• Published 15th May 2013
  • 636 Views, 27 Comments

What the Buck is Equestria? - fluffle22puff

A human is transported to Ponyville by Twilight Sparkle's magic, and must figure out how to adapt, as well as convince them that he is not from Manehattan.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

You open the door to the library, and as you walk outside, you notice that it is actually a tree. Scratching your head, puzzled, you walk down the street, or, clop down the street, more like it.
Snickering, you notice how much like one of the villages in your manga back home it is like. Or like one of the NPC villages in your video games. Despite not knowing you(or, at least, you THINK they don't know you) the colorful ponies all wave at you and smile as you walk by. Always the polite child of your mother's seven back home, you smile and nod back.

The town is a quaint little town. Homes line the streets, and though they are a bit old-fashioned, they remind you of condos. The town is built in a small valley, with a schoolhouse on one of the hills. As walk around in wonder, you feel a rumbling.

"Maybe this town is prone to earthquakes?" You wonder to yourself, but then face palm, (hoof palm)yourself, realizing you're just hungry. Walking around, you look for a place for food. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a stand of apples, selling what seems to be all apple products.

I sure could use an apple pie right now...

The stand is being manned by an orange pony with a blond ponytail. You walk up to the stand, slumping down in front of it.

"Uuuumm... Could I have an apple pie please?" You say, knocking on the stand sign.

"Course' ya can," she said. "That'll be three bits."

"Bits...?" You ask. "What the hell are bits?"

"Whaddaya mean, what are bits?" She looks up at me. "Ah, it's you. Up, sugarcube?"

"Well, yes, but how did you know I was asleep?"

She winked. "I was one of the ponies lookin' after ya."

You fidget, not completely comfortable with the thought that some girls were looking at you while you slept.

"So what are bits?" You ask.

"Ya should know what bits are. Bits are our way of payin' for stuff. I'm not so much of a country hick that I think Manehattan doesn't use bits. What're ya gettin' at?" She gives you a puzzled look.

"I told you, I don't know where Manehattan is! I'm not from Manehattan!" Your outburst scares her, but also draws a pitying look from her.

"We'll figure it out I'm sure. Tell ya what. Meet me at the schoolhouse up on that hill there round two o clock. And ya can take the pie. Don't look like ya got any bits on ya anyway. Later, ya should earn some bits tho." She hands you the pie.

You nod to her, thank her for the pie, and walk off, puzzled. You decide to find a place to relax and enjoy your pie.

Finding a bench outside a restaurant, you sit down and dig in. Unsure how to eat without a fork, you awkwardly shove your face into the pie. As you eat, you overhear a conversation.

"How could you let him get away, Spike! What if that was actually a successful summoning!? Now we could never find him!"

"Sorry Twilight! It's just... I was sleepy, and he was so fast, he just kinda stormed off... He couldn't have gotten far. Maybe Owlowiscious could look for him?"

"I don't know, Spike. He could be anywhere."

"Hey y'all. Lookin' for that colt ya summoned earlier Twilight?"

"Yes! How did you know? Do you know where he is?"

"Nope, but we're meeting at the schoolhouse later. Then we'll talk everythin' over."

"Phew! Okay. I'll see you there then."

You look back to what is left of your pie.

"Good god," you groan. "I hope this isn't a trap..."