• Published 11th May 2013
  • 818 Views, 5 Comments

Beyond Redemption - Tender Ninja

"When your past and every memory is dead and buried, there is nothing left to do, but to step forward."

  • ...

Prologue - Gateway


Tap tap tap tap tap ...

The sound of rain always used to keep me calm, but this time waking up had a bitter taste, lacking any sort of pleasure. It was one of those times when you feel rested, you had no nightmares and nothing hurts, but somehow you feel like shit. Not like waking up the best thing ever, but still...

This one sucked.

My name is Jeffrey Bennet. I am 25 years old male citizen of Phoenix, and I work as a private detective. Cool stuff, you might say, and indeed, I do like my job. It's tough, sometimes even dirty and bloody, but the thought that thanks to your actions the world might be just a little bit better, than some people might live easier and safer life is something you do appreciate.

Deciding to finally move my lazy ass, I got up, and for a few minutes I was sitting in a bed with a face of pure anguish. After those few minutes of mental whining and cursing the day that it dared to come, I jumped out of bed and walked towards the wardrobe in order to take some clothes.

Here we go. Sleeveless shirt with the logo of Disturbed (BEST BAND EVER), pair of blue jeans and black socks.

"I really gotta go to shop and get some new pants... Can't run your whole life on two pairs" I chucled to myself.

I had three pair of pants in fact : two pairs of jeans, one black and one blue, the ones I'm wearing right now and the black, elegant trousers being a part of my suit. I didn't really like them – as long as I liked wearing casual clothes, those trousers sucked.

On my way to the kitchen, I decided to take a look at myself in the mirror.

Here we go. I had a black hair, now short, but when I was a teen my hair were reaching to the half of my back. Not like it mattered – they were always coupled into a ponytail. I had a dream of becoming a professional musician, and being the metalhead I am, my hair were supposed to help me with my epic headbanging. Long story short, no shit happened, and being irritated by senseless long hair of mine, I cut them off.

Rest of my face was rather normal for a man, I even had grown a five o'clock shadow – gotta shave soon - one could even call me handsome. Except for my eyes. They were in a color of very bright grey or – as one of my friends called them - platinum. Usually, at least, cause now they resembled more a dirty steel rather than platinum. I had a bags under my eyes – courtesy of a week of almost complete insomnia.

My body was rather fit : not too muscular, but I used to play a lot of handball when I was a teen, and even currently I enjoy match or two per week. On my right arm was a tatoo of a dragon.

A man with a dragon tatoo (no pun intended).

I sighed and turned away, entering the kitchen. 11 A.M... Dammit, I kinda overslept. Not like I had much to do, as I was on a vacation, but I wasn't used to sleeping to that late and now I felt overwhelming urge to just go back, close myself in my room and pretend that I do not exist.

As I begun to prepare my breakfast, small rain outside evolved into a thunderstorm. I loved them, those outstanding, beautiful demonstrations of Mother Nature's raw power. The sound of rain furiously hitting the ground, the sounds and flashes of lightnings were always soothing for me, helped me relax.

I sat down and begun to eat my breakfast. Nothing fancy, just a two sandwiches with cheese and some ketchup. God bless ketchup. Ketchup is the best thing ever. As I chewed, I started to rethink the events of two weeks. With my humble help, our police finally caught a drug dealer, which turned into war with his whole family and later with the half of the city. Asshole had been feeding his son with a meth to keep the kid from escaping. Not really smart move, considering that the police dogs ( no pun intended ) excell at sensing drugs. This case costed me concussion and two broken ribs, and kid, sadly, had died of the amount of drugs in his body. Kid was only 7 years old...

I looked at my phone and noticing five unanswered calls. How is it even possible? Simple, I keep my phone muted ninety nine percent of times, turning the sound on only when I expect an important call. The mysterious guy called again, and this time I picked it up.

"Yea?" I winced, hearing how throaty my voice was.

"Damn it J.J! It would be nice if you looked at your phone just once!" - Ah, the voice I will recognize even when I will be dead.

"Leah!" - I shouted, instantly feeling better "Dammit girl, I'm sorry, you know I don't make phone calls, so I never expect anybody to call me. And my phone is muted all the time, so..."

"It's cool. Hey, do you have a while?" Leah asked sweetly. I couldn't say no.

"Sure, did something happen?"

"Something has to happen for me to come see my best friend forever?" Here we go... - "Or maybe you simply do not like me anymore...?" her voice dropped, and I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

"Hey, do not push yourself, kid! If you don't care about my home looking like if it was nuked, feel free to come."

"Cool. See ya then, J.J!"

J.J. I hated this nickname, and for no real reason. It originated from my initials, as my second name was John. Thank to whatever deity watches over us that my parents gave me a second name. Not like initials J.B would be something to be proud of. Most of my friends during high school and later used this while calling for me, but in talks they always called me by name, and I was grateful for that.

In no time I heard knocking to the door. I opened it, and was greeted by a pleasant sight of my best friend forever, Leah Bryton. She looked as stunning as always. Her long, brown hair gently ran on her back, her face beaming, but focused as always. Her big, green eyes were scanning me from top to toes. She was wearing a black, leather jacked, a pair of jeans and black boots, and was carrying a big-ass, yellow umbrella with "ears". Kinda cute if you ask me.

"Hello again." she said, unceremoniously walking past me and entering to my main room, when she insolently dropped on a coach and looked at me.

"I'm happy to see you too. So, what can I do for ya?" I asked, walking to the kitchen for some cola.

"I just came to see how do you feel. You didn't come out since the start of your vacation, after that cursed case with that drug dealer. You didn't even call. And I was worried."

"Li, you don't have to worry 'bout me. I'm a big boy and I can take care of myself." I smiled.

"Just like a year ago, when I had to drunk your drunk butt back home. You're totally responsible." she answered, smiling innocently, and continued "Anyway, that's now what I wanted to ask for. You want to talk about something, don't you?"

I frowned "Where did you get this thought from?"

"Look at yourself, Jeff. You look like a shit."

I sighed "Maybe 'cause I feel like one."

Something in her eyes flashed. Maybe it was concern. Maybe it was sadness. Maybe it was guilt. I really couldn't tell.

I passed her glass filled with cola, and sat next to her. Leah was a person you could always count on. She was responsible, caring kind and honest. She always would tell you what she thinks about you, your actions and your words.Which was not always pleasant. She ... helped me to get out of a terrible gutter two years ago.

I tried to find correct words to explain what's on my heart. "I feel... burned out. Like, I can't find any sense in what I do. I wake up in the morning, go to work, go back... But for who? I feel lonely.

I have problems focusing on tasks. I don't care about what's happening around. Li, I... I feel like I'm going insane."

"Go on." Leah whispered "Let it all go."

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to collect my thoughts.

"I feel... weak. Like I'm not enough to deal with my own life. Worst handicap ever."

"Stop right there. Just because you have a moment of weakness, doesn't mean you're a handicap. Considering your childhood and events you have a contact in your everyday work, I admire you're still as sane as everybody else. You're a strong guy, but still, you're just a human."

Since I was quiet, she continued.

"You're alone with all your problems, it's not strange you finally broke down. Honestly... I feel responsible for this."

"And where's your guilt in it?" I frowned.

"I left you when you needed me. I was forced to, due to my parents moving from Phoenix, but I still feel guilty. Maybe if I was there, you wouldn't have tried to give up on your life."

"I was stupid." I mumbled. "And I was sure we agreed to never talk about it again. Anyway... I feel better after telling you all this. Thank you for being a listener for such a grumpy like me.

Leah smiled and hugged me. "Always, J.J.". She then looked at the clock and gasped. "My, it's almost 12 already? I apologize Jeff, but I have to go now. I have craploads of paperwork, and it really can't wait. I'll catch up on you soon though?

I grinned. "Certainly. We're in touch. Would you like me to drive you back home?"

She looked through the window and nodded. "If it's not too much of trouble. This storm is getting serious..."

"Fear not, for I shall protect you from whatever lies ahead!"

"Except of a few millions of volts running through your body."

Damn, she's cute. It's a dangerous mix : a cute, beautiful young woman turns into a badass, bold chick after you know her for a while. She's a metalhead though, quite like me. The worst of all – she was able to outdrink me. Thrice. Never drink with a badass, metalhead chick. Especially if she's a friend of yours.

As I entered back home, I walked back to the mirror and looked at my reflection.

Nothing really changed, maybe my eyes were now a little less gloom, and a small smile appeared on my lips.

"Lookin' good, Jeff" I said to myself, and I touched the mirror.

The same moment, a thunder struck in my house, and I was greeted by a bliding flash of golden light, as I felt my body becoming heavier and heavier. I wasn't losing my senses, it was more like I was under the water. Then, I heard a woman speaking, propably to me, her voice, while rather soothing, had a strange accent and something sinister to it.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

So wake up, Mr. Bennet. Wake up, and smell the ashes.

I tried to speak, but I couldn't move a single muscle. Then, the golden glow was replaced by overwhelming darkness, as I passed out.

Author's Note:

This is my very first fanfic ever. As you propably noticed, I'm not a native english speaker, I'm looking for a proofreader.
Comment, rate and give me your feedback.

ninja out