
Viewing 1 - 20 of 253 results

I need to apologize. · 6:09pm Jan 15th, 2018

I'm sorry for the lack of updates.

I've been busy with other things, but once I get back into the swing of things at school, expect more chapters to come out.

Just a heads up.


Sickness update · 1:57am Mar 4th, 2020

Hey all,

Figure I give a small update on where I've been lately and the short answer is I've been recovering from a cold, which has hampered my progress lately and was also why I was so late getting the V Day commission I had out. but other then that I almost feel like I am 100% to which I will be getting back to work on my normal doings and what not, I am still open for commissions if anybody is interested and am working on whatever comes to mind.

But that is about it, take care now.


Update! · 1:33pm May 22nd, 2018

Yeah, I've been busy guys. Finals week has got me wrapped up in studying, so I'm sorry for the lack of updates.

In order to atone for my absence, I will have an update today and it will be published ASAP.

Just to keep things moving.
Also, on an unrelated subject, any of you people watch DPJ on YouTube? If not, he's a big Destiny player, and one of my favorites.

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Stories I've Helped On: Interviews At The Canterlot Exchange · 8:12pm Jan 14th, 2016

I will admit, I did not think I'd need to do a signal-boost on this one.

billymorph again, and this time a story he's won 90$ for (!) in the recently finished up Transformation group contest.

[Sci-fi] [Human] [Slice of Life] — Teen — Currently ~6000 words published, currently updating daily.

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A distressing trend I've noticed as of late... · 3:17pm Jun 6th, 2017

Okay, I just want to say my piece. I've noticed a lot of users insulting Knighty and the other staff users for the new changes around the site. That's not going to get you anywhere, and frankly makes you look like crying children. Now I will admit I'm not a fan of the new look or the way tags are now, but do you see me making a big fuss about it?

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Stories I've Helped On — Hot Dam · 6:14pm Sep 1st, 2016

(Yes, this is the anthro Dresden crossover I've helped on. Know anthro's a hot-button topic for a few of you, so please just skip the rest of this if you feel that's a deal-breaker by itself. :raritywink:)

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Family Outings. · 2:35am May 14th, 2017

So Maud Pie my brother and I went mining for Fire Opal when his 3 year old kid fell down and hit his head on a rock stickin' out of the ground. Got a stitch at the hospital. The whole time he was crying about not wanting to worry his older bro and mom. 5 minutes after we got out he wanted to see the cool rocks and was cheery. The next day, bro made us a cup of black joe straight and my little nephew was casually drinkin' it with us.

What a manly little guy~


Where I've been and my depression. · 3:47am Jun 5th, 2017

You know I've spent so long staring at this blank page, I mean I don't want to make people think I'm doing this for attention or well people don't really care honestly.

But I have been gone because of work mostly third shift is hard to work around, but my depression kicked in.

Now I say "kicked in" as my depression works in waves. I would be fine one moment and then suddenly I would get depressed for a while until I brake out of the depression and I get back to "normal".

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Signal boost: Broken on the Wheel · 7:49pm Sep 19th, 2015

So I've helped my friend billymorph on a few stories again.

And he had the unfortunate timing to release one of them today on what seems one of the most update intensive days in recent memory. :fluttershyouch:

Anyway, its called 'Broken On The Wheel,' and is so far looking like a very promising Trixie story.

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Stories I've Helped On — Beetle & Blood · 3:39pm Jun 4th, 2017

Blue Beetle never asked for this. He was a simple car, his owner took care of him and his mechanic made sure he was roadworthy, he was perfectly happy with driving away from monsters, ramming into monsters, and occasionally being driven by monsters. All until some demon decided to play "Will It Smash?" with him and some overly pompous Jaguar and found the answer to be an emphatic yes.

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It's been a while, huh? · 11:03pm Jun 24th, 2019

Yeah, so I've been dead silent for nearly an entire year and let me say I'm sorry for keeping you guys in the dark. Real life friggn sucks. College, holy crap, this year was a roller coaster. And it's not gonna let up. I'm gonna start student teaching in the Fall. It's exciting, don't get me wrong, but to get all the stuff for college prepared is super time consuming. AND, I also did a little substitute teaching back in May. But...I have been able to get some writing done every here and there,

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PP vs. What I've Become · 4:22pm May 26th

Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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Eqg4 · 9:53am Oct 5th, 2016

So I just watched Legends of Everfree, I loved it. Rainbow Rocks is still probably my favorite, but this is definitely a close second. Let me know what you thought in the comments.

Did anyone else notice that Twilight's ringtone is bloody tears from Castlevania ?

Oh, and I might as well sneak an update in while I'm at it. The new chapter is nearly finished. I've got the rough draft all written out, and now all it needs is a few tweaks, and a pass through editing.

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Stories I Almost Wrote, #6 · 12:29pm Aug 22nd, 2017

Here's one I've been building up over the course of the last year or two and only ever started on the prologue because the internet was out for a while. I have most of the skeleton written out and it doesn't seem like it'll actually take all that long (in terms of writing, anyway) to write out in full, but that's what I think about every single one of my stories, and as I've got way too many going even without the ones I come up with every month or so, I think it'd be wiser to just

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Forgive me, for I have sinned... · 2:01am Dec 20th, 2018

So, just so you guys know, because of how hard it is for me to put out a reading of What I've Become on YouTube (I'm working on it, I just hate editing audio files with a passion, so it's taking me a while), I've been publishing some of the chapters of the story on the HFY! subbreddit in the hopes that I could get more people to read my story.

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IT'S REAL NOW. · 8:35pm Jan 11th, 2019



Have you been sitting there, wondering to yourself "Gee, when is Knight Breeze going to post new chapters for his stories?"

THE ANSWER IS... not yet. Not now, anyway. I've been busy, so I've fallen behind with my writing. I've finished what I set out to do, however, so you all can expect a LOT more chapters from me in the near future.

What have I finished, you ask?

Well, my new book is out!

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About "My Thoughts on Bortherhooves Social" · 8:48pm Oct 3rd, 2015

This week's episode was... different. I normally sit down, watch it, and regurgitate my inner thoughts in a blog post.

Not this week.

I don't actually have anything to say about it. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it wasn't boring, it wasn't epic. It was just there. I have nothing to say, so I've decided, just this once, to keep my mouth shut. Sorry.

See you next week with my thoughts on Crusaders of the Lost Mark.


So sorry · 11:53pm Jun 24th, 2016

Yeah, another update post.

I am SUPER Sorry for my lack of story attention. I've been super busy.

I have plotlines for most of my stories, but I just need time to write them.

And to appease you hungry readers, here's how the next EAO II arc is gonna go down.


(A dance ball, not a red rubber ball)

And yes, Kirito and Asuna will slow dance together.

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Status Update, 3 years in the making. · 10:20pm Jun 13th, 2022

So. it's been 3 years since I last posted on here. Certainly been a while.

In that time period, the COVID-19 pandemic happened.

In that time period, I lost my two beloved cats and gained four more.

In that time period, I gained a newfound appreciation for fanfiction in general.

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Designed a logo for my sister's webtoon, Astrophilia · 12:56am Jul 6th, 2018

Granted, it's not final since I'm using a stock image for the galaxy background, but it's what I've got so far.

Custom-designed font in two variants: Complex and simple.

So yeah. I guess I'm not just working on character bios and storylines then.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 253 results