
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

New Legendary: What Yo-Kai Should Unlock It? · 6:49pm Jan 27th, 2021

So, if you've ever played a Yo-Kai Watch game, or at the very least seen the anime, you'll know that there are incredibly rare and powerful Yo-Kai known as Legendary Yo-Kai, and in order to summon a Legendary Yo-Kai, you first need to befriend 8 specific Yo-Kai in order to unlock the Legendary Yo-Kai. A new Yo-Kai I've thought up is a Legendary Yo-Kai belonging to the Mysterious Tribe, Sherlock Bones. Now, since he's a Legendary, in order for Spike to befriend him, he needs to befriend 8

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Report Darth Severus · 78 views ·

New Yo-Kai, How Should They Meet? · 4:31am Jan 23rd, 2021

So, a few years ago, I started getting interested in a game/anime called Yo-Kai Watch, and the tagged story is about Spike's adventures when he gets introduced to Yo-Kai. I had a few fake Yo-Kai made before I started the story, and I wanted to get some opinions on how they should become friends with Spike

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Report Darth Severus · 151 views ·

Spike's Younger Siblings WARNING, SPOILERS · 9:15pm May 25th, 2019

So, in this story, Spike will eventually be able to turn into his Yo-Kai form, which is heavily based off Beelzemon. In the sequel, when he realizes how selfish he's been, only fighting for himself, he turns into his Awoken form, which is based off Beelzemon Blast Mode. I want to have a scene similar to when Ai and Mako wished Impmon luck as he left to help the Tamers, and I'm thinking of giving Spike two younger siblings, both of which are 3 year old's, twins to be precise. Yes, they're half

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Report Darth Severus · 191 views ·

Spike's Yo-Kai Form · 4:08am May 18th, 2019

So, little spoiler alert, in this story, Spike's dad is a Yo-Kai who disguised himself as a human and settled down with Spike's mother, before being forced to go into hiding because of McKraken. Since Spike is half Yo-Kai, I'm going to give him his own Yo-Kai form, and I want some opinions on design, name, and tribe. I wanted to base his Yo-Kai form off of Beelzemon, because

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Report Darth Severus · 174 views ·

New Yo-Kai, How Should It Be Introduced · 7:55pm Mar 28th, 2019

So, I've for two new Yo-Kai I came up with, and one of them is being drawn by a DA user. I haven't thought of a name for the Yo-Kai, so if you have an idea for a name, let me know. I'm also wondering if Spike should come across it in a problem, or if he should fuse the three Yo-Kai that make it up once he gets them.

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Report Darth Severus · 168 views ·

How Should Spike Learn About The Y.U.C.S? · 11:17pm Mar 14th, 2019

So, I was planning on having Spike join the Y.U.C.S(Yo-Kai Undercover Combat Squad) in the next chapter. But I have a small problem. How should Twilight introduce Spike to the group? Should she just flat up tell him, or should there be some sort of hazing? By hazing, I mean that a few members of Y.U.C.S 'kidnap' Spike and bring him to the building that serves as Y.U.C.S HQ, since they don't want people overhearing them in the open. If you have other ideas as to how Spike should be introduced to

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Report Darth Severus · 136 views ·
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results