
Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results

Needed a Break · 4:55pm Jul 12th, 2022

Hey guys. Have you ever just not felt like not writing anything for various reasons? That's been me for the last couple of months. But I'm going to start writing the new chapter for Equestria Mystery Dungeon tonight. And holy crap, I can't believe how many upvotes this story has gotten since the last update months ago. People have really wanted a story like this; I can tell. The numbers don't lie.

That's all I got. I hope you're all doing well.

Report AJ Aficionado · 178 views · #I'm not dead

Obligatory Birthday Update · 3:11am Jul 11th, 2016

Another year another... complete lack of chapters for way too many months. :fluttercry:

In my defense, I kind of... don't have a house just this moment :facehoof:

That's what happens when people [who are not me, mind] sell their house before they're actually ready to move. Schedules get all messed up, and people end up sleeping in hotels weeks on end with only a phone for company :twilightoops:

I've been getting a lot of reading done, though, of course, as always.

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I'm not dead · 5:50pm Sep 12th, 2018

so two things need to be said right now
one: I'm okay with criticism, but DO NOT and I can't stress this enough do not spread salty comments or unhelpful criticism
what does that look like well something like this "oh this story sucks" or "this is the shitiest story ever" if you must and thanks to those who do say something like "you know I didn't find this story to be good but here's how you could improve" or "hey I noticed some grammar errors here"

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News from the front · 5:25am Aug 6th, 2020

Stage: First draft
Word Count: 7,816

Turns out a lot can happen between blog updates, huh? :twilightoops:

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Report nyxOs · 301 views · #update #i'm not dead

Been a while - I'm not dead! :P · 7:26am Oct 30th, 2016

Hey everyone, I know it's been a long time since I been on here and done anything. I really should change that, I just haven't had much motivation to do any writing. So, if you toss me ideas for my current stories that are unfinished, but not on hiatus.

Starbloom Chronicles II
The Return of Mare Do Well
Meeting of Worlds - A Crossover Story

I'll see what I can do.

Report L_Wolf · 346 views · #I'm not dead! :O

Major changes happening. · 6:01am Sep 27th, 2018

i have begun writing again.. after all this time, i am soon gonna restart the story, i have had over a year now, and i have gotten a good idea of where i want the story to go from here, how to progress it the way i want to, and a ton of other things. i am also gonna look it over with a more critical eye and try fixing most spelling mistakes and grammar errors i have made(even though i suck at doing it)

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Long time no see, huh? · 2:00am May 4th, 2017

So...yeah. Sorry about not being very active lately. Life's been rough. How have you guys been? Anything crazy happening lately? Is this random blog even going to be noticed?

Does anyone here even care?


Newsies #31 · 6:17am Mar 1st, 2020

Hey, all! Sorry for the long silence. I've been dealing with personal issues and a spat of depression.

I'm mostly just letting y'all know that I ain't dead. As for stories, I ain't gonna make any promises or tell y'all that I'm going to be publishing anything any time soon.

That said . . . I am brainstorming an idea, and if it works out, I think it'll be pretty interesting!

Anyway. That's really all I've got, right now, so.

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Meanwhile, in the human world... · 6:46am Mar 1st, 2020

So I've been working on another fic, for when I feel like switching things up. It's going to be an Equestria Girls fic, and it's going to be pretty different than Renaissance, but just as epic!

I'll keep you all updated~

Au revoir, my wonderful friends and readers~!


Factober 2-18! Spoopy Rapid Fire! · 4:14am Oct 19th, 2022

1. Jason's mutterings of Ch ch ha ha, is a reference to his mother Pamela from the original FT13, when she said "Kill her, mommy!" In Jason's voice.

2. Sean Cunningham wanted to make his movie FT13 so badly, he put out an Ad in the newspaper promoting its release before anything was even filmed or he had funding.

3. Sean Cunningham's original name for FT13 was, Long Night At Camp Blood.

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Surprise! I'm Not Dead Yet. · 5:45pm Oct 30th, 2017

So yeah. Still here, writing. Kinda. I've been trying to write stories, and my script of a new web series.
*Sarcasm Mode Activated: Yeah, because that works real well in real life. *Sarcasm Mode Deactivated

So, while I work on some things, I'm working on a few of these stories. Cross your fingers and wish me good luck (or hooves if you're using the computer with them).

-The Character


Chapters Will Come... Eventually · 1:58am Nov 2nd, 2020

Hello, 14th C Friar fans (and fans of other stories, as this applies to those as well). Just a quick update here:

I'm not dead, and neither are my active stories.

Life has been, in a word, "complihectibusycated." I've had a lot on my plate that's just been... a lot, and that has significantly sapped my energy and ability to lose myself in the writing process. I've barely strung two words together for anything remotely related to creative writing for, well, a painfully long time.

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Told you I wasn't dead... · 3:34am Oct 7th, 2022

So there we have it, a new chapter posted after almost a year away.

Man, it feels good to be back.

But I just uploaded a new chapter for Trials, and while I enjoyed my foray into original fiction and will write more, I do love my Sunset and want to at the very least finish out this story. I do so hope that you all forgive me for being absent for so long.

In other news, Splatoon 3 is pretty awesome, even if Team Grub took third place in the recent splatfest.

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Newsies #34: 28 Weeks Later · 7:48am Oct 30th, 2020

It has been quite a while since I made one of these, and some of you might have been wondering if I'd buggered off into the wild blue yonder, never to return. No, no, I've been here all along, you see! However . . . I've been struggling with a lot of stuff, I mean . . . This year has been pretty freakin' whacked, all things considered, as is, what with riots, and plague and now the potentiality of a certain orange a:yay:hole getting back into the White House . . . . It's been pretty

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Merry Christmas from Russian Space Santa · 10:18pm Dec 24th, 2018


Put the Shovels Down! · 6:06pm May 10th, 2016

The title.

No, I'm not dead, as my previous update shows. I truly do apologize for the long hiatus, I can't use my regular computer because it apparently hates my guts. I apologize if I'm unable to update in the future as well, but even then, thank you all for being so patient, I truly do appreciate all of your responses. Feel free to comment anywhere you like! I may not get to it very quickly, but I'll try to find other ways to read them.

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It's Been Awhile | Stories for the Future · 6:22pm Feb 7th, 2017

Hey everyone; today I realized that I've been doing a ton of reading on this site... but not so much of the interacting and stuff. SO!
A blog post about what's going on, what I'm doing, etc.

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Hymn For The Blind - Part Two Update · 1:57am Mar 12th, 2021

(Art by Tilly-Towell)

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So... We Need To Talk · 4:27pm Aug 3rd, 2016

So... it's been a while, hasn't it?

Hey everyone. I'm sorry for being in the dark for so long. I really didn't intend this hiatus to last as long as it did. Trust me, it's a long story. We have a lot to go over before I get back into the swing of things. Yes, I do intend on updating again, I just can't right now because a lot of stuff is happening in my life right now that came out of nowhere.

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I'm not dead! · 11:21pm Dec 2nd, 2016

I greatly apologize for going away so suddenly. I just needed a break, so...I'm sorry. I also have unfortunately arrived empty handed. I have had a horrible art block, and just...sigh. Sorry about that. That's all. I'm still alive.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results