• Published 25th May 2013
  • 507 Views, 0 Comments

Misty Mountains - Chief Wolfee

Heavily Inspired by LotR, the Hobbit, and a bit of Skyrim.

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Chapter Three

Why these ponies were here, at this time as well, I’ll never know. Sacrament spoke of them coming tonight, but I never actually thought he’d show up, with an entire caravan of ponies as well; ranging from many races and both genders. I was uneasy at this; Steele doesn’t want to go with them, so why is he sitting down next to Sacrament talking about it?
My head hurts so much with all these thoughts; and the fact that the cider is starting to take its effect. Constant racket from talking, and the never ending slamming of tankards on tables was enough to put me off coming here for a week. Why here? Why now? There’s got to be reason for Sacrament’s intrusion of our little get together.

Many ponies in the room I didn’t trust, especially that bronze armoured one; the one pony guzzling down tankard after tankard of pure, strong earth pony ale. There was something about him; something which I didn’t like so much. Some of the others, however, I did start to think differently of; the pegasus mare and stallion for example. They don’t seem to just talk about killing or whatever, they seem to chat about important matters; such as life, what they’re going to do with it and where they were going to go. The cloaked pony, the one who didn’t remove the hood, didn’t say anything really; the figure just stayed silent the entire time. Definitely one I’d have to watch carefully, otherwise I might get stabbed in the back.

But one stood out; the elven pony. She didn’t look as if she was a traveller, or a warrior; she looked more…gods what’s the word? That’s it, regal. She looks more regal than many other ponies in the room; her coat being much cleaner than many, and her accent, when she spoke on occasion, was more royal than common. There was obviously something about her that got me interested into speaking with her; then again, she’d only be here with the others for a set amount of time. I hung my head over a half empty tankard of cider, faintly seeing my own reflection in the liquid; tears didn’t stream down my face at the fact that Steele might be leaving me by myself, but I was feeling rather…disheartened at the fact that my guardian wouldn’t be with me longer.

Sighing, I took the final swig of the cider from the tankard. Setting the empty tankard onto the table I was sitting at, I buried my head into my forehooves, trying to block out the other ponies in the room from my vision. I just wanted to be alone. Steele was the last pony I have left for a true, real family; if he goes, then I’ll have nothing left in reality. I’d be left alone to work in the forge, and will be expected to run the store as well; it’s just…all so sudden.

“You look troubled,” a voice said from seemingly out of nowhere. I looked back up, seeing the male pegasus stallion from earlier; the one who had mismatched eye colours. “Care to share your troubles?”

I shook my head. “No, not really,” I replied. “I’m fine.” I, stubbornly, lied.

The pegasus shook his head, shooting me a grin as he did so. “I know that trick, you know. Saying nothing’s wrong when, in truth, there is something the matter. Now, care to explain?”

I sighed. “Sure; pull up a stool.” I muttered, motioning my hoof over to a collection of stools just in the corner of the room. The pegasus placed a tankard, filled with 100% pure ale, down on the table, leaving it so he can use both hooves to lift up the stool and bring it over to the table. In no more than thirty seconds, the male, unnamed, pegasus put the stool on the ground, sitting on it soon as the wooden legs touched the ground.

The stallion took a large swig from the tankard of ale. “So, what’s got you all…distraught?”

“I don’t like giving a story out to somepony who either asks or is a pony I’ve never met; besides, I don’t even know your name.” I informed.

The stallion chuckled. “Sorry, guess that my curiosity got the better of me. My name’s Arias Swift Ace, the III to be precise.” The stallion introduced, holding out his hoof as if he wanted me to shake it. I took his hoof in my grasp, “but my friends, and party members, call me Arias. And you?”

Arias. Fitting name for a stallion like him. “Name’s Malik,” I complied, shaking Arias’ hoof as I took in a slow steady breath pace. Soon as Arias let go of my hoof, he took another swig of his drink, slamming the tankard with heavy force onto the wooden table. Soon as the tankard made contact with the table, I shot up, instantly looking around the room to find the source of the banging noise.

I could’ve sworn I heard Arias chuckle. “Calm yourself, kid,” Arias chuckled. “Anyway, what’s up with you?”
I hung my head. “Well, my master, the pony you and the others came for, is being forced into joining your party for a trip up to Misty Mountain.” I started. “He constantly told me, ever since Sacrament showed up here, that he’s too old to continue travelling Equestria.”

“Ah, I see,” Arias remarked. “You’re worried about him dying or something, correct?” I could only nod at his statement. “Well, don’t you worry, kid. He’ll be in good hooves, I’ll say.” Arias said before he jumped off of his seat, grabbing the half empty tankard of ale in hoof and walking away from my position. I stayed there for a time, looking at the party members Sacrament gathered. The mysterious figure, the one who entered wearing a cloak, stood over in the shadows, watching everypony like a predator. But, the graceful elven unicorn from earlier was sitting next to Sacrament, the grey earth pony, and the older unicorn. Steele sat next to the old unicorn, obviously not enjoying this night.

Sacrament lifted his tankard, “may I have your attention, please.” Sacrament asked, gaining the much needed attention from everypony; aside from me, that is. “I’d just like to say that, after this night is over, we’ll be able to begin the real journey. That’s correct, everypony; the blacksmith is the final piece of the puzzle, and is the only way in which we will be able to ensure the success of our goal.”

I didn’t want to continue hearing the speech Sacrament was giving, not with Steele looking at me with those eyes that obviously showed to me that this would be the last time we’d ever see eye to eye. I wandered out of the inn, letting the gentle snowfall and biting winds sooth my emotions. I wanted my tears to flow, but something was refusing them to even peak out of my eyes. The moon above loomed over the town, drowning the town and surrounding areas in nothing but a light, thin blanket of moonlight.

One peaceful night like this…one peaceful night, where I’d wish that all of my troubles would be solved; unfortunately, none of them will be solved.

“You’re out here too, huh?” An elegant, feminine voice asked from behind, alerting me to turn right around almost instantly. There, standing in plain view, was the elven pony from earlier. From afar she was beautiful, but from up close she looked more…elegant; no she was the most beautiful pony I’ve ever seen, her beauty illuminated by the moon’s rays of light. I couldn’t find my voice, eyes and voice lost in her ever flowing beauty. The elven pony looked up to the moon, “sometimes I just like to get away from Sacrament and the others, and just lose myself in the skies.” I only huffed. She turned to face me, eyes meeting; “you know something, you’re different to some of the others in there. You’re quieter than most, I like that about you.”

I smiled. “Thanks, I guess.”

The unicorn smiled in return, then turned away to focus her gaze on the moon and the stars. “You’d never get a more perfect view of the moon from down here; where I’m from, I’m prohibited to even leave the safety of the inside. I’m only let out if I have some protection.” The unicorn sighed, “but now, here I am, standing in an earth pony town, with a unicorn, gazing at the stars.”

I nodded. “Why are you out here? Shouldn’t you be with Sacrament, and the others?”

She shook her head, “no. I came out here to get away from Sacrament and the others, just to stare up at the skies and be alone. I wished not to be disturbed by anypony,” she added.

I nodded, backing away from her slowly. “Well, if I’m disturbing you, then I best take my leave.”

I felt her hoof gently fall onto my shoulder, just before I could walk away. “No, I don’t want you to leave. You’re troubled, just like I am; that we both have in common. I want you to…stay with me, for a while, and just let us lose ourselves in the night.” The mare spoke, her voice flowing through my ears like a river of the sweetest honey. “You have problems with…something, I can tell by the look on your face. Is there something you wish to say?”

I nodded, hanging my head afterward. “Yeah,” I inhaled. “I don’t want Steele to leave the town, is all.” I admitted. The elven pony took in that sentence, then motioned with her hoof for me to continue. “It’s just that…he told me, time and time again, since Sacrament showed up, that he’s too old to carry on travelling Equestria. Because of him being too old, he’s decided to settle here, begin a new life; a life that led him away from danger. But now,” I swore to the gods I could feel the tears begin to form in my eyes, “but now he’s being forced into something he doesn’t want to do, and it just…drives me mad at the fact that he won’t stop and listen to him for a total of what, sixty seconds maybe?”

The elven mare nodded. “Sacrament can be stubborn sometimes, heck he only listens to a few ponies; and I don’t think that Sacrament, or you, are ponies that he listens to.” She stated.

I could only reply with a sad nod before I looked back up at the sky, “is there a way in which he can stay? I’ll do anything to make him stay here, safe.”

The elven mare’s head perked up, “actually, yes, there is one way.” This made me turn to face her, eyes and face showing clear determination. “However, it’s also one of the more tricky ways, but it’s the only one in Sacrament’s case.”

“What is it? I’m up for anything,” I enthusiastically replied.

The mare giggled. “You’ve got spirit, kid; another thing I like about you. Anyways, as I’ve stated before, Sacrament only listens to three ponies; these ponies being myself, Dawnstar, and Bolter. You convince us to vouch for you, and we’ll deliver; besides, Sacrament always listens to us. So, if you want to do it that way, then we’ll do it.”

I nodded. “Yeah!”

The mare, again, giggled. “Well then, we’d better go convince Bolter and Dawnstar,” she informed, causing me to cock my head to the right. Wasn’t she one of the ponies I had to convince? “And, before you ask, I’m choosing to vouch for you because…well, I like your nobility and your…enthusiasm, kid. Your nobility to take Steele’s place, even if we’re going into certain death and your enthusiasm to take his place speak to me.”

“Thanks,” I said as we began to walk back inside the inn. “Hey, I never got your name,” I called.

“It’s Ivory. And you are?”

I smiled, “my name’s Malik.”

Dawnstar. The elder unicorn, the one dressed in blue robes, sat over by the inn’s bar, obviously deep in thought. My eyes couldn’t tell what the unicorn looked like; my only first glance of him being when he walked in not too long ago. Ivory, the elven pony, approached the older unicorn. The elder unicorn knew she was approaching, but he didn’t even move his head to even great her.

“Dawnstar,” Ivory started. Dawnstar turned his head, his attention obviously focused on what Ivory had to say. “May I talk to you, over there?” Ivory asked, pointing over to an unoccupied table in the left corner of the room. Dawnstar only nodded, getting up from his sitting position and slowly trotting over to the unoccupied table.

Dawnstar, as he sat down, opened his mouth to speak first. “What is it you need, Ivory? You know as well as I do that Sacrament doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” Dawnstar reminded, looking back over to see Sacrament shoot a glance over to us.

Ivory pointed her hoof at me, “Malik here wishes to take Steele’s place in the party. And, you and I know, that he needs to have the three of us to vouch for him; he’s already got me convinced, I’ll just need to get you and Bolter aboard.”
Dawnstar pondered for a moment. “Well, I suppose I can allow for me to vouch for him; however, his skills must be seen. Now, Malik was it? If you are to take your friend’s position, I must see your talent,” Dawnstar, flatly, stated.
I frowned. “Excuse me, but I can’t magic up an entire forge just like that.”

Dawnstar look unimpressed. “You’re a unicorn, aren’t you? I thought you’d know at least a few spells, but I was mistaken. Anyway, I wasn’t saying that you have to conjure up a forge; you didn’t even let me finish. You, me, and Ivory are going to the local forge, and you’re going to demonstrate your talent in front of me.” Dawnstar said, getting up from his sitting position, joining Ivory and me in a full standing position. “It shouldn’t be too hard for you, am I correct?”

I gulped, face showing false determination. Reluctantly, I gulped again, solidifying my expressions. “No, sir. It’s just a mere, petty little task you need me to do; it’s not going to be difficult for me to do.”

“Well then, let’s not waste any time.”

Have I ever said that I hated working in the presence of ponies I didn’t know? If not, then let me tell you. Sometimes, not all of the time, I can be very sceptical on whom I trust; and these two ponies, despite their physical features, could turn and kill me when they get the chance. These two, however, were different; I didn’t feel the same spark of mistrust that I did with other ponies.

Ivory stood over by one of the wooden supports that held up the roof over the forge, whilst Dawnstar stood next to me, waiting for me to start work on forging a weapon to show my talent. Even though my flank was barren of any sort of cutie mark, I was particularly skilled in forging anything from iron or steel; however, I have no idea as to why it hasn’t earned me my cutie mark.

The weapon of choice, which Dawnstar instructed me to recreate, was a small dagger. Not really much of a challenge, in my eyes; just the fact that somepony I never knew was watching me make the weapon, now that kind of kept me off of doing it. ‘Come on, I can do this. It’s just a simple dagger creation, nothing much right? Well, the fact that somepony is watching, two to be precise, one being darn well beautiful, is kind of distracting.” I ‘mentally’ argued, causing a conflict in the back of my mind.

Deciding that I should do it, for Steele of course, I set to work. There was already some steel fuming in the pool of hot inferno, so it was starting off rather well. Pulling the dagger out with my telekinesis, after an extra ten minutes of it heating up, I moved it over to the table where the hammer lay waiting. I could literally feel the heat of the dagger in my aura; it felt warm, yet burning at the same time. Soon as the molten mess hit the iron table, enchanted so that the blade couldn’t melt parts of it, I could’ve sworn I heard the blade sizzle on the enchanted iron table.

I grasped the hammer in my aura, levitating it high enough, and ready to strike the molten material. Not looking at the other two ponies in front of me, I struck the hammer once, twice, and thrice. After each hit, the clang of the metal hammer echoed through the night, causing myself to be at ease. I breathed in, and then out, keeping to this pattern as I continuously hit the molten dagger.

Within a matter of minutes, the dagger began to slowly take shape. I stopped, every now and then, to catch my breath and consume a small drink to quench my thirst. Ivory, from looking out of the corner of my eye, looked rather interested in the process of what I was doing; she didn’t seem to take her eyes off of the process. It wasn’t the most exciting process, but she, aside from me, was one of the only ones who actually took interest in what I was doing. Soon as the dagger was shaped, using my aura, I dunked the dagger into the bucket of water.

Soon as the dagger was completely submerged underwater, I wiped a bit of sweat off of my brow. “The dagger will take some time to cool off, and when it does it’ll be able to be used afterword.”

“I don’t plan on using it,” Dawnstar informed. Surprisingly, I was kind of shocked; a pony, who asked me to create a weapon for them, didn’t wish to use it. I cocked my head in confusion. Dawnstar only chuckled, “I only wanted to see if you’re skills with creating weaponry is good. And, as I can see, you’ve got the skill. So, what I’ll say, is that yes; I shall vouch for you.”
Ivory smiled, draping a hoof around me. “Congrats, Malik. Now you’ve only got to convince Bolter, and boy is that going to be a challenge.”

I pulled myself out of her grasp, “why? Why will it be a challenge to get him to vouch for me?” I asked, seeming to understand the concept as to why this Bolter pony was going to be a challenge to convince. Ivory looked down for a moment, shrouding her eyes from my vision with her dark peach mane. “Ivory, there’s something you’re not telling me. What is it?”
Ivory sighed, bringing her head back up. “In order to get Bolter on your side, I’m afraid you’ll have to…fight him.” Ivory informed, “and, with what’s going on at the current moment, he’s in a fighting kind of mood.”

Never, ever in my life have I ever even thought about fighting some other pony. Yes, many ponies have prompted me to attempt to fight them, but I resisted my hardest to do so; and, in the end, it always ended with me walking away unscathed. Fighting just isn’t in me; it’s not in my blood, it’s not even a thought in my mind. So why, in the name of all that is good and mighty, do I have to fight Bolter? I don’t even know what he looks like! He could be bigger and stronger than me, or smaller but still stronger than me.

Ivory, Dawnstar, and myself re-entered the inn, walking into what we walked out of; same old ponies getting blind drunk, having the time of their lives. Ivory and Dawnstar directed me over to that grey earth pony from before, still clad in his bronze armour. The stallion was sharpening the spear he had with him, not only that but he began to sharpen the shield and a shortsword he kept as a back-up weapon; smart move, if you ask me. The armour he was clad in reminded me that of a fully polished set of earth pony guard armour, and the headdress on the helmet would represent the wearer as a high rank; so perhaps this pony was a leading commander in the earth pony military.

Ivory came close, and whispered, “that, over there, is Bolter.” She said, pointing a hoof over to the grey earth pony. Well, it’s been nice being alive. The stallion was twice the size of me, and was most likely even stronger and more durable in a fight; and me? I’m a weakling and it doesn’t take much to knock me down. There is one thing I have, that he possibly doesn’t have; speed. Due to his bulky looking exterior, I wouldn’t expect somepony of his size to have a wide moving speed. If I could just wear him out, I can then surprise him; then again, that was if he didn’t have a good moving speed.

Looking up at the taller, muscular stallion, I tried to suppress my feelings of fear. “So, you’re expecting me, a smaller and, let’s face it, weaker pony to go up against that pony?” I exclaimed. “I’m just going to say it, how am I supposed to defeat him? He’s got the strength advantage, I have not!”

“Size doesn’t matter in a fight, Mal,” Ivory reassured. “To Bolter, it only matters about the size of the fight in the pony. Sure, he may be stronger, but he shows his appreciation to those who have the guts to stand up and fight him.” Ivory explained, brushing a part of her dark peach mane out of her right eye. “Isn’t that true, Dawnstar?”

“Aye,” Dawnstar replied.

“See,” Ivory stated. “You survive with him, in a fight, for more than a minute, he’ll be impressed.”

I sighed, bringing my hoof to my right cheek. If I were to fail this test, I might not be able to take Steele’s place so that he may live. ‘It’s a longshot but, if I can actually beat him, I may have a slim chance. Then again, there’s also the chance that I might be completely humiliated in front of everypony.’ Needless to say, my mind, at the moment, was conflicted with thoughts; either of cowardice or of bravery. ‘Come on, Steele is depending on you, even if he doesn’t know it!’ I ended, slamming my hoof down on the wooden floor of the inn. “Well, I suppose if that’s the only way, then I suppose I’ll have to…” I gulped, “fight him.”

Ivory draped her leg around me, pulling me tight and using her other hoof to bump me lightly on my chest. “Now that’s the spirit, Mal,” she said. This was the first time, in a long time, I actually felt the embrace of a female. Last time I ever had a female…well pull me close was six years ago, for reasons of which I already explained earlier. She pulled her leg out from the embrace, using all four legs to walk over to the hulking mass of the pony known as Bolter. Ivory hit the stallion on the shoulder, “sup, Bolt?”

Bolter grunted, “don’t ever call me that, Ivory. Now, what do you want?” Bolter deadpanned, not adding much to his sentence. Jeez, he needs to lighten up a bit. She only wanted an answer, not a low deep answer. “Please make it quick, you’re wasting my time.” He bellowed, taking a long, well deserved, drought from his tankard. Surprisingly, I could hear their whole conversation due to the fact they were only a mere few feet away from me and Dawnstar.

Ivory sighed, “well, to start with, there’s this pony called Malik who wants to take Steele’s place on the team. He knows what he has to do, and well…”

“He already roped you and Dawnstar into siding with him, hasn’t he?” Bolter asked, only getting a small nod from the elven unicorn. Bolter set the tankard down, the impact resulting in a small clap of metal on wood. “Well, if that’s the case, then I don’t want any part of it. Sacrament’s mind is already made up, he should just quit whilst he’s ahead.”

Bolter stood up, only for Ivory to use her hoof to pull him back down onto his seat. Ivory pulled the tall, bulky stallion closer to her face; “listen, Bolter, he’s determined to take Steele’s place. He’s his student, for the sake of the gods! Doesn’t that appeal to you?” She exclaimed, flailing her hoof over in my general direction.

Bolter grunted, “yes. Fine! If he survives a battle with me, he’ll be worthy of my word. If he fails, he stays here; no exceptions.”

Ivory nodded, trying to mask her doubt in me. “Of course, where will he fight you?"

Bolter got up, walking towards the door. He sheathed his sword, picked up his spear and shield, and approached the door; grinning, he turned back to face the three of us. “The river…now.”

Well, I suppose this was my final test. Defeat Bolter, then I’ll earn his word as he says. Ivory filled me in on some of the small details she discussed with him as we walked up to the river; she said it was hoof-on-hoof combat, no armour, no magic, no interferences. Any of those, and I’ll be immediately be deemed unworthy of his word. It was a stroke of luck, really; I couldn’t use weapons or magic at all.

However, he still held the height and strength advantage. But, as Ivory stated, it’s not about the size of the pony in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the pony; that’s all that mattered, and was the only reason why I agreed to this fight. Bolter stood, unarmoured, at the other side of the river, using the water to wash his face before battle; a tactic the earth ponies used to keep themselves hydrated during their battle.

Me, on the other hand, I only took a small drink from the river, quenching my now hydrated throat. Soon as Bolter finished, he stood in his ready position. Ivory and Dawnstar watched over from the small hill just over from the river, making sure that no dirty tricks were performed. Dawnstar spoke first, “Bolter, are you ready?” He asked, only getting a grunt of reply from the earth pony.

Ivory then spoke. “Malik, are you ready?” She asked, in which I could only nod in reply to.

Dawnstar’s horn glowed a deep purple colour, shooting a bolt of purple energy into the sky; signalling the beginning of the battle. Bolter stood there, still as a statue, possibly waiting to lure me into a trap. I, soon as the energy bolt shot up, readied myself in the most ready position I could think of; which meant I was pointing my horn forwards, in Bolter’s general direction.
We both stood there, eyeing each other for little more than five minutes. When those five minutes ended, Bolter charged, screaming wordless fury as he charged at me. I took this moment to dodge, but it didn’t work out. I felt Bolter’s teeth grip my tail, flinging me with all his might into the icy cold river. Soon as my entire body was completely submerged underwater, I pulled myself out of the water, droplets of water running down and dripping off of my now wet mane.

No way, no how was I going to let him beat me down; I have to fight back. I readied myself again, waiting for him to try to attack once more. He charged again, this time approaching from the right instead of coming at me head on. This gave me time to react; I dodged out of the way again, this time using my back left hoof to strike Bolter across the face. Bolter reared back a few paces, brushing his face with his right hoof, then bringing it back down onto the ground. He charged again, just before I landed back on the ground, and barged into me, dragging me along with him for little more than six seconds. He threw me off of him, throwing my body into the trunk of a tree, sending rapid ripples of pain through my body.

I groaned in pain; my back was completely damaged by that throw, and not only that but I was beginning to get less and less determinated to continue the fight. I couldn’t just give up; I had reason to continue this fight, and I’ll be damned if I can’t finish it. Even though my back rebelled for me to stay on the ground, I staggered to pick myself up from the ground, leaving Bolter, who watched from afar, to grunt in annoyance. “Why do you insist on continuing?”

I wheezed, trying to straighten my breath before I stood back in my stance. “Because, my master is being forced to do something he doesn’t want any part of; and it’s my duty to ensure that he doesn’t have to do that.” I shouted, fully readying myself for another attack. “Now, let’s continue.”

Bolter smiled. “Gladly,” was all he could say before he charged with all his might at me. I dodged, however when I turned around something rather unexpected happened. Bolter had managed to channel his running energy into force, and using his rear legs was able to deliver a buck right into my face. Needless to say, the crevices of both his hooves were all I saw before everything went black.

Author's Note:

Apologies are in order, everyone. I’m sorry for not updating last week; reason why was because my exams were last week, so I had to study more than write. I feel as if I’ve let you guys down on that part, so I’m very sorry. I’ve worked extra hard on this chapter, so please do tell me what you think of it. Again, I’m really sorry. Updates will continue as normal next week.
Signed, Chief Wolfee.

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