
Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results

...Hey, Wait a Second · 11:47pm Oct 28th, 2016

I haven't bothered even so much as glancing at this site or its posting rules for about a year or so, but something seems a little different.

That is, one of the rules against what may not be posted was not there when I left.

'For example: a Halo crossover with the same plot, scenes, dialogue, etc. but with the characters replaced by ponies.'

Looks like someone wasn't a fan of Rooster Teeth.

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Report Gilimmar · 304 views · #RvB

Helljumpers · 3:20am Aug 7th, 2020

Hey y'all, I apologize for the delay since the last chapter, just been dealing with things in real life. I would like you to know that the next chapter is on the way and that a crashed UNSC frigate will be makung an appearance and also......What the hell is that music?


Quick Questions/Story Idea · 12:10am Jan 10th, 2017

Hey guys, I had a quick question for you all tonight about an idea for a future story that could potentially fill up one of my slots for when one of my short stories finishes (not that they've started yet, but since they're only like 3-4 chapters anyways so I might as well look to the future on this one.)

I've been mulling this idea around in my head for a few days about a Red VS. Blue & My Little Pony crossover. Is there anyone who would be interested in reading that kind of crossover?

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Report Cadiefly · 253 views · #Red #Blue #RVB #MLP #Crossover

3-7 Recap · 10:06pm Oct 31st, 2015

Here's your recap for tomorrow's update! :twilightsmile:

“We’ll be dividing our group into two teams," Twilight continued. "Team A will consist of Donut, Simmons, Church, Caboose, Washington, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and myself. We’ll go to the Crystal Empire and track down those ruins.”

“Um… Twilight? I have a question,” Fluttershy declared timidly. “If your team is going to the Crystal Empire to find the ruins… what’s the other team going to do?”

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3-10 Recap · 9:02pm Dec 13th, 2015

Nodding, Twilight turned towards the north end of the camp where the mountain towered overhead, and the commander of Whitewater waited with his hostages. “C’mon. We don’t have much time.” The others followed her.

“Just…” the sound of Gilda’s voice caused Twilight to look back over her shoulder. “Please… don’t kill the commander, okay?”

“Thank you, commander,” Twilight said as behind her, Washington, Simmons, and the Blues lowered their rifles.

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A 14th Century PSA: Soothing the Soul · 6:22pm Sep 8th, 2018

The camera slowly panned in on two figures. One, a tall human elder in a black monk’s robe. The other, a white earth pony whose black mane was streaked with gold. Answering some unseen cue, the human began to speak.

“Hello. I’m Friar Jacques de Charette from the apparently popular web-series A 14th Century Friar in Celestia’s Court.”

“And I’m First Lieutenant Morning Song from the same series.”

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3-9 Recap · 12:07am Nov 30th, 2015

Sorry for the delay in getting this week's chapter up, but this is the first time I've had to really sit down and make sure everything's spic and span. I also needed to watch a certain season finale.

Fasten your seat belts, people. This one's gonna be one hell of a ride! Recap time!

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3-8 Recap · 2:35am Nov 15th, 2015

It's that time again, tomorrow will see another chapter! Here's your recap:

Twilight nodded, before opening her mouth to carefully ask her next question. “And… do you know who my real… who my biological parents are?”

Night Light glanced over at his wife and bit his lip. “Your mother and I actually have an… interesting theory about that.

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A Quick Update · 6:48pm Jul 12th, 2016

So you probably remember mention of an IAIMAY side story some time ago. Or you don't. I mean, it has been a while. Regardless, that side story is still coming, don't you worry. First chapter is written and edited, with the second nearly complete. The only reason it hasn't been uploaded yet is because somebody WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS is taking their sweet time to do the cover art (you know who you are! *growls and shakes fist*). Joking aside, I have been assured that work on said

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An Update/3-11 Recap · 10:25pm Dec 27th, 2015

I haven't finished writing the next chapter!

Why is this good news, you ask? Because the chapter is long enough and I have enough written already that I was able to split it in half and upload the first part, which essentially means ya'll get an extra chapter of IAIMAY before it ends (this one was supposed to be the climax)!

Anyways, recap time!

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The End of I Against I, Me Against You · 10:25pm Feb 16th, 2016


Today... · 4:22pm Jul 22nd, 2016

Something is coming.

Thanks to Shinzakura for the art!


Reminder: IAIMAY/HSW double AMA on Discord RIGHT NOW! · 7:00pm Jul 29th, 2017


Ask me anything you want about I Against I, Me Against You
Also, Shinzakura is answering questions about something called he. she. we. or something.

If we get enough people, I may just have an exclusive scene from the sequel to IAIMAY to show!


Anniversary thing · 11:59pm Dec 2nd, 2015

Let me take a moment to draw something to your attention:

Still don't see it? ZOOM AND ENHANCE!

That's right, two years ago today, I uploaded the first chapter of this epic adventure now over 330k words long (which surpasses the longest thing I've ever written by about 200k words)! And two years later, we're finally nearing the end.

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Spoiler Alert · 1:24pm Apr 1st, 2016

Y'all wanna see some free spoilers for the future?

Washington is still alive. He shares drinks with Simmons.

God shows up and is a huge dick to everyone.



A week from today... · 1:11am Oct 26th, 2015

...Will see the return of everyone's favourite rainbow of idiots and their equally colourful pony friends.

We're entering the final stretch now, people! I hope you're all ready.


3-12 Recap · 3:32am Jan 10th, 2016

Are you ready for the epic climax tomorrow? This is gonna be the longest chapter in the story yet (even longer than the Act 2 finale)!

In other news, the final chapter probably won't be ready by the next usual update time, so it may be a bit of a wait before you finally get to see how it all ends. And now, the second last recap of the story!

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Discord AMA! (No not the chaos guy) · 11:55pm Jul 27th, 2017

Hey all!

So recently, a bunch of buddies and I over from the Berylverse recently created a Discord server for all of our horse words. It's pretty great. Among the series chatrooms over there is one for my very own I Against I, Me Against You, and I thought "hey, you know what would be pretty rad? Hosting an AMA where I answer questions about the fic, what it was like writing it, where certain ideas came from, and dispensing general wisdom for anyone curious enough to ask!"

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The End is coming · 11:21pm Feb 7th, 2016

That's right, as of this weekend, I finally finished writing the final chapter of I Against I, Me Against You. I've gotta say, it feels weird to be done. I've already handed it off to my crack team of editors, and we hope to have the finale ready to upload next Sunday.

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Final Chapter Recap · 11:20pm Feb 13th, 2016

Yep. We're finally here. Tomorrow, it ends.

Incidentally, the RWBY finale has me in a state of emotional shock.

Anyway, here's the final recap of I Against I, Me Against You:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results