• Published 23rd May 2013
  • 605 Views, 23 Comments

Fly with me, Scootaloo - TheFluttershyeffect

Scootaloo is told by her doctors that she will never be able to fly. Can she deal with this realization? On a related note, I;'m sorry I had it rated "Everyone... that was a mistake on my part!

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The News

Warning: This story takes place about five years in the future from the time the show is aired. It is supposed to be a sad story, fair warning.
Cutie Marks: http://www.roblox.com/My/Sets.aspx?id=1035844

Scootaloo was in tears. Her adoptive parents, Cherry Cola and Soda Pop, were tearing up as well.

"What do you mean?!" Scootaloo sobbed. "Isn't there anything you can do?!"

"I am quite sorry" Her doctor said, with a rather grim look on his face, "But you are the victim of a genetic defect. Your wings simply don't contain enough muscle fiber or tissue for you to be able to fly. I'm sorry"

"But you're a doctor!! You cure people every day! Can't you-"

"As I said before, this is something that simply cannot be cured. Your only bet is a wing transplant. I can put you on a waiting list, but the list is rather long and the procedure is quite expensive."

Soda Pop looked the doctor in the eye. "Scootaloo is our daughter, and we love her. We don't care about money! Anything, anything at all, we'll pay it!"

The doctor looked down. "It's, um.. nine hundred thousand dollars."

Soda Pop and Cherry Cola looked at each other tearfully, then both looked at Scootaloo. It was a look that said "If we could afford it..".

Scootaloo got the message and once again, burst into tears. She stormed out of the room.

"Th.. thank you for your.. for your help, doctor." Soda Pop said between sobs, then he and Cherry Cola headed out to the car, where Scootaloo was waiting in the back seat.

"Honey.." Cherry Cola looked back at Scootaloo. "It's not so bad.. I mean.. you're still good at scootering. I mean, you're so close to breaking the land speed record on a scooter, and you're only fourteen! And.."

"Mom, I know" Scootaloo retorted. She looked at her Cutie Mark sadly, a grim reminder that she'd never be a great flyer like her hero, Rainbow Dash.

She was silent for the rest of the way home, doing her best to hold in her tears. She hated her cutie mark. She hated her broken wings. She hated her stupid defective genes. She hated herself.

When they got home, she immediatly stormed off to her room, crying. Her parents went to their bedroom, presumably to cry as well. Scootaloo slammed her door. Then she bucked her door mirror, shattering it. Then she threw a hairbrush at her vanity mirror, shattering that too. She checked the drawer on her vanity and found a small hand mirror. She slammed it against her doorknob, shattering that mirror as well. She didn't want to see herself at all. She was ugly, in her eyes. Ugly and defective. She could never be happy, not if she'd never get to realize her dream of flying with Rainbow Dash.

She sat on the floor after that, and sobbed. She picked up a glass shard off the floor. Her hoof bled slightly, but she ignored it. She glared hatefully into the small image of herself in the mirror she now held. "This is your fault! I hate you!" She threw it across the room and sobbed some more. She lay their crying for around ten minutes. She then crawled over to her closet, where she kept things from her childhood, things she called "Pieces of Memories"

She got out a box labeled "Cutie MARK Crusaders". She smiled a bit at her handwriting, then opened the box. In it were a few pictures of her old friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, her old Cutie Mark Crusaders cape, and her old yearbook. She knew their signatures were in there somewhere. There was also a CD she had made. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had made it for her before she left Ponyville, about four years ago.

She put it in her DVD player and hit play. Before her eyes she watched countless failed attempts at getting their cutie marks, and had to smile a bit. They had been fortunate enough to get all three of their Cutie Marks on film, first Sweetie Belle's, then herself, then finally Apple Bloom. She smiled at how excited they looked in the video tape.

Her parents came in to talk to her at that moment, only to find her sobbing into the cape she'd had since she was a filly. They looked at each other, than at Scootaloo.

"Sweetie.. your mirrors.."

She buried her face under her cape, not ready to be yelled at.

"It's okay sweetie. Normally we'd yell at you, but at a time like this.. you're actually taking it well, compared to how many kids would react."

She buried her head deeper in the cape. She knew they meant well, but she wasn't ready to talk to anybody.

"What if we let you see Rainbow Dash?"

She pulled her head out and looked at the Rainbow Dash poster above her bed. Rainbow Dash was in the Wonderbolts, and Scootaloo's role model. She had actually socialized with her back in Ponyville quite a bit, but the Wonderbolts hardly ever did shows in Fillydelphia. She did watch every show on TV, though.

"You'd fly me all the way out to Ponyville just so I can see Rainbow Dash fly?" She wiped a tear from her eye.

"Well.. we would.. but wouldn't you rather move there?" They looked at her, expecting a smile.

And they got one. "Really? We're really moving back to Ponyville? Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!!!" She instantly forgot about her wings and about being sad.

"Well, your father's job has a branch in Ponyville, and they were willing to let him transfer. We saw online that our old house was vacant, and we were gonna buy it. We just had to be 100% sure you were okay with it, first."

Scootaloo was so excited. She emailed her old friends almost daily, and video chatted regularly. But she hadn't seen them in person in almost four years. From what she heard, though, Ponyville wasn't doing as good as when she left. Rarity and Applejack, along with their friends, were apparently.. well, they wouldn't say what was wrong because most of it was hard for them to talk about. She hoped it wasn't so bad that they couldn't hang out together.