffs.” Rainbow Dash brushed off her companion ignoring her and heading straight to the Princess. “We’re still IN the competition, I don’t see the problem.”

“The problem is we were barely in, another performance like that and we won’t be so lucky next time.” Silverstar answered back, frustrated as she felt the insensitivity of her partner’s words.

“If you just went Sonic Boom mode in the race then you could have won it hands down.” Rainbow Dash argued back un-wanting to back down from the argument.

“Don’t you go putting the blame on me!” she suddenly frisked Rainbow Dash offended by the mare’s implication. “I have my reasons.”

Both mares stared at each other not backing down from one another despite being team mates. As Silverstar glared at Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash also glared at her with the same intensity. Silverstar’s frustration soon died down as she dropped her hooves. “Look we’ll have a long talk after this. Go to your friends and settle your business or whatever.” She waved farewell and left the stage.

Rainbow wasn’t feeling the same sentiment as her partner. She was downright angry. Angry at Silverstar for not understanding her situation, angry at Princess Celestia for prioritizing the event rather than Twilight and also for leaving her behind the moment the event was over, angry at the others for prioritizing their own agendas than Twilight and angry at herself for being unable to be there when it counts. She clenched her hoof and gritted her teeth as she punched the wall beside her in her frustrations.

“How were the negotiations with Princess Celestia?” Rarity approached Draco from behind as his ship was starting to take off from Cloudsdale territory. The engines roared as it starts to warm-up and propel the ship. The mast was hoisted revealing the full insignia of the Dragonshire family.

“Zey ver going along smoothly, but ze princess had left sooner zan expected.” Draco replied.

“I heard that there was some urgent business she had to take care of personally.” Rarity replied recalling the princess’ message to them earlier before they separated.

“I zee, Zat iz most unfortunate and quite intriguing.” Draco replied looking towards the sun setting in on the horizon as they flew back to Dragonshire manor, hiding an evil smirk on his face.”

~Starshine Manor~

Ovan was finally able to find his way back outside the underground ruins. Seeing the steadily darkening skies, it felt to him like he was sealed and buried for a thousand years. Slowly climbing up the stairs, he knew his inevitable encounter with Nova was coming. He had to leave behind Twilight in Duran’s care. He cared for the mare; he didn’t want her to be dragged into his battle. As for her friends, they were also not ready for this kind of battle. Sure they might have defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord but it wasn’t at all life threatening. Nightmare Moon just wanted an eternal night while Discord just wanted to have fun whereas Nova he wants to KILL.

The steps seemed like an eternity as he battled with his inner thoughts along the way. And endless thought of what if’s and maybe ran through his mind back and forth. “Maybe he should have brought the Elements of Harmony, What if Nova already planned through all of this? Maybe it’s best that he should have had at least some back-up. What if his back-up died?” The moment he decided to flush those thoughts he realized that he already finished climbing the stairs. There he is the pony whom Ovan feared the most, sitting on top of a broken down pillar smirking at him, jeering at him with those malicious eyes of his. He was like some predator waiting for his prey.

“It’s been awhile Ovan…” Nova spoke. His words alone sent chills down on Ovan’s spine. “Come now, why are you so afraid of me?” he instantly teleported besides Ovan. “After all we do share the same fate.” He slung his hoof over Ovan’s shoulder.

Ovan was speechless; his hooves were shaking and staggering the moment Nova got close to him. Sweat rolled down his cheeks as he felt something sharp poking behind his neck. Fear was already getting the best of him. “Of all the times to show yourself, why now?” Ovan said with a stern look on his face ignoring the fear inside him.

“I wanted to meet the famed Element of Magic.” he chuckled as he gave Ovan a sharp look “She’s quite the mare don’t you think?” he grinned with such malicious intent. “I could use two or more ‘assistants’, if you know what I mean.”

The words alones made Ovan boil inside but Nova’s hoof over his shoulder kept him in check from doing anything rash as it grips tighter and tighter the moment he even attempts to move. “Don’t you dare…“his eyebrows crossed and his eyes narrowed-in on Nova.

“You’re so tense…” Nova jeered and smirked at Ovan’s threats “Besides her value is much much more than just some comfort pony, I’m also interested in her friends and the Elements of Harmony.”

“Just what do you want them for?” Ovan replied.

“What’s wrong in taking them back where they belong?” Nova chuckled. “After all, they were made by Cosmos and now I AM Cosmos.”

“You’re not yet Cosmos…” Ovan argued back. “and your plan to merge with him, The Regal Sisters, The Elements of Harmony and even the Guardians are all on your tracks. You have the entire Equestria as your enemy and they will stop at nothing to prevent you.”

“That’s what makes it interesting.” Nova’s eyes widened as he grinned in excitement and glee. “It’s like a game the more challenging the more exciting. Don’t you agree?”

“You can’t be serious?” Ovan shocked in disbelief in what he is hearing from Nova.

“And that’s your problem…” Nova slowly crept beside Ovan’s ear. “Why - so - serious?” he slowly whispered the words one by one behind Ovan’s ear grinning the moment he finished his statement. He suddenly released Ovan from his grasp moments sooner as things got silent. Walking ten paces forwards he turned back to Ovan “It seems we have guests” he said.

After hearing Nova’s words, Ovan quickly turned back. He saw feint silhouettes of two ponies rushing in. to his shock, it was none other than Twilight and Duran running towards them.

“What are you doing here? I told you to—“ Ovan blared at the two.

“That was my plan but she insisted” Duran replied pointing over to Twilight beside him.

“And what? You’re going to face him” she pointed at Nova “Alone? Are you out of your mind?” she screamed back at Ovan.

“That was the plan!” Ovan argued back.

“And I don’t plan in seeing your name in the Obituaries in tomorrow’s paper.” Twilight pressed her hoof against Ovan chest.

Ovan stood in silence after hearing Twilight for He had no words to reply to that statement. He fully knew that he might die in the process. “Tch! Fine! We’ll take him together!” Ovan swallowed his pride and turned back to Nova. Taking a quick glimpse at Twilight he smiled and said with a soft voice. “Thanks…”

“Don’t get the wrong idea!” Twilight turned red

“This is unexpected. After you so loyally served me, you’re actually going to take their side Duran?” Nova glared at the green stallion.”What happened to the times we spent, the killings and the ‘harvest’ hmmm?”

“Harvest?” Twilight wondered about the term. “What did he meant by that?” she turned to Duran.

“That’s was then. All along I was planning to get away from you and now I have that chance.” He ignored Twilight’s questions and answered back.

“No matter… one two three ponies.” he said strutting towards the three. “Well? What are you waiting for? Come at me.” He stopped and smiled at them with a smug look.


“What in tarnation are yah’ talkin’ about Sly?” Applejack said with a confused look on her face.

“Why not? There’s a lot of opportunities there than here.” Sly replied as he comes closer to Applejack.

“But Ah’ just don’t feel like going back there. Ah’d rather earn small here…” Applejack replied.

“I know you’re going out of your comfort zone but it’s probably the best way to earn back your farm.” Sly suddenly held her hoof. “Please think about it…”

Applejack quickly released her hoof from Sly “Ah have lots to think about.” she turned her back on the stallion. “Give me some time to think about it okay?” she gave a small glance to Sly “Ah’ll give you mah’ answer tomorrow…” she trotted off the moment she finished her sentence.

“Think about it carefull AJ!” Sly shouted. His voice was slowly fading from Applejack’s ears but his message was clearly stuck on her head.