• Published 24th May 2013
  • 573 Views, 4 Comments

In the garden - Ebony Gryphon

Luna talks to Elohie

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Luna hears a voice

Luna stood at her balcony, and closing her eyes, relished in the breeze as it swept her mane back. Looking down, she regarded the dimming lights, and felt her subjects beginning to slumber. Nearby, her own love slept, his soft snoring annoying, but comforting all at once. Turning, the alicorn walked in, and with her magic, gently closed the double doors. Looking over the titles of her books, she grasped one, and pulling it out, made to sit at her table.


Furrowing her brow, the princess of the night looked at her mate.

“Aduros, what is it?”


Gasping, the alicorn dropped the book, and looked about. From behind the doors of her balcony, it whispered again.


Frowning, Luna clopped out onto the overhang, and looked down. From the darkness below, it came.


Unfurling her wings, Luna fluttered down, following the soft whisper. Ears flicking as it seemed to switch direction, she soon found herself before a leafless tree. Around it, the gardens bloomed gloriously, but the diarchs simply didn’t have the heart to remove it. Lighting down, ears flattening to her skull slightly, the alicorn’s eyes flitted across the darkness.


The voice… it seemed to come from nowhere, but everywhere. It held no malice or mischief. Indeed, for some reason, it filled Luna with an odd feeling, as though seeing an old friend she hadn’t spoken to in millennia. Ears fully perked, Luna said “Here I am. Come forth subject.”

Remove your vestments….

Lips puckering, the alicorn sputtered, “I beg your pardon. And who are you to ask anything of me?”

Suddenly, the tree became alight in a blue fire. Over its dead bark, the fire grew, but did not burn the tree. Yelping, Luna lifted a leg as though to bolt, but the voice stilled her…

Peace, my love. I am Elohim, god of Aduros and Marcum, and the maker of all, from the tiniest gnat to the greatest of alicorns. Remove your trappings, for you stand upon holy ground.

Eyes wide, Luna gave a slight nod, and fumbling, began to yank off her hoof guards and chestplate. Laying them down, she walked forward. Leaning forward, she gazed wordlessly into the flames. Though they did no damage, they gave off heat. Raising a hoof, she pressed it to the bark, and gasped. They didn’t burn. Taking the hoof back, she lit up her horn, and gasped again. No magic. Despite all logic, this was no trick.

You don’t believe in me… do you doubt your senses?

Snorting, the alicorn said “A little thing can affect the senses. You might very well an underdone potato, or a rotten carrot…” suddenly, a great wind seemed to blow, and a pulse rippled through Luna. Eyes widening, the alicorn collapsed. In an instant, she had glimpsed on a piece of this things power, and knew that if it wanted too, it could blow her, Celestia, and Discord out like candles on a foals cake. Covering her head, she cried, “I believe, I believe, mercy!”

Feeling the pressure leave, she slowly raised her hoof from her head, and whimpered, “Elohim… if you are this god… why do you walk this land, and why do you trouble me?”

A breeze picked up, and slowly ran through the alicorns mane.

My people, my darling, return to this land. A good place, I made for them, and for all my children. But… it is not as it once was. There defenders, the magi, are no more. They were slain long ago, and so, my children were unable to continue in their ways. But to those I give the children I give th blessings of mana, I shall send a wonderful gift… I shall send you.

Bolting up, Luna shook her head, mouth working.

“You… you can’t be serious! I… I am a daughter of Solaris, the stallion who slaughtered the magi! I was Nightmare Moon, and caused the death and suffering of countless subjects. How can I even speak to these people?”

Who made thy mouth? The voice bellowed, and instantly, the alicorns knees buckled, and she covered her head. It was as though thunder had been given a voice.

Who made all tongues, all gifts? Who made the deaf, the mute, the seeing, or the blind? Did not I? Now go!

Luna sobbed, and shivered like a leaf, the force of this god’s authority shaking her. Slowly, she began to feel as though someone was stroking her mane. Looking up, she gazed at the tree, tears streaking down her cheeks.

Oh Luna… I will be with you…

At this, the alicorns nostrils flared, and her eyes hardened. Leaping up, she snarled, “With me? Like you were as I was swallowed in hatred and envy? Where were you then when I needed you most?”

For a moment, silence. Suddenly, a chuckle echoed. Teeth bared, the mare stamped a hoof.

“Thou dare mock me?”

Nay, my love… you think yourself infallible, one equal to me? You assume to know my mind. Ahh, of course! So, then, Where was thou whenst I laid the foundations? Speak if thy has an understanding! Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner stone thereof?

Again the voice snickered, ignoring the flames shooting out Luna’s nostrils.

Was thou there When the morning stars sang together, and from dust I made thy first gift, the sun and moon? Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts, or who hath given understanding to the heart? Thou must be wise beyond all measure to have made these!

Slowly, Luna sat, and shook her head. Suddenly, the voice said sternly

Shall she that contendeth with Elohim instruct him? she that reproveth god, let her answer it.

Sighing, the alicorn shook her head. “Behold, I am a fool; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hoof upon my mouth. Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further.”

Mayhaps I shalt send thy sister

At this the alicorns ear flicked.

I know she can speak well. Mayhap I need only send her…

Leaping up, Luna scowled.

“Nay, thy fool! I shall take thy task, and prove myself the better!”

Holding her nose in the air, Luna stamped away, and with a wing flap, flew back to her tower. A chuckled echoed through the garden once more as the flames died down.

Huh, shoulda thought of that sooner…

And with that thought, the flames winked out, leaving the tree in full bloom, cherry blossoms falling slowly to the sod below.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is, for what it is. Not everyone's cup of tea, I know.

Comments ( 4 )

... Harsh words in the description, but oh so true.
Anyways, it's a good story all around, but a wee rough around the edges. Nonetheless, good.

A little miffed at the portrayal of God as some sort of snickering tease.

I'd imagine that this story would be on the bottom of the thing's God has a problem with in regards to little old me

3427715 I appreciate the humor.

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