
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Words are hard. · 4:02pm Mar 26th, 2022

I'm gonna speak a bit more personally in this blog than I normally do. This is mostly for my own benefit, as writing things out like this will—I think hope—help me organize and focus my efforts so I can get back to working on not just my AI Misadventures story, but also the other story ideas I've had kicking around the back of my head for well over a year now. However, for the couple dozen of you who have Starlight and Sunburst's

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Before the end of January, I said... · 9:05pm Jan 24th, 2022

It's not a lie yet.


I did say no promises!

It still might happen. I've been under a lot of stress for a long time. Today I finally felt it start to release.

I can actually put my attention into the story now. I feel confident.

Still no promises. I've barely started writing, and even then it still has to go through editing.

I also have other ideas I've been wanting to work on and I can't control which one the muse deigns to fancy on any timeframe.

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The Cupboard is Bare... · 4:59am Nov 6th, 2015

By which, I mean that I'm out of buffer, and I don't have chapter 6 for CtW OR chapter 5 for TtS written... TtS is a full-on block right now, but I'm making SOME headway on CtW, so I'll likely break my pattern and update with chapter 6 next... Just as soon as I can coerce my muses into helping me... :ajbemused:

I'll post again when it looks like I can resume regular updates...


Update on the Update · 5:08pm Jul 29th, 2020

Okay, y'all. Confession time. (TL;DR at the bottom)

I'm sure it'll come as a shocking surprise (not), but I'm not actually a super experienced author. So when I said, "Oh, yeah, posting once every two weeks? Totes. I got this 200%. No prob," it was half wishful thinking and half calculated ideal of what I can produce.

Now, let me cut off those niggling thoughts of, "Oh no! Another author abandoning his story on Fimfiction? When will the tyranny end?!"

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results