
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Suddenly, Author! · 8:33pm Sep 9th, 2015

Hey, everypony. I know I'm long overdue for a blog post, seeing as I've been somewhat active again around here since I got back from Bronycon this year.

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I have returned · 4:09pm Oct 23rd, 2020

Hello, guys. Surprised to see me again, huh? Yeah, I didn’t think I would come back at first either. However, I would like to make some clarification as to why I left in the first place so hear me out.

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OwO what's this? a blog post? · 7:53am Jul 1st, 2023

yeah so i've got this story idea knocking around in my head again after talking to my little brother about the aspens that keep popping up in our backyard (because aspens can clone themselves pretty much infinitely by sending out runners through a massive root system) and you know what

a character named aspen that can and has discreetly cloned themselves over and over, and successfully infiltrated a society with said clones, is now lingering rent-free in my head.

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High Above the Clouds · 2:49am Jan 18th, 2022

Melody watched the skyline from the trees, her rifle perched by her side. Her eyes were fixated on a battle above the mud of the Deadzone. She watched as mechanical pegasi, better known as “planes”, flew around like wasps to a nest, machine guns roaring as many spiraled towards the ground. She chuckled, cursing the mechanical creations.

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Oh Hi · 8:14pm Jan 3rd, 2022


Initial OC Design · 6:50am Jan 31st, 2018

Hi, guys! Requiem here! This seems kind of like it came out of nowhere, right? Or it might not. I don't know.

I felt like I needed some kind of magical horse-like persona while I'm on this site, even though my only contribution so far doesn't even actually have any magic horses in it... unless Sunset counts. Planning to change that with the next thing I do (which may or may not just happen before the next update on What Lies Within).

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Melody's Headcanons: Age Requirements of the Wonderbolts · 10:06pm Mar 19th, 2021

So, there has been a lot of fan speculation as to why Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot were able to join the Wonderbolts years before Rainbow Dash if, according to the flashback scene in Parental Glideance, they’re only a year apart in age. Well, here’s my headcanon:

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I need someone to convince me to NOT write something. · 5:58pm Feb 27th, 2018

Specifically, halfling-centric DnD-based erotica.


I am a weak man, and I need your help, champion.

This quest is available for 48 hours and rewards 1 copper, +1 XP.


GTX 2070. · 5:14am Feb 2nd, 2023

you read that right.

pics tomorrow.

maybe e🅱ic gamer time.

but midterms first.

because of course I have midterms next week.


A year has passed and my work is finally ready · 3:39am Jun 27th, 2017

Hello, everyone. It's been a year but I never thought I would come back.

So yeah, the new story I've worked on is finally here at last. Well, I have to wait till it gets approved first but if you want to know how big of a story it is, it's at a whopping 24,000 words. My biggest one to date and I hope it's one that people will like.

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Music SIG Likes #79 - More Musical Mashup Madness! · 1:55am Mar 1st, 2020

Another round of absolutely brilliant mashups composed by the golden-eared Bill McClintock. Bill has such an incredible ear mixing and engineering the new tunes that if you were not familiar with the source songs, you would swear that those were "regular" songs.

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Children of the Sun: New Chapter Out! · 5:54pm Jun 14th, 2023

Hello friends! It's been, uh... *checks watch* almost a year since I updated my beloved fic? Whoops!
The news with me (and my excuse) is that I graduated, finally! Got my BS degree! So now I've got more time to write. Thank you very much for your patience!

EChildren of the Sun
Our Goddess has told us we will finally reach the surface today, after nearly a thousand years' wait. As her Prophet, I will be the first to see the sun again. I can only hope Equestria is still up there.
Silent Whisper · 25k words  ·  232  5 · 2.3k views
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results