• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 8,078 Views, 89 Comments

Shadows of Giants - kaiju and pony fan

Fluttershy, after being sucked into a mysterious portal and transformed, finds herself in a world where humans try to survive in the shadows of giants.

  • ...


Fluttershy stood at the edge of a two story building, her feet bare and exposed to cold concrete while a wild wind stirred her pink hair and yellow nightgown. In front of her was a city, burning and crumbling. While it was nighttime, the fast climbing flames made it seem almost like sunrise. Despite the heat from the flames, she felt a chill running down her spine as the choking smell of smoke filled her nostrils. Suddenly, she heard the sound of booming footsteps behind her. Her heart began to pound and sweat began to bead upon her brows. She could even feel tears welling up in her eyes.

Just then, a shadow loomed over her. She could hear the sound of a large animal breathing in and out. She willed herself to turn and found herself face-to-face with Godzilla, looking as though he had strode through the darkest, deepest pits of Tartarus. The monster leered down on Fluttershy, his eyes burning bright as fire and his mouth twisted into a demonic smile. Fluttershy could see his back spikes beginning to flash and whisps of blue vapor curling between his fangs. Fluttershy tried to will herself to run but she couldn't. It as if her feet were glued to the spot. The last thing she saw was Godzilla opening his jaws and letting his azure inferno spill onto the former pegasus.

Fluttershy jolted upwards and let out a shrill yelp. She then looked around to see her friends now awake and looking at her in concern.

"You alright, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

The former pegasus let out a sigh of relief. "It was just a dream." she whispered to herself.

Fluttershy then noticed Kenji was missing, his side replaced by a curled up Ami.

"Where did Kenji go?"

Pinkie answered, "I saw him walk out a few minutes ago while I was getting a glass of water, said he was going somewhere important."

Fluttershy thought about it and erupted out of bed. She then ran downstairs only to be greeted by Aki in her own nightgown, sipping some coffee.

"Good morning, Fuka." she greeted.

"Hey, Mrs. Akamoto, do you know where Kenji went?"

"Oh, he went to the cemetery across the street. And you can just call me Aki."

Fluttershy nodded before running off, forgetting to put on her slipper shoes in the process. The sun was just peeking over the corner, so not many people were out, but the ones who had taken the time for an early morning jog were greeted by the sight of a pink-haired girl running barefoot in a yellow nightgown.

Fluttershy spotted Kenji walking along the sidewalk, his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, Kenji!"

The boy turned to see Fluttershy, still in her nightgown and feet bare running towards him.

"Hey there, Fluttershy, you sleep well? And why are you still in your nightgown?"

Fluttershy blinked before realizing what she was wearing and blushed. "Um, mind if I come with you?"

Kenji shrugged. "Why not?"

After a few minutes, the pair finally arrived at the cemetery. Fluttershy followed Kenji to a grave marker that read in kanji.

Here lies Tatsuo Akamoto
Born:December 9th, 1995, Died: May 16th, 2026
Trusted member of Monarch Shipping, Beloved Husband, Loving Father

Kenji dropped down to his knee and touched the ground where his father's coffin was buried underneath and sighed. Fluttershy watched as he did this. How did his father die? she thought. As if he read her thoughts, Kenji began to speak.

"I was only eleven-years-old when he went. He told my mom the company he worked for had called him for a meeting. Late that night, some men visited our house and talked to my mom. I overheard them say something about my dad and a car crash. They told her he was so bent up, he was gone before the ambulances could even get there in time. The last thing I told him before he left was 'goodbye'."

Kenji's voice began to waver as he continued, "I-I never thought that would b-be the last thing I e-ever told him the night he... he..."

Kenji couldn't continue as he broke down sobbing. He remembered his mother spotting him at the stairwell, still in his pajamas, knowing he had heard every word those men told her and wrapping him in her arms, both of them crying at their loss. For Aki, it was losing the man she loved. For Kenji, it was losing a proud, loving father.

Suddenly, Kenji felt a pair of firm, yet gentle hands grip his shoulders and slowly pull him up to a standing position. The hands then turned him around until he was eye-to-eye with Fluttershy, sympathy etching across her face. For a while they stood like that before she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Kenji was shocked at first before returning the hug.

Afterwards, Kenji and Fluttershy walked side-by-side to the house. However, upon reaching it, they saw Kimiko, still wearing her fleece pants and t-shirt, her arms across her chest, the expression on her face looked as if it were saying something along the lines of "What have we discussed about keeping secrets?"

"You could have told us three of your friends were psychics." she told Fluttershy.

Fluttershy and Kenji exchanged glances before heading inside where they were greeted with a... rather unusual sight.

Twilight sat in the living room in a meditative state, her eyes tightly clenched as three balls rotated around her, all of them illuminated by a magenta aura. The balls circled her like the planets circling the sun. Rarity was currently levitating a pair of soaps and contemplating which one to use while Shining was just testing his levitating powers on a small box.

The first of the former Equestrians to notice the pair come in was Pinkie Pie, her face curled up into the biggest smile, followed by everyone else. Twilight, after letting her floating balls drift gently to the ground, drew in a deep breath and exhaled.

"Yeah, I take it we have some explaining to do don't we?"

Kenji gave out a small smile. "Don't we all?"

Author's Note:

And so we get Kenji bonding with Fluttershy. BTW, Fluttershy's nightmare was inspired by this

In other news, TOHO HAS DECIDED TO BRING BACK GODZILLA ON THEIR FRONT! The King of the Monsters is back, baby! Happy Holidays!