• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Azure Notion

Words have been written. Some of them by me. Those are here. Probably.

More Blog Posts17

  • 13 weeks
    It's That Time Again...

    So, as of now with chapter 17 up, I have another two chapters complete. Chapter 19 requires a bit of editing before it’s ready, but it shan’t cause any delays. Though, on that note... I have some less-than-great news.

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  • 19 weeks
    An Amazing Thing

    Hi all you guys, gals, and enby pals, I just wanted to share this thing I was made aware of. It's amazing and I appreciate it and the person who made it deserves an award. Seriously, she's awesome and this fits so damn well with the story, it's great. It's a homestuck parody, though, so if you're opposed to that in any way, maybe watch it anyway because it’s so good.

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  • 28 weeks
    Doing Stuff Again!

    Well hello all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals! It's time for an update!

    As many of you have known, depression has been a thing in my life for a long while. It still is and probably forever will be, but now, we might have found the right cocktail of meds, therapy, and other stuff to maybe, maybe get me really going again!

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    8 comments · 338 views
  • 42 weeks
    Everfree 2023

    Hello everyone!

    It's finally here! Unfortunately, there weren't any extra large plushies this year, so I bought a little Starlight instead. So, if you happen to see me wandering around, come say hello! I'll be hanging around the vendor hall and especially the Book Nook booth. If I'm not there, Dash or Corejo at the booth might have more info.

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  • 67 weeks
    Figuring Things Out

    Hallo, everyone. I thought it might be a good idea to keep you all in the know as to where the writingses of Azure the Slow are. To get it out of the way, no, I'm not stopping or going on break again. Though, I guess I technically am on a break? Just not the same kind of break. Anyway, let me explain.

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Update on the Update · 5:08pm Jul 29th, 2020

Okay, y'all. Confession time. (TL;DR at the bottom)

I'm sure it'll come as a shocking surprise (not), but I'm not actually a super experienced author. So when I said, "Oh, yeah, posting once every two weeks? Totes. I got this 200%. No prob," it was half wishful thinking and half calculated ideal of what I can produce.

Now, let me cut off those niggling thoughts of, "Oh no! Another author abandoning his story on Fimfiction? When will the tyranny end?!"

I'm not abandoning Unending Love. I've been putting a lot of work into it and I intend to fully see this story through. It's just going to take a wee bit longer than I intended. You see, it's really my fault entirely... not that it could be anyone else's fault, but regardless! The problem lies in the fact that between Unchanging Love and Unending Love, my writing style somehow changed without me noticing. I'm sure you saw how my descriptions and depth of scenes increased a bit. Not entirely sure where it came from, but it seems like a positive change to me, so I'll take it.

But with that positive change comes the downsides. When I was drafting the plot for UL2, I was banking on my chapters being somewhere between 4-8K words each. Then chapter 1 comes out and it's 10.7K and I'm like... ono. It's okay though, because chapter 2 comes and it's 7.2K, whew! Back to expectations. But chapter 3 brings its 9.2K and I start sweating again. And then out of nowhere, chapter 4 comes in, throwing on the accelerator and blasting straight through the front door with a whopping 14.7K. It was at this point that I lost all hope and realized I have a terrible curse: I can't seem to write short chapters anymore.

So, let me head this off. I like the longer chapters. I like the depth I can get into characters and scenes with longer chapters. And I like the settings, set ups, and emotions I can invoke with longer chapters.

The issue arises that I can't write these chapters that fast. If I were a professional author and had that as my full time job, I could crank out 4K words a day (which I have for a couple days before and wow is that a lot of work). But seeing as I'm getting ready to start my new job, transitioning from my old job, and some other, more minor life stuff, I'm resetting the posting expectation.

I anticipate I'll be able to get updates out with around a month between each release. Maybe slightly longer if life decides it's unhappy with me. Or maybe sooner if I find extra time at night or on weekends or if the chapter is shorter than normal (with 8-10K seeming normal now :pinkiecrazy:).

I know, I know, I'm as disappointed as you are and I'm hoping when I get settled back down, I can start putting more time into UL2 again. And maybe even start up another story or two I've had on my mind for a while.

So, with that kind of posting gap in mind, do you like having a posting schedule? Or do you prefer to be surprised when the chapter gets posted?

Also, did you like Unchanging Love’s shorter chapters better or are you liking the longer chapters that Unending Love has had thus far?

Let me know what you think! :twilightsmile:

TL;DR: Chapters ended up being longer than I expected and the posting schedule is shifting from every two weeks to around a month, maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less.

Comments ( 16 )

The longer chapters are nice.

I love your story. I will read each chapter eagerly whenever they come out.

Take as much time as you need and make the chapters as long as you think they need to be.

Sure, take whatever time you need. If I may misquote a certain famous videogame developer, "A delayed story will eventually be good, a rushed story is bad forever."

Also, long chapters are good, you should keep doing those.


The long chapters are great. I like big, chunky chapters that I can really sink my teeth into.

On the subject of the update schedule I don't have a personal preference. However, an update schedule seems to help a lot of authors stay in the "zone" as it were. :raritywink:

Then again, some people feel constrained by schedules.

I suppose whatever works for you works for you, I'm happy as long as I get to read more of this excellent story.

I like the big chapters and don’t mind the time between them, I have other stories that update. Keep it up!

That was said back before video games could be easily updated over the internet. Same goes for books. It'd be expensive to edit a book a republish it, but a digital story online is easier to change.

To the topic, I like long chapters, but have you thought about chopping a really long one in half?

Now, let me cut off those niggling thoughts of, "Oh no! Another author abandoning his story on Fimfiction? When will the tyranny end?!"

First thought when I saw the note was it was going to be announcing the story has been put on hiatus.

I like long chapters but whatever length allows you to continue is good.

I'm tracking too many stories to keep track of any schedules so its always a surprise for me.

For what it is worth, I enjoy the longer chapters. :twilightsmile:

I haven't started reading it yet but plan to. That said, I've read stories with longer chapters before and I'm good whether they're short or long. Last, I had a random funny what-if scenario play out in my head where you wrote a 10k word blog update to talk about how you can only write long chapters. Not sure why but this thought made me laugh.

Thanks for the update, and writing in general. :)

I don't seem to have much of a preference on schedule vs. surprise for this at the moment, though.
...And I'm afraid I don't know about the chapter lengths, either; it's been a while for me since the previous story. The lengths of the chapters we're getting now I'm finding alright, though. :)
But sorry I don't have more helpful feedback.

Disappointed?!?!?! How can I be disappointed at your hard work yielding results? Or your very obvious commitment to the story and a rough monthly timeframe. Sure it might be awhile but as long as I have an idea when that while is, I’m perrrrrrfectly happy to wait as long as it takes for you to really perfect your artistic writing that I have come to deeply love, for its, well, deepness.
Keep up your amazing work and know that I have nothing but support, love, and joy for you and your lovely story created by your rich mind:)

I know that authors also like critique with praise, as to be able to progress in their writing in a way that only outside eyes can provide. Unfortunately my eyes find difficulties in fulfilling this and finding much besides praise, so you will have to hope that other readers will be able to help you there.

There is a reason their are 0 dislikes rn. It’s called QuALitY
Let’s keep that streak up y’all;)

We await your gracious offering of wonderfully-baked chapters, how short or long they may be. You've created such a fascinating setting and story filled with characters that you can't help but cherish. Keep it up and I'll look forward to anything you'll concoct in the future.

Also, the recent UL2, those cliffhangers. Man, I needed so much CPR after those.

but I'm not actually a super experienced author

:pinkiegasp: wat?! EXPLODES

Aheh... it's, uh... true.

Creatively, I've actually only written somewhere around 100K words. Total. In all my days. Including what's on this site.

Don't tell anyone, though. It's a secret. My reputation would be completely and irreversibly ruined if the interwebs found out about it! :raritycry::derpytongue2:

Actually, the reason I'm shocked is from the fact that your writing is so good despite there being so little of it in the grand scheme of things. It implies the presence of creative genius, which isn't very common even among artists.

PS. Do you have an editor besides yourself?

PPS. How many books have you read?

I dunno about creative genius... that might be overstating my abilities a tiny bit. I appreciate it, though.

Both UL and UL2 do have editors other than myself. For UL2, I have Cursori and SigmasonicX. Cursori is more of the non-grammatical editor, making sure everything makes sense, dialogue is good, flow feels right, etc. Sigma is mostly a grammar editor, but also occasionally helps out with some plot/character/dialogue type issues.

Though, if you'd seen the first released version of Unchanging Love, you might have been surprised at the number of grammatical mistakes. During the submission process to EqD way back in 2019, the pre-reader there identified a ton of those issues and after an attempt or two I was able to learn and correct the problems. There's still a small amount of issues that I haven't set aside time to fix yet (ellipses are definitely one of them), but I'll get to those one day...

As far as books... I don't read a lot of "books." Over the years since before the inception of Fimfiction, I've read 100 million+ pony words. I have no idea the actual amount as that function went away a looooong time ago. Before MLP came along, I'd occasionally read a published, physical book, but I'd usually just stick to fan generated content.

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