• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 1,939 Views, 14 Comments

Princess Fluttershy - AJs Favourite cousin

Fluttershy never knew her parents but when she gets a letter a letter saying she's a princess and her mother was Celestia she has to keep in hiding but its not easy when war is around the corner.

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Chapter 4

I woke up......and BOOM! I jumped up looked around and saw my so called friends looking at me with the word apology written all over their faces. And I turned around and saw Pinky with her signature party canon.
"We are so sorry.." started Twilight.
"Yeah, when Celestia told us what happened we felt really guilty.." continued RD. 'You felt guilty what do you want me say I'm so sorry for not stopping something that wasn't in my control'.
"We're mighty sorry sugar" said AJ.
"And to say sorry we made you a PARTY!" and Pinky boomed again with her party canon."Come on it's in the palace breakfast hall!".
"I'm here. Sorry I came late to this apology meeting but I was too busy sowing the finest gown I have ever made and for my apology I give you my new masterpiece. Come, come to the the dressing room. I need to get you ready" said Rarity. She just came and she quickly rushed me to a dressing room.
She put a blindfold over my eyes.
"Wha..." I asked as in why are you doing this(?).
"Why darling I want you transformation to be a surprise of course" she answered. Even with the blindfold I knew she was rolling her eyes. Probably a mental one, because ladies like her don't do such common pony doings. I mentally giggled.
For the next hour I had to bear her touching my face probably applying make-up and my hair doing my " special" hair-do. She made the usual comment on how the transformation made me breath-taking and with her out-landish skills I will twice as beautiful.
" Your Ready!" she announced. 'Finally!'. I ripped of the blindfold to see that Rarity was right I was twice as beautiful. My hair was in princess Candace's ceremonial hair-do with the woven gems. She had put on pink eyeshadow and pink lipstick and a touch of mascara. It was perfect. Rarity looked worried that I didn't like it because I gaping at the mirror like a fish.
"Oh Rarity, it's perfect. Actually no it's not" I said with a fake frown and Rarity's face fell and then I continued - "Because that is an understatement" I said with a giggle and let my face have a big smile. Rarity sighed in relief.
"Now you get to see the dress." Rarity unzipped the bag and took out the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was (imagine your favorite dress or your second favorite if the color is black,green or red). "I wish Tropic could see me like this, he always sees me when something messes up. But then again I'm glad he does because he makes me feel better.'.
I went out to the breakfast hall that was decorated so much it would be a wonder if you saw a piece of the wall. There were flowers and streamers and banners and balloons. Not to mention the meter long cake with my formal face on it. And when I walked in everybody had there mouths hitting the floor, but then they cheered. I walked through the the room in search for my friends. But then I saw Celestia and rushed over to her.
"Good morning princess" I greeted. She turned around and smiled.
"Why good morning Fluttershy" she said "And please call me Tia".
"I just wanted to say Thank You for talking to my friends, Tia" I said. 'And this time I really meant it'.
"Your Welcome princess Fluttershy" she said teasingly.
"But Tia am I really a princess?" I asked nervous was probably written all over my face.
"Yes, you can't be an alicorn without having a relative to be one" she said but now instead of a genuine she had one big fake smile on her guilty face. 'Every time she mentions something to do with my family that I never met her face gets really guilty, maybe she is a relative, better ask, but I'll do it later don't want to ruin her party mood'.

"What was your temporary cutie mark?'' I asked. Her face lit up.

"Your gonna laugh" she said"everybody does".

"I promise I won't" I said. I was very eager to here what it was I mean you have a pony as old as time tell you a common pony talent.

''I played a trombone" I really tried to stifle my huge laugh that was threatening to shake the walls, but instead I let myself giggle. Well it was better than shaking the walls.

"Yeah I was pretty good too and I was a unicorn then" she giggled "Oh I think your friends want you to themselves, you better go they did make the party for you".

"Ok. Bye Tia!" I waved and made a dash for my awaiting friends.
"What did I tell you? Her new look with my skills make wonders"said Rarity.'Oh, Rarity'.
"Hi Fluttershy! I hope you like the party .All of Counterlot helped with the decorations. Even Vinyl came from Ponyville to be our DJ. She was great about she took the first train here! Even the guy who controlled the train drove twice as fast so she could get here on time! Speaking of time I think it's time for the cake! I personally overlooked Aj's cake making skills and helped her choose the flavours of apple and cinnamon which almost as good as chocolate as strawberrys , but then I was like hold the cooking Flutter is allergic to chocolate. So you could say I saved your life and..Mph Mph..." Pinkie chattered until RD shoved a hoof in her mouth.
"I can't believe you did all this for me!" I said "You guys are the best!".
We enjoyed the party until it was lunch time because everybody were really busy its a wonder that they managed to come at all!
But I wanted Twilight to help with learning to cast spells so I can know something to do with horn,I didn't want it to stick out only for decoration. Or I wonder if there is a library around here. I spotted Twilight and Celestia talking in hushed voices.'I know it's not good to listen in to private conversations,but..'. I stepped closer and hid behind a statue.
"But princess she will have to know soon, you can't keep this from her for the rest of her life!" Twilight said. 'Are they talking about me and what secret?'.
"I know but at least for a little longer for I want he to live like a normal mare for as long as we could afford" argued back Tia. 'Ha! That was a good one me being normal at the moment'. 'If they're talking about me'. 'I gotta learn a few spells though better break up this argument'. I made a rather noisy entrance with my hooves. They both looked at me 'probably deciding if I heard anything'.
"Hi! You know I was wondering if there was a library around here, because I don't want my horn to be useless" I said. 'I wonder if there is a spell for unraveling secrets'.
"That won't be of use" Tia said. I raised my eyebrow.'Really, it seemed to do wonders for Twilight'.
"What she means is you could use a tutor and that tutor will be me and we'll be starting instantly" said Twilight.
'Ha! Twilight teaching this is going to be interesting' I thought. 'She might transport me to Saddle Arabia for all I know'.

Author's Note:

Hey! It's still awesome writing this story but can you please decrease the the dislikes. And if you do at least tell me what's wrong with it. Hope you enjoyed it! Bye!