• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 796 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria: Downfall - Mtdue55

The fate of Equestria is broken. one year ago, things were better. Power fell, and anarchy followed. Unfortunately, the elements of harmony are scattered, if even alive. This is the story of the mare that changed Equestria, and its savior.

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A familiar face

Equestria: 367 days after collapse. Following: Dashiell, Rainbow. Outskirts of Ponyville.

Two days has passed, and it was the fastest two days of Rainbow Dash’s life. This was a special day, however. Today somepony woke up. Out of the corners of her eyes, Rainbow Dash saw her guest awaken from her two days of sleep. Dash immediately readied water and food. She trotted over and softly cooed, “Hey sleepyhead, how are you doing”.

Pinkie Pie’s eyes shot wide open at that. “D-D-…Dashie!!!” Pinkie jumped up and wrapped a hug around Rainbow Dash. Dash gratefully returned the embrace.

“I brought you some food and water; we can talk after you are done eating.”
Sure enough, Pinkie gobbled down her food as fast as she could. Rainbow was sitting across from her, it was the first time she smiled in ages. Pinkie soon finished her meal, and then asked Dash innocently, “Dashie, what happened?”

“Let me start at the beginning.” Rainbow took a long exhale, “About a year ago, something happened, nopony even knows what it was, if happened too fast.”

Pinkie looked at Dash quizzically and asked, “Was it Discord?”

“No, it was much too powerful, earthquakes, tornados, tidal waves, and every other natural disaster, the only thing weirder than that is that it happened overnight. When I woke up, Ponyville had already gone to Hell. Ponies looting, killing, running away. I didn’t see any of our friends, so that is either really good or really bad.”

Pinkie Pie looked even more puzzled as she said, “I don’t remember any of that”

Rainbow Dash took a quick mental note and continued. “For the past year or so, all I have been doing is surviving. I scavenged at night, planned by day. I have now searched every single building in Ponyville, with no signs of the rest of our friends. Pinks, you don’t want to see half the things that have happened. So just a couple days ago I found you. Now I have a single question; how did you get there?”

“I-I don’t kn-know…” Pinkie began sobbing.

Rainbow Dash embraced Pinkie and cooed, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of you. Soon, however, we need to get to a new place, with more resources.” Pinkie just stared at Dash. Dash had changed. She now wore a black as night full body suit, covering her mane and tail. She was also sporting some new scars on her face. The cerulean pegasus lost most of her original arrogance, and swapped it with silence. It wasn’t a good silence; it was one that came with seeing too much.

Pinkie wanted to leave Dash alone, but she had so many more questions. “What about the princesses?” Pinkie inquired.

“Dead, all three of them” Dash responded grimly.

“But I thought princesses were immortal!” Pinkie shot back.

“To age, yes. But they died from the anarchy. They were giving their speech in Ponyville while three assassins finished them off” Rainbow said, still more downtrodden.

“But what about the incident with Chrysalis?” Pinkie asked, a hint of fear and a hint of desperate snuck into her voice.

“She was still injured. Luckily Celestia still had strong enough magic to deflect most of the shock.” Rainbow said, a tear rolling from her eye. “I’m so sorry that this is happening Pinkie, but I have been trying my best to find all of our friends. Fortunately, there are belongings missing at each of our friends’ house, so at least they got out.”

Pinkie couldn’t control her sobbing, and she began to wail. “I-I’m s-so sorry, b-but I can’t handle th-this” Pinkie managed to choke out in-between cries.

“Pinkie… Pinkie!... PINKIE!!!” Rainbow yelled at the pink pony. Pinkie finally got up the courage to look at Rainbow.

“Y-y-*sniff*-yes?” Pinkie said t about the volume of a mouse.

“You are strong. You may not think so, but you are strong. I have seen you pull out of stuff that most ponies could ever attempt to, you have done amazing things, you have never backed down” Rainbow said in a much softer tone, tears rolling down her cheeks. “But right now, right here, you have to pull through. I’m only going to be able to get you so far, and I know you can do this. Please Pinkie, do it for Equestria, do it for our friends… Do it for me.” Dash ended, with tears now freely
pouring down her cheeks.

Pinkie looked up, fright and determination in her eyes, and she spoke softly, “D-Dashie… Thank you.”
Dash and Pinkie soon stopped their tears and started talking about both their friends, and their future plans.
“We could always head up to Canterlot, there are probably useful weapons and books. From there we will head to Fillydelphia and hopefully some of our friends will be there to be with their families. Pinkie, you have to promise me one thing.”

“What is that, Dashie?” Pinkie Pie responded, already regaining some of her bubbly personality.

“I’ve run into some trouble in the past year, and I have new skills. You don’t, but I can teach you. For now, you need to listen to everything I say. Without the elements of harmony, our last chance of being saved is gone. You have to trust me with your life. Do you understand?” the pegasus asked to her pink friend.

“I understand” Pinkie said with complete understanding.
They shared one more embrace. Neither of them wanted it to end.

“Well we better hit the hay, tomorrow we are going to have to pack up and leave. We can follow the train tracks up to Canterlot and we’ll probably make it by tomorrow night. And Pinkie, one last thing, thanks.” Rainbow Dash finished with a small smile.

“For what?” Pinkie inquired.

“Without anyone, life has been hard. This is the first time I have smiled in a whole year. With any luck, we will find the rest of our friends, we will make this better.” Rainbow finished with determination.
“Nighty-night Dashie” Pinkie said in a singsong voice.

“Goodnight Pinkie” Dash said happily.
For the first time in a year, Rainbow Dash fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Author's Note:

Yeah, yeah I know what you're think: "This sucks Bic Mac's D**K!!!!". Don't worry, this story will get better with some time, I just needed to set the story straight. As always, all criticism is welcome. ALL CRITICISM!