• Published 8th May 2013
  • 870 Views, 29 Comments

Twilight Sparkle and her Human Roommate - supersonicfan91

Celstia askes twilight to travel to another world to study its in habits

  • ...

Prologue: Twilight's mission


Before you start reading this I am looking for an editor for this please message me if you would like to edit and add details I forget to add. So overall this is a Giant rough draft. Edited to have more description

It was a calm day in Equestria and a young Alicorn named Twilight Sparkle was heading back to Princess Celestia's Castle In Canterlot. Twilight recently became the princess of friendship and was about to receive a new task from Celestia herself. She was worried over what her task could be many thoughts came to her head. With the thoughts distracting her she trotted right into the door in front of her at the moment. The door to the throne room where princess Celestia waited. Twilight opened the door while her foreleg shaking from the nervousness she felt at the moment. Sure she meet the princess on official and unofficial business before but for some unknown reason she always was nervous when they where together.

"Ahh Twilight you arrived" Said Celstia noticing Twilight walking in."I'm sure you of all ponies are aware of the mulitverse theory correct?."

Twilight nodded and said "Yes that's where every single possibility exist with only a small change between universes correct?"

"That's right, now I believe that i found one that we can travel too." Celestia told Twilight

"How did that come about to be it seems a bit odd?" Twilight said questioning her mentor

Celestia smiled at Twilight and said "Let's just say a certain mint green unicorn want to prove her earth pony friend wrong about something"

"Lyra asked you too find a human didn't she?" responed Twilight letting out a small chuckle

Celestia returned the laughter and said "9 times a day for the past 3 months." The sun princess returned to being serious. "That got me thinking maybe the beings from the other universe can teach us so much more and from what I have seen they have technology far beyond what we have."

"Sounds interesting princess but what does this have to do with me?" Asked Twilight a little surprised to learn humans exist.

"I'll be sending you there to observe and learn about the race that lives there." Twilight was shocked to not only find out that an alien race exist but she would be the first to go in order to learn about them. "Only If you accept of course "

"A chance to expand my knowledge and befriend and alien species sounds like fun, but what about my friends here in Equestria I'm not sure if I can just leave them behind." Twilight asked knowing that her friends would miss her if she left.

"I understand Twilight I was planning to send them as well when I find a place in the new world suitable for them and close by to where you'll be staying as well." Said Celestia to help comfort her student

"In that case I shall write them each a letter then I'll be ready Princess."

"There's no need to be so formal Twilight also I found the one you will be staying with meet me in an hour and every thing should be ready." Twilight noded her head to Celestia and turned to go back to her old room that she use to live in before going to Ponyville to write the letters to her friends.

Meanwhile in Louisiana

"Look I'll check my E-mail then I'll set up the room In Soul Sacrifice ok?" The man said into his phone "ok we'll party chat later bye." He signed as he hung up the phone and went to his e-mail where he saw a weird e-mail labeled from Equestria. "Oh this should be interesting" The man said sarcastically. He opened it and it read.

Dear Human,

I'm a Princess Celstia of Equestria telling you that you have been selected to take part in our mulitiverse study program. My faithful student Twilight Sparkle will coming to your home in a few hours.

"yeah right this totally a prank e-mail wait till they hear about this." He then proceeded to go play with his friends online.

Back in Equestria

" You said your good bye's Twilight?"

"Yes Pr- I mean Celestia are you sure that the spells you taught me will work?"

"Yes Twilight I even got my sister Luna to test them for me"

"Thanks that's reassuring I'm ready. Goodbye " Twilight said as she walked through the portal

"I am serious, that's what the e-mail said"

"Yeah right man funny story though" said a voice from the PSvita

"I know there's no way that would happen ever though." said another voice from the devise

"Fine I got go now anyway I'm starting to smell" The Man said to them both turning the Vita off he got everything he needed for a shower but decided to check his e-mail once before just in case anything important came. He logged on and saw 1 new e-mail from the same sender as earlier. He opened it and it read

Dear Human

For Twilight to visit you Click the attachment.

The man saw the attachment labeled Twilight Sparkle.EXE "Well the scan says its not a virus, so I guess its safe." He clicked it and the computer screen went White and a purple alicorn walked through the screen and into the room. it looked around and saw him and smiled at him.

Twilight looked around at her new surroundings and saw the man and said "Hello you must be the human I was assigned to stay with over the course of my visit here."

"T-T-T-Twi" The Man stuttered trying to say the name from the letter

"Is something wrong?" Twilight asked the man concerned for him

"IS SOMETHING WRONG?" the man yelled "YES THERE IS. YOU CAN'T BE REAL. You Twilight Sparkle shouldn't exist and on the off and very slim chance I'm not crazy, delusional, or dreaming at the moment, how are you here and why?

"Didn't you read the letter earlier? It said I was coming here to study Humans and learn all about their customs, behavior, and patterns of day to day live."

The man rubbed his head and said "So you came to an alternate dimension"


"Whatever to study us. Don't you think you draw some attention to your self because in-case you didn't noticed. WE DON'T HAVE MAGICAL TALKING ALICORNS HERE." The Man yelled at Twilight

"I am well aware of that." Twilight said calmly thinking he might just be in shock causing quick anger. "That's why Celestia taught me a spell to appear human but at the same time keep my abilities observe." A Purple glow surrounded her followed by a blinding flash. When the flash ended the man looked and saw a human girl standing there before him "well, do I look like a human female."

The man turned away right after he noticed a detail Twilight missed "WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ANY CLOTHES ON? DON'T YOU HAVE A SENSE OF SHAME AT ALL?"

"Are you saying humans always where clothes?" Twilight asked

"Yes, now change back." Twilight complied with the man's request to revert to her alicorn form. "Ok now I need to find you some clothes to where for when your human."

Twilight wondering why humans wanted to have clothes on so she asked. "If you don't mind my asking why are you so keen on getting me to wear clothes as a human?"

"It's call public decency if you don't follow it you can get arrested and put in prison." The man answered bluntly.

"Ok then I guess I have a lot to learn about this place." "I'm so excited to learn everything I can about this place aren't you excited too about learning about my culture in return."

"HEY I DIDN'T EXACTLY AGREE TO THIS YOU KNOW." Twilight frowned upon hearing this "Look I'll help you just need to follow a few rules ok."

"I understand and I kinda expected that after all I'm a guest and this is your house."

"Good now rule 1: We need a cover story for why your here so we to think of a believable one."

"Ok makes sense how I'm just a distant cousin from a foreign land."

"That could work but what about why you came here."

"How about I came to study American culture form a very unknown country."

"Ok then you came from Molossia"

"Wheres that?"

"It's in Nevada. Trust me very few people even know about it.

"then how do you know about it?"

"Internet movie and I'll explain the Internet later."

"Ok so now I got my story covered whats next?"

"Rule 2: when human always where some clothes. Tomorrow we are going to a store to get some human clothes you'll just pay me back later. Which is Rule 3: you need to get a job to pay your way around here."

"I sure that won't be hard I can do a lot with my magic."

"Rule 4: no magic in public Humans can't do magic"

"Well at least I can fly"

"No flying either"

"This is going to be harder than I thought."

"Whatever make a list of them if you have to. I'll go take a shower and I'll be back shortly just watch TV in the meantime."

"What's TV?"

"Looks like I got a lot to teach you. The remote is on the chair"

The man left to take his shower. Twilight found the remote but started analyzing it more than using it.

around 20 mintues later the man returned

"I just realized I never asked for your name, So whats your name?"

"Just call me Adam."

"OK Adam whats next?"

"First thing I am going to do is get you some Pajamas so you can take a shower to practice human cleaning. The soap bar for your body and shampoo is for your hair. If you have any questions just ask OK."

"Sure no problem" Said Twilight as Adam left to get her some pajamas he grabbed a simple white shirt and some sweat pants for her. He came back and gave Twilight the cloths to wear after the shower. She thanked him and took the shower while he sat down trying to fix the remote Twilight took apart to analyze. After failing to do that he decided to get one at Walmart tomorrow. Twilight then came out in her human form with the pajamas on. Now that she was clothed he got a good look at her. He wouldn't say this to her, but he thought she was cute with the dark purple hair with pink and purple strips he guessed she was about 5 foot 5 and thanks to her hands on the waist he could tell she had an hourglass figure. He also noticed that she had the mark on her flank moved to the back of her right hand "So what what are the sleeping arrangements?" Twilight asked

"Well, Twilight I thought hard about this and since I live alone and only have one bed." Adam said as he got up "you get to sleep on the couch."

"Well in Equestria"

"Let me just stop you there and say this is not Equestria." Adam said interrupting Twilight. "This is Earth and on Earth the Guest has to be polite and listen to the host OK."

"Fine but you still have help me learn everything I can about human culture." Twilight reminded him as he went to bed to fall asleep hoping this was all just a bad dream

Author's Note:

well that was a long prologue. This is basic like a sitcom with 1 chapter long plot lines that might recur If i and fans want it to happen leave plot ideas in the comments or send me a message. I will respond to the messages. Other ponies will come in too as well but Adam and Twilight are the main focus. Also I need an editor.