• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 24,260 Views, 517 Comments

My Son is a Changeling - Draconian Soul

  • ...


For the first time in days, things were starting to feel normal again (or as normal as they can be with a changeling child living with you). Cadance was quick to adapt to the whole “mother” situation and was very eager to help raise the child the best she could. In fact, she grew really fond of him. We swapped shifts depending on the schedule. If she had to do royal business, I did activities with Kilo. And if I was busy with the royal guards, she’d fill in. At first I was a bit nervous about leaving him alone with Cadance, but things did not turn out so bad. I mean sure, he was still snarling like a rabid dog at her, but at least he wasn't biting! Cadance wasn't too fearful of him, because even when Kilo did growl, she just brought him in for a hug! I was beginning to believe that the tables had turned; now Kilo was the one who feared being around Cadance when she was affectionate towards him. I guess It’s kind of ironic considering that’s what the kid feeds on!

It had been a few days since Chrysalis’s abrupt return, and ever since I haven’t heard from her; but I was concerned that she didn't accept the schedule I offered her. Also, as much as I hated seeing her I didn't want Kilo to be separated too long from his mother. Her absence made me a bit anxious. I was expecting her to find her way in my room again, teasing me in her usual manner. I might have anticipated it too much, constantly staring at the door waiting for something to happen. But after about three days of inactivity, I finally decided to relax for a bit and enjoy my time with Kilo (not including the times when he fed off my love).

As sad as it was, those joys quickly faded. It was on the day when I needed to do one of the royal guard assemblies to access situations and come up with better ways to protect our empire. Let me tell you, being in charge of these boring meetings is about the worst thing that you could ever happen to you. Hosting these events, knowing that half of your men are probably just as bored as you are (I even caught a few asleep on some assemblies), is about the most miserable thing you can deal with. And my wife claimed she has a more "demanding" job! Yeah, right.

After the two hours of briefing and debriefing I headed back to the palace as soon as possible. Cadance had to take care of royal matters, and said she would make sure Kilo was in a safe area before she left. I wasn’t more than a few minutes away when she needed to go, so I didn’t mind it too much (though in the back of my mind, knowing how he nearly killed himself when I only stepped out of the room, I wasn’t too keen on leaving him for long).

When I reached the room, I noticed that Cadance was still there, lying on the bed rubbing a giggling Kilo’s belly. The situation made me smile. A changeling who originally was livid with the idea of being with Cadance has finally accepted her. It really was a heartwarming scene!

“Well, hello you two!” I said, making my entrance, “I see you haven’t gone to your little meeting yet, Cadance!”

“Nope,” she replied, rather giddily, “I stayed a little while longer in order to play with little Kilo here! That, and I wanted to try for a new hairstyle before I left.” She showcased her ponytail in a model like fashion, adding an alluring wink. “Well, what do you think?” She chimed, spinning around.

I leaned onto the edge of the bed and cooed, “It looks sexy on you.”

I leaned in for a kiss and she complied eagerly. Her lips were something to savor. As much as I wanted to stay lost in an eternal kiss, I didn't want to make her late, nor upset Kilo.

“So, how was your meeting?” she asked,leaning against me. She seemed way too relaxed for somepony with so many responsibilities.

“Well, it was just another boring talk with the guards on how to step up the security in the empire. Nothing too special!”

“Anything that might really help keep this nation safe?

“Just reminding the guards to not slack off!" I laughed, "You shouldn't let your guard down just because the city seems rather peaceful.”

Cadance nodded in agreement, still leaning against me.

“Well,Shining, I personally don’t think they’re doing such a good job.” She pouted.

“What makes you say that?” I asked, curiously, wondering why she doubted the capabilities of the guards. She giggled and began whispering in my ear.

“Because they didn't notice me!!”

My wife’s sweet voice morphed into a husky, ear-rattling one. Frustration built up inside me as I slowly realized who was sitting next to me. It was royalty, but not the Empire's royalty. The queen slowly revealed her true form, laughing like a psycho all the while. Kilo grew even more excited with seeing his mother’s real appearance, as it was more appealing to him than Cadance’s. As for me, I just sat there more upset than I've ever been. She crept into my room, impersonated my wife (again), and was lying on our bed! And the worst part of the whole situation: I had just made out with her!

“So,” Chrysalis began, profusely licking her lips, “You really think this hairstyle is sexy on me?”

I felt blood rushing to my face. The whole situation was very embarrassing!

“Why are you on my bed!?” I shrieked, boiling with rage, “And why are you always masquerading as my wife!? That’s how I got in this situation in the first place!!!”

“Last time I checked, you were the one who came onto me,” Chrysalis said slyly, “not to mention in-”

“Stop! I know where this is going..." I interrupted, “Why are you here?”

She lifted up a giggling Kilo and nuzzled his cheeks. It would have been much sweeter if it was anypony other than Chrysalis, but at least Kilo was enjoying himself.

“You left a schedule saying that this was one of the available times to visit, so I came to pick you guys up.”

“Oh, yeah...well, I guess I did leave the schedule for….wait, what do you mean pick us up?”

A grin beamed up her dark face. She was planning something, and I had no idea what it was!

“Oh, I didn't tell you?” she replied, smugly, “I had a feeling that you don’t really understand our changeling heritage much! With that said I’m taking both you and Kilo to our little nest and show you our way of life."

I couldn't believe what she was suggesting, err, demanding to me. She actually wanted me to go to her home for a while!?

“Yeah, I don't think I should go. I don’t really trust you after all.”

She glanced at me, bemusedly, as if the response I gave wasn't something she had expected.

“Why not?” she pouted, “I thought we established a good sense of trust over the past few days!”

What kind of game was she pulling? I didn't trust her at all. I refused again, because she was obviously trying to manipulate me again. It was all part of a game, right?

"Chrysalis, I don’t mind you coming to visit Kilo once in a while. In fact, I actually appreciate that."

A smile glimmered on her face, slightly, making me believe she took the little compliment in a wrong way.

“But honestly, I really don’t want anything to do with you. I’d rather you just play with Kilo a bit, drop off his 'gift' you discussed a few days ago, and leave."

Her smile diminished as she began nervously tapping her fore-hooves together.

“Well, about that,” she began still tapping, ““I didn't think I would have any opposition from you on the subject, so I left his present at the hive.”

I should have known! She is trying to lure me towards her domain. In my mind, I had a bad feeling about this situation, knowing she would probably kidnap me, wrap me up in some cocoon and do Celestia knows what to me (she has a better idea then I do), and hold me for ransom! Man, I think I'm over-exaggerating...

“Look, I’m just not comfortable going to enemies' territory,” I explained.

Once again, she beamed a sad expression. It was starting to become difficult to look at her.

“And besides, being out too long at a changeling hive…don’t you think my wife would be against that?”

Kilo started poking Chrysalis’s holey hoof and begged for what I could assume was a meal. She happily complied with the babies request and he happily began suckling the love she had in her. Contrast to me, Chrysalis’s body was made for this kind of feeding so it worked much better for her. And hey, it saved me some energy.

“Well, if you don’t want to come I can’t force you to,” she responded, stroking Kilo's mane, “I’ll just let Kilo come with while you stay here and continue to loath our race. I guess I can’t force you to at least give us a chance if you don’t want to.”

She then rolled her eyes, and slowly turned towards the door. Great, now she's guilt tripping me! I really needed that to plague my moral conscious. Not only that, but she did state she was taking Kilo no matter what I did. Being here without Kilo would surely bring up some questions from my wife.

Questions I didn't want to answer.

“You really want me to go to your hive, don’t you?” I sighed, slumping onto the bed, throwing a quick glance at her.

“Well, it’s really up to you" She said through teeth, "having you around would be nice!”

And now she’s back to teasing me. I didn't have too many options at this point, and I have been curious about the environment they live in. Besides, it’s not like I can't overpower her; the only reason she got me last time was because she tricked me into believing she was Cadance…something I still haven’t gotten over.

“Fine." I groaned, "just give me a minute!”

I headed towards the counter to write a note to Cadance. I assumed she would make it home before I did, so I wanted to make a reasonable excuse for my absence.

While it is true that we can’t do the things that changelings do, and therefore can’t have Kilo keep all his traits, it’s still good for him to have his heritage intact. So I’m going to take him out into the forest for a while so he can hunt small animals. This is going to be a very interesting day. Here’s hoping I don’t get squeamish!
Your Husband,
Shining Armor

“What are you writing, Shiny?” she asked, pensively, still feeding Kilo.

“Just leaving a note telling Cadance we’ll be out for a while.” I answered setting the note on the counter. Chrysalis didn’t seem to care much. “So, how long is this trip going to be anyways?”

She smiled, happy that I accepted her invitation. Something was telling me I was going to regret it, though.

“Oh don’t worry, Shiny! The trip won’t take long at all.”

She gripped my neck, and picked up Kilo, closed her eyes, then submerged herself into deep concentration. She stood still for a good five minute before anything started happening (I was too bewildered to say anything, much less move anywhere). A green ball of energy slowly built up around us. I realized that she was trying to teleport us to the Changeling Kingdom! I quickly shut my eyes in anticipation, and reached over to Kilo and gripped his hoof. Wind rushed through the room, flailing a few documents left and right. I closed my eyes even tighter, and just as I was about to breathe in a deep breath we shook with immense force. I heard thousands of voices whizzing by as we were propelled through space. I opened my eyes for a split second, just to see thousands of tiny lights rushing past us. I was about to puke, but then the ground materialized beneath us, and I let out a sigh of relief as we all plopped down onto a mucky mess of a puddle.

As I wiped the mud from my eyes and struggled to stand up, I noticed we were standing outside of the Hayseed Swamps, a place so dark and desolate that it made the Everfree Forest look like a child's playground. I quickly glanced over at Chrysalis and Kilo, to see if they were still there. I let out another sigh of relief as I saw Chrysalis calmly levitating Kilo onto her saddlebag, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Sorry about that" she muttered, scratching the back of her head, "it happens sometimes, I'm not used to teleporting groups of ponies!"

"So how much farther do we have to go?" I asked.

"Not far, if I remember correctly" She said smugly.

With clouds of fog materializing around us, I couldn't help but feel that this mysterious swamp had more than the common eye could see. Chrysalis, calm as ever, trotted up to the entrance of the forest, and ducked into the stale darkness. I couldn't believe it, it's as if she was taking a walk in the park! I dragged my feet through the mucky moss, trying to keep up with the hovering Queen, who didn't seem to give a damn about my struggle.

“Yeah, short trip my flank! I've been trotting through this gooey mess of a place for nearly two hours!” I complained, just as Chrysalis rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“We’ll be there shortly, I promise. It's just that if you don't know the way, the trip seems longer! Try not to think about it!” She said, in an annoying, melodious tone.

“Stop acting like we’re a damn couple!" I snapped, "And it’s not so easy walking through thick mud and moss! I feel more drained of energy then when I feed Kilo!”

“Calm down, sheesh!” she mumbled, “You’re the head of the royal guard. A little stroll through the swamp won't hut 'ya. You don’t hear Kilo complaining!”

“Kilo is sleeping on your back!” I said loudly, glancing up at the figure of Chrysalis hovering through the tree branches.

“Well, there’s no need to be all huffy with me! Flying isn't that easy either you know, especially with a heavy baby on your back. I’d think you’d be more concerned about the mother instead of just yourself!”

“Well I’d be more concerned about you two if I wasn't walking through smelly thick mud!”

“Oh, poor Shiny!" she wailed, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, "Does the little baby need Chryssy to kiss his little aching hooves?”

Her mocking tone put me in a very sour mood.

“I also noticed that you had a little bite mark on your hoof. Also courtesy of my baby boy?” She said happily.

“Yeah,” I replied, glancing upwards now and then. “He bit me while he was feeding. It wasn't intentional, but it stung like hell!"

“Oh, so you’re not experiencing any side effects, are you?” she asked, causing me to get wide-eyed.

“Why would Kilo give me any side effects!?” I yelled.

“Oh, no reason.” She said, calm as ever.

“Then why did you bucking ask!?”

“I was just curious! There was no need for your harsh tone. Also, I still don’t appreciate your vile language.”

“Whatever,” I huffed, receiving an aggressive stare from the queen above me. “I just want to know if we are almost there.”

As a matter of fact,” she stated, pointing to the horizon, “we've just arrived!"

Her hive slowly loomed up in the distance. I don't know why she called it a hive, It looked more like a castle (it actually was a castle). It was a pretty elaborate and intimidating looking castle, constructed with what I believed to be brimstone. As we reached the gate, she slowed down her wings and descended to the ground. The gate had a symbol fashioned after Chrysalis, showcasing her fangs. Her face on the gate was half black, with a light-swamp-colored eye, and the other half vice-versa. It wasn't locked, but ,to be honest, I doubt that security was a big issue here. I mean, most of the creatures in Equestria feared the changelings.

“So, what do you think?” Chrysalis asked eagerly, just as her feet touched the ground beside me.

“It’s... big,” I responded, “Wasn't expecting anything this intricate.”

“Well, what did you expect?" She laughed, "A giant beehive?" Did you really think someone as refined as me would live in some slum like that?”

Sadly, yes. That is what I was thinking, but I refrained from telling her that. There was still a roadway to get to her castle so we continued to her abode. Even though her place was more than I imagined, there was some imagery that I was correct about. The atmosphere was eerie, giving off an unpleasant feel to it. There was a criss-cross roadway leading up to her castle. We had to make our way through a run-down, moss-covered village to get to that road. Even though her place was more than I had imagined, there was some imagery that I was more or less correct about. I glanced behind me many times, because I thought that I could hear hoof-steps behind us.

"Don't mind him" Chrysalis whispered close to my twitching ear, "The little fellow lost something very precious to him, and he's been looking for it ever since. He thinks outsiders took it, so he doesn't deal well with any visitors."

"What did he lose?" I asked, glancing behind me once again, my gaze being met by two glowing eyes from the dark brush near the road.

Chrysalis shrugged. "We don't know, all I know is that most of the residents stay away from him."

I heard a snarl from the brush as the two glowing eyes disappeared into nothingness.

"How odd," I thought to myself. "What did I expect anyways? This is the Changeling Kingdom after all..."

The grass leading to the castle looked quite dead. I noticed a group of changeling guards, eyes locked on me. They looked very large compared to the grunts that attacked during her invasion, and far more intimidating.

We eventually reached the castle door, which had the same symbol as the gate.

The inside of the castle was purple, and it reminded me of a cave. Numerous stalactites loomed from the high ceiling, lulling me into a sense of insecurity. Houses were stacked up on each other, much like boxes in a storage room. A few cocoons hung here and there.

A few malicious glances were thrown at me from the residents. I guess they remembered me kicking their flanks a while ago.

“Oh, don’t mind them, Shining. They’re just a bit bewildered at seeing a former enemy with me,” she said gladly.

“Now, subjects!" She shouted, her voice echoing throughout the castle, "go about your normal business! Act as if he is one of us and treat him with hospitality,”. The citizens questioned each other whether they should obey this order or not.

“If you do not obey my orders, we can always discuss the issue in the chambers.” She hissed. With panicked expressions, the residence decided it would be best to just go about their business.

“Now, shall we explore the castle?,” she said, smiling. There really was no point in resisting….as long as we weren't going to visit the chambers!

She gave me a tour of the castle (which was illuminated with green flames), giving me details of everything I could find interesting. The place that I originally perceived to be a dungeon had a rich history to it, and it reminded me of home...an odd reminder, but heck, some things just remind you of home. She showed me many different trinkets that held their history intact. She managed to keep all of her subjects happy, and supplied with food and shelter. She even had ways for them to keep themselves entertained; one way was quite questionable in my opinion.

“And this is the sparring room!” Chrysalis stated enthusiastically.

By this time, Kilo had already woken up and was holstered on top of Chrysalis’s head. Upon entering the room, I saw a tiny grunt get tackled by what appeared to be a Goliath of a changeling. I heard what appeared to be broken bones and crushed wings, causing me to cringe, which seemed rather laughable to Kilo.

““Is he going to be okay?” I asked, a bit concerned. “He got hit pretty hard. Shouldn't you call a medic, or something?”

“Oh, he’ll be alright,” She laughed, waving her hoof. “These changelings spar all the time. It’s not uncommon to come out with a broken wing or leg. They’ll be taken care of!”

“But have you ever had anyone die in these tussles?”

“Nope! Well, there was this one changeling, but no one really cared about him anyways, so it wasn't a big loss.”

Well that was nice to know. If you aren't well-known or liked around here, you very-well might die in a sparring match.

“As much as Kilo enjoys watching other changelings maul each other, you have to be back at your domain in a few hours, so I urge you to follow me to one more location.”

I wasn't good at dealing with broken bones, so that sounded like a fine idea. Leading me through a small corridor, Chrysalis entered a room that was crowded with other changelings. It appeared to have a fireplace, a few recliners, and a bar. They were made out of dark-black brimstone, but it was a genuine surprise to see something like this in Chrysalis’s castle.

“So, would you like a drink, or anything?” she asked, trotting towards the bar.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind.” I was a bit hesitant at first. After all, who knows what they drink here? But at the same time I was rather thirsty. I was still receiving angry glances from the changelings; however, as odd as it was, I was starting to loosen up a bit.

“Well, wait right here. I’ll go get us some drinks!” she said, grinning. She trotted towards the bar, then started talking to the bartender. They shared a few laughs before he went to get the bottle of what appeared to be Champagne, as well as some cheese. She levitated the bottle and cheese over her head (Kilo tried to snatch the bottle), then slowly made her way back to me.

“No, silly, you can’t drink this!" she laughed, "This isn't for little changelings like you,” she lectured, causing Kilo to pout in defeat.

“Care to hold this bottle for a while? I don’t want Kilo to be under the influence.”

“Yeah, that would be a disaster for both of us,” I laughed nervously, levitating the bottle.

I set the bottle on the table. We had a few drinks, and I began to loosen up even more. At the end of the hour I was laughing and banging my hooves on the table. Whatever this drink was, it sure got to me fast. After I calmed down a bit, I set down my glass and asked her:

“So, what now?”

She smiled, and turned away from me. “We’re going to one last room before you go.”

I popped the cork back onto the bottle, then passed it to her. She led me to a hallway on the upper floor of the castle. We entered a dark chamber, presumably a staircase. It was a spiral staircase, and was decorated with flags, which bore Chrysalises coat of arms. There were also quite a few portraits of various changelings hung high on the walls.

“These were leaders in the past, I assume?" I asked, pointing at various paintings hung under the glowing-green torches.

“That would be correct. This one shows the founder of our civilization" She said, pointing to a beautifully-framed painting of an enormous changeling, who wore a crown bearing the emblem of the Changeling Kingdom, " and others show other changelings who led our race through harsh times. One of the greatest was my grandfather, King Metamorphosis.”

I walked up to the portrait she was currently pointing at to observe it in greater detail. He was standing on a mound of dirt, covered in moss, looking very triumphant, and layered in thick armor.

“He was the one who saved our race from being wiped out.” She said proudly. “If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't even be here now.”

So their race had gone through quite a lot. Listening to these facts made me more sympathetic of the creatures.

We continued until we reached a room with a large double door. Once again, it had Chrysalis’s coat of arms on it (I was beginning to question whether her ego needed some deflating).

She pushed open the door. In the center of the room there was something that roused my suspicion. A bed stood in the middle of the room. There was no doubt about it, this was her bedroom!

“Well, come on in silly,” she giggled, seeing me freeze, “You’re acting as if something is going to pop out and attack you!”
"It’s just... the last time I was in a bedroom with you, with alcohol we-"

“-ended up with this little prince?” she interrupted, reaching onto her head and nudging Kilo in the belly, causing him to giggle in delight. Not the exact way I was going to word it, but that was basically what I wanted to say.

“Well you can stop your worrying! As tempting as it is, I wouldn't do something like that in front of Kilo!” The child was still playing around on Chrysalis’s head, then received a warm smile from Chrysalis.

I heaved a sigh, and forgot about most of my worries. She hadn't done anything questionable yet, so I let myself relax for once.

“Alright then,” I walked into the room and closed the door. She didn't pounce on me, so that was good. “How about we finish this drink?”

She smiled and responded, “Yeah, wouldn't want to let it go to waste.” Kilo climbed off of her head and wobbled towards me. I was starting to forget about his attachment to me. I lifted him onto my back and levitated the cork off the bottle, then Chrysalis unwrapped the cheese. Once I got a better look at it I couldn't help but giggle.

“What?” she asked, puzzled, before looking at the cheese and realizing why I was giggling.

“Yeah, yeah I get it. I asked the bartender to grab my favorite cheese, and I really love Swiss! Kind of silly seeing how it’s packed with more holes then me, huh?”

“Nah, its okay,” I began, still giggling a bit. “In fact, I hole-heartedly understand!”

“Cute,” she muttered, still smiling. I noticed her raise an eyebrow, shocked at how I was acting around her. And honestly, I was too. I never told corny jokes to anyone except Cadance, and there I was teasing my former enemy in a really lame way.

“At any rate, there are guest chairs in the room, so if you aren't comfortable sitting on my nice, soft bed with me, you have other options.”

She gave me a sultry wink, obviously trying to get a reaction out of me. I didn't fluster, but my cheeks were heating up.

Kilo was sitting on my lap, and I took the liberty to stroke his head, causing him to squeak and purr. As I ate the cheese and sipped the crystal clear beverage, I looked around the room, analyzing every tiny detail. It wasn't home, but it reminded me of it.

There was an arrangement of unlit candles on the cabinets and counters, and quite a sizable chandelier above the bed. The one window in the room was open wide, and the silver moonlight poured into the dark room.

“You know, when the moon is up, the scenery is amazing,” she said softly. “It's really beautiful.”

Her voice seemed rather soothing to me, which was quite odd. Even though I was no longer at the point of downright hating her, I still wasn't comfortable with the idea of her being coy with me. I diverted my attention to the wall behind the bed, and saw a giant framed portrait of a female changeling with her hair tied in a bun.

“Who is that?” I asked, causing her to turn her head from the window to the wall.

“Oh, that's my mother,” she replied, then continued staring out the window.

Not too surprising, actually. They did look quite similar.

"She was a great Queen, a very fine leader. There wasn't a day that went by where things weren't getting done. I remember one time, when I was small, she took me to a small village on the outskirts of Equestria. It was just her and me, and a few guards.

I was listening intently. She obviously had fond memories of her mother, since she was smiling blissfully while staring at the window into the night.

“Then, moments later, she let me go into the village and claim it as our territory! Every critter fled as we took our new land!" She said, eyes flaming, "We crushed anything in our way! It was the first village that I ever captured, and Mom and I laughed at the puny ruins!" she exclaimed, raising the tone of her voice a bit.

I started getting a bit nervous again. She was sitting there, laughing maniacally about her first raid, which caused Kilo chuckle too. Changelings are strange creatures...

“S-so where is she now?” I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

I didn't understand why I was striving to find out about her past, but in a way, it felt right to me.

“Dead” Chrysalis replied bluntly. The flames in her eyes died down as she slowly lowered her head and stared at the floor.

“She was killed by a group of Canterlot guards during one of her hunts. She had wandered too far into Celestia's domain and was considered a great threat, so they killed her.

How depressing.

“She told me to be strong, to be a greater leader then she ever was, and continuously provide for our nest. She expected great things out of me, and wanted me to amass our race. She often told me I was her little warrior, and as a warrior, I wasn't ever to cry in her eyesight, even if she was to die.”

“Did you?” I asked, leaning forward to look into her eyes.

“No, not at the reception at least. As the new Queen, I couldn't show even a bit of emotion, or the changeling race might reconsider my power.”

I noticed a few crystal-clear tears run down her cheeks.

“All the territory gained over the years, all that hard work was destroyed. They secluded our race to this castle in the middle of this wasteland. I didn't want to disappoint Mother. I wanted my people to have the best, to have what they needed to thrive and…”

“And that’s why you invaded Canterlot,” I interrupted. She nodded, then lowered her head onto one of her numerous pillows.

“I just wanted to live up to my mother’s expectations,” Chrysalis sighed, I was starting to feel really sympathetic for her at this point.

“Couldn't you have tried to find a better solution than raiding a heavily-guarded castle? “ I suggested.

Her head sunk deeper into her pillow.

“Yeah, maybe…” she sniffed. This was starting to get too depressing for me. She was obviously remorseful of her failure to live up to the expectation of her strong, albeit tyrannical mother, and I spent most of the day questioning her motives. I had changelings pegged the wrong way the whole time.

Chrysalis jolted a little as she felt another body plop onto her bed. I kept a reasonable distance to not give off any wrong ideas, and Kilo climbed onto the bed and snuggled next to his mother.

“This is a nice bed,” I said, patting it with my hooves
“And quite big I might add. Got this reserved for somebody?” I giggled.

“Sadly, no. There aren't too many that I seek to court and make my king. To be honest, you’re the first male to even come close to this bed.”

The playfulness didn't help; in fact I think it might have made it worse.

“But I’m not too concerned about it anymore. After all, our son will grow and succeed me. Being able to bear the fruit of a prince... I think that’s good enough for a changeling queen, wouldn't you agree?”

There she was, back to her old self. Her old, seductive, comfort smashing, oddly entertaining self. Kilo noticed a bag similar to the one Chrysalis showed up with the other night, and began to crawl towards it.

“Oh, right! Kilo’s present. I almost forgot about it!” She lifted herself off the bed and walked towards the bag. “Kilo, meet your very own bunny!”

She opened the bag and showed a dirt-brown rabbit that was tapping his foot rapidly. Kilo’s excitement peaked as he saw the critter, and once again a smile displayed on my face. It was rather cute...

…until I realized that wasn’t a pet! Kilo proceeded to suck the life out of it. The rabbit flopped to the ground, seemingly dead. I was quite disturbed.

“What was even the point of that!?” I cried out.

“Some critters love is sweeter because of their 'natural cuteness' and 'cuddly-ness', so I got him one for a snack,” Chrysalis answered, seeing no issue with what had just happened. “But don’t worry, Kilo didn’t kill it.”

Kilo sniffed the unconscious rabbit, and stared blankly at it. What followed was a gruesome sound of tearing flesh as Kilo attempted to devour the rabbit.

“Okay, now it’s dead!”

I was sick to my stomach watching my son tear into the rabbits hide. Chrysalis on the other hand, seemed rather giddy and proud of her son’s accomplishment.

“Aw, you went for the jugular vein! You really are a nice developing male changeling!” She said happily, then patted his head. Kilo smiled and purred, with the deceased rabbit dangling from his mouth.

As disgusting as the scene was, it did make my alibi to Cadance valid.