• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 794 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria: Downfall - Mtdue55

The fate of Equestria is broken. one year ago, things were better. Power fell, and anarchy followed. Unfortunately, the elements of harmony are scattered, if even alive. This is the story of the mare that changed Equestria, and its savior.

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Turning the page

Equestria: 368 days after the collapse. Following Dashiell, Rainbow. Canterlot Railroad, Canterlot, Canterlot Library.

Silence is a funny thing. Silence can provide a being solitude and comfort at times. Silence can also bring the most eerie fears. Silence is the purest form of fear, in this case. No birds, no trains, no voices. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked along in silence. The only sound between the two is the steady pattern of hoofsteps and an occasional rock falling. The view was bad enough without the silence. The tracks overlook the Everfree Forest, which was even more eerie than ever. Trees were overturned, rivers were flooded, scorch marks covered the ground. Every so often, Pinkie swore she could see a flash of color.

It was just about noon as the sun reached its peak in the sky. The oddest thing about the sun was that it wasn’t hot outside. It was the middle of the summer and it was still only warm. The tracks themselves have seen better days, half of the spikes were uprooted, and the tracks themselves were no better. There was one thing for certain, Ponyville was deserted, and it was obvious why. Ponyville is where the princesses were… killed.

There is definitely something going on, no normal ponies would assassinate the princesses. No simple ponies could be behind this, it was something bigger. Even a little more information would help. But one thing is for certain, something much more is going on here. Somethi-

“We’re almost there Pinkie.” Rainbow said with a slight sigh of relief. “We’ll need to find somewhere to set up camp overnight.” She added quickly, not sure if something was following them. Considering all these weird things happening, anything’s possible.

I wish I could get that damn scene out of my head… The princesses were just simply killed. Just killed. Killed. I didn’t think it was possible. Hell, it seems anything is possible now. Something’s not right. I can feel it. In the air, on the ground, and we’re gonna find out what. Unfortunately, we also need more ponies. I’m good at fighting, but if I’m down, Pinkie’s done, and I can’t have that my conscious.

“Ummm… Dashie? You might want to take a look at this!” Pinkie shouted. The city was done for as well. Celestia’s tower was split in half and still burning, there were at least thirty dead ponies lying in the town square, and all of the stores were broken into. Unfortunately, this meant other ponies. Maybe thieves, maybe innocent families. Fortunately, the library wasn’t in too much damage.

OOOHHH! We should go get some books about what this possibly is and how to survive. Too bad Twilight isn’t here to see th- Wait! Twilight!

“Dashie do you think that it is possible that Twilight took shelter in-““-the library?” Dash completed. “Possibly, we’ll check there after we get some weapons and food we’ll go check it out.”

“There is a blacksmith shop downtown; they make some of the best weapons, that’s where we’ll go.” The pegasus finished. “Watch out though, who knows what’s lurking out there.”

The two of them slowly walked down the streets of Canterlot, looking left to right, always aware. The buildings all looked smashed into in some way or another, some were completely destroyed, and others were badly damaged. As the two continued to walk, Dash started to notice pairs of eyes in one building, some in another. Pinkie took notice too, as she tensed up immediately. The two were surprise that they even made it to the shop intact. Just like the others, it was broken into and looted.

“There’s nothing here Dashie” Pinkie started, “the place was looted clean a long time ago and- Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash was focused on the back wall of the store. She seemed to be focusing way too hard on a simple wall. Dash then started to push on the wall in certain stops. This was followed by a few short clicks and then the whole wall opened.

“Yeah I used to know the guy who owned this place, we met in Cloudsdale.” Rainbow said with a smile.

Three stacks of black body armor, enchanted swords, magical potions and charms, and even some sets of hidden blades awaited them.

“Wowie! Your friend sure makes some primo stuff” Pinkie exclaimed, wide eyed at the new gadgets. “What does this whatchamacallit do?” Pinkie asked, holding up a bracelet emblazoned with three five-pointed stars.

“Oh. That’s a magic absorber or something along that line. Basically unicorns can’t use their power on you.” Rainbow said with a small hint of depression. “Too bad Twi isn’t here, this is some advanced technology.” The two of them suited up and were soon ready for whatever life threw at them. Next stop: the library.

The two yet again began the long trudge down the streets of Canterlot, but this time, with some gained attention. The new attire had drawn many thieves out of their hiding spots and closer to an inevitable fight. The two picked up pace and trotted briskly down the cracked cobblestone streets of Canterlot. Soon enough, they were at the doors of the library.
Rainbows flipped out one of her blades and proceed to clear corners while Pinkie followed.


“Did you hear that? It sounded like-“


“Yeah Dashie it so-“


“Let’s keep moving” Dash decided.


They rounded yet another corner.


And another.


And another.


“I got something!”


“What is it Dash?”


“It’s… a machine.”

“OOOH! A button!”




The surrounding gates shot closed, trapping the two in the small room.
“This has to be Twilight, it just has to be. Nopony else could possibly think of something like this.”

Suddenly, a mysterious purple vapor filled the room.

They both said in unison before they fell unconscious, “Buck.”
“Looks like you two made it. It’s been awhile, but I can’t help but ask you both to leave.”

“Tw- Twilight!”

Both Pinkie and Dash awoke with a jump; they didn’t even pay attention to what she was previously saying.
“Twi it’s been so long, what a-“


“But Twi-“


The two stood up carefully and began to take their leave. Something was different about Twilight, besides her personality. Her aura of magic was not nearly as careful and gentle as it usually was, her eyes were cold, her face unemotional. The baker and sports pony were almost out the door when a real familiar scream came from behind Twilight. Quickly thinking, Dash jumped backwards and flipped over Twilight, securing her in a chokehold. Dash ripped a sedative from her saddlebags and injected the unicorn.

“Da-Dashie stop hurting her!” Pinkie yelled as she ran over to Twilight’s unconscious body. Suddenly, with a short burst of staccato pops, Twilight Sparkle changed into a small black pegasus. It had wings that resembled those of bugs and a pale blue glow emanating from its eyes. “Whaaa- What?!” Pinkie managed, dumbfounded.

“Twilight’s there.” Dash pointed to a pile of books, upturned messily on the ground. Pinkie ran over and picked off book after book, until eventually a shade of purple was visible. Pinkie kept digging. And digging. And digging. Eventually, none other than the Twilight Sparkle was standing before them.


“They’re fine Twi” Dash said as she walked over and embraced Twilight. “I’m just glad that you are.”

“How did you get here?” Twilight inquired.

“I was about to ask you the same thing…”

“Dash, I’m sorry… But the princesses…”

“So you were in Ponyville too for that, huh. Sorry you ha-“

“Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait… Ponyville? I saw them killed in Canterlot.”

“And I saw them killed in Ponyville.”

“Hey, you two eggheads wanna come check this out” Pinkie joked. “This changeling is different from the others… he has a weird symbol on his chest, it looks like a crescent moon surrounded by five stars…”

“Wait! I’ve seen that before! Let me look in here…”

The door burst inwards as three thieves entered, hearing the ruckus from outside. All three ponies jumped to cover.
“What the hell is that!?”

“Don’t touch it.”

“So who are we looking for again?”

“Two ponies; female, in full body armor. One is Pink with blue eyes and the other is blue with violet eyes. Spread out and find them!”

“Yes sir.”

“Yes sir.”




“Sir I think we ARGGG-“


“Brutis? Brutis respond! Dammit, looks like we’re on our own Shadow.”





“Shadow report.”

“All’s good on th-“


“Shadow? Shadow!? Answer! Dammit!”

“This is your final chance to leave in one piece.”

“Who the hell are you?”

“Stay and find out.”

“Come on then! I don’t got all day!”
Rainbow watched from behind a bookshelves as the thieves conversed and finally split up. Rainbow looked over. I can end this right now without fear of discovery. The colorful pegasus crept slowly towards the next bookshelf in line, much closer to the first thief. “Sir I think we-“. Dash struck. She executed a perfect right hook to the thief’s temple. He fell with a loud groan and a thud. She then saw the next thief walking past a bookshelf. Dash quickly grabbed the body and pulled it behind her. The thief walked right past until the boss started talking again.

Dash knew that the guard was about to turn around, and she took her shot. At the speed of a bullet, she sped forward, grabbing the thief’s arms and rammed him headfirst into a nearby bookshelf. One left… The pegasus snuck along the next bookshelf and followed it to the end. When she peeked around the edge, she saw what she assumed to be the boss.

“This is your final chance to leave in one piece.”

“Who the hell are you?” the boss inquired angrily.

“Stay and find out.” Rainbow said menacingly.
“Come on then! I don’t got all day!” the boss taunted back.

Dash jumped from the shadows, throwing a quick right hook. The boss took defense and blocked the punch, throwing one of his own. Dash swerved quickly right, just in time to dodge the attack. Rainbow countered with three quick jabs to the fore head. The boss took two of the blows but caught the third, and sent Dash flying across the room. Dash got up shakily, and got back to fighting.

The boss threw a punch and calculated Dash’s block and prepared another punch. Dash spun by the punch and kicked him straight in the ribs with a roundhouse. The boss was knocked to the ground by the sheer force. When the boss got back up, Dash was ready with two quick jabs.

The boss caught one of these and countered by pulling Dash in and kneeing her hard in the ribs. Dash fell to the ground in pain. The boss stood over Dash with a menacing look. “Looks like you won’t be fu-“ Dash took out his legs with a well-executed kick . Quickly Dash climbed atop the fallen stallion and with one swift motion, pulled out another sedative and hit him directly in the jugular with the syringe.
“So I see this world hasn’t been kind to you, and I’m sorry.” Twilight said with sincerity. “But at least you found Pinkie!”

“Yeah, I got lucky. So what have you been doing for this past year, ever since Equestria went to Hell?”

“Surviving, researching, dying slowly on the inside. Without the princesses, I have no guidance, no purpose. I know I should try by myself, but it’s been tough.”

“I’m right there with ya.”

“Do you have any snacks?”

“Pinkie is right; we haven’t eaten since last night.”

Rainbow proceeded to take out several cans of food and water , one for each of them.

“How have you been getting food, Twi?”

“Oh! The library has a shelter in the basement, filled with food and supplies, and I have been well fed as of late. What about you?”

“I’ve been surviving off of what I’ve scavenged, every night I went on a hunt for food and tools. Two days ago I found Pinkie Pie in the last unchecked house in Ponyville. We came here figuring that if anything, you would be in the library.”

“That changeling was different though, it was immune to my magic. It was also a very skilled fighter.”

“Well we’d better get going, we need to get out before the rest of their crew comes lookin’” Dash said while motioning to the unconscious thieves.


“Run that by me again Twi.”

“I-I can’t leave. I don’t want to face whatever is out there. I already saw too much. Why else do you think I set traps?.”

“Twilight, we gotta go ‘cause you’re the most important element, as well as know the location of the element.” Pinkie attempted to joke.

“I don’t even know what the princ-“

“Twilight, wherever they are, they’d be glad that you’re even alive.”

“I don’t wanna go back out there, I don’t need to for a long time, I have shelter and food. I’m not ready to take another risk, I’ve already taken enough.”

“C’mon Twily, we need to go, before we’ll have to die

“You two are strong enough on your own. I’ll just slow you guys down.”

By this point the two were across the table from each other, locked in verbal combat.

“Fine, stay. But know one thing. This living Hell that we are in can be stopped. You can blame science, nature, the princesses, me, hell, you could even blame yourself. Just know that right here, right now, this is ALL on you.”
Rainbow slid a small piece of paper across the table and walked out. Simply walked out. Pinkie followed suit. After moments that seemed to take years, the front door opened and then clicked shut. Twilight was all alone, with one piece of paper. She stared for what felt like hours at that piece of paper.

Eventually, she got the courage to flip it over, and it completely shattered her heart. It was a simple picture of her and her friends at one of Pinkie’s parties. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were laughing hysterically, Twilight was trying to complete an… embarrassing dare. Fluttershy and Rarity were shocked, but you could see their apparent giggles. Applejack was with Pinkie and Dash.

This didn’t bother her. What bothered her were the simple words, in a very familiar hoofwriting :

From better times, faded away.

Hell has come, and is here to stay.

A simple request will you fulfill,

If for the owner, time is now still.

This is Rainbow Dashiell. If you uncover this, please do this one thing for me. If you see any of these girls, say that Rainbow said her goodbyes, and died looking for you. Eternally Grateful ~ Rainbow Dash.

Tears were now flowing from the purple unicorn as she finally realized the reality. Rainbow was ready to DIE for the chance to find one of her friends. This finally broke Twilight.

You can blame science,

Twilight ran through the halls of the library, desperate to go with her friends.


The words rang clear, clearer than when they were spoken.

the princesses,

Twilight scrambled to pack food and a few useful books into a leather rucksack.


Twilight was quick, and ready in under a minute.

hell, you could even blame yourself.

Twilight was now running at full speed to the exit with new found determination.

Just know that right here, right now,

Twilight quickly kicked open the doors and started to run down the street.

this is All on you.
“So why are we waiting here again, Dashie?”

“So we can get Twilight silly-filly!”

“But Twilight said she’s staying.”

“I was prepared for that as well,” Dash chuckled, “I slid her my dying will. She’s sure to get the reality knocked into her.”

“Smart thinking!”

“If I know anything, she’ll be coming right. about… No-“ Dash was cut off as the library doors burst open, and Twilight started running right out into the street.
“Hey Juliet!”

Twilight turned around quickly, questions riddled across her mind.

“Romeo isn't that way!” Dash finished, a chuckling Pinkie off to her left.

“OhmygoshrainbowdashIamsosorryIdidn’tknowthat-“ Dash simply lifted a hoof. “Twilight, we both know you can get really crazy, especially when it comes to the princesses, we forgive you-”, mid-sentence, Rainbow tossed Twi the remaining set of body armor, “- and suit up, we got a long road ahead of us.

Author's Note:

This should be the first decent chapter of the story. Many things mentioned in this chapter are going to be used in the future. Most chapters are going to be this long or longer from here on out. The gore tag may be added, I haven't decided yet. As always, all criticism is welcome, please tell what I can do to make the story better, as well as future suggestions. Also, leave a random comment, why the hell not?