• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 1,813 Views, 24 Comments

An unexpected new world discovery. - Littlelukky1

The story of a warrior from another world that is saved from an untimely death and his life debt to repay his savior.

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Chapter 3: Ms. Lyra Heartstrings

Chapter 3: Ms. Lyra Heartstrings

Aon looked up at the sign on the building that Twilight and Spitfire stopped in front of, Bon Bon’s Candy Shop. “A candy shop?” Aon asked. Twilight turned around, “Yes, Ms. Lyra Heartstrings lives upstairs.” Twilight looked over at the guards “Can you two wait outside?” The two guards looked at each other then back at Twilight. “Ma’am?” They asked, sounding concerned. “I think we will be ok.” Twilight answered. “but ma’am!” The guard insisted. Spitfire spoke up “That was an order! Not a question.” She sounded annoyed. The guards were so scared all they could do was salute. Twilight giggled “Thank you Spitfire.” Spitfire smiled at Twilight and replied “Let’s go.”

As Aon entered the candy shop the smell of various sweets and ingredients entered his nose. Something very new to him, but it was nice. Twilight walked up to the counter and said “We are here to see Lyra.” To a cream colored pony. The pony at the counter had her eyes glued to Aon as if she saw a ghost. She shook her and turned her attention to Twilight “Oh, Sorry. Yes, she is ready for you upstairs on the left.” Twilight smiled looked over at Spitfire and Aon “This way” she waved.

Going up the stairs Spitfire looked at Aon “You nervous?”. Aon shook his head “It’s just some harmless questions… Why? Should I be?” he answered in a playful tone. Spitfire smiled “You have nothing to worry about. It should only take about an hour, two at the most.” She assured in that beautifully calming voice of hers. Twilight knocked on the door with a “Hello?” Soon after they heard a “Come in” from the other side of the door. As the trio entered the room they saw a cluttered desk, two big chairs and an empty couch. There was also a minty green pony sticking her head into the closet. “Hold on, im just looking for my notepad… Ah ha!”

The green unicorn emerged from the closet with a notepad held in her magic. As she turned around she started her greeting “Hello there. In all my excitement I almost forgot the…” But the sight of a human parlayed the poor pony with excitement. There was a short awkward pause broken by the green unicorn. “Um, I’m sorry please take a seat anywhere you want.” She said trying to recompose herself. Twilight took a seat on one of the two big chairs as did Lyra. Leaving Aon and Spitfire to share the couch that was just big enough for the two of them.

Twilight saw that that was an awkward situation for Spitfire and Aon but she wanted to see how it would play out. Aon waved his arm as a gesture to Spitfire as a go ahead. Spitfire was already enjoying her new “servent” it had been a long time since anypony showed her respect as a normal pony. She enjoyed being treated like a regular pony and not a celebrity. She returned the favor to Aon, as she sat down she patted the couch next to her as an invite to Aon. As he was taking his seat Lyra commented “So well mannered. Whats your name?” Lyra asked as she readied her pen and paper.

Aon looked up and cleared his throat. “My name is Aon, pleased to meet you.” Lyra wrote some things down and replied. “Like wise. I’m Lyra Hearstrings. Now I’m going to ask a bunch of questions now, so please answer truthfully and we will be done soon.” She said trying to sound Professional. She levitated over another clip board with a list of questions on it. “Let’s begin with the big ones. Why are you here? And how did you get here.” Aon looked over at Twilight, she was very eager to hear that answer. “Well our V.A.F was sent out on a mission to investigate a planet that had a star orbiting it. This Planet. We picked up readings of life on the planet so a discovery team was sent down to investigate. I was part of that team. And that is where things took a bad turn.” Twilight spoke up. “What is a V.A.F?”

“A Versatile Assault Frigate. It is the class of starship I was on.” Everyponies eyes went wide open. And Lyra barely managed to ask “A-a Starship?” Twilight was awestruck. “Your kind has mastered Intergalactic travel?” Aon nodded. “I was on a drop ship, sent down with the discovery team. When we entered the atmosphere there was a mutiny. Someone stabbed me in the back and threw me off the ship. After that I blacked out and woke up in the hospital.” Twilight put up a hoof. “Wait. With, the discovery team? Are you not part of it?” Aon shook his head. “No. Ironically, I was sent to protect them from anything hostile on the planet.”

Spitfire cut in. “So you were their protector. Like a guard?” Lyra was franticly trying to write every detail down. “Correct. My job, as a tier one guardian is to protect my assigned VIP at all costs.” Aon explained. Twilight and Spitfire looked at each other and Twilight said “That explains the Axe. You job is to protect. You’re a guard and the axe is your spear.” Aon pointed at Twilight “Precisely.” Lyra stopped writing “Alright. We got the who, the what, the when, the why, and the how. If it is okay, I would like to follow you around and study you. Asking questions about you as I think of them watching you in your daily interaction. I think it would be more effective than having you sit here.”

Aon sat back, not knowing that Lyra asked him. The ponies stared at him waiting for an answer. “What? It’s not up to me. It is entirely Master Spitfire’s decision.” Lyra was taken aback by the statement. “Master Spitfire?” She asked sounding confused. Spitfire spoke up “I saved his life, so he said that he must become my servant. It’s actually quite exciting. And I don’t mind if you follow him around.” Aon just nodded. Twilight joined in. “We were going to take him to meet the princess Celestia and Luna later today. It would be fun to have some pony get it all down on paper.” Lyra put a big smile on her face, having never even dreamed that her human hobby would get her to meet royalty. “I’d love too.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long to update, but I have found some inspiration and will be pumping out more chapters.
Like before, critique and error correction are welcome.
I hope you enjoy. <3