• Published 6th May 2013
  • 1,260 Views, 37 Comments


When the world of Equestria is threatened with extinction, only one group of Harmonious Ponies can save the world as we know it.

  • ...

A Visitor From Another World

Twilight put a hoof up to her eyes as she and Rainbow arrived at the top most level of the underground city Hangers. The blinding light coming from the open doors at the very end. The two slowly walked towards the scorched Earth in front of them. Of the two to be most effected by the sight was Rainbow, though she didn't show it on her face.

Sure she was a Pegasus Pony, but that didn't stop her from admiring the once lush greens and blues of Equestria's surface. Not to mention she used to be part of the reason that Equestria stayed Green and Blue, and now she couldn't even fly up to Cloudsdale. She looked up into the sky, spotting the new dull brown grey mass that currently is the remains of Cloudsdale. A single tear formed in the corner of her eye, but she quickly blinked it away. She didn't want to distract herself from what their job was.

"You ready to go Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked as she spread her wings and ruffled them getting all the unused muscles ready to fly. A moment later her horn glowed, covering herself and Rainbow with a protective magical shield that would essentially keep them alive on the toxic surface of Equestria.

Rainbow looked over at Twilight and nodded, "Let's get this done I don't want to be outside for too long." she said spreading her wings open and dragging a hoof on the ground, preparing to fly.

"You and me both Rainbow Dash. I don't know why Celestia would send us to Ponyville since it was destroyed. I mean, what is the point? There's nothing there but radioactive glass covered houses." Twilight said as she too got ready to take off. Her hooves scraping against the cold metal beneath them.

"Who knows? Let's just get this done, okay?" Rainbow asked as she ran forward at top speed before pushing off the ground and taking flight.

Twilight let out a long sigh with a shake of her head, "Yeah guess that's a good way of ending the topic." she says lifting her head and running off after Rainbow Dash and lifting up into the sky. Her eyes blinking at the ungodly brightness that shined off of the ground due to it being turned mostly to glass from the radioactive bombardment from above. As her eyes adjusted she watched her reflection on the ground, a small smile on her face as she remembered the few times that she flew over the water, catching her reflection in it as she learned how to fly.

She then giggled as she remembered how many times it took just to get off the ground. She was very thankful for Princess Celestia's help, being her student and all, but it was in fact Rainbow who helped her the most. Sure, Rainbow pulled her occasional jokes and pranks as Twilight attempted to learn to fly. But Rainbow being Rainbow, took it very seriously most days and Twilight rapidly became a very good flyer. Of course, Rainbow would NEVER let Twilight get the compliment of 'Best Flyer in Equestria!' Which Twilight, gladly accepted, she was a Princess, she didn't need that title too.

She looked up and spotted the bright cyan Pegasus Pony that was Rainbow flying ahead of her, she flapped her wings harder to catch up to her friend. "Boy Rainbow Dash, when you are in a mood...you are in a mood." She muttered to herself as she got closer to Rainbow. Of course, as soon as she got closer Rainbow sped up just a bit more. Forcing Twilight to fly faster to keep up.

"Rainbow! Not so fast!" Twilight called out to her, Rainbow on the other hoof, didn't want to slow down. Something drove her forward like a calling as something glittered on the Horizon. It was then that Twilight saw the glittering and flapped harder and faster. It took only a few minutes but when they arrived, their jaws dropped instantly. Looking up at the towering gold mass that could only be described as alien.

"This isn't a Gamilus ship is it?" Rainbow asked as she trotted around the object. Looking at the unusual, archaic designs and unusual bumps that littered it's surface. Rainbow pressed a hoof to the metal and blinked, "It's cold."

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she too observed the strange towering object. "Cold...but it's blistering hot out here!" she said rubbing a foreleg against her forehead, wiping away the sweat that blanketed her coat. "That and it should be giving off it's own heat, having only JUST crashed on Equestria." she said placing her own hoof on the metal and blinking at it's lack of heat.

Twilight dropped her hoof but only for a moment. She then noticed what looked like a hoof print on the side of the capsule. She looked at her hoof and then at the shape, then gently placed it upon the indented shape.


Almost immediately a large egg shaped hatch on the side of the capsule cracked open and lowered. Of course, sending Rainbow instantly into defense mode and leaping in front of Twilight. Who blinked several times before placing a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "It's ok. It's just a door."

Rainbow looked back and protested, "Yeah, but what's BEHIND the door is what worries me!" Of course that argument died VERY rapidly as a very tall White Coated Mare appeared before them. Of course, within a single moment of exposure on the surface of Equestria, the mare would not have survived. With that thought in mind Twlight tried to rapidly form a protective barrier around the Mare with her magic, who slowly fell to the surface of Equestria, limp as a rag dolly pony.

Twilight gasped as she looked down at the once beautiful mare. No signs of life being given whilst lying there. Rainbow looked down at the mare with curiosity but also a small hint of distrust. That was when the Mare suddenly opened her eyes and gasped for air. Twilight jumped and nearly let her magic barrier drop in fear but stayed firm in keeping this mare alive.

"Where....where am I?" the Mare asked weakly, as if she had just woken from a VERY VERY long sleep. Her voice was soft and sweet, as if listening to the slow beautiful melody that would be played by a harp. Her bright blue-green eyes scanning around her, surprised to see the dead brown-orange ground that she laid upon. Her wings, tucked neatly underneath what could be described as a formal dressing gown. And to both Twilight's and Rainbow's surprise, a white horn protruded from the Mare's forehead.

Rainbow blinked a few times, "She's an Alicorn..." she muttered to herself taking in the Mare's appearance and silently trying to find out what kind of threat she was to both herself, Twilight, and Equestria.

"You're on Equestria...you kind of crashed here..." Twilight began as the Mare started to stand up, but ultimately failing, "Easy, easy, you've been through alot, rest." Twilight uttered with concern littering her voice.


"Yeah, that's right. Now who are you? Why are you hear?" Rainbow pushed inquisitively.

"I...I made it..." she said with a sigh as her eyes closed and her breathing slowed.

Rainbow frowned and nudged the Mare's face with a hoof, "Hey! I'm talking to you!" she bellowed having not been answered.

Twilight put her hoof on Rainbows and shook her head, "Hey, take it easy. She's asleep and if you crashed into a planet and didn't know what was going on, you'd be tired too."


"No buts Rainbow, come on, lets get her to Canterlot Hospital. They can take care of here and Princess Celestia will decide what to do with her after we explain what happened." Twilight said starting to lift the Mare up onto her back.

Rainbow looked absolutely disgusted at the thought of helping some VERY strange pony from who knows where. "Twilight! She could be a Gamilus spy! Or worse, she could be here to kill Princess Celestia!" Rainbow pressed, her skepticism wearing thin as it was. But then, who could blame the little pony for that?

"My decision is final Rainbow, we aren't just going to leave somepony out here in this wasteland to die. How would you feel if it was YOU?" Twilight retorted.

Rainbow opened her mouth to argue but instantly shut it as fast as she had opened it. "Alright fine. I don't like it...but fine." she said stomping a hoof into the ground in a final show of protest. Twilight smiled and nodded once the Mare was on her back. Then without a moment's notice, ran and took off into the sky. Rainbow too one last look at the golden capsule and sighed, following Twilight, keeping a fair distance, in case the sleeping Mare should try something funny.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry it took me this long to get out. I have been having some stuff happen in the real world so I had to put my writing on pause for a bit.