
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

The finer things · 12:37am Dec 14th, 2019

The finest day I ever had was when I learned to cry on command.

The best dreams came when I fell asleep with the disbelief that I loved you.

When I first heard the sound of your sweet voice, my heart was cradled in the harmony of your tune.

Don't be cruel: I won't wrong you or deceive your vows. If you'll hold my hand for eternity, the future will be all the more brighter and sweeter.

Report Ribe_FireRain · 123 views · #Poetic

A Ramble Through the Fire · 2:18pm Sep 25th, 2019

I remember a time when we didn't pick sides. There was no pro party or con party, but there was just individuality, a certain type of unique that was so sweet and charming in its own way that to know that people prefer being at each other's throats over petty ideology instead of thinking freely and acting of their own will kills any and all hope. Ever watched a candle burn until the wick that's burning turns into a black crisp before wilting and drooping downwards, the flame barely clinging on

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Imagine being a person living on Europa · 11:16pm January 15th

Or rather, in Europa.

You live your whole life in water, between the firmament above and the firmament below. Your entire civilization has risen without once sparking a fire. You may not even know what light is; you might have other ways to see the world around you. Some days you wonder what might lie beyond the firmaments; perhaps there are other vast seas like your own, locked behind the walls of an infinite universe of solid stone and ice, and open liquid realms.

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Be with ya in a moment · 8:34pm Jun 17th, 2015

Poetic Justice glanced at the clock. These guys would be punctual, so she had a few minutes. She moved through the living room of her small apartment, pulling the armchair from it's place in front of the tv and leaving it in front of the door. She pulled the little folding table over and opened it up on the chair's left side. Scurrying to the kitchen, she came back with bottle of cider, lifted from a raid a few months back. No pony would miss it.

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Metaphorically Speaking · 2:41am Jan 20th, 2017

We are all chemical processing plants.

Like those big, industrial complexes you drive by on the highway, with their tall chimneys and squat round tanks the size of a house, paying them little to no heed at all.

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I promise chapter six is coming along. · 12:07am May 16th, 2016

Currently the chapter comes in at 10k. I thought about releasing it where it's at right now, but I think it needs at least one more scene after the one I'm currently on. My PPSEFF (Pre-reader Proofreader Sometimes Editor Friend Forever) said a couple things that made me think about the pacing, and I decided the story needs to be sped up a bit, so the next chapter will see things moving along faster than they have.

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The Virtuoso - Jhin quotes (HD) · 8:23am Nov 1st, 2019


How to Talk #1 · 6:27am Dec 9th, 2018

First lesson (on good dialogue). Ask away.

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results