• Published 5th May 2013
  • 4,231 Views, 103 Comments

'Who I've Become' - Rarity - spetsnaz pinkie pie

A man lost his life to save another now he has been given another chance live again.

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Comments ( 39 )

Try Sapphire because Rarity looks for gems anyway. I think it works a bit :twilightsheepish:

YAY! an update!

this is stupid but what about Diamond.:pinkiecrazy:

Je so there now is a Rarity that like stallions and a Rarity that like mares…unless he was gay when he was on earth…I wonder if Twilight or the princess will have a sex change spell so she can become a male version of Rarity? He will be still be Rarity only with rule34 and lets face it, wouldn't be awesome to have twin brother and sister Rarities?

Besides he had pass throw a lot, I said, give him something to adapt better, please it will make the story very interesting

How about Crystal or Gem?

Also Gamer Luna FTW

I expected more screaming but still good. Try some gem related names or Clarity. I don't know. Just so long the fic continues.

:pinkiehappy:i like this new chapter and for the name Clarity or Sapphire is good:eeyup::raritywink::twilightsmile:

3401868 But there's already a Sapphire Shores in the show so even though it's a good name for her...him.....well yeah it's already been done.
I do like Clarity but I also suggest Pearl as it's a pretty rare gem.


Isn't pearl the name of Raritys mother?

3403361 Oh yeah, I forgot her. :duck: Hmmm...what about Jewel or something :rainbowhuh:

Diamond Butt? I don't know what to call her. I was never good at names. :applejackconfused:

3403375 I thought so too, but it turns out Pearl is a fanbased name. Rarity and Sweetie Belle's mother, nor her father's, name is never canonically mentioned in the show.

Guess you could call her Purity or something.... STOP MOCKING ME! ...... NO YOU SHUT UP!

Heck have Sweetie suggest something like "Flattery".

After all, Imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery....

3403375 How about Vanity?

3403375>>3404034 I think I'll actually second that name (Purity). Not the best name, but one's supposedly should become ''cleansed'' by the most generous action that exist... self-sacrifice.
And considering that she was a he and what she just went through, I'll guess she'll remain ''pure'' for quite awhile, with everything on/in her mind.
Or maybe the name 'Variety' would be better, as she is a ''Rarity'' from different world. Same sounding name, but different. Same body, but different mind.

I'd also wouldn't be surprised if she ended up with Aphenphosmphobia (also known as Haphephobia) which is the 'fear of being touched'.

Actually, when I think about it, I would be surprised if she didn't get it. And a severe case of it to.
The accumulated shock of his sudden demise, followed by waking up to a torture interrogation done by ''monsters'' and finished by the ''boss monster'' with a pure pain-driven experience. And THEN waking up in a hospital figuring out that it wasn't a dream, he really have changed, and the hospital under the management of the ''monsters'' themselves. Can you say it with me? Paranoia of being probed and experimented on.
And all this in the time frame (from his POV) of just maybe 1-2 hours. And please remember that he did get a panic attack even under sedation.

And considering that she was already going ''is a dream, is a dream...'' before Celestia happened and threatend (Not being able to acknowledging a threat in front of you, is what I would call being 'on the brink').

You don't just recover from that. That road is long.

Ps: Considering that he is a she now... is she hetero, homo or bi?
Hetero - still a 'male' mind
Homo - Now got a 'female' body
Bi - Physically a homo, but psychologically a hetero.
But I digress, 'tis is not a telling of a romance.

Pps: I would really want to read about the fallout during the 2 weeks, after Celestia and Luna explained the situation to the EoH, that they essentially tortured and wailed on someone who just sacrificed himself for a kid, while he had no idea what-so-ever what was going on.
And maybe having the CMC ask about the new strange mare that look likes Rarity, why she is so strange (phobias). Of course the answer they give the CMC might be that the EoH didn't know the mare and ''bullied'' her for it, and thus the CMC unleashing hell in their own innocent way, not knowing what they did wrong.

That's why I thought it was a good name. Cause anyone that died to save a little kid deserves to walk straight into heaven and piss in the punchbowl. Also! I'm just callling it right now, she's gonna fuck the doctor guy. Too early to tell right now, but I get that vibe.


I'm just callling it right now, she's gonna fuck the doctor guy.

Maybe some sort of Stockholm syndrome, but I probably won't enjoy it. Don't know why for certain, but I don't think it'll fit in the story. Mentally he is after all a guy!

As for the name, It fits, but it doesn't roll off the tongue right.
But the name Variety sounds very close to Rarity (twin name), just as 'Ming & Ting' and 'Mario & Wario' goes together, so does 'Rarity & Variety'. 'Variety' means 'to differ', and differ from Rarity, she most certainly does (referring to earlier comment).

Or maybe the name 'Variety' would be better, as she is a ''Rarity'' from different world. Same sounding name, but different. Same body, but different mind.

makes well to build of this.

Yeah, but the author HATES F/F shipping. And unless he plans to abandon the romance thing, that's my guess on who the LI is. He just seemed a little too... described to be a one-shot johnny character. I think Dr. Heartbeat will play a larger role later.


Huh. Never heard of that show.

3499412 Its a Japanese Anime show but in the show after he passes his trials [From the Spirit World] he's givin a second chance and returns to life, but now as the Earth's Spirit Detective and he well must now defeat Spirit World Fugitives [His experience with Death also allows him to use the Reishi in his body and fire off from his finger like a gun

[BY fugitives I don't mean just ghosts] I'm talking Demons, crazed humans with powers, demonic virus and demon insects

Good example of a crazed human

Would be the Doctor [Doctor Kamiya] he developed a psychic power for surigical things isntead he uses his psychic scalpel to kill people:pinkiecrazy:

Perhaps Scarcity or Clarity:duck:

I am happy to see a update! :pinkiehappy::raritywink::twilightsmile::scootangel:

Variety and Flattery both sound good to me:pinkiehappy:, or maybe Charity or Grace:raritywink:.

More please?

well considering how popular the name "Clarity" is right now, My suggestion would be to combine that with the name of a gem or crystal either before or after the name of said gem or crystal I.E. "Diamond Clarity" or "Clarity Diamond"..... meh something along those lines. :moustache: and it doesn't have to be the name of what I suggested it can be anything you want!?!

Ivory Forebelle for a name is my vote. Glad to see another chapter. Long I've waited and longer still I shall wait if need be.

I vote that she be moved in with rarity and her name be clarity belle or liberty belle haha

I say her new name should be novis, the word for new in star gate universe, or Star Trek universe, I forget which, been a while since I watched it.

this is a great story I look forward to your next chapter. As for a name how about Sparkling Ray" :twilightsmile:

Excuse me sir. But could you please update?

Dang, three years man.

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