
Viewing 1 - 20 of 56 results

Pick up that phone cause I F*YAY*KING CALLED IT · 7:31pm Sep 21st, 2016

Forever ago I made mention of a story of mine by the name of Sunshine and Rainbows. It was a story where Rainbow Dash had been hiding that she was the Runaway Daughter of Celestia. Out of respect for her Daughter's wish to live her own life, Celestia stayed out of Rainbow's life to the best of her ability until certain events forced the truth out into the open. It very quickly became my biggest story, hitting the featured page a few times as well.

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Who shall be the new teacher?! · 5:21pm Nov 2nd, 2015


The Truth about Discord · 8:17am Aug 12th, 2015

I know I haven't posted anything in ages, but I've been rather busy lately...BUT I do have this and it is Canon to the story. Enjoy

"You can't be serious..." Discord mumbled as he read over the scroll.

"I have never been more serious in my life." Starswirl answered wearily from his desk. The old wizard shook slighlty as he spoke, wheezing with each word.


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The day has come · 4:00am Aug 9th, 2020

"You know know pretty much everything about all of us, but we never got your story. Heck, we barely even know you." Vinyl sighed. Spike looked up from his map, hesitating before leaning back in his chair.

"You really wanna know about me Vinyl? Why a Dragon-kin is in Celamont of all places?" he asked softly.

"To be honest, yea, I do."

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OH MY GOD WHAT?1 · 4:20pm Jan 8th, 2017


Just discovered the wonders of Cosmos · 11:01pm May 29th, 2016

Okay, so there I was last night with nothing better to do browsing Netflix and out of pure chance I chose to watch a episode of Neil Degrass Tyson's Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. Actually wasn't bad, and the best part is Neil narrates and explains things in such a way I don't have to be a super-genius to understand it. Anyone else I know ever watched Neil's series?


Discovering Friendship Side Stories: Spitfire and Cheerilee · 10:17am Oct 6th, 2015

The Start of Spitfires story

"AHH!" Spitfire screamed as her alarm blared next to her, sending the skyborn flailing out of her bed in a tangle of limbs and sheets. She rushed to her feet, snatching up the clock.

"SHIT IM LATE!" She panicked, snatching up her shirt and backpack, sliding down the stairs and waving to her big sister.

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That moment when your world breaks · 5:29am Apr 2nd, 2018

So I am working on an AU story of my AU story (Discovering Friendship) based around my favorite couple. Go on, guess! Bet ya can't guess! Did ya guess yet? Well you are wrong.

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Spike? · 3:44am Jul 26th, 2020

So, sidenote - working on some commissions and planning on having those come out soon but I have also been putting a decent amount of work into backstory shenanigans for Spike. His life with Celestia and Morigan. His path on becoming Captain of the Elite Knights. Why the enchantment on the armor even exists. And of course

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Okay, I need help guys · 5:01am Jun 14th, 2015

I want to start putting out the next few chapters...but I am having this horrible sense of Deja Vu

In a previous story I tried to do something I thought would be amazing. And 98% of everyone who had enjoyed the story up until that point turned on me in a vicious blood fury that lasted nearly a year. I'm talking hate-mail and vicious attacks over the net that nearly drove me to suicide. It was bad guys.

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THERES SO MUCH CRAP TO WRITE · 12:15pm Dec 16th, 2015

I have a literal thousand ideas for my stories but all of them are events that are going to take place damn near a month from now in the story but I want to write them now because I love these parts of the story I plan to write and its so damn frustrating and I just needed to vent so have a pointless blog, except its not pointless because I need opinions on these ideas. THREE LUCKY PEOPLE will get sneak peeks at these ideas and their input will directly affect the way the story moves.


Obligatory Blog #1 · 10:04pm Sep 18th, 2015

Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in literal ages, but a lot has been going on with my life. Those of you that read my previous blog posts are already aware of me losing my job, losing my apartment, and having to move back in with family. My attempts to get my youtube channel off the ground, my attempts at getting a new job, and my life coming crashing back down because literally no one will keep an eye on my baby brother. Its all rather annoying and complicated.

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Some nice relaxing violence · 2:59am Aug 29th, 2016

I'm Livestreaming! playing some Necropolis - join chat, ask me questions, watch me murder things, talk about ponies! Come hang out! I just might be answering questions about Discovering Friendship and other fics as well *wink* *wink*


My universe · 7:00am Dec 27th, 2015

So we have all these universes people have for their ongoing stories and that are well known. Kilala,Penstroke,etc. So, I want to try and make something like that. And with Discovering Friendship getting quite the following, I want to suggest "The Terraverse" for stories involving this humanized world. I'm pretty sure you guys have better ideas though, and I'd love to hear them!


Trade offer · 7:31am May 12th, 2021

This sisters blaze will start today


One Year Of Sunset’s Feet 🦶 · 10:58am Oct 17th, 2021

So today a year ago, an artist by the name of Zarnoxs took on a suggestion of mine to have Sunset Shimmer in the famous scene of The Little Mermaid of Ariel seeing her feet for the first time 🦶

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Spike's past - Discovering Friendship Prequel Tidbid. · 2:32am Aug 30th, 2020

A snippit into the world of Spike's past that I have been working on. I have a few tidbits like this. Not all of them are exactly canon to the story - moreso ideas I had to write down before I lost them. This bit will most likely make it into the full story, perhaps not written exactly like this, but its important.

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I'm not dead · 7:11pm Jul 14th, 2016

Hi everyone. So, once again I have left a job that treated me like shit. BUT NOW I WORK AT CHILI'S and I really like the job. I'm a QA - Quality Assurance - which means I work Expo - Expediting - and yell at people Gordon Ramsey style to do food stuff. Its a bit stressful and face paced and a leader role, but it seems like I have a small knack for it. Here's hoping I do well. Today is my first real day on my own, but my last training day I pretty much worked alone.

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UPDATE - I'M NOT DEAD YET · 5:08am Dec 26th, 2016

So my spine is getting worse every day, my left leg is starting to give out while my right leg just hurts more and more every day. Breathing is still a battle of willpower and constant reminder that "Breath. OW, BREATH, OW" is just the way life has to be. I've been struggling through work because I have literally no other way to pay my bills but it is getting to near impossible for me to work anymore. If it continues to get worse (which is kind of the thing with this disease) I'll be out

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TOO MANY IDEAS · 5:38pm Dec 25th, 2019


There are a lot of things in Discovering Friendship that are planned out. The issue is that most of them are far flung into the future for the story, but I wanna do them now, but i can't. So Instead I've been working a bit on backstories. one of which being Cheerilee and Jade Filigree(Rarity, SB, and Vinyl's mom).

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 56 results