
Viewing 1 - 20 of 61 results

Conquest Update! · 10:36am Aug 16th, 2018

Yes, I will update my For Honor story today. No surprises, but I think you'll find it funny in many ways.

It has a drinking contest.

Between Stigandr and Pinkie.

Brace yourselves.


The Nobody of Ever After High · 7:02am Nov 19th, 2022

Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This is by far the longest story I've reviewed. It's 'The Nobody of Ever After High', a Kingdom Hearts/Ever After High crossover. Everyone's favorite Nobody, Roxas, gets a second change. I had my doubts about this one, but it became a personal favorite of mine. The action sequences and details were so accurate, you'd think it was happening right in front of you. I loved the emotional sequences, too. Though, I don't understand

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Why Not? · 1:39am May 16th, 2020

A couple other people are doing this, and I really want to. So, let’s do this, despite the fact that nobody reads my blogs. Type a few numbers, I’ll reply.


This person doesn't deserve to work at a university · 10:56pm Jun 18th, 2015

>Wants to diversify the school.
>Excludes an entire gender, despite race.
>Posts an immature picture about it.

Yeah smart move, lady. It's not like Hate Speech isn't a crime in the United Kingdom.
Marikazemus34 posted this in a skype group and bam it's exploding. I suggest you check it out too.

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who were they? · 1:47pm Jul 9th, 2020

My experience with the blogging function of this website, as limited as it is this being my second blog entry, has driven me to scream into the void a question which shall fall from my lips with clanging echoes.

Who is reading these things?

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The story that comes after Why Am I Angel? · 3:19pm Oct 13th, 2016

So my job requires almost no active thought from me on a day to day basis. And, because of this, I have a lot of mental downtime. So I was just working one day when I had an idea. It's a story idea for another "Why Am I" story. This would involve someone getting to replace (aka "get trapped in") the mind of Sweetie Bell. And, well, long story short, I'm thinking that I'll get on that one once I'm all finished with Why Am I Angel. I've thought of a handful of ideas for it, and I'm actually

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Hunt for the Tiddy · 2:23pm Apr 24th, 2016

And now for something completely different

nobody drew this


Oh Dear God · 10:27pm Jul 28th, 2019

Uhm, how and why did my last fic get over a thousand views? I mean, I'm super grateful (considering this is a one-shot and only the 7th I've made), I'm just curious WHY. I mean, what is so attractive about it? Besides being featured, I mean. It's not like it's well written in particular. I can and have done better. At least in my opinion.


On Watching Ponies · 9:11pm Dec 10th, 2016

Y'know, every now and again someone insists on making a blog post about how they've not been watching ponies for a while, but now they're thinking about doing it.

And they make it out to be some kind of... thing. Like whether or not they're watching a children's tv show should matter.

Let me stop you there, folks.

It doesn't.

It's a cartoon. It's a good, fun cartoon, but it's just a goddamned cartoon.

Watch it.

Don't watch it.

Nobody cares.


Undertale OST - Amalgam Extended · 2:37pm Sep 2nd, 2018


Question About Kingdom Hearts · 3:34pm Sep 23rd, 2022

Is there an explanation for why Sora's wooden sword doesn't work on Heartless while EVERYTHING ELSE works? Same for Roxas when he attacked the Nobodies with a Struggle Bat. I mean, I would understand if they had an explanation like the weapons needed to be enchanted to hit Heartless and Nobodies, so this would explain for Goofy, Squall, Yuffie, and some others who are prepared to fight them. And magic obviously works so no problem for Donald. And there are special characters like Hercule for

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Bonk · 11:32am Mar 31st, 2016

Progress is accepting that nothing will ever be perfect, so we just have to do the best with what we've got.

Progress also comes in the form of a good editor (providence gifted me TWO of those) and finishing what you start.

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Author's blog: By the Will of the Council (part 1 of ?) · 5:15pm Yesterday

By the Will of the Council is my first ever longfic. Well, it's not exactly the first longer piece of fiction I ever wrote, but it's the first one with this level of polish, and pre-planning. And the first that was posted exclusively on this site. If you're here, you're probably here for behind the scenes stuff, creative process, inspirations, all that long-winded, boring mumbo-jumbo. If not, this was your only warning! Leave while you can! :twistnerd:

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Headcanon of the day · 9:58pm Nov 22nd, 2016

Rainbow Dash's father runs an ice cream shop in Cloudsdale.

His name is Rainbow Jimmy.

(Courtesy Gemini Star.)


Yo who here likes youtube? · 4:30am Jun 27th, 2017

Everyone pretty much knows I still do song covers (i've gotten a million times better and it's now actually worth listening to rather than trite mixed with garbage.) Well I've got my youtube channel back up and running (you know the one) for such a thing.

That's the latest one i've done so far. Be sure to leave a comment here or there, preferably there but you do what you want and I can't stop you. I've only got so much chloroform.

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Chapter 5 of A Himaneighan Tale · 8:56pm Apr 26th, 2016

It's up. Not sure if anyone who reads these keeps up anyways.

Read, Comment, Enjoy!


It's Fun Writing Blog Posts Nobody Reads · 6:16pm Apr 11th, 2016

Also, Chapter 4 of A Himaneighan Tale is out.

It'd be nice to get some feedback on it. Or comments. Or votes.

Read, Comment, Enjoy.


R&D on Hiatus · 9:52pm May 6th, 2016

Yeah. That's happening.

Now, I know very few people are actually reading this story, but I figured I would put this out there anyway. I am currently focusing my energy on Devil with the Silver Tongue currently, as it is much more enjoyable to write. With my limited attention span spread onto other non-fanfic related things, I need to cut down, and a story I haven't updated since November is a start.

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Nobody will never understand me · 12:32pm Mar 18th, 2019

I always like to think people are different. Every single one of us. We are all unique. But... Are we really? I mean, I definitely am a unique one, but I feel like everybody around me are all the same. They follow the exact same mind pattern and have almost identical life choices. And I share none of them.

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12,000 Words and 4 Votes · 9:51pm Apr 9th, 2016

Reminds me of the last time I wrote an adventure story.

Anyways, A Himaneighan Tale is now on chapter 3! Check it out and stuff. There are ponies in it... and an OC.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 61 results