• Published 24th May 2013
  • 531 Views, 10 Comments

A Birthday Party for Midnight Legend - Midnight Legend

A short story in celebration of my birthday today (May 21).

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Dreams, Healing, and Surprise

---At Midnight’s house---

“You actually thought we would remember such a silly event as your birthday.” said Starry Night.

Pinkie Pie added, “Yeah, even I, the party-pony, didn’t even care to do anything for it.”

“But what about all the things I’ve been doing all day!?” Midnight asked.

Rainbow Dash replied, “We just wanted to have some fun, make you think we were doing something like keeping you out of your house until the decorations were ready.”

“Yep, sugarcube,” Applejack agreed. “He sure fell for it good.”

“You should’ve seen the look on your face when your sister said we didn’t have anything planned,” Twilight Sparkle said.

They all laughed at his misfortune. Midnight looked downtrodden, as if the worst day of his life had happened. It was as if their laughter sucked the happiness of his expectations of the day.

His eyes suddenly opened to see blackness, and realized that what he saw was a dream.

---Inside Zecora’s hut---

Midnight, sitting up on the bed, had quickly awoken from his sleep. How long he had slept was not known to him, so he decided to find out.

He looked around the room, but no light was seen in the one-roomed hut; the small fire beneath Zecora’s cauldron was the only thing that pierced the darkness of the hut. What little sunlight that shone through the treetops in the Everfree Forest was nearly spent.

Footsteps were heard outside. Not knowing if they were friend or foe, Midnight reassumed the same position he fell asleep in. He left a single eye cracked open so he can catch these “intruders” off-guard.

The door suddenly flew open. Eight pony-shaped figures stepped into the darkened hut, but one of them gestured all but a single Pegasus to leave (Pegasi having their wings to the side, making their shadow appear more heavyset). One of them closed the door, leaving him trapped inside.

Knowing of no better time to strike, Midnight jumped out of bed and landed on the floor. The two turned to look at me.

“I don’t know who you are, but you’re not going to take me or anything in this hut.”

One of them replied, “Why is it I would take of my own belonging? I’m here with Fluttershy for your preening.”

Hearing the deep Zebrican accent made him lower his guard. Midnight lighted the torches on the wall, causing light to shine around the hut.

“I’m sorry, Zecora; just thought you were some ruffians hiding in the Forest.”

“You are forgiven, Midnight. We must finish, for there’s little light. The Forest is a dangerous place when darkened; the creatures will attack, even if unthreatened.”

“OK. Fluttershy, I’m sorry I worried you so.”

“It’s fine. At least my animals are safe thanks to you.”

“That’s good to know.”

“Zecora told me you were here and wanted me to help you.”

“Fluttershy, I want you to…”

Midnight paused midsentence. He knew about the tenderness of the wings, and preening the wings can be seen as a symbol of a relationship beyond that of mere friendship.

“Um, you want me to what?” Fluttershy asked.

His heart was beating rapidly. Midnight knew he needed the preening, but his mind was not sure whether Fluttershy should do it. Despite his difficult decision, he made up his mind.

“Will you preen my wings?” he spoke the question loudly.

The yellow Pegasus stood there surprised. Midnight Legend, a pony who had good looks, intelligence, and talent, had asked her to preen his wings. Her thoughts on his supposed affections ceased as he spoke.

“Look, Fluttershy, I was in a terrible accident, and I broke my wing. Zecora cleaned the blood off. In case any of my feathers were knocked out of place, I requested her to fetch you to do the job.”

“Um, I still don’t understand why you chose me of all ponies to do this.”

“Does the answer ‘I trust you’ sound sufficient?”

“That’s fine. Now lie down on the bed wings up.”

Midnight did as he was told and climbed upon the bed. Lying down, he felt Fluttershy straddle atop his torso, his wings a short distance from her legs. She placed her mouth on one of the primary feathers, which caused him to wince.

“Oh my. Did that hurt you?”

“No, it’s just a different sensation. Guess I needed a warning before you began preening.”

“Fair enough, Midnight. I’ll be starting back.”

She repeated the same action more gently than before. He suddenly felt soothed as the Pegasus worked her way up each wing, one feather at a time.

It was almost like a dream: a beautiful mare preening his wings as he lay there. Midnight then recalled his previous birthdays, from those in his home to those in the castle. Perhaps this birthday was not too bad at all.

Birthday—he suddenly recalled that the day was not over just yet. Maybe somepony could still tell him “happy birthday” or that they had planned something.

“So that’s what they were doing,” he thought to himself. “They must have been planning this from the start. The jobs I’ve been given did sound a bit convenient; their scheme was to keep me away from town while they planned something, but what?”

“Um, Midnight, your wings are all finished.”

He looked at his still-broken wing. It felt cleaner and more aerodynamic, but Zecora needed to do one last thing

“You wing is indeed neat, now bandaging it will make your treatment complete.”

Zecora then partly unrolled a bandage roll and handed it to Fluttershy. As Zecora held the end in place, Fluttershy passed it under my torso back to Zecora, who repeated the process. When my wing was completely immobile, Zecora bit the bandage away from the roll.

She then grabbed a glue-like substance and placed it at the loose end. Midnight then tested the strength of his bandages. The wrappings were tight enough to restrict movement, but loose enough to allow breathing.

“Zecora, could you be kind enough to show us the way out of the Everfree Forest? I’ve heard the stories of this place, and my wings’ incapacitation is not a good thing.”

“I would be glad to show you the way, so you two can avoid being a foul creature’s prey.”

With that, the zebra lead Midnight and Fluttershy out of the forest. We spoke of many things: ancient remedies, the histories, and life stories (at least those Midnight would not mind telling). Zecora showed us at the main entrance to the Everfree Forest.

If you would not care, I would wish to make sure you reach home without a scare.”

“That sounds fine. And thank you again, Fluttershy, for your assistance. I must be getting home soon; don’t wish to trouble Starr for being out so late.”

“Um, Midnight, if you don’t mind, I wish to make sure you get home safely.”

“I think that’s…”

“Oh, uh, I understand you want to be alone. So, I’ll just go home.”

“Wait, you didn’t let me finish. I was saying ‘I think that’s just fine, if it will put you at ease.’”

So, the two of them walked through the fields and into Ponyville. Most of the houses were covered, with only a curtain or shutter that allowed passage of light to the outside.

He arrived at his house with Fluttershy. Midnight thought he heard several noises coming from inside. No lights were on, which made him suspicious of who was inside.

As she opened the door, he prepared for the worst. Fluttershy and Zecora stepped forward, with Midnight following close behind.

The darkness suddenly disappeared as light suddenly flooded the room. Dozens of ponies jumped from hiding places and yelled at the top of their lungs.